One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 342 Golden City Vacation Chapter 6: Underground Golden Cage

Chapter 342 Golden City Vacation Chapter 6: Underground Golden Cage

King of Gold Hotel, a certain VIP room.

Tezuolo asked people to fill them with drinks and food, and greeted them with a very hypocritical smile, "Come on, come on, the Straw Hat Boy can be regarded as the new emperor after all, and I don't intend to completely become an enemy with such a powerful person."

Luffy, Encore, and Zoro sat side by side on the spacious sofa, but the hands of all three turned to gold.Sauron's three knives were also confiscated, and it is not known where they were hidden.

Even though they were under the control of others, the three of them were still very calm. Anyway, they hadn't thought of a way to get rid of the gold dust in their bodies, so they might as well see what Tezolo was planning.

Luffy puffed up his face, even after his stomach calmed down, he still hummed heavily, not wanting to talk to him at all.

"As you can see, I'm very, very, very rich, so I don't care if your partners can come up with a ransom of 2000 million." Tezolo, who is rich and powerful, doesn't care about their attitude, "Money can buy money. As far as everything is concerned, I have bribed many high-level officials of the world government and navy headquarters. However, I haven’t found a suitable person to be a pawn in pirates. It just so happens that you are now the world’s most famous Four Emperor Pirates. How about it? Do you want it? Cooperate with me?"

"No!" Luffy refused without thinking, gnashing his teeth and glaring at him, "Apologize to Encore!"

"Same." Sauron's expression was very calm, so calm that it was abnormal.

"Why should I apologize for the fact that crystal is cheaper than gold in this world," he said.Tezolo sneered, and casually turned the gold ring on his hand, "And don't forget that the entire pirate group is under my control. As long as I want, I can turn your friends into gold at any time." statue."

"You bastard!!" Luffy gritted his teeth fiercely, but he couldn't act rashly.

"To be honest, compared with other people who want to cooperate with us, your conditions are still good. At least money can make ghosts." Anke said the truth calmly.

"Oh, it seems that there is a smart person among you." Tezolo sneered, thinking that this was another vain woman who fell in front of money.

Luffy and Zoro, who knew Encore's character well, didn't say anything, and their expressions were the same.

Anke tilted his head, his exposed right eye casually looked at Tezolo, as if weighing his value, "But I hate your height."

"What do you mean?" Tezolo was a little vigilant, secretly controlled the gold powder, and was relieved when he found gold spots on Anke's face.

An Ke didn't seem to feel the stiffness on his face, and still smiled softly, harmlessly and innocently, "If you sincerely and humbly ask to be one of my puppets, I will consider it."

"Touch!" Tezolo slammed the table and stood up with a distorted expression.

After staring at the peacefully smiling girl with his eyes wide open for a long time, he suddenly laughed strangely, and opened his hand defiantly and asked, "How much does it cost? How much does it cost to buy you?"

"!", Luffy's face turned black, and the next moment he directly smashed a head hammer, and Tezolo was knocked flying with fierce strength and arrogance.

Tezolo slammed into the golden wall with a "bang" and slid down, his head was bleeding and he was even in a trance.

"Master Tezolo???" Mr. Tanaka, who was waiting quietly, changed his voice in fright, and quickly put his hands on the ground, "Through hell!"

Half of the ground seemed to disappear suddenly, and the three of Luffy and the sofa they were sitting on fell into the abyss of invincibility.

Luffy, who was falling down, calmed down a little and didn't continue to shoot, but yelled angrily at the farther and farther exit, "You wait for me, Tezolo! I will definitely blow you away!! "

"Before that, let me slash it first." Sauron, who also fell down, proposed calmly, but he was thinking about using some profound meaning to slash that knife.

"Then if this is the case, the gold here will belong to me~", Anke concluded happily.

After falling for nearly tens of seconds, they fell into the dungeon full of golden gold.The underground city of hundreds of square meters is filled with gold sand, and there are countless pure gold buildings. The golden light illuminates this place extremely brightly.

The huge cotton grown by Jinsha caught the three people who fell, and Encore looked around after landing safely, "This must be Nami's paradise."

"It's all gold." Sauron kicked the thick gold sand under his feet, and then looked at the gold sand flowing down from the wall in the distance. "It seems that most of the gold in the entire city is stored here."

"I'm so hungry..." Lu Fei moved his stiff golden arm, and lay down on the golden sand discouragedly, "I can't even move my hands."

"Is the golden fruit natural or superhuman?" Anke sat on the ground and looked at his hands that had turned into gold. "After I use my ability to turn people into crystals, only I can untie them. I don't know Taizuo." What is Lord Luo's ability like?"

"When we fought before, he controlled the golden dragon in the distance to resist my knife. He himself should not be able to turn into gold." Sauron stood beside her casually, frowning slightly and glanced at the nearby people. Eye, "There are still many people here."

"A lot of people died here." Encore looked at the skulls exposed in the nearby gold sand, "There should be no food or water here, and they should all starve to death."

"Starved to death??" Captain Straw Hat immediately screamed, and continued to lie on the ground aggrieved, "When will Sanji and the others come over?"

"Let's relax and wait for rescue this time~" Anke stretched his legs to reveal the pair of [-]cm black stiletto high heels, expressing that he would never walk, "The point is, I sprained my foot. Then the two of you You can't hold me now."

"You don't bother to walk when you wear flat shoes," Zoro looked down at her swollen right ankle, "The ankle is swollen, does it hurt?"

"Ah, really." Enke looked down, the sudden blue light covered the injured area, and healed after the light disappeared, "Okay."

Lu Fei, who was lying on the ground, looked up at her, and after a while he puffed up and said, "Fortunately, Enke's eyes have recovered now, otherwise I will definitely scold you."

"Don't be intimidated by the bandages on my body, the scars will disappear in a few weeks." Anke blinked mischievously.

At this time, the people hiding nearby had already come out with expensive gold treasures. They all had yellow and emaciated faces, chapped lips, and begged hoarsely, " much money do you want..."

Luffy turned over and sat up, looking at them suspiciously, "We don't have water or food on us either."

Hearing these words, those people all sat down on the ground exhausted, and all the gold they were holding was scattered all over the ground.

"Wow, you are all rich!".Luffy looked at the gold they brought with surprise.

"In this hateful gold prison, gold is worthless at all." One of them said desperately, he never thought that gold would become his nightmare, "Tezolo collected gold from all over the world and built The golden city and this underground golden prison. It's really ironic that those who want to make a fortune die in the world of gold. Although there is countless gold here, there is no food. Seeing us like this, Tezo Luo might still enjoy it."

"Is there no exit here?" Luffy looked at the golden dungeon, and finally looked at the golden wall, "Why don't we just destroy the wall!"

"Stop it, if you destroy the gold wall, Tezolo will definitely know, that guy can know the movement of every grain of gold in this city." The man hurriedly stopped Luffy who wanted to do it in horror, a little helpless Looking at his hands that had turned into gold, "Besides, what can you do with your hands now?"

"I can smash the wall with my head!" Luffy smiled confidently, he was quite sure about his domineering.

"Can that guy control the gold all the time?" Sauron asked, "If he wears the Hailou Stone, won't he be able to control the gold?"

"This should be a solution, but if you don't get close to him with the sea tower stone, he will be turned into a yellow statue." A skinny old man sighed, "As long as you don't get rid of the gold in your body, you can't defeat Taizo Luo, and Tezolo cannot control the gold that has been soaked in sea water, and if it is washed with sea water, the gold that has eroded into the body will also lose its effect."

Another young man hurriedly added, breaking their illusions, "But there is not a drop of sea water in this city, and Tezolo will not let this happen."

"Isn't this ship just at sea~" An Ke blinked his eyes with a naive expression, "We can sink the ship."

The prisoners imprisoned here were stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing in the next second.

"This is indeed a good idea!", Luffy's eyes lit up. If he cuts to fifth gear, he should be able to smash the ship into pieces, so that everyone will fall into the sea.

"There are a lot of people on this boat, how will we get them out of the sea?" Sauron reluctantly dismissed the captain and the deputy captain's thoughts.

"Saving people is very troublesome, forget it." Enke immediately gave up this idea, and soon a black vortex appeared in the sky above them, and a large amount of seawater gushed out like a waterfall, washing them away for more than a minute and then black The vortex just disappeared.

"Strength... I'm gone..." Luffy lay on the wet gold sand in a daze, with a few seaweeds in his hair.

Anke, who is a devil fruit capable user, also lost her strength due to the sea water, and the feeling of being soaked all over her body made her shiver.

"The gold in his hands really disappeared?" Sauron, who was not affected by the sea water, looked at his hands that had returned to normal. After being surprised for a second, he hurried to help a certain Persian cat up.

Encore, who recovered a little strength, shook the sea water from the straw hat, and then shook the wet long hair sticking to his body, and said quietly, "I want to beat him."

"Hands recovered!", Lu Fei jumped up suddenly, and sat on the ground limply in the next second, "I have no strength..."

The faces of the other people who had been washed by the sea were confused, and they looked at the golden sky and then at the still wet ground in disbelief, "What's going on? Why did sea water suddenly appear here??"

"That's one of my abilities." Anke didn't intend to explain too much, "Everyone in this city has Lord Tezolo's gold powder in their bodies, how can we make them drench safely? seawater?"

After people looked at each other for a while, an old man said what he had heard, "There is a huge pump room at the bottom of this Golden City ship that purifies seawater into fresh water. If you can go there and turn off the pump, let the The sea water is flowing through the city through the pipeline, which should allow everyone to have access to the sea water."

But the old man also reminded, "But there are a lot of vicious golden bats entrenched in the pipeline. Many people have tried to challenge, but all of them failed."

"Are even bats golden?" Lu Fei's eyes lit up, and he looked at his two partners excitedly, "Encore, Zoro, let's catch a few and raise them."

"Don't just want to catch something fun," Sauron said, refusing. You must know that Luffy wanted to invite the zombie made by Moria as a partner two years ago.

"I want to take a bath more now. It's so uncomfortable to be covered in sea water." Anke grabbed his wet long hair, frowned and pulled out the algae caught in it, "Remind me next time not to choose the one near the turbine. Sea water is full of aquatic plants."

"Then let's go to Sanji and the others now," Luffy jumped over, tidying up the algae on her hair and dress.

"Then you have to leave here first, and I have to find my knife." Sauron subconsciously touched the position of the knife cover, but suddenly touched the handle of the knife. When he lowered his head in disbelief, he found three The knife hangs neatly on the waist.

"With me here, I won't let them snatch your knife away." Anke proudly raised his head and waved to him proudly, "Come on, give your thanks to your great vice-captain~ "

Sauron was amused by her drama, but he also stretched out his hand in front of his chest in a dignified salute, "Thank you for your help, Miss Vice Captain."

"Well, no courtesy." Luffy also joined in the fun, and was soon knocked by Sauron.

"I didn't thank you," Sauron withdrew his hand angrily, and then looked around at a group of people who were still looking at them in surprise, "What about these guys?"

Now they also guessed that these three people must be very powerful, and they didn't want to wait for death in this golden cage for the rest of their lives, so they quickly grasped the last straw, "If the three of you want to escape, please be sure to take us with you. As long as we leave this golden prison, we will immediately take a boat away from this ghost place!"

Lu Fei swung his arm, "Then I'll break the wall!"

"Wait, wait! We just want to escape here in a low-key way, and we don't want to be discovered by Tezolo." They hurriedly pulled Luffy and said in a hurry, "There is a direct access to the underground pipeline network here, if the three of you If there is a way to deal with those golden bats, that will be our only way out."

Desperate to escape, the people took them to a huge vent leading underground, explaining, "The gold dust here is also used for the golden sprays that Tezolo sprays during performances, and this vent connects the entire city's underground The pipeline can go to every corner. And there are only golden bats guarding it below, and there are no monitoring phone bugs."

"You have inquired very carefully." Sauron looked at the huge bottomless opening, "It looks very interesting."

"Then let's start first, everyone follow~" Luffy hugged Encore, who was too lazy to walk, raised his legs and jumped down.

"You should all be gamblers who have lost their bets, right? How about another gamble here?" Sauron looked at the other people who were still hesitating, smiled and jumped into the entrance.

After looking at each other for a while with the dozen or so people who came over, and then looking at the desperate golden prison, they gritted their teeth and jumped in one after another.

If you stay here, you will definitely die, so why not take another gamble for your own life? !


(End of this chapter)

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