One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 348 Golden City Vacation Chapter 12

Chapter 348 Golden City Vacation Chapter 12
"I declare in advance that the upcoming battle will be broadcast live to everyone in this city~", Robin explained with a smile, "otherwise everyone will think that we are easy to deal with, and this will make us very distressed~"

"Every time I see other people's expressions change from hope to despair, it's so funny~" Zeus flew around Nami obediently.

"Hehehe...Hope? Despair?" Tezolo suddenly laughed in a low voice, and what kept flashing in his mind was the past that he wanted to forget but was haunted like a nightmare:
When he was young, he pursued his dream of being a singer, but because of his poor family, he was scolded by his alcoholic and desperate mother for being extremely boring.

When I was a teenager, I paid money to those hooligans, thinking that they were my partners, but I was beaten up because I couldn't pay the money.

The girl he met when he was young was his first confidant and the first person to praise his songs, but she was bought by Tianlong people in the end.

At that time, he understood thoroughly that in this world, money can buy everything.

He also became a slave of the Tianlong people after that, and he couldn't even control the only smile he controlled.But luckily he survived to the day Fisher-Tiger freed the Draconian slaves.After regaining his freedom, he got the golden fruit, and since then he has used all means to become himself.

but! !
Tezolo was trembling with anger, especially the ridicule and laughter of those ignorant pirates nearby made his sanity collapse.

Those sinful laughter always reminded him of his slave life in Mariejoa, which also made him become like a Tianlong now, not only to control other people's lives, but also to control other people's smiles.

"Don't...don't laugh out loud in front of me!!!", Tezolo suddenly broke down and roared, scaring Bacara and the others back several steps.

Tezolo smashed his fist through the ground hard, taking hold of the unspoiled gold in the building.

A few seconds later, the Golden King Hotel, which was made of gold, collapsed, and countless cracks opened in the nearby streets, and even the surrounding buildings began to collapse.

Countless amounts of gold emerged from the ground, rising like a raging sea under the control of Tezolo, blocking the retreat of the pirates on the roof like a wall.

"Everyone come up!" Zeus immediately became huge, and after they jumped up, they immediately flew to the sky to avoid the rushing gold.

Baccarat, Daisy and Mr. Tanaka who stayed by Tezolo's side all looked very bad, but they didn't dare to do anything against Tezolo.

"So what if the curse is solved?! Then curse again! Everything in this city is under my control!! It's up to me to decide what is funny!", came from the sound of collapse Tezzolo's frantic voice.

"This guy's ability is terrible!" Usopp looked at the collapsed buildings and flowing gold below him tremblingly, "Fortunately, the people around here were dismissed in advance, otherwise how many people would die."

"Doesn't this guy take his friends seriously?" Chopper also became angry.

It wasn't long before a golden giant similar to Tezolo rose from the ruins.The golden giant is nearly 80 meters tall, and the height of a normal adult does not even reach his ankles.

"What kind of monster is this??" Nami hugged Karina in fright.

"Hey, this height is just right!" Tezolo, who was on the chest of the golden giant, manipulated the giant's movement, and quickly smashed his pure gold fist towards Zeus who was flying in mid-air.

"Get out of here first!" Sanji immediately jumped up and raised his foot towards the huge fist that was coming, but because of lack of preparation and the opponent's suppressive body shape, he was sent flying to a tall building not far away.

Taking advantage of this time, Zeus immediately flew away with Nami and the others.

"Don't be in a hurry," Bacala had already put on a set of golden armor, and an extended golden road carried her and a dozen subordinates chasing after her.

She didn't wear gloves and touched those subordinates along the way, and the subordinates who were absorbed by luck all fell down the golden road with their left feet and right feet.

"What does she want to do??", Usopp stared dumbfounded at her killing his own people, "Did she absorb all the luck?"

"Yes~" Baccarat twirled a gold coin between the five fingers of her slender and beautiful right hand, and then tossed it towards them, "The luck I absorbed can also be used by myself, I can deal with you with just one coin."

"Huh? How is it possible?" Usopp didn't believe it at all, but he accidentally swallowed the coin while speaking, and bumped into Karina who was nearby while coughing wildly.

Karina, who fell, subconsciously grabbed Nami who was nearby, and Nami instinctively grabbed Brook who was nearby.

Brook, who was suddenly pulled, couldn't stand still for a while, and when he fell, he tripped Robin who was preparing for the battle with his arms crossed.

The sudden rotation of the field of vision caused Robin to call out his arms to support himself, and in a panic, he slapped Usopp whose throat was blocked by coins.

"Cough!!" Usopp finally coughed up the golden coin, which was a blessing in disguise. He took a step back and stepped on the magical banana peel. When he fell down, a seed fell from him. fell out of his carry-on bag.

The falling seeds kept vibrating, and a few seconds later there was a violent skull explosion, and the aftermath of the explosion blasted Zeus and the people it carried into the air.

A group of people slammed into a tall building not far away, and fell down the wall in a daze.

The gold coin hit the floor and returned to Bacala's hand, but she just looked at the fallen pirates with a smile, "lucky~~"


under the ground.

After changing the water pipes, Apollo is leaving here with Sauron, Jinbe, Franky and Baozi.

Sauron, who was sitting cross-legged at the front, watched Yan Mo's sharp blade silently, thinking about something silently.

Baozi was playing with Franky, and he didn't know how a person and a leopard who didn't understand the language could chat.

Jinbe saw the vibration on the pipe wall, "It has already started."

"En." Sauron responded, still looking at Yan Mo silently.

"Is that the sword Princess Wano used to exchange Qiushui?" Jinbe had some impressions of that sword, "I heard that it is a sword that can absorb domineering?"

"Yeah." Sauron turned the knife in his hand, "It's much more obedient now."

"With your current arrogance, it is more than enough to tame it." Jinbe was not surprised, "It's just a good time to practice your hands now."

Sauron looked down at the knife in his hand for a while before putting it back into the scabbard. When he fought Jhin to the last moment, although he didn't have much consciousness left, he still realized that he had awakened a new power.

[Is that the overlord's color? ], Sauron was quite satisfied with the new power, [It doesn’t feel bad. ]

Somewhere on the roof.

Luffy sat on the edge of the roof holding Encore who was asleep, and looked expressionlessly at the golden giant who was rummaging through the members of the Straw Hat Pirates in the distance.

Prometheus, who turned into a small ball of fire, floated nearby, thinking whether the temperature of his flame could melt the gold.

"Straw Hat Boy!!"

Relying on his size advantage, Tezolo quickly found Luffy and Encore on the roof. The golden giant's right eye widened suddenly, and the gathered golden light shot towards them like a laser beam, "Gold- God's punishment!!"

Almost at the same time, several pieces of the ground where it was sent were cut, and the turquoise flames shot straight into the sky and stopped quickly and steadily in mid-air.

The sharp three knives reflected the dazzling light, and the extremely fast swing speed was invisible to the naked eye.Under the dazzling bright light, everyone only heard the violent blasting sound from high above.

The slender blue bird flew steadily, its body was covered with turquoise flames, and its three long yellow tail feathers fluttered in the wind.

Standing on its back, Sauron stared at the golden giant in front of him calmly, his expression was calm but his hands holding the knife were tightly clenched.

"Wow, that fat bird looks pretty handsome," Prometheus looked at Apollo's streamlined shape, and then at his own chubby little sun.

"Zoro, tell everyone to hurry up. Let's go back to the Thousand Suns first, and after you get this guy out of the way, take the others back." Luffy hugged the Persian cat who was still sleeping peacefully, and was about to hand over the matter here The swordsman said, "There are too many people here, and Anke can't sleep well."

"Understood, Captain." Sauron replied, confidently thinking that he could bring his companions back to the ship instead of running around with them.

"How long do you want to ignore me??" A huge golden fist a few meters wide smashed over, but it didn't hit anyone.

Sauron had already taken He Dao Yiwen and Gui Che back, only holding Yan Mo in his right hand.Apollo drove him to tacitly avoid the huge fist, and flew to a position more than ten meters above the golden arm.

The golden giant is a bit taller than the surrounding high-rise buildings, full of menace.

After Tezolo in the chest control room of the golden giant calmed down a bit, he realized that the huge city was very quiet.Except for his subordinates and a few members of the Straw Hat Pirates, there were no other pedestrians.The surrounding building circuits were short-circuited and pitch black, making it even more eerie.

"Hey! Where are my slaves?!" Tezolo said harshly, and the golden giant's fists also hit Sauron in mid-air.

Apollo dodged his attack again, still flying steadily in the air.

"They are not slaves." Sauron looked down at the golden giant whose volume was a hundred times his own, but his heart was calm.

Tezuolo also saw the calmness of the one-eyed swordsman, and suddenly felt humiliated, "Are you looking down on me, bastard?"

Sauron didn't intend to answer, and looked down at Yan Mo on his right.It is said that the overlord color can also be entangled, and this one-in-a-million domineering will make the attack more powerful.

[Overlord color?It's kind of fun. ], Sauron's eyes became cold, and he only hoped that Tezolo would be a good test opponent.


(End of this chapter)

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