One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 349 Golden City Vacation Chapter 13

Chapter 349 Golden City Vacation Chapter 13
Sanji and the others also confronted Tezolo's subordinates, Bacala, Daisy, Mr. Tanaka and nearly a hundred guards.

Brooke and Baozi brought Baozi to meet up, and when they saw hundreds of people in the opposite direction, the blue murloc was a little bit emotional, "This number is a bit small."

"Thanks to everyone for taking care of me before," Robin smiled until his eyes were narrowed, and he crossed his hands casually, "As a thank you, I will twist you into twists."

"I don't know if it's an illusion or something, I'm not nervous at all." Nami patted the soft thunder cloud beside her, "Zeus, this is after we became partners."

"Partner??" Zeus was so excited that he almost leaked electricity, happily circling around her, "Mmmmm! I will stun those guys!"

"Because I just fought with the Beast Pirates a week ago." Chopper blinked his round eyes with a cute expression.

"This is our first battle after becoming the Four Emperor Pirates, everyone must be serious." Sanji lit the cigarette in his mouth, and recalled what Tezolo did.

"The most difficult thing should be the fruit of luck, even Luffy and Encore have been tricked." Usopp, who had a lot of ghost ideas, ran away suddenly after a while during the brainstorm, "I'm going to get something!"

"If you want to escape, you can't," Baccarat tossed the coin in his hand forward, and after a series of chain reactions, several huge stones rolled out.

"I'll kick that big guy!" Sanji had already chosen his opponent, and quickly rushed towards Dais who was on the opposite side.

When Sanji was about to pass by her side, Bacara twisted her waist and fell to the side, "Oh!"

But Sanji swiftly dodged to the right and avoided the hot beauty. Before leaving, he did not forget to bow down and apologize in a gentlemanly way, "I'm sorry Miss Bacala,"

Thanks to the diabolical training of the lovable first officer, he can calmly turn around and run away even if the beautiful enemy undresses in front of him.

But Daisy was not so lucky. Before he could react, he was kicked by the flaming long legs to a nearby tall building, and a huge hole appeared in the loud bang.

Bacala looked at the crumbling building, and suddenly felt a chill down her back.Can they really beat this group of people?

But thinking of the furious Tezolo, she can only obey orders to be the opponent of the Four Emperor Pirates.

Mr. Tanaka did not intend to sit still, use his ability to penetrate walls or ground at will, and shoot at the pirates present with a pistol from time to time.

But it didn't take long before he found that all the targets had disappeared out of thin air, "Illusion?"

"You can't hide the goddess of luck with illusion~" Bacala absorbed the luck of several nearby subordinates, took out a few gold coins and threw them out. There were several explosions from an unknown place, followed by Nami and Qiao Ba fell out.

However, Bacala soon heard the sound of joints and bones being twisted behind him, and when he turned around, he saw the dissipated petals and his subordinates who were distorted and fell to the ground.

In the next street, Mr. Tanaka, who was penetrating through the wall, also saw Brook, and immediately shot him a few times.

"Even if I'm a bone, I won't be shot, but this is too much!" Although Brooke will not be injured, he still avoids the bullets, and walks quickly to Mr. Tanaka's side with light steps, but the cold blade only hits A trace of frost and snow was left on the wall, and Mr. Tanaka has long since disappeared.

There was a violent sound of collapse from the nearby high-rise buildings. As the whole building collapsed, Daisy, who smelled of burnt body, flew out, and after rolling a few times on the ground, he lay on the ground motionless.

Sanji, whose clothes were not messy, flashed a few times in mid-air before coming to the ground, shaking the soot with his hands casually, "If it wasn't for the fact that this guy is a gentleman to cuties, I would definitely not let him go so easily."

"Sanji-san took down the enemy so quickly?" Brook was a little stunned, but he knew who Sanji's last opponent was.

Sanji took a deep breath of the cigarette, and closed his eyes when he exhaled slowly. With extreme calmness, he unfolded his sense of knowledge to perceive everything around him.

Brooke glanced at the blond cook in the smoke, but kept quiet and let him deal with the enemy.

A person suddenly appeared from the wall behind Sanji. Mr. Tanaka, who was holding two pistols, had just left the wall, and felt a strong wind almost at the moment of materialization.The impact from the abdomen made his eyes go black even more, and he completely lost consciousness in the next second.

Sanji turned sideways and let him fall to the ground. After observing the surroundings with knowledge, he found that there were not many enemies left. Almost over."

Looking up, the golden giant was being cut into pieces like tofu, and it was cut into several pieces as soon as the body was condensed.

After watching for a while, he noticed that Sauron's attack was a little different from before, [The momentum of that guy's attack has changed a lot...]
Unlike Sanji, who ended the battle cleanly, the other partners who fought against Baccarat fell into a bitter fight.

She just stood there with coins and tossed them around, knocking her opponents out of the water.

Both Chopper and Nami were burnt black by lightning, and there were a lot of bird feathers in their hair.Both of them were exhausted and couldn't get close to Bacala, and the attacks they shot would bounce back to themselves in inexplicable ways.

Jinbe and Robin did not intervene in their battle, but just watched from the sidelines to prevent other enemies from attacking.Baozi also squatted aside obediently, so as not to disturb them.

"I'm coming!!" Usopp, who was carrying a cloth bag, finally came back here, and when he saw Baccarat's golden coin tossed over, he immediately threw the heavy bag in his hand.

The gold coin just happened to be thrown into the cloth bag, and there was a loud bang.

"Attack her now!", Usopp yelled.

"Okay!" Nami raised the weather stick in her high hand, and Zeus, who turned into a dark thundercloud, flew over Barcala, "Thunderstorm weather!"

"I still have a lot of luck!", just as Bacara finished speaking, she was struck by lightning the next second, and fell down covered in scorched black.

When Usopp saw the result of the lottery machine, he couldn't help but be speechless, "This is a lucky fruit ability, a one-thousandth prize!"

Tezolo was being played around, the green-haired swordsman seemed to be confirming something, each attack only sliced ​​off part of the golden body, but the next attack would be sharper and more decisive.

[Is this bastard training me? ? ], Tezolo's facial features were distorted, and he controlled the golden giant to emit laser light from its eyes. The golden light was very dazzling in the dark night.

Tezolo was not surprised that the attack was evaded, and soon used his ability to turn the golden giant into liquid gold.The golden gold rushed around like a sea wave, engulfing everything that passed XZ Tezuolo, who was hiding in the gold, laughed triumphantly, "These are real gold! As long as it is submerged, no one can escape." !"

After the fight just now, Sauron also got acquainted with Yan Mo and Bawangse Baqi while awake, and also confirmed Tezolo's strength.

Tezolo also knew that these guys would definitely not let him go today, and with the idea of ​​pulling a back even if he died, he controlled the gold to rush around like waves.

Zoro didn't intend to procrastinate any further. After wrapping the sharp famous knife on the overlord's color, "one knife flow -36 trouble wind!"


(End of this chapter)

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