One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 36 The Fifth Sea Emperor

Chapter 36 The Fifth Sea Emperor

Qianyang number.

Although no injuries were found on Luffy's body after several inspections, the little reindeer ship doctor forced the captain of the straw hat to lie down and rest, while he took some herbs and tidied up nearby, preparing to make some patches for everyone after the war. .

[I don’t know how Encore is doing now...], Luffy put his hands behind his head, recalling the mischievous expression of his Persian cat when he took away his straw hat.Although he knew that it would be dangerous beyond imagination to stay behind and take charge of the queen, but Luffy knew that she would leave safely.

After confirming that the Qianyang was on the current and there were no shadows of the ship around, he led the little lady Prometheus who was snatched by Encore and was abandoned, "Luffy-kun, what should we do with Prometheus?"

"Let go of me, you gang of stinky pirates!" The formerly powerful HOMIAS couldn't exert its strength at all, and could only maintain the appearance of the little sun. In desperation, it could only struggle desperately, "Wait until mom comes over It's over for you!"

"?" Luffy turned his head to look over, and said lazily, "Encore seems to be too ugly, tie it to the swing."

"Ugly...", Prometheus instantly petrified.

Jinbe just smiled, and while leading Prometheus towards the swing, he asked, "Speaking of which, where's Zeus?"

"I put it into the weather stick, and now I'm thinking about how to use it to match my knowledge~" Nami took out the weather stick and shook it, sticking out her tongue and smiling slyly.

"I'm a little hungry..." Luffy suddenly jumped up and sat up, but because of this action, a black box rolled out of his trouser pocket, and there was a yellow '3' number on the black box.

"?" Luffy picked up the box suspiciously, and opened his mouth with glowing eyes in the next second, "Isn't this a super powerful box that can transform??"

"Really??", the little reindeer with eyes shining also ran over.

Sanji's face sank when he saw the box, he took it over and said, "Very good, I'll throw it away."

Chopper immediately pounced on it, "Absolutely don't throw it!!"

Luffy also pounced on Sanji who wanted to go to the ship's side, and shouted, "If you throw it away, I'll go to the bottom of the sea to find it!!"

"Can't go!! Aren't you a landlubber??" Sanji roared with his fangs.

"Then even go down and look for it!!" Captain Straw Hat threw the task to the blue murloc who had just boarded the ship without hesitation, "It's in my pocket. If you throw it away, why don't you give it to me?"

Brook looked at the noisy three people, and then asked, "But why is it in Mr. Luffy's pocket?"

"That guy Niji did it, he used it to laugh at me." Sanji said angrily, gnashing his teeth and looking at the box in his hand, "I don't want to use this kind of thing, I don't want to use the power of science to become stronger. need!"

"Don't be impulsive, Sanji!" Chopper, who was afraid that he would really lose, hung directly on his lap, crying tearfully.

"Science is also a great human power!" Luffy also nodded desperately, after all, he is so handsome after transformation!
"Why do you want it so much?!" Sanji, who was dragged by them and couldn't move, yelled with his fangs.

"If you use the battle suit to transform, maybe you can shoot light waves!" Two single-celled creatures with the same idea said pitifully at the same time.

"Are you still children? This kind of crew can only have Franky?" Seeing the pitiful expressions of the captain and the boat doctor, Sanji had no choice but to throw it aside and let the others Two idiots go for it.

However, after trying both Luffy and Chopper who got the box, they still couldn't change the battle suit successfully. When they figured out that the box can only be used by Sanji, the two of them immediately rushed up and hugged him without any image. legs and cried, "Sanji! This is only for you! Please transform and let us see!"

Sanji took the box angrily, and gritted his teeth with a cigarette in his mouth, and said, "Listen! I'm not GERMA! Don't talk about GERMA66 and Vinsmoke in front of me from now on!"

At this time, Carlot on the watchtower also received the newspaper sent by the news bird, and shouted to the noisy everyone while jumping off the top, "Everyone~ the newspaper is here~ Luffy is still the headline~ "

Luffy immediately ran over and asked worriedly, "Did you see any news about Encore? And Pedro!"

"Baker Muse..." Sanji also thought of Baker Muse who desperately escorted them out, and quickly stepped forward to ask, "Did you see any news about Baker Muse? What happened afterwards?"

"It seems that there is no news about Encore-sama and the others...", Kailot quickly glanced at the newspaper, and briefly summarized, "The newspaper said that Luffy, Sanji Jinpei and Becky attempted to assassinate BIGMOM, and that Lu Fei Fei is the main culprit."

At this time, several reward orders caught in the newspaper also floated down.Sanji on the side immediately saw his obsessive reward order and a long list of numbers on it, "Reward order??? My reward is 3000 million Baileys????"

Sanji, who only saw the string of numbers in his eyes, immediately picked up his bounty order, and immediately asked about the bounty of his competitor, "Really?? How much is the guy with green algae??"

Brook thought for a while and said, "Mr. Sauron should be 2000 million Baileys..."

"Oh yeah!!! Did you see it!! Smelly green algae head!!!", Sanji immediately cheered excitedly, running around on the boat like a child.

"Encore~~~~~~~~~~", Captain Straw Hat saw his deputy captain's cute reward order at first sight, and immediately picked it up and rubbed it preciously.

"Hahaha, Mr. Lu Fei is thinking about the little doll." The blue murloc smiled heartily, then picked up the last reward order on the ground, and when he saw the photo above and the earth-shattering reward below, Immediately petrified.

"I don't know if Encore has found her brother now~" Luffy looked at the reward order, stared at the photo of his vice-captain with a smile on his face for a long time, then looked down at her bounty, and followed Jinbei in the next second petrified together.

"From ONLY ALIVE to DEAD OR ALIVE!! The bounty is more than that green algae head!!", Sanji was still jumping, but the next second he saw something, he stood there stiffly, his face It also became colorful like eating Xiang, and the reward order fell from his trembling hands.

"What's wrong with the three of you..." Nami looked at them speechlessly, but guessed that the bounty must have hit them.But really, what do you care about just a few numbers?
"Name... name... Vinsmoke..." Sanji couldn't help but groaned on the ground, gritted his teeth, and said, " that's the case...the bounty is also due to GERMA's notoriety. It's gone up..."

"Encore's bounty has only increased by tens of millions!!" Luffy pointed angrily at his deputy captain's bounty of just [-] million, "The guys in the navy are too much! They only gave Encore Five hundred million!!"

"The navy is desperately suppressing the news about Encore and Ace, how can it be possible to give her a higher bounty?" Nami was a little helpless, although the amount of [-] million has already made many people covet.

"Indeed, this report didn't write anything about the little baby." Jinbei smiled after regaining his senses, and then handed the reward order in his hand to Luffy, "Come on, Mr. Lu Fei, don't worry about the little baby. Bounty offerers, take a look at yours, make sure to be happy."

Sure enough, when Luffy saw his bounty order and the amount below, he immediately widened his eyes, rubbed his eyes as if he couldn't believe it, and then looked over. The next second, he directly hugged his deputy captain's bounty order in a low voice After falling down, the surrounding atmosphere was suddenly clouded.

"Hey hey??? What's the matter???", Jinbe, who thought he would be happy, didn't expect such a disappointed reaction. Looking at the bounty order and looking at the lifeless straw hat captain, I don't know why he Still not satisfied with this staggering amount.

According to his understanding of Luffy, a certain straw hat captain should be jumping around happily after seeing the reward order.

But what's going on with this reaction now? ?
The sensational news that occupied the headlines of the newspapers was about the young pirate, Straw Hat Luffy, who drew his sword against the unshakable Four Emperors BIGMOM for decades. The newspaper reports are as follows: According to some relevant sources, Straw Hat Luffy There are already seven powerful pirate groups under Fei's command, and he is a big captain with more than 66 younger brothers.And being the brother of Ace and Sabo, the second in command of the Revolutionary Army, is also very topical.Let the evil army GERMA[-], the Sun Pirates, and the Flame Tank Pirates obey him. They have prestige and leadership that are different from ordinary people.And the strength is very strong, knocking down the cadres with bounties exceeding [-] million and [-] billion. This incident can almost be said to be the victory of Straw Hat Boy Luffy!
Then at the end of the news, it is summed up like this:
The fifth emperor of the sea is born! !

At this time, the fifth emperor of the sea who was "very clever" was lying on the ground covered with gloomy mushrooms, tearfully hugging the bounty offered by his vice-captain and sniffing pitifully. Ruo's desperate aura of being banned for a few days made everyone else worry.

Sanji, who was hit by his own name, also came back to his senses, and asked worriedly, "Luffy, what's wrong with you? Didn't all the wounds heal? Did it relapse?"

"No...not... woo woo woo..." Captain Straw Hat sniffed pitifully, and said miserably, "I... my bounty has has become 5000 million... woo woo woo ..."

"..." Hearing the number that Luffy said, the blue murloc couldn't believe it and checked the amount on the reward order again, and even counted them carefully one by one In the past, after counting several times to make sure that I was not mistaken, I looked at Lu Fei with a little disgust for an instant.

Suddenly discovered that the new captain is an idiot, what should I do if I want to get off the ship? ?Waiting online, it's quite urgent...

Speechless, the blue fat man shook the reward order in his hand, and motioned for others to come and count the numbers here, but everyone surrounded the lifeless straw hat boy worriedly:

"Really? Wasn't it [-] million before?", Sanji
"5000 million, lower than two years ago..." Chopper
"Is there such a thing? Did something bad happen?", Brooke

"In that case, the bounty will increase~" Kailot

"Isn't it good? If it's cheaper, no one will follow." Nami
"Miss Nami, Luffy is the captain. It's about our worth!", Sanji
"Look for yourselves..." A certain fat blue man shook the reward order in his hand again, but was still ignored by the group. After a pause, he walked directly in front of those guys, expressionlessly He shook the reward order in his hand again and again.

"????" Sanji and the others blinked after a series of question marks appeared, and finally focused on the series of numbers. After counting them silently, they suddenly looked at each other for a while, and then Seconds rushed to the reward order, pointed to the series of numbers and then screamed collectively, "15 billion?????"

"Yeah!!", the blue murloc nodded vigorously, and let out a sigh of relief that he had finally found his confidant.

"??", Lu Fei was still a little puzzled, blinking his eyes and looking at the partners who couldn't believe it, "What's wrong with you?"

Brook breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to the number on the reward order and said, "Mr. Luffy, your reward is 15 billion!"

"Hey??????" Captain Straw Hat immediately jumped up, picked up his reward order and looked at it in disbelief. Although he didn't know what the number was beyond the range of knowledge, the partners said it was 15 billion is 15 billion.

So in the next second, a group of people looked indifferently at Captain Straw Hat and cheered for more than half an hour with the reward order...


(End of this chapter)

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