One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 37 Princess Kemane

Chapter 37 Princess Kemane

"Is it all right here? Auntie thought you would go in directly." On a certain cloud in the sky, Gloria floated there to help Anke arrange the slightly gorgeous beige tube top dress on her body. The hem of the skirt slightly touched the ground, "I even changed clothes specially."

"After all, there is Marie Gioia. There must be a lot of messy barriers. Although I don't care, it is still very troublesome to cause too much commotion." After putting it on her head, she took out a large white top hat and put it on her head. Layers of white gauze covered most of her face, and the large top hat also covered the straw hat. I’m going to a holy place, so it’s going to be troublesome to check. It’s easier to pretend to be a family member from a certain country.”

"You simply don't want those guys to focus on you, do you?" Gloria adjusted the white gauze of her top hat, making sure that others could not see the pair of eyes, "But that's right, if it is known that you have sneaked into the Holy Land I'm afraid there will be another chaos."

"Pretending to be an ordinary person can sometimes receive a lot of information~" Anke looked down from the clouds at the blue sea below, and the light wind blew her gorgeous skirt and long black hair, pure white The white gauze moved slightly, but it still covered the magical eyes well, "Let me see which country's princess needs to be kidnapped~"

"Yes, you can play slowly, auntie, I will go back first." Gloria rolled her eyes, and threw a small bun tied with a red bow tie and a rather large cloth bag to her, "Take it."

"?", Enke caught his fat bun and the cloth bag with some doubts, not knowing what else was here.

"I heard that your next island is Wano Country. I made a few kimonos for you, which can be used in battle. At least those mortals have not been able to damage those clothes." Gloria waved her hand, and then suddenly He grabbed her face and rubbed it, wrinkled his face and looked at her seriously before nodding in satisfaction, "It's okay, that brat seems to have taken good care of you! Otherwise, grandma, I'll definitely go back and take that rubber kid Pick it up and beat it!"

"They treated me very well..." Anke, who was holding things in both hands, could only let her be trampled on, looking angrily at the mad rabbit who claimed to be his master.

"It's not too bad, it's not in vain for my aunt to come out on purpose." Gloria ravaged her face again, and then said seriously, "If you suffer any grievances, remember to tell my aunt, I will definitely let those people The little bastard can't eat and walk around."

"Who else can bully me now..." An Ke smiled, then narrowed her eyes and said, "You can come and play if you're bored~ But don't get lost~"

"Of course, auntie, I'll go first~ You play slowly~" Gloria gave her a bear hug directly, almost causing the steamed stuffed bun sandwiched between the two to be squeezed into dried steamed stuffed buns.After letting go, Gloria just reached out and patted her on the head, waved her hand and disappeared.

"Bye~", Anke looked at the empty air in front of him for a while, and then buried his face in the big cloth bag slightly unnaturally.

Because she was worried, she ran out to see her and her companions. She still knew the real intention of that crazy rabbit.

After she calmed down, she threw the cloth bag into the sixth space, rubbed the chubby buns, then took out a phone bug and dialed a few numbers, "Hi~"

[BOSS? ], a capable female voice came from the other side, [What are your orders? ]
"Let a few pirate groups kidnap a princess, who is about the same height as me, wearing a white dress and a white top hat. Take a pet with you."

[Understood, I will reply you in 5 minutes. ]
"Thanks for your hard work~" After hanging up the phone with a smile and putting it away, she held the bun and looked at a kingdom fleet just passing by below and a large warship guarding nearby.

The World Conference, it's really interesting~ I don't know what kind of storms will be caused in the future~

Naval Headquarters.

At this moment, the solemn-looking Admiral Sakaski was listening to his subordinates' report on escorting the royal family, and couldn't help frowning when he heard that there were pirates who wanted to take the opportunity to kidnap the royal family.

After summarizing the current situation, a sailor seriously explained to him, "Currently, there are as many as thirteen pirate groups attempting to kidnap the royal family! But they were all repelled before they approached the ship!"

"Tell the patrolling troops, don't relax your vigilance for a moment!" Sakaski said in a deep voice, but he was about to spew magma due to the disturbing things that happened recently.

The revolutionary army is about to move, the guards of the World Conference, and a lot of messy things caused by that damn straw hat kid!
Return the fifth emperor of the sea? ! !He's definitely going to burn the guy who wrote that article into charcoal afterwards! !

However, the headlines of the entire page were used to report this matter, and by the way, nearly half of the content was used to praise a certain bird (Morgans) of the Straw Hat Boy at this time. It is a fact, and there is nothing wrong with exaggerating a little bit.Most importantly, as long as the witch is satisfied~]
In the eyes of the current Marshal, if most of the combat power of the Navy Headquarters was not used to protect the royal family going to the Holy Land this time, he would definitely send someone to bombard that damned pirate group!

[Also, this news report must have been manipulated by the witch, after all, she was also in BIGMOM's territory at that time.In Wan Guo's report, there were only a few words about what she did. ], Sakaski took the time to look at a newspaper nearby. The picture at the end of the coat of arms is a wide sea area divided into two. The two pirate groups were separated, and the Straw Hat Boys were able to leave Ten Thousand Kingdoms.No matter how you look at it, it looks like the practice of a witch...]
However, a certain Persian cat said that another scapegoat fell on her head, and it was obvious that the sea was split in half by that mad rabbit.

"Report! Marshal Sakasky!" At this time, another sailor hurried over to report the latest situation, "The ship of Lulucia Kingdom going to the World Conference was attacked by pirates! Although the king is safe, But Princess Kemane was kidnapped!"

"!", Sakaski's heart sank, and he immediately slapped the table and growled, "How did you protect them!! Why don't you send someone to rescue them!"



In a certain sea area under the Red Earth Continent where the Holy Land Mary Gioia is located.

Under the sea, in a submarine.A group of vicious pirates are surrounding a flimsy princess (?) who is shivering in a gorgeous dress, and the chubby white pet that was kidnapped along with her is being tossed and played by those pirates, "Hahaha, She really deserves to be a spoiled princess, even her pets are as fat as balls!"

The 'Weak Princess' with her hands tied up with hemp rope was sitting on a wooden box with her head slightly lowered. The snow-white gauze of her top hat covered most of her face, making her look even more pitiful.

After several seconds, someone remembered the role he was playing now, and said weakly, "Please don't bully... Dumpling..."

"Aoooooo!!", the former Baozi who was tied with a big red bow and changed his name angrily waved his short claws, wishing to leave a few scars on the faces of these ruthless pirates. scratches.

After all, the Navy may already know that Encore's fat pet is named Baozi, so now they can only change the name.

But it changed from steamed stuffed bun to dumpling... It just shows that a certain cat has a strange taste.

[I'm a little hungry...], a certain cat doesn't feel hostage at all. When I look at the fat bun being ravaged by pirates, I feel that it is more appropriate to call it a steamed bun.

At this time, a pirate in charge of monitoring the sea surface saw the prey again, and immediately told the captain excitedly, "It's a ship from the Kingdom of Dressrosa and Prodence! And there is no navy escort!!"

"What!" The captain of the pirate group immediately ran over to take a look through the binoculars, and whistled in the next second, "I found Princess Viola! She is as beautiful as the rumors! If you kidnap her, how much can you get?" What about the ransom?!"

"Dressrosa?", the different pupils under the white gauze looked at the direction of the captain, and the light-colored lips just slightly raised a smile, [I really met an acquaintance...]
"Hahaha, don't be afraid, little princess, someone will accompany you soon~", a nearby pirate said with a smile, and returned the fat bun to her by the way, "They won't be able to find us, after all, we are Hiding in the sea!"

[Someone is coming...] Sensing the approaching breath keenly, Anke just moved the fat pet in the corpse with his bound hands, obediently playing the weak princess waiting to be rescued.

"Sink them!!", "Unpreparable torpedo attack!!"

The pitch-black torpedo, which was bigger than an adult man, cut through the sea at an extremely fast speed and shot towards the royal fleet in the distance, but someone caught up with him at a faster speed. The torpedo flew straight out to sea.

With a loud bang, huge waves exploded on the sea not far from the fleet, and the instability of the ship also startled the royals on board.

"What's going on!!" Before the pirates realized what happened, the submarine that was originally on the bottom of the sea suddenly shook, and immediately floated upwards.When the submarine floated to the surface, the iron plate of the cabin was also directly punched a hole from the outside.

The blond long-haired young sailor jumped in from outside with two scimitars in his hand, and knocked down all the pirates before they got up on alert.

A huge warship was also parked nearby, and a few sailors jumped off it and came to the submarine, swiftly tying up the unconscious pirates and rescuing a kidnapped fake princess.

The sharp scimitar cut the rope that bound her hands, carefully avoiding the white skin, the blond sailor and Bellumebo put away their knives, and looked nervously at the princess who was sitting there motionless , "Princess Kemane, are you okay?" became the Colonel.)
I just hope that these pirates don't do anything to this weak and weak princess, otherwise he will return to an ordinary sea soldier after finally being promoted to Major.

Anke paused, and nodded after realizing that she was the Kemane princess, and then stood up holding the chubby bun.

Belumebo took a closer look at her and found that she was not injured before he breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly shouted to the surrounding sailors, "Why don't you hurry up and pick Princess Kemane back to the warship?"

"Yes!" Immediately, a sea soldier came over here, looking at the spoiled princess with some trepidation, for fear that this princess is also a wayward master, who would take the blame for their late rescue.

However, a certain person just nodded slightly, said "Thank you, thank you for your hard work" before walking towards the opened hatch, preparing to leave here.

Those sea soldiers were stunned for a moment, and after recovering, they hurriedly followed.

[Didn't the rumored Princess Kemane explode willfully?Isn't that very polite? ], Beru Meber thought to himself, and after a while, he heard the sound of the phone bug, picked it up and took it, and then came Kebi's steady voice:

[Belumebo, how is the situation on your side? ]
"All the pirates have been caught, and Lulucia's Princess Kemane is fine." Bellumebo looked at a certain fake princess who was leaving, and then couldn't help asking in surprise, "But your knowledge and knowledge What's the matter, Kirby? I didn't even feel the smell of the torpedo..."

"Keby?" Encore paused, turning his head slightly to look at the phone bug that Bellumebo was holding.

"Yes, this is my friend and comrade-in-arms." Beru Mebo nodded, looking at the princess whose face was tightly covered with some doubts.

"I've heard the legend of Mr. Kebi many times, but I didn't expect to see it here. It's really surprising." The soft voice came from under the veil, and the listener couldn't help feeling elated.

Bellumebo smirked, and then immediately growled at the phone bug, "Hey! Did you hear that, kid?! Princesses from all over the world are praising you! You kid is really lucky!"

[Hahahaha where...ah no, actually I'm not that good~], a silly laugh came from the phone bug, it was obvious that the other party didn't know how to deal with the sudden compliment.

"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. I'm really looking forward to seeing Mr. Kebi~" An Ke nodded slightly to Belumber, and then left with the buns in his arms.

"Aww~", Baozi waved his paw towards the other side, and continued to nest in his master's arms obediently.

Bellumebo stared blankly at the back of her leaving, and the next second he grabbed the phone bug and yelled, "Kebi!! I'm free to single out!! Why are all the beauties only looking at you!! No Fair!!"

However, the only response to him was the "beep..." that the phone bug was simply hung up, and Bellumebo, who found himself being ignored by his best friend, immediately screamed out.

Anke didn't bother about the panic behind him, just pursed his lips slightly and thought, [I heard that Lord Garp will be responsible for escorting the royal family of Fishman Island, and you have to report to Lord Garp for safety when you meet later, after all, He worried about Ace for more than two years...]

(End of this chapter)

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