One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 373 Leisure Daily 1

After the banquet was held for two days, everyone reluctantly bid farewell.

Of course, except for Luo who was forced to stay at first, and then stayed until the end for the enjoyment of his companions.

"It's going to be separated from the seniors so soon!!" The Barto Pirates headed by Bartolomio cried into tears without any surprise.

"Next time there is any large-scale battle, remember to notify us in advance!" Cavendish gritted his teeth and warned, for fear of seeing some explosive reports on the news next time.

"Oh!" Captain Straw Hat nodded.

"Who will believe you, maybe you will forget it when you turn around!", Cavendish fangs roared, and hurried to discuss with Robin, who seemed more reliable.

"Okay, I will use the communication disk to notify everyone when I need help~", Robin nodded with a smile, but the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the future will be discussed in the future~
Seeing her nodding, Cavendish was relieved, afraid that the next time he was reading the newspaper, the captain of their large fleet would set off some battle that shocked the world, and then they, as team members, would not know anything.

On the other side, Chopper was lying on the side of the boat talking to Bebo on the submarine, "I have improved the formula a lot, and the consumption on the body has been reduced a lot. You can show Telaman to see it then."

"Yeah!", the furry Beppo nodded vigorously.

"Then let's go, remember that we will be enemies after the next meeting." Luo reiterated angrily, waved his hand and took the crew back to the cabin to prepare to leave.

"Goodbye! Thank you for helping Encore so much before!" Chopper waved his hoof vigorously, watching the yellow submarine disappear into the sea.

After saying goodbye to Bartolomeo and Cavendish, the Thousand Suns continued on its previous route.

"Hahahaha! The banquet is really the best~" Satisfied, Luffy happily ran around the boat, and Baozi followed him around foolishly.

Zoro yawned and decided to sleep on the watchtower for a night watch.

"We need to overhaul the Qianyang. It was too dangerous to fly to the sky and escape from the ground before." Frankie tied a hemp rope around his head, carrying a toolbox and preparing to inspect the entire ship.

"Don't come to the tool room yet, I'm going to develop the photos in the camera." Usopp reminded him, and went to the bottom of the ship with the camera of Miss Vice Captain.

Chopper returned to the medical room, preparing to seriously study the analysis report that Luo had given him before.

Brooke and Robin decided to take care of the plants in the small garden, while Nami went back to the library to record the recent voyages.

"I'll leave the ship's course to you, Boss Jinbe." Sanji nodded to Jinbe, intending to organize the ingredients in the warehouse and kitchen, and lock them to prevent a certain straw hat captain from stealing them.

"Well, leave it to the old man." Jinbe patted the fainting Zeus, and decided to take it to the bow of the ship to stay.

"Sleep, sleep~", Encore nestled in the warm flame of Apollo as always, and was going to go to the aquarium to stay as usual.

"Grilled fish grilled fish ~", Little Sun remembered the fish swimming around in the aquarium, and happily flew in.

After a long period of separation and fighting, the Thousand Sunshine ushered in the daily life of full attendance and relaxation.

Inside the aquarium.

Anke, who couldn't sleep, was sorting out the photos of Wan Guodao Wano Country during this period. She didn't have time to take pictures during that time. Fortunately, a certain news bird took a lot from beginning to end.

I have to say that as expected of a professional reporter, the photos are of a very high standard.

"I knew I would have caught a few chess soldiers and brought them back to the boat," Anke, who was lying on the sofa, looked at the small and exquisite chess soldiers in the photo with regret. Each one was less than half a meter high, which looked good.

"I'm small too~" Little Sun flew over, and after being petted by her, he happily continued to count the fish swimming around in the fish tank.

"And me..." Apollo also flew over aggrieved and begged for a hug, and then continued to nest on her head as a furry hat.

"There is also the wedding photo of Sanji and Brin at that time," Encore looked at the couple standing on the beautiful cake and looked at each other, and after hesitating for a while, he put it aside.Although they are all deceptions and traps, they are also one of the few good memories... Maybe?
"I saw my photo~", Apollo rolled up a photo with his long tail feathers, and happily shared it with Prometheus who was watching the fish.

"Everyone looks pretty good in kimonos, although it's not a good place to get along with them~", Enke happily put the photos in the album in chronological order.

"Encore, I caught a few more octopuses and threw them in~" Captain Straw Hat jumped in, and when he saw the photos full of sofas, his attention was lost, "I saw Ayu and Ace! These photos are Is it from Wano Country?"

"There are also Wanguo's." Anke handed him the organized photo album and continued the work at hand. "There are too many things happening in these two places, and many photos look very heavy."

"That's right, I was basically fighting during that period of time." Luffy flipped through the photo album, put it aside and began to pass photos to her.

"Aren't you going to continue fishing, Captain?" An Ke took it with a smile.

"Everyone has something to do, I feel so bored after fishing for a while." Captain Straw Hat came over childishly, and began to stretch out his claws to pull her long hair.

"Don't make my head full of braids like last time, last time you took more than an hour to untie it, obviously you have little patience~", An Ke reminded with a smile, letting him toss himself s hair.

"If it's Encore, I'm super patient!" Luffy retorted childishly, playing with his long black hair in a whisper.

After a while, Usopp came to the aquarium with a basket of photos, "Encore, the photos from the camera have been developed."

"Okay, thank you~", Anke took over and began to tidy up.

"Is this a photo from BIGMOM?" Usopp curiously took out the latest photo album, sat cross-legged on the ground casually to look through it, "Wow! What kind of creatures are these?"

"It's the homias created by Master Lingling with her abilities, just like Prometheus and Apollo." Anke briefly introduced, and pointed to a few of the photos, "These are all business empires or The boss of the underground gang, everyone is very funny."

"It's just you who dare to say this," Usopp felt a little ashamed, and when he flipped through the photo album, he suddenly remembered the news he had read in the newspaper before, "Speaking of which, Encore, you really put that piece of sea area together. Divided into two?"

"No, I'm not strong enough to use that move." Anke transformed into a leaf and shook it, "She cut the sea with a leaf~"

"???", Usopp was so shocked that his jaw almost hit the ground.

"That's Encore's master, he's amazing," Luffy added.

"Oh! That's okay," Usopp accepted at once. The person who can become the master of Encore must be stronger than the group of monsters on the ship.

Usopp flipped through the photos page by page, and he could see the fierce battle in the photos.Usopp recalled the life-and-death battle on Onigashima, and then thought about his wounded partners, especially the high-strength fighters headed by Luffy, whose injuries must have exceeded their physical limits.

Luffy and Anke didn't notice his thoughts, they gathered together to look at the photos from the previous treasure hunt.

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