One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 374 Leisure Daily 2

"Speaking of which, what exactly is domineering?" Usopp suddenly asked, this word can be heard everywhere after entering the new world, and the slightly stronger enemies he encountered had two-color domineering.

However, during his two years of practice, he had no chance to formally cultivate any kind of domineering, almost relying on instinct to exercise and improve his sniper skills.

They are now the Four Emperor Pirates, and the enemies they will encounter in the future will only become stronger and stronger.As the sniper on the ship, he also needs to learn more abilities to protect his companions.

"It is to be able to see the enemy, make the fist stronger, and stun the enemy!" Captain Straw Hat expressed his understanding enthusiastically. At that time, Rayleigh talked about many concepts and theories when he taught himself domineering. It's a pity that he didn't know much at the time, but later in actual combat, he understood and mastered it all at once and made qualitative progress.

"I'm confused..." The long-nosed head was a little dizzy, "How did you practice at that time?"

Captain Straw Hat clenched his fists seriously, "Hit!"

The long nose petrified.

"Not everyone adapts to your way of practice," Enke poked Luffy's soft cheeks amusedly, and explained to the bewildered Usopp after handing him a bunch of photos for classification, " But what Luffy said is right, the color of knowledge is to see the actions of the enemy, no matter whether he is in the field of vision or not, a higher level can predict the short future. Armed color is to make the attack stronger, and armed Color also has uses such as entanglement, and can also be attached to weapons for shooting. Overlord color is a kind of qualification, it seems that it can also be entangled and attacked like armed color. Like Luffy now, he has already mastered the advanced level of three-color domineering Way to fight."

"Yeah!" Captain Straw Hat nodded vigorously, although he didn't quite know how he learned it, but he suddenly understood it after typing it.

"A higher level..." Usopp was a little discouraged, he couldn't even touch the threshold now.Soon he cheered up again, "Can the armed domineering color be attached to the weapon? Can it be attached to the bullet and then fired?"

"Well," Encore created a crystal wall not far away, condensed a crystal ball and smashed it over, "like this is a normal attack."

Usopp watched as the crystal ball hit the wall and fell, causing little damage.

"Like this, it adds some armed color." Encore made a similar crystal ball and threw it with the same force. The transparent crystal wall was cracked. "This method of use is more suitable for snipers."

"Wow!", although Usopp knew that domineering has a bonus to combat power, it was the first time he saw the comparison so intuitively.But thinking of the monster-like high-strength partners on the ship, and comparing himself with his average aptitude, Usopp was discouraged again, "I guess I won't be able to learn it, it looks like the standard for the strong..."

"No, apart from the domineering look that is innate, the knowledge look and the armed look can be mastered through acquired training. After so many adventures and battles, everyone should have mastered one or two kinds of domineering, maybe they just don't know how. Just use it." Encore corrected with a smile.

"Really?" Usopp's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered that when he was in Dressrosa, he couldn't see the little girl clearly, but at that moment he could clearly see the little girl. Take a good look at the building structure over there and the action position of the sugar.

"Well, if you have time, you can train with Nami. She is currently practicing advanced illusions that cannot be discovered by knowledgeable people. The two of you can just be the target of each other."

"What??', Long Nose jumped up in surprise, "Nami is too cunning!When did she start practicing? ! "

"If you calculate it carefully, it probably started with Zhuo Wu?" Anke recalled the time, "But she mainly studied illusion and hypnosis, and then she also had simple melee combat skills."

"That's right, sometimes when I go to Encore, Nami will drive me out." Luffy's face is unhappy, sometimes the windows are boarded up by Nami.

"It's just that you dare to climb the window into the girl's room at night to find Encore. Every time Sanji sees it, his expression is twisted with jealousy." Usopp was a little speechless.

"Hmph~ because I sleep better this way~", the straw hat captain moaned and rubbed against his deputy captain.

"I really have 3000 million watts of light here..." Usopp laughed at himself silently, and after making an appointment with Encore to practice, he hurriedly left this place full of pink bubbles for no reason.


When the next day was approaching noon, Sanji, who was going to make lunch, was carrying ingredients through the lawn to work overtime. He was a little surprised to see the proboscis lying on the ground like a dead body, "What's wrong with you?"

"...", the long nose, which seemed to have died of breath, remained motionless and did not respond at all.

"The spirit has been seriously devastated~", the boat doctor explained cutely, "He went to practice with Encore in the morning~"

"Ah, I understand." The blond cook, who was experienced, turned a blind eye to the kitchen. Thanks to Encore and Lauren's devil training before, he is now at a loss when facing beautiful enemies.

Recalling the training process, Sanji was wronged and burst into tears.

It's terrible. I thought it would be hell to go to the Human Monster Island for two years, but I didn't expect that there is a place worse than hell in this world! !
"Aww?", Baozi passing by with his heels saw Usopp in the dead body, ran up, took off, landed, and smashed on his back, but the long nose, which was severely hit physically and mentally, remained silent.

"Huh?" Baozi tilted his head, sniffed the probe to confirm that he was still alive, and then ran away.

When lunch was about to start, Usopp floated out of the kitchen like a walking dead.

Nami was drinking coffee to refresh herself, and couldn't help laughing when she saw his miserable appearance, "Just get used to it, Usopp."

"Yeah, I'll get used to it in a few days." Anke stirred the little sweet porridge in front of him, routinely thinking about how to let others eat the porridge.

"It's a bit like Sanji's special training before," Jinbe looked at Usopp who was in a state of out-of-spirit, and continued to slowly grab a meal from Captain Straw Hat's big grab.

"Are you training domineering or something? I'll be one of SUPER then," Frankie took a few sips of Coke and burped contentedly.

Robin looked at them with his face propped up, and suddenly asked, "It seems that the armed domineering can catch the entities of the natural system, right?"

"It can also be divided into natural-type abilities. Those with low damage, such as Caesar, can be caught. If it is Akainu-sama's magma ability, even I find it tricky." Encore shrugged. After two years of practice She was only a little sure, but she didn't want to grab the magma with her bare hands unless necessary.

"Indeed." Robin couldn't even imagine the scene of catching magma with his bare hands.

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