One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 69 The Seriously Ill Ayu

Chapter 69 The Seriously Ill Ayu

"Master!!" Ayu suddenly stumbled over, fell to the ground with a pale face covered in cold sweat, then quickly knelt down on the ground, and shouted in a panic, "Forgive me for cooking the rice without authorization, but this person is My savior! Cough cough cough! Please don’t let me be ashamed! I will weave more bamboo hats! Please forgive me! I want to repay the debt of gratitude to Brother Luffy! Cough cough cough!!”

The panicked shouts were interrupted by a violent cough, and it didn't take long for Ayu to cough up a lot of river water and then fell to the ground, her pale face full of pain.

"This is!!" Feizhu hurried up to support her, and his heart sank when he saw the water on the ground shining with a strange color under the sun, "Why are you so stupid?! You drank from the river to suppress your hunger. water?"

"Ayu, are you alright?!", Lu Fei also hurried up, seeing the little girl who was full of energy a few minutes ago became so weak, he couldn't help but worry, and asked in a puzzled manner when he heard Feiji's words just now Said, "What water?!"

"The water in this country is polluted by the waste water from the Kaido factory! To the young girls, the waste water is simply poison..."

"Then why live in a place like this?"

Feiji sighed, carefully let Ayu lie on the ground, and then explained, "Although there is a little bit better, but this kid is waiting here for a pirate named Ace who has an appointment to come again. "

"Ace?" Luffy blinked and asked suspiciously, "Is it Portgas-D-Ace?"

The old man nodded, and then looked at the faintly visible traces of the village in the distance, "Although I really want to take Ayu to live in other places, I have been waiting here for a long time."

Lu Fei tilted his head, and couldn't help asking curiously, "Speaking of which, who are you, Grandpa Long Nose? How did you know Ace? And why is Ayu waiting here for Ace?"

"My name is Feizhu, and I'm a swordsmith. Although there are only two people here now, there used to be a village called Misa Village, but more than a year ago. The Kaido army joined a new real fighter, a A pirate named X-Drake. The five samurai who were the main combat force in the village were defeated, and everything was destroyed. The only place where Wano country is still prosperous is Hanato, where Shogun Orochi is. Other places It was all turned into an illegal wilderness under Kaido's hands." Feizhu paused for a moment, and then recalled the scene when he saw that young guy with some feeling, "That person came four years ago, and this village was originally very Poverty, everyone has a meal without a meal, and people often starve to death. Just when everyone thought the village was over, Ace was washed up on the coast. The villagers took all the food and water from the weak pirates , and survived after eating all of them. Seeing that Ace, who we had finished eating, easily untied with fire after that, everyone was ready to be retaliated. But he just smiled and asked Ayu Are they full? Then we started to prepare desserts for them. We were all shocked. After that, Ace stayed in the village for a few weeks, especially Ayu was very close to him. Did not expect to be caught by the pirates in distress Saved lives..."

"I see." Luffy laughed happily and said, "I didn't expect Ace to have such a story in Wano Country."

"Mr. Lu Fei, I'm back." At this time, Brooke, who went to investigate the situation in that village, also came back, holding a chubby white bun full of weeds, "Mr. Lu Fei, I brought the bun back yo ho ho ho ho ~"

"Brooke~", Luffy waved his hand, and then introduced to Feiji, who was starting to be vigilant, "Uncle, this is my partner Brooke and Baozi. Brooke, this is Grandpa Long Nose and Ayu~"

"..." Feizhu now doesn't know whether to complain about Luffy's name for himself, or to be surprised by Brook, who looks like he has only bones.But he is also a person who has seen the world, and knows that there are all kinds of strange devil fruits in this world, so even if it is really a bone, it is not surprising.

"Huh?" Brooke noticed Ayu who was lying on the side in pain, and couldn't help but asked worriedly, "What's wrong with this little lady? She looks sick."

"Ah, that's right!! The river Ayu drank is polluted! We need to find Chopper quickly!" Luffy jumped up and looked around anxiously. It's still nearby!"

Although Brook didn't know what happened here, he still explained after seeing Feizhu's vigilance, "Mr. Chopper is our ship's doctor. He is very skilled in medicine and will definitely cure Miss Ayu."

"Cough cough cough..." Ayu coughed in a daze, and their conversation just now was a little vague but still grasped the point a little bit, and couldn't help but look at Lu Fei in surprise, "Brother, do you know me?" Ace?"

"Of course I do!" Luffy proudly said with his hands on his hips, "Ace is me... woo woo woo woo!!"

Brook rushed up and covered Luffy's mouth tightly, pulled him away under the puzzled eyes of Feiji and Ayu, and reminded him nervously in a low voice, "Mr. Luffy! Don't forget that you can't go anywhere now. Spread the word about Mr. Ace!"

Luffy took off his hand and asked inexplicably, "Why? The person Ayu is waiting for is Ace!"

"Although I said that, I can't say anything about Mr. Ace now! Especially the fact that he is still alive!" Brook carefully looked around, making sure that only they and Feiji who was taking care of Ayu were nearby. Then he continued to remind, "Now is the period of the World Conference, let alone the attention of various countries or navies to Mr. Ace, otherwise, in order to save face this time, the World Government will do it themselves!"

"Let them do that kind of thing, anyway, they will definitely not be able to catch Ace now." Lu Fei puffed his face, and didn't think that Ace could not escape from those guys after two years of training, after all, Ace Si has been very powerful since he was a child.

Brook sighed, and although he couldn't bear it, he still mentioned the battle on the top two years ago, "Mr. Luffy, you can't be so sure. If there is another battle like two years ago, this time it will be different." It might be as smooth as it was two years ago. Not to mention the declining Whitebeard Pirates, and the pirates that joined you now have not grown up. Most importantly, if Mr. Ace..."

Brooke paused, looked worriedly at the silent Luffy, and then continued in a low voice, "If anything happens to Mr. Ace, even Ms. Anke will be helpless. Her eyes are indeed amazing. , but it is impossible to resurrect the dead indefinitely. In order to save Mr. Ace last time, I am afraid that the price she lost was the ability of her hands. One thing, it is Miss Anke's younger brother."

Luffy was stunned, and looked at Brook who seemed to know everything in puzzlement, "What's wrong with Noah?"

"If you guessed right, that child is a tool used by the world government to control Ms. Anke. Although Ms. Anke doesn't seem to care much about others, she acts a lot in a low-key manner, and even the news released is suppressed. Mr. Noah's coming out to see a doctor this time must be one of Miss Anke's plans to let him leave the world government completely, maybe she will send Mr. Noah to a little-known place later."

[Is this the reason why Encore suddenly brought Noah back this time and even guarded him every step of the way...], Luffy frowned slightly, thinking of the boy whose memory began to go wrong after the blood exchange, [and also asked before , Noah does not remember any people and things related to the world government at all.Even if I lost my memory, it wouldn’t be such a coincidence, did Encore intervene in it...]
"This Wano country is not only a battle between us and Kaido, maybe more unexpected things will happen." Brooke seriously reminded the always nervous Captain Straw Hat, "Mr. Luffy, You have to be prepared mentally. This is a country beyond the jurisdiction of the world government, maybe Miss Anke will completely solve these troublesome things here."

Luffy just slightly lowered the brim of his hat and pursed his lips tightly. He didn't really understand what Brook said, after all, he rarely thought about these complicated things involving multiple interests.But even if he doesn't understand, he doesn't want the person he cherishes to fight alone.

After taking a deep breath, he called out the red communication disc that Encore gave him earlier, looked at the red butterfly with the miniature straw hat for a while, he just grinned brightly, took a deep breath and raised his hand. Gao Shuang shouted loudly, "Let it go, Encore!!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"," Brooke said in a panic when he saw the butterfly flapping its wings and disappearing. Don't cause any trouble before your lord! What if Miss Anke gets into a fight with others??"

"No way, that's Encore~"

"That's right, Miss Anke won't be so impulsive." After calming down, Brooke nodded in agreement. After all, the smart deputy captain will not cause any disputes when she is not sure.

"Cough cough cough..." At this time, Ayu coughed in pain, and the two rushed to her side, and found that the girl's pale face began to flush abnormally, and even her breathing was a little difficult.

"Oops, it should be a fever." Although Brooke has been turned into a bone for decades, it can still be seen from Ayu's face, "Go to the doctor quickly!"


"Cough cough cough...", Ayu took a few breaths, then looked at Luffy anxiously and asked the question again, "Brother, do you know is he now..."

"..." Lu Fei quietly looked at Ayu with expectant eyes, but suddenly remembered the battle on the top two years ago in his mind, the figure swallowed by the scorching magma, and the powerless man who could do nothing. Helpless self.

After slowly clenching his fists, Lu Fei just smiled and asked about one thing Ayu mentioned before, "Speaking of which, Ayu, why did you decide to become a ninja?"

"Oh?" Although he didn't understand why the topic jumped, Ayu coughed a few times and said, "Because this is the agreement between me and Ace, as long as I become a coquettish female ninja, he will take me out to sea for adventure. ~Hey~~"

"I see." Luffy nodded.Then he smiled and said, "Come on! There will be a day!"

Ayu blinked in confusion, then nodded vigorously and then smiled happily, but coughed violently in the next second, and passed out after a while.

"Ayu!" Luffy checked her situation in a panic, but was taken aback by the high temperature on her forehead, "It's so hot! I have to find Chopper and the others quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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