Chapter 70
"Is that your partner?" Although Feiji had just met Luffy, he couldn't wait for Ayu's situation, and he said a little worriedly, "But Kaido's men may be searching around for yours. What's more, you still have Ayu with you."

"It's okay, I'm strong~" Luffy just smiled nonchalantly, and then asked, "Speaking of which, Grandpa Long Nose, where can I find food and drink?"

"There is a small town to the north of here, where there is edible food and fresh water."

"Then I'll contact Ms. Anke and the others. We'll meet up in that small town and just let Mr. Chopper take a look." Brooke took out the small phone bug for contact, and was connected not long after dialing, but Brooke hadn't Before he had time to speak, the phone bug in his hand was snatched by a long hand.

"Enke, listen to me~" Before the other party could speak, Luffy blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, including Ayu who was having a high fever right now.

[Do you have a fever?This is what Chopper is good at. ], the indifferent female voice was replaced by a series of anxious questions from the little reindeer doctor, [Lu Fei, what is the temperature?Use an ice towel to cool down first, and is it a fever caused by a cold or an infection?Are there any other symptoms besides high temperature? ]
"Hmm..." Luffy knelt down to study Ayu who had passed out, looked left and right and came to a conclusion, "I'm still hungry!"

"Mr. Luffy can't say that," Brook was a little speechless, Chopper was obviously asking about his illness, but Captain Straw Hat was obviously answering a nonsense question.

Feizhu, who got up in a hurry, didn't care if he didn't know the person opposite, and quickly explained the situation, "She drank the water in the river polluted by the factory, so she must have been poisoned."

[Poisoned?First of all, induce vomiting, and there are many kinds of poisoning. ], hearing that there are patients, Chopper on the other side of the phone bug also became anxious, wishing to fly directly to Luffy and the others, [Where are you now?I will go there immediately!And the river water needs to be tested to know the specific toxins! ]
"This is a pretty dilapidated village..." Lu Fei had forgotten what it was called in a blink of an eye, so he handed the phone bug to Feiji.

"This is Lian Li Village, near Nine Mile Coast." Feiji hurriedly added, but he was also worried that Chopper and the others could not find it here.

At this time, Encore's voice came over, "Lufei, we don't know Wano very well, maybe we will delay the treatment time when we find you.We're going to Leak Detection Village next, is it close to you? ]
"Near the small town in the north is Jianlou Village!" Feizhu said excitedly, "There is food, fresh water, and doctors there."

"Yeah!", Lu Fei suddenly remembered something, and said quickly, "Encore! Help me prepare some food! Ayu gave me her rice before I went to drink the river water! Ah yes! And today is still It's her birthday!"

[Understood, Captain.Let's meet there then, Luffy, cool that child down with an ice towel first, and then take her away.And Brook was optimistic about Baozi, and brought some river water to show Chopper. ], Anke paused after explaining a few words uneasy, and then a smiling voice sounded, [Lu Fei, I will make a big fuss this time~]
"Oh! Just make trouble!" Luffy replied with a smile, anyway, we'll talk about the rest later.

[See you later, Captain~], Anke chuckled, then hung up the phone.

"See you later, Encore~", Luffy looked at the phone bug who closed his eyes and lowered his head, and stuffed it back into his trouser pocket with satisfaction.

"But there are no iced towels here..." Feizhu said awkwardly, they didn't even have much drinking water here, how could there be such a luxury iced towels.

"It doesn't seem to be very hot, let's go find Chopper and they should be fine." Luffy stretched out his hand to check his body temperature, and was about to set off immediately to find his partners.

Feiji looked at the two of them, because he couldn't leave here without authorization, and he could only ask Lu Fei, whom he had just met, to help send Ayu to treatment.But seeing the weird clothes on Luffy and Brook, he took them directly to the hut, took out a few patched kimonos for them to change into, and tied a sideburn by the way.

"I want ship armor even more." Luffy, who has a special liking for armor, looked at the red kimono on his body and the bright yellow ribbon around his waist, and the next second he noticed a pair of armor hanging on the beam on the wall. The lavender knife, for the sake of handsomeness, he directly took it off and pinned it to the ribbon, nodded in satisfaction, "Yeah! Very handsome!"

"What?" Feiji, who had just taken out a black kimono and put it on Brook, looked back at him, and screamed in the next second, "Stop!! You can't take that knife away! It's just a little touch The famous knife that offends!"

"Hahaha, what's the matter! I'll take it back and return it to you later!", the laughing captain of the straw hat didn't intend to return this handsome knife so soon, so he quickly picked up Ayu before Feiji caught up with him. run outside.

"Mr. Luffy, wait for me!", Brook also grabbed the buns and quickly chased after him. After seeing the river not far away, he said, "Mr. Luffy, I will go to decorate the river water for Mr. Chopper to check."


"Wait a minute!" Seeing them running far away, Feizhu hurried to catch up, and anxiously told the story of the knife, "That is the world-famous sword built by my ancestors, which is ranked among the highest in the world. The second generation of Onitoru of [Da Kuai Dao 21 Crafts]! Among the few knives in the world, the weapons made by master craftsmen are called Kuai Dao! Among them, the excellent weapons are called [Liu Kuai Dao 21 Crafts], [Da Kuai Dao [-]] gong], [Twelve gongs of the supreme sharp knife]! Among them, Guiche is very talkative!!"

"I see, it's a super powerful knife, right?" Luffy, who is not a swordsman, is not interested in these, he just wants to look handsome, "Then I borrowed the knife~"

"Hey! Listen to people talking!! You can't say it!" Feizhu was almost annoyed by the guy talking to himself, and gradually slowed down due to lack of physical strength, "Your sword is a monster ! That kind of weird thing can curse people!"

"Anyway, I'm leaving first, Grandpa Long Nose!", Lu Fei turned his head and said loudly, with his left ear coming in and his right ear coming out, "And don't worry, I will definitely save Ah Yu!"

"I still have the knife, you must return it to me!" Feizhu, who was so tired, stopped and quickly added, only to find that the guy in the straw hat flew away, as if he hadn't heard it at all, "Answer?? This Don't you want to answer the question at all?"


"Wow, woof, woof!", the yellow komaru rushed to Luffy and Brook who were on their way, barked a few times, then stopped and squatted down in front of them, signaling that he would take them to the town.

"Great! Dog, you know the way, right?" Luffy, who didn't know the way at all, immediately jumped up with Ayu on his back, and Brook sat behind with Baozi.

"Wow, woof!", Koma Inu barked happily a few times, and then ran towards the town with all his might.

It didn't take long for them to leave the bamboo forest, but beyond the bamboo forest was a desolate wilderness, withered trees lying on the ground, occasionally a few tufts of withered yellow grass, and the remains of animals can be seen everywhere.There are still many potholes in the wilderness, but the water in the pits is almost colorful, obviously polluted.There are all kinds of animals in the wilderness, such as tigers, crocodiles, etc., but their volume is dozens of times that of ordinary ones.

The wilderness is filled with yellow sand, and the outlines of some huge buildings can be vaguely seen in the gray distance of the wilderness, and the continuous black smoke can be clearly seen. It must be Kaido's factory there.

"Wow! There's food everywhere, it's so wild!" Lu Fei rubbed his stomach, which was about to be flattened by hunger, and snarled at the wild beasts in the distance, "That grandpa with a long nose doesn't look weak either. , why don't you catch these animals to eat?"

Brook looked at the colorful pools of water, and quickly persuaded, "Mr. Luffy, look at those pools of water are obviously poisonous. These animals living here must be full of toxins. Ordinary humans will definitely be poisoned if they eat them." .”

"Damn it, it looks so delicious." Luffy, sitting on the running Koma Inu, looked at the huge animals passing by, and then looked at the place with thick smoke in the distance, "That's Kaido's A factory? But the river here is poisonous and the animals are poisonous, what do those guys eat?"

Ayu, who woke up in a daze, heard this, and replied with discomfort, "Over there is the mining Changhe weapons factory. Kaido and the general have their own dedicated harmless farm, where there is clean water and food..."

"Ayu, are you awake?" Luffy turned his head happily, only to find that Ayu had passed out again, and the little head leaning on his back was also getting high temperature, "It seems that the body temperature is getting higher and higher, we have to Speed ​​up!"

"Woof!", the Koma dog barked a few times, and quickly accelerated towards the distant town.


Encore over there.

After hanging up the phone, Enke just looked at the red communication disk, smiled, then poked the little straw hat on its head, and watched it disappear before turning to Dao Yun, who was lying on Noah's shoulder as a decoration. Said, "Duoduo, take us to Jianlou Village."

"Okay." Shimagumo obediently grew a little bigger and flew low so they could sit up.

"That's right! You need to hurry up! I heard from Luffy that the child has a severe fever." The anxious little reindeer doctor immediately jumped on it, and then began to check the contents of his backpack, "Fortunately, all the first aid medicines are brought with you caught."

After Anke and Noah also sat up, the island followed Encore's guidance and quickly flew in the direction of Jianlou Village.The led Prometheus reluctantly flew over their heads, baring his teeth from time to time, intending to burn the little white cloud.

It didn't take long for them to come to the desolate wilderness, with barren land, bony animal carcasses, and factories emitting black smoke in the distance. It is not difficult to guess that there must be not many people living nearby.And even if it is far away from the factory, the pungent smell in the air begins to become stronger.

Chopper, who has a sensitive sense of smell, already covered his nose, frowned and said, "It's too much... No wonder no one lives around here..."

Anke just raised his hand to form an isolation barrier, and then looked back at his brother's situation worriedly, "Noah, do you feel unwell?"

"I'm fine, sister." Noah shook his head, holding back an uncomfortable cough in his throat.

An Ke just stroked his hair worriedly, patted Dao Yun and motioned her to leave here quickly.


(End of this chapter)

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