Chapter 71 Marco

A new world, a certain sea area.

There is an isolated island here, surrounded by towering mountains, forming a natural fortress for the island.And now, Marco, the captain of the first team of the former Whitebeard Pirates, lives here, guarding a small village in the mountains.

This is the village built by Whitebeard.The original country here was too poor to pay the heavenly gold and could not join the world government. Most of the non-member countries were also rejected by the world government because of poverty.Coupled with the rampant pirates and human traffickers, this place will soon become a lawless country.After the country fell, only the unfortunate orphans increased, and Whitebeard was one of them.He went to sea early when he was young, and after becoming a pirate, he has been thinking about this land all the time, keeping his name incognito all his life, and investing money and supplies here.Whitebeard has no family, and although his friends are gone, this island is his hometown.

After the battle on the top, the captains thought that they should at least stick to what their father guarded, but Blackbeard invaded and provoked a war that ended everything.But they were no match for Tiki who got Whitebeard's ability, and everything was taken away.

The island was Whitebeard's last possession, and Redhead helped build his grave near it.

In order to protect the last relic of Whitebeard, Marco stayed here, because he knew that Tiki, who wanted to destroy all of Whitebeard's property, would find it here one day.

Moreover, Weibull, one of the current Qiwuhai, who claims to be the biological son of Whitebeard, is also destroying everything left by Whitebeard everywhere, and even killing members of the original Whitebeard Pirates.

In order to fight against Kaido in the Wano country, the boss of the cat viper who came to look for Marko also arrived on this island, and they happened to meet Ace who was also coming here on the way, and saw that he was supposed to be buried. Two years ago, Ace was really alive, and the fur tribe in the boat almost exploded in fright.

After letting the knights guard the ship on the shore, the cat viper boss with a bandage on his left paw and a bong in his right paw led Ace through the waterfall in the mountains and into the village inside.

"I didn't expect you to be really alive. When that little cat asked me to contact you, I thought she was dreaming." The cat viper boss took a puff of cigarette, then looked at Ace who was carrying a backpack, "But you look very young, a little different from the rumors."

"Really?" Ace just smiled, and then looked at the hole not far away, "But I guess you will come here for nothing this time, because Marco will probably stay here."

"Is it because of Blackbeard?"

"I've been to the villages under Dad's name before, and they've all been destroyed." Ace tightened his grip on the backpack, with a gloomy look on his face, "Those pirates who don't dare to resist Dad at all, don't Immediately after the battle at the top, he became arrogant. The most abominable thing is that Tiqi took the position of the old man and became the four emperors!"

The cat viper boss looked sideways at him, then just sighed and said, "If he knew you were still alive, that guy must be targeting you again."

"That guy snatched Dad's devil fruit ability, which is the most difficult thing." Ace raised his right hand to look at the red fire pattern on his arm, "Although he has practiced for two years, his strength is still a bit short."

"Have you been to see him?"

"No, An can go and test it, and then help me practice based on the results." Ace put down his hand, shrugged and said, "My current strength, I guess, can beat Tiqi two years ago. It’s still a bit difficult now, after all, I’m not a devil fruit user anymore.”

"So that's it." The cat viper boss nodded, and immediately screamed and looked at Ace in disbelief after recovering, "Aren't you a capable person?? Aren't you a capable person who burns fruit??"

"I'm just an ordinary person now, and that fruit is now eaten by my other brother, but this is also the best ending." Ace explained briefly, and then ignored the boss of the petrified cat viper , but walked quickly to a simple wooden house located on a small slope in the village.

Marko, who lives here, also acts as a doctor on the island, because of his ability to create a blue flame that can heal simple wounds.At this time, he had just helped a little girl heal her pets, and as soon as he stood up after saying goodbye to them, he keenly felt two powerful auras approaching.

Although he didn't feel any hostility, it still made him vigilant immediately. After all, he didn't know that Blackbeard or Weibull would attack here.

The first thing that appeared in the field of vision was a slender young man, wearing black tights and black leather boots with the same pitch-black sleeveless trench coat. Burning is average.

The orange hat on his head is exactly the same as that of the man buried in the lava two years ago, and even the tattoo on the man's left arm is exactly the same.

At this time, the man was smiling brightly and rushing towards him, his familiar but much younger face had many freckles, and even the voice calling his name was very familiar, "Marco!! It's been a long time not see!!!"

"A...Ace?????" Marco's eyes widened in disbelief, and his glasses even slipped down.But when the person who looked exactly like Ace was about to approach him, Marco suddenly came back to his senses, and a blue flame appeared on his body instantly and he jumped up, kicking hard with all his strength. Ace in front of him, "Who the hell are you?!! How dare you transform into Ace!!"

"Wait!!", Ace immediately bent his hand to block the kick, and explained loudly, "Calm down, Marco! I am Ace!!"

"Nonsense! Ace is dead long ago! Don't think I can't see through this illusion!!", the open hands turned into gorgeous wings, and Marco waved his wings and retreated a short distance before swooping down again. Kicked him not far away, "You were sent by Blackbeard, right?! Don't try to destroy this island this time!"

Ace stopped after sliding on the grass for a certain distance, just wanted to fight back, but when he saw the anger and vague pain on Marco's face, he just stood there, took a breath and said, "Marco, show you something."

Marko didn't continue to attack, but just kept a little distance and watched his every move vigilantly, while being ready to defend or surprise him at any time.

Ace just slowly raised his right hand, and the fire lines on his arm suddenly lit up in the next second, and then a cluster of scorching flames burst out from his palm.

"Ace's ability?!!", Marco's eyes widened again, but then his wings slightly bent, and at the same time he slightly arched his waist and tensed his legs. As long as the guy moved a little, he would directly kick him far away. place.

It's not that he wasn't surprised, but that he was too shocked.He also asked where Ace's burning fruit was after the battle on the top, and he only recently got the news that the fruit appeared in Dressrosa and was eaten by the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army.

And the counterfeit in front of him doesn't look like the revolutionary army, and Ace, who is the orphan of the pirate king Gol-D-Roger, cannot have a twin brother who is a few years apart.

"I guess you also know that the burning fruit was eaten by Sabo, but even if the burning fruit reappears in the world, it does not necessarily mean that I am really dead." The flame in the palm of Ace beat, and the next second a blood The red demon knife appeared out of thin air, and the strange lines on the knife flashed a faint light in the faint sparks.He gripped the knife that appeared suddenly, and then quietly looked at Marco not far away, "You probably have an impression of this knife?"

"What is this knife?" Marco frowned slightly, and relaxed his body a little, "Isn't this the demon knife of Ace's childhood sweetheart? Why did it appear in your hand?"

"This is one of Encore's demon swords, Chiyue. It is my current source of power and an existence that lives with me." Ace shrugged and took the knife back, and the fire pattern on his arm also disappeared. Then it dimmed, "The specific process is a bit complicated, and I still don't understand it very well. At that time, Encore spent a lot of effort to bring me back to life..."

[If it's Ace's childhood sweetheart, I can trust it, after all, the child's left eye has too much unknown power. ], Marco thought, but he still couldn't let his guard down, after all, it sounded a bit too ridiculous.

At this time, the chubby cat viper boss walked over leisurely, and after seeing the two people who were confronting each other, he also figured out the reason, and laughed and said, "Hahahaha, did you really fight?" ? Please explain it clearly, Ace."

"I'm already trying to explain it," Ace scratched his face, and then said angrily, "Marco, if you still don't believe me, believe it or not, I'll just tell you your little secret that isn't a secret?"

"What's the secret?? It makes me happy to tell it~~", the boss of Mao Viper's eyes lit up, and he looked at them with rare gossip.

"I haven't seen you for so long, why are you so gossiping, Cat Viper." Marco looked at the fat cat angrily, then looked at the shore and then at Cat Viper, after making sure that there was no illusion on them Only then did it put away its ability and land on the ground.

"While on the road, he almost took me apart to study." Ace also looked at the fat cat laughing angrily, and then looked around the peaceful village, "This is Is it Dad’s hometown? We usually live frugally and squeeze out the money we saved, all of which are here..."

"...", Marco looked at him, and then he just sighed and nodded, "Yeah..."

This is an open secret of the Whitebeard Pirates, but they are obediently deceived as if they don't know anything...

"Oh, yes," the boss of Mao Viper suddenly remembered something, took out a butterfly from the sleeve of his kimono and handed it to Marco, "Cat Xiaowa was worried that you would doubt Ace, so I specially prepared some words for you Yes. But you don’t need it now, do you?”

Marco looked at Ace quietly, and then slapped him on the shoulder with such force that he even staggered a few steps.Before Ace opened his mouth, he just hugged Ace hard, and felt the heartbeat before confirming that the person who had devoted all his efforts to save the Whitebeard Pirates was really still alive.

After releasing him, Marco just patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "It's good to be alive, if Dad knows, he will be very happy."

After a pause, Marco seemed to see the burly figure standing in the sea of ​​flames two years ago before his eyes. His heart throbbed and his eyes were slightly moist.

Yeah, Whitebeard's sacrifice wasn't in vain, the man they were trying to save was alive.

That's enough.

It's a pity that the great pirate who used himself as a shield to cover the crew's departure didn't know that Ace had been rescued before he died...

(End of this chapter)

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