Chapter 72 Guard
The butterfly that had been resting on the hand of the cat viper boss suddenly flapped its wings, and then it flew up slowly. After flying around Marko, it suddenly dissipated into a light spot, and after falling, it turned into a hazy petite figure.

The cute girl with red and purple pupils just smiled, and her hazy and transparent figure showed that this was just an illusion.Under their surprised eyes, the girl just smiled softly and said, [Long time no see, Lord Marco.You must have seen Ace by now. ]
"This is?", Marco had never seen such a scene before, and after walking around the illusion with a little vigilance, he determined that it was just an illusion used for rumors.

"Encore is probably worried that we are fighting," Ace shook his head amusedly, although they did fight just now.

[However, I also believe that you have solved the misunderstanding now, so I won't waste my words. ], the girl paused, and then said, [Then can you please avoid the cat viper boss and Ace for a while?I have something to say to Lord Marco in private. ]
"Oh, let's talk slowly." The boss of the cat viper shook his bong casually, and then walked towards a crossbar in the distance.

"Since when did Anke get so familiar with Marco..." Ace followed him a little discouraged. He still wanted to ask Encore about something.

The girl just smiled lightly as they watched them leave, and then got down to business, [The reason why Boss Cat Viper came to you this time, just ask him to explain later.There are other important reasons why I created this illusion. After I went to sea, I also collected information on Mr. Tiki, and also learned about the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates.His purpose is to destroy all the legacy left by Lord Whitebeard, including his former subordinates and the village he once guarded, so it is only a matter of time before he finds your current hiding place. ]
"I know that." Marco nodded, he also knew that the white-eyed wolf would find this place one day, and he also knew that he couldn't beat him now, but he couldn't just give up Whitebeard's last inheritance.

[During the battle on the top two years ago, Lord Whitebeard and the adults under his command helped Luffy and Ace a lot. Without your help, I would not be able to successfully take Ace away or bring Luffy to safety get out of there.We will do our best to repay this kindness. ], the girl raised her head and looked around, but the peaceful and beautiful scenery did not catch her hazy eyes, [Is this the last place that Lord Whitebeard wants to protect?It must be beautiful...]
"Father wants to protect a lot of places, but it's a pity that we can't protect those villages from Tiqi's men." Marco clenched his fists, thinking that he was helpless before Blackbeard's terrifying power, and felt unwilling, "Here In the end, if you want to destroy this place, unless you completely destroy me."

[Don't worry, Marco-sama. ], the girl just smiled softly, and her soft voice made Marco relax a lot, [This is the last legacy of Lord Whitebeard, and it is the place he most wanted to protect during his lifetime.So, no matter what happens, it will be fine here.No matter if it is Mr. Weibull, one of the seven kings under the sea, or Mr. Blackbeard Tiki, one of the four emperors, it is impossible to get involved here. ]
"?!", Marco's eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked in shock at the girl smiling softly in front of him.

Slender and hazy hands stretched forward, palms facing upwards.After a while, countless translucent bubbles flew out towards the surroundings, and after a few seconds, they spread all over the entire villa.

The people living in the village were also shocked to see those bubbles sparkling in the sun, and they were all stunned by the simple but beautiful beauty.

The bubbles that covered almost every corner began to float towards the other side of the mountain, and they didn't stop until they flew near the sea.The Musketeers who stayed on the shore to guard the boat also saw this miraculous scene, not knowing whose handwriting it was.

After a while, the bubbles began to gradually become transparent and disappear, as if hiding.And this quiet island has also returned to its original state, as if that gorgeous bubble had never appeared.

The girl withdrew her hand, and then briefly explained, [I created some barriers here, which can also hide the entire island, so that you don't have to worry about being discovered by ordinary pirates.And even if it is discovered and attacked, the barrier will block some attacks. ]
Marco stared blankly at the surroundings that had returned to their original state. After a while, he suddenly recovered and nodded, "Thank you for your trouble."

[This is what I should do.After all, we have been practicing for two years after the Battle of the Top, and there is no way to come out to help you when you need it the most, otherwise we wouldn't be ruined so many places by Master Blackbeard. ], the girl said with some guilt. During that time, Ace's condition had not been very stable, and she had just returned to her normal body, so she couldn't leave Yates Dylan for too long.

"For us, your saving Ace is already the greatest help, because then the father and his partners will not sacrifice in vain."

[And even if the Blackbeard Pirates are coming, please don't worry. ], the girl just smiled quietly, but even if the pair of different pupils were hazy, there was a frightening chill:

[Because at that time, I will come over in person. ]

The girl's smile was gentle but creepy, [This is Lord Whitebeard's last legacy, and it will not be taken away or trampled upon by anyone.This is my promise to you. ]
"..." Marco stared blankly at this young but convincing girl, without doubting that she would do her best to protect the island.

While relaxing a little, he smiled and said from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you, Enke."

[You're welcome, ah, by the way, I put that thing in a safer place too.The time for this rumor has come, but there is one more thing~], the illusion that became more and more transparent in the next moment approached him, leaving a faint sentence in his ear with a gentle tone, and then quietly disappeared.


"Master Whitebeard left without regret, he knew that Ace was rescued safely."


"!!!", the pupils in Marco's widened eyes trembled slightly, and he closed his eyes after a long time, but tears still flowed from the corners of his eyes, "Thank you..."


(End of this chapter)

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