One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 87 Heading to Oden Castle

Chapter 87 Heading to Oden Castle

Koma Chiyo was carrying a group of people running towards Oden City, Zoro, Brook, Chopper and Aju were sitting on it, and Shima Yunduo, who was flying nearby, was carrying Luffy, Encore, Luo and Nuo There are four people in Asia, and Baozi has his own special ride, and he is bouncing on the little sun Prometheus at this time.

"However," Luo, who was sitting cross-legged on the island cloud, looked at Aju, who was on the back of Koma Inu, and really didn't understand why there was a stranger here, "Why did you follow along?"

"No, I'm sorry, because I've always wanted to go to Oden City to take a look..." Aju hurriedly explained, "I can come back alone when I get there, and I won't cause trouble."

Luo didn't have much temper now, and glared at Luffy nearby, "Is it okay?"

"It's okay, Aju is a good person and very strong, it's okay~", Luffy said with a big smile, completely unable to understand what Luo asked.

And Aju breathed a sigh of relief. If she really had to ask carefully, she really couldn't find any reason to explain it. After all, she came here to observe what this group of people wanted to do.

After Zoro stared at the inexplicably guilty Aju for a while, he said lightly, "No, she's hiding something~"

But no sooner had he finished than a ball of green algae, no doubt the work of some cat, was thrown over his head.After raising his hand to take down the bouncing green algae ball and put it on his shoulder, Sauron felt a little helpless.

Seeing his usual actions, Aju couldn't help being curious, "Aren't you angry?"

"?" Sauron was a little puzzled when he heard this question.

"Yohohoho, Mr. Sauron can't be angry, because that's Miss Encore~", Brooke laughed cheerfully, after all, they were used to the willfulness of the cat.

"Yes," Chopper nodded in agreement, revealing his old truth with a serious face, "It's okay for Encore to throw Sauron into the sea from time to time."

Aju blinked unexpectedly, and then chuckled, "It's really a harmonious partnership~"

Luffy tilted his head, looked at the approaching mountains and asked, "But Tranan, what are we going to do in that castle?"

When Aju heard this, she couldn't help looking at the people on the nearby Daoyun, and thought to herself, [It's not a castle anymore, it's obviously an empty ruin, what are they going to do when they go to Oden City?] ?Although Luffy Taro and the others are good people, they still can't relax. ]
When he felt her, An Ke turned his head slightly to look at her, and found that she was smiling politely, so he stopped paying attention to that side. After all, he was not an enemy, so there was no need to be vigilant all the time.

Luo looked at the few people who caused a lot of trouble without planning, and said angrily, "After we separated from you, we have carefully set up plans and actions. In short, you will know when you go, see you Meet the undead of the Wano country."

"Undead?" Luffy was a little puzzled, and looked sideways at the bone music festival on the back of the big dog, "Like Brook?"

"If it's Brooke, I'm not afraid..." The little reindeer trembled slightly, it has always been unable to accept these ghosts and demons! !
"Go there and talk about it, anyway, you will be shocked." Luo said lightly, after all, he didn't know how to explain it.

"Yeah, I was shocked too." Sauron also said in a deep voice, it was rare to admit that there was something that could scare him.

"That undead scared even Sauron??" Upon hearing this, Chopper immediately became frightened.

"There are undead that can scare Mr. Sauron?? How frightening is that?!", Brook was also taken aback, but at this time he still did not forget his skeleton joke, "Although I have no Your guts and heart oh oh oh oh oh~"

"That's really exciting," Anke just smiled, and then looked at the factory in the distance.

Luffy looked at the rare distracted look, and couldn't help asking, "Enke, why have you been looking at the factory over there since just now?"

"Well, I'm a little interested."

"After agreeing on the next plan, you can go over there for a stroll." Luo said lightly, anyway, Encore is also very measured, so don't worry about what will happen.

"Beep, beep..." At this moment, the voice of the phone bug rang out. Brook froze for a moment before taking out the phone bug that Luffy was keeping, and Sanji's voice came from the other side as soon as it was connected.

[Luffy?This is Sanji. ], the people over there thought it was the captain of the straw hat, and before the other party opened their mouths, they directly explained the situation they encountered, [We just met Usopp, and now we are going to Oden City, the situation on your side Woolen cloth? ]
Luffy, who heard the voice, also jumped from the island cloud onto the back of the big dog, squatted down and said to the phone bug, "We just met Telan, and we are going to go to that castle."

[This is just right, Luffy, please tell the others first.We're being targeted by some guys right now, get rid of them before rejoining you. ], as soon as he finished speaking, Sanji hung up the phone, presumably the situation over there is a bit bad.

Luo, who heard their conversation, also guessed this, and couldn't help frowning slightly, "Did Kaido's people discover it?"

"It's okay, as the captain, Luffy has already shown up. It's easy to guess that other people are here, as long as they don't find out where your base is." Grabbed Prometheus's rope and hugged the fat bun on it.

"Hmph," Luo snorted lightly, but didn't say anything else.

Just as they were about to enter the forest at the foot of the mountain, the phone bug rang again, but this time it came from Encore.

Anke, who was teasing Baozi, took out a small phone bug with one free hand and connected it lazily, "Hello?"

[Little doll? ], the deep voice of the blue murloc came over, and then he also said straight to the point, [Little baby, I met Lauren and B just now, and they seem to be looking for you. ]
An Ke paused for a moment while touching the bun, then just said with a chuckle, "I see, thank you Master Jinpei."

"Jinbei!" Luffy, who heard the voice, jumped back to the island cloud again, and said excitedly, "We are going to find the undead in that castle now, come here quickly~"

[castle?Undead? ], Jinping was a little confused, not knowing what he was talking about.

"We are going to Oden Castle next, and then we will make a plan for the next step." Anke explained with a chuckle, and then asked worriedly, "But does Master Jinpei know how to get to Oden Castle?"

[I can go there according to Luffy's life card, but I need to bypass those villages and towns on the way, and it will take some time to get there. ], Jinbei explained, after all, he is a murloc, and if he walks directly on the street in the closed Wano country, it will definitely cause commotion.

"That's right, it must not cause a commotion." Lu Fei rarely nodded seriously, completely forgetting that he had just sent a real blow away not long ago.

Seeing Luffy say this, Luo couldn't help but gritted his teeth. How dare this bastard remind others not to cause a commotion? ?Obviously he is the most arrogant, right? !
[I see, Lu Fei-kun is also sensible.Then I'll go over there first. ], Jinbe spoke with some emotion, and then hung up the phone bug, but he didn't know how many people were speechless with his words.

After An Ke put away the phone bug, he also smiled and said, "As I heard just now, it seems that some guests will come to see me later~"

"But the people Jinbei mentioned seem familiar..." Captain Straw Hat, who is always weak in remembering people, tried hard, but he couldn't remember who those two people were.

"I remember those two guys are Tiger Shark's subordinates." Sauron actually met those two people at Chambord's place, and they were responsible for helping Encore to forge a new identity.

"Yes, but I'm not an enemy for the time being, so don't worry." An Ke replied with a smile, signaling them to feel at ease.

[But why did they call the person on the opposite side just now...], Luo was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Luffy in surprise, "Is the former Qiwu Kaijinpei who called just now?"

"Yeah, Jinbe is joining us now." Luffy nodded and looked at him with some doubts, "What's wrong?"

"No, there is no news from the outside world here in Wano Country." Luo, who calmed down, just said lightly. After they came here, they basically received no information from the outside world, and even newspapers were extremely rare.

(End of this chapter)

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