Chapter 88 Graves
At this time, they had almost reached the halfway up the mountain, but suddenly heard a low growl coming from the front right,

"Ah!!" Chopper, who is extremely sensitive to the smell of carnivorous animals, yelled, and jumped to the side of Zoro to hang himself, "I smell a super bad smell!!"

"Could it be Kaido's subordinate?" A-ju immediately grasped the long knife at his waist and looked forward vigilantly.

Komachiyo, who was running, also slowed down nervously, not knowing what to do next.

In the dark forest in front of the right, a pair of fierce eyes of a beast flashed with dim light, which directly scared the timid Chopper and Brook, and they all hid behind Sauron.

"This is tricky~" Zoro raised his eyebrows, and just wanted to exercise, he jumped off Komachiyo, pulled out a knife and said, "Leave this to me, I will follow up later,"

"Oh~", Luffy didn't have any objection at all, and after waving his hand, he asked Komachiyo to continue running forward.

"Zoro..." Joe Barton paused, and after looking at Brooke for a while, he said in unison, "I can't keep up!"

"It's okay, anyway, he already knows the general plan and the information of Wano Country." Luo said lightly, anyway, he also guessed that the green algae-headed swordsman would definitely get lost and never come back.

"Then I'll bring Sauron up later, just because I'm interested in that tiger~" Anke smiled lightly and sent Captain Straw Hat, Baozi and Prometheus to Komachiyo's back with vines, waving his hands Then let Daoyun fly to Sauron.

"Tiger?" Chopper and Brook turned their heads suspiciously, just in time to see that Sauron was fighting with a huge white tiger biting a long knife, and every deer bone was immediately frightened by the huge white tiger two to three meters tall. Jumped, "Tiger ah ah!!"

"Oh, Anke and Noah remember to follow up with Sauron later~" Luffy, holding the bun, just waved his hand, not worried about them at all.

Aju looked back at the huge white tiger worriedly, and then looked at Luffy and the others who were not worried at all, "Aren't you worried about that? That's a white tiger..."

"Why worry? Isn't it just a tiger?" Luffy instead looked at her in confusion. Shouldn't it be the tiger that appeared suddenly?

"That's right, Encore and Sauron are the ones staying, and Encore's younger brother is also super powerful." Chopper also said seriously, "Every time we encounter such a situation, we will only sympathize with those enemies. .”

"Hearing what Mr. Chopper said..." Brook turned his head and looked in the direction of the white tiger before him. He made a cross on his chest and put his hands together and said, "Amitabha..."

"What kind of nonsense prayers are you!!", the little reindeer jumped up and slammed his hoof on his explosive head. How can anyone pray with Christian gestures and speak Buddhist Buddhist words? ?


Xu didn't have a chance to practice in Wano Country. Zoro fought the white tiger with a knife for a long time this time. He beat him for more than ten minutes when he could do it with one move.

Anke sat cross-legged on Daoyun boredly, staring at them fighting back and forth in boredom.I should have known that she just threw a communication disk to him just now, and I went to that Royal City with Luffy and the others.

Noah went for a walk in the nearby forest, because Encore and Chopper had been escorting him to rest for the past few days after the operation. He was basically lying on the bed or sitting on a chair, and even when he came out, he was carried by Daogumo .

Anke has already removed the illusion from his body, and lying on the island cloud, he looked at Sauron who was still fighting with the white tiger boredly, and when he saw that he was about to cut the white tiger's beautiful fur with a knife, he quickly reminded again, "Sauron , I told you not to hurt it! I will use it to sit on later!"

Sauron turned in the direction of the knife that was slashing at the white tiger, and after flying the knife it was biting in its mouth, he directly stunned it with the back of the knife.After sheathing his sword, he turned to look at the girl lying there in a white dress, "Don't you have Shimagumo now? And why don't you continue to use illusions in your kimono?"

"It's too arrogant to go to town with Daoyun, it's better to change it to an animal." Anke jumped down and walked towards the tiger, and made a dark blue butterfly to call his brother back, "clothes wait I will go to Master Luo’s base to change again, doesn’t it mean that illusions are easy to be exposed?”

"That's right." Zoro picked up the long knife that the tiger was holding in its mouth, and found that it seemed to be a pretty good knife, "It's really worthy of Wano country, even the knife used by ferocious beasts is of the highest quality. of."

"It is indeed a good knife." Anke glanced at it, nodded in agreement, and then patted the head of the tiger that fell on the ground, "I thought it was a good mount, but it seems that the physique is not very good. gone."

"Don't you want it?" Sauron threw the long knife near the tiger, not surprised that the deputy captain suddenly changed his mind, after all, she has more excellent pets under her command.

"No, it's a big deal and forget about walking at that time." Encore turned and walked towards Dao Yun who was parked in place, jumped on it and continued to lie on his stomach, "I will go to Luffy and the others after Noah comes back."

"it is good,"


Noah, who was walking casually in the forest, saw a butterfly flying over him not long after, and he knew who sent it, but after a few laps in front of him, the butterfly turned towards him. Flying in the direction of the foot of the mountain, it is obvious to take him down the mountain.

"?" Noah felt a little confused. Didn't they originally plan to go up the mountain to specify the next plan?Why did it suddenly go down the mountain again?

[Could it be that my sister secretly went down to the town to play? ], Noah stretched out his hand forward, and the butterfly that was originally flying in front flew back to his fingertips and stopped leisurely.

After observing the blue butterfly with its wings carefully for a while, he confirmed that it was indeed his sister's illusion.After confirming that it was correct, he also raised his hand to let the butterfly lead the way, but he didn't know that he was getting farther and farther away from Anke and the others who were waiting there.


There are only a few dilapidated wooden houses left in the long-fallen Oden City, and Luo’s base is temporarily set here. There are a few wooden tombstones near the collapsed wooden houses, but they are all covered with moss. It seems that they should stand there. For more than ten years.Weeds are overgrown near the tombstone, and one can tell at a glance that no one has come to take care of it or sweep the tomb.

After Luffy and the others came here, they got off Koma Chiyo's back, let the Koma dog find a place to squat, and then they walked towards the dilapidated wooden house not far away.When passing those tombstones, Luffy glanced at the words covered with moss, "Kozuki... Tomb of Oden?..."

"Guangyue?" Chopper looked at the tombstone in front of him puzzled, "I remember that Tao Zi belonged to the Guangyue clan."

"More than that, look at other tombs." Luo motioned them to look at other tombstones.

Luffy and the others looked at the other tombstones, and when they saw the familiar names on them, they all shouted in unison in astonishment, "Kozuki Momanosuke, Raizo, Kin'emon, Kanjuro??? Why are there their graves? ?”

"As you can see." Luo said lightly, without much change in expression.

"No wonder no one listened to the call to Kin'emon before. Could it be that they...are already dead..." Lu Fei stared blankly at the tombstones, not paying attention to the fact that these tombstones are old.

"Impossible!" Chopper denied emotionally, "We have been separated from them for less than a few months, how could they die?!"

"That's right, even though that little pervert was a bit annoying, it's impossible for him to disappear all of a sudden." Brooke didn't believe this rhetoric either,
"Impossible..." Luffy shook his head in disbelief, and shouted loudly, "It's impossible for them to die! Jin said that they will meet here in Wano Country!"

"They haven't been here for a long time..." Luo said with a serious face, "Maybe they will come out at night, and yesterday, too, they appeared in the middle of the night."

"!!!!" Chopper, who was terrified, jumped onto Brook and hung it, while Brook, who was also scared, said tremblingly, "Could it be... Could it be that they have..."

"What's the matter with this monster-like appearance mode? Why is there a grave?" Luffy grabbed his collar angrily, and asked loudly, "What's going on? Is there anything to say no to?" Is there a reason for export?"

"It's not for me to say it." Luo just looked at him for a while before shaking his head, his expressionless face was full of heavy.

"It's a lie..." Seeing his expression, Chopper couldn't help but burst into tears.

At this time, there was a "creaking" sound from the dilapidated wooden house not far away, and the messy sound of wooden clogs stepping on the wooden board was also heard slowly.

"!!", Chopper and Brook were so frightened that they petrified. Could it be that the ghosts of Kin'emon and the rest are really inside the house? ?

Under their eyes, a hand suddenly grabbed the damaged wooden board, and then a familiar figure came out slowly while covering his stomach with one hand, "ouch, ouch".

When they walked into the sunlight, everyone realized that it was Kin'emon with a miserable face.

"Your Excellency Luffy, Your Excellency Brooke, Your Excellency Chopper..." Kin'emon, who was hunched over and clutching his stomach, apologized weakly after dawdling in front of the stunned Luffy and the others, "I'm sorry I didn't I can go to meet you, it’s really great that you can arrive smoothly. I accidentally contracted dysentery, and thought I would have to stay in the toilet until night today, but now it’s a little better..."

"Does that mean that it will only appear in the middle of the night..." Brook was stunned, and then looked at Luo who was angry, "Mr. Luo, don't be so short, we almost thought that something happened to Mr. "

After Lu Fei reached out and patted Kin'emon's shoulder to confirm that he was real, he said angrily, "Yes! Isn't this still alive?"

"Great, I thought I was dead..." The timid Chopper finally felt relieved and let out a breath.

"When did I say he was dead, I meant that he just came out of the toilet at night." Luo said lightly, he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end that those guys died, he just explained the facts.

"But your tone, attitude and expression all imply that they are all dead, and you showed us the grave!" Chopper immediately roared with his fangs, this black-bellied guy is definitely taking revenge on Luffy and the others for making trouble in the town matter.

"Hmph," Luo snorted lightly triumphantly, and allowed these guys to make his liver hurt with anger, so why not let him turn against the general?
(End of this chapter)

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