One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 89 Meet Kin'emon

Chapter 89 Meet Kin'emon
"Master Jin~ I miss you so much~~~~", Aju, who followed them, ran over excitedly after seeing Jinweimen, threw him to the ground with a big hug, and then burst out angrily Said, "Really, why didn't you tell me when you came back? Obviously I am very worried about you, really!"

"I'm sorry..." No matter how bad the beauty is, Kin'emon was very calm, and after apologizing for his negligence, he asked, "But Aju, why are you with Lord Lufei and the others? "

"Huh??" Aju was stunned for a moment, then stood up and looked at Luffy and the others in disbelief, "Could it be that...they are?"

"How to explain this..." Kin'emon also started to do it with some headaches, and after thinking about it, he introduced Luffy and Luo to Aju, "That's right, Akiku, these are the ones I invited to defeat the big snake." Luffy-dono and Luo-dono, as well as Luffy-dono’s crew, Brook-dono and Chopper-dono!"

"Really??" Aju looked at them in surprise, never expecting that the person she was wary of just now would be their helper.

"Hey, Luffy! Kokichi! Chopper!!!" At this time, Momonosuke's voice came from far to near, and then the little pink figure with a wooden sword rushed to them and reported his latest activities, " I am now practicing swordsmanship!"

"Master Momonosuke!" Aju walked up to him happily, knelt down and said, "Master Momonosuke, it's great that you are fine."

"Yeah, Akiku, long time no see." Momonosuke, who was always elated when he saw a beautiful woman, was also very calm when he saw Akiku, just nodded.

[Strange...], Brook on the side felt a little weird when he saw his abnormal attitude, [Isn't this pervert always pounce on beautiful women?Could it be that he is so calm because he is familiar with Ah Ju? ]
Luffy didn't see Inuarashi and Momomushi and the others here, so he asked, "Speaking of Taozi, have Uncle Inu and the others come to Wano too?"

"Peach??" Upon hearing Luffy's address to Momonosuke, Aki hurriedly said, "It's too impolite to call Momonosuke-sama by his first name!"

"It's okay, Akiku." Momonosuke just raised his hand to signal her to calm down, and continued to answer Luffy's question, "Of course, Inuarashi and the others have also come to Wano Country."

At this moment, there were some footsteps in the forest in the distance, and then the blond cook and his party came out of the forest. When they saw Luffy and the others, they all ran up excitedly.

"Luffy~~~", the lively Carlot ran up first, and hugged Luffy with open arms.

"Great! Finally met you~", Nami breathed a sigh of relief, walked over with a smile, and asked after seeing Luffy and Chopper together, "Did you meet on the way?"

"That's right, I met you at Jianlou Village." Chopper nodded, and couldn't help being happy when he saw his friends gathering together.

"If it wasn't for the need to get rid of those guys on the way, we might arrive earlier than you." Sanji also came over with a cigarette in his mouth, and couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw that the cat and her brother were not around. , "Where is Cutie and Noah?"

"Oh, I met a tiger on the road, Encore and the others went to play." Luffy explained with a smile, "They will follow soon."

"That's good." Sanji breathed a sigh of relief, and he was worried that the cute vice-captain would go to inquire about information by himself.

"Nami~~", when he saw the hot navigator, Momonosuke immediately threw away the wooden sword with his eyes shining, and rushed forward and rubbed his head against her proud bust, " I miss you so much~~"

"Peach~", Nami, who was not wary of children, just smiled and hugged him tightly, not aware of his dirty thoughts at all.

Brooke on the side could clearly see the treachery and complacency on that pervert's face, and couldn't help but gnashed his teeth and pulled him to get off Nami, "You little bastard! Why don't you get off quickly?! "

"Is this the companion of Lord Lufei Taro?" Aju came over to say hello, but she didn't know that her appearance was accompanied by petals all over the sky in the eyes of a certain cook.

"What a lovely lady~~~~", the blond chef who was full of heart and heart immediately rushed forward, constantly exuding a shining heart.

"Hey..." Seeing this, Kin'emon seemed to want to say something but couldn't, with a very strange expression on his face.

"Captain!!" At this moment, Xia Qi and Pei Jin, Luo's subordinates, ran over.

Luo turned around and didn't see the mascot on the boat, so he asked, "Where's Bepo?"

"Still in the forest..." Xia Qi pointed to the forest behind. The polar bear has been having diarrhea since eating the poisonous fish in the river.

Luo sighed helplessly, and reminded his subordinates not to eat fish in the river or animals in the forest, but unfortunately they were not obedient.

At random, he looked at Sanji, who was courting Aju, and asked, "You said just now that there are people following, are those people from Kaido's side, or are they here to follow Encore?"

"Kaido's side probably saw that the clothes we were wearing were made of illusion." After Sanji calmed down and explained, he was about to continue braving his heart, but suddenly he was taken aback and frowned slightly. Looking at Luo with a frown, "What did you mean when you said you came to follow the cutie?"

"Literally, but it shouldn't be a big deal. After all, the head of Encore is now a hot figure in the black market, and it's not surprising that there are more people coveting it."

[It seems that we need to start gathering information quickly. ], Sanji frowned, and then looked at Luffy who was chatting and laughing with Momonosuke, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the simple straw hat captain didn't hear Luo's words just now, otherwise he would have to quarrel again Woke up.

After a few more chats, they entered the dilapidated wooden house that was used as a base and collapsed at any time.The inside of the wooden house is also messy, full of old and damaged furniture, even the wooden boards on the beams have collapsed a lot, hanging in place, and the wooden floor has holes half a meter by 1.1 meters.The roof was also broken with several large and small holes, and the sunlight coming in from the outside added a lot of light.

Luffy and the others who were walking inside either looked at the ground being hit by a wooden beam, or looked at the ground above their head and stepped on the ground. In time, they picked a solid-looking wooden stool and sat down, and that wooden stool would also Just fall apart.

After being inadvertently touched by them, dust and sawdust flew all over the dilapidated wooden house.

After finally vacating some space and sitting down in a circle, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.But the ones sitting in the house are Kin'emon and Luffy who just arrived in Wano Country, Luo and his subordinates who already know the truth are all sitting there outside, and Baozi, who is bouncing around, brings Pu Luo Metheus was playing around Komachiyo, although a certain little sun wanted to burn the fur of these two animals very much.

"By the way, there are some melons and fruits in the house, which were taken from a nearby farm." Luo, standing outside the door, reminded them, pointing to a fruit basket in a corner.

"Sure enough, you stole it!" Luffy immediately roared with his fangs. When the Batman said that someone stole the clean food from the farm, he subconsciously thought of them.

(End of this chapter)

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