One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 97 4 Emperor Kaido (4)

Chapter 97 Four Emperor Kaido (4)

However, for Kaido, the seemingly vicious impact was not painful, and it was purely due to inertia that he was hit and flew to the outskirts of no one.And the reason why he hasn't fought back for so long is very simple, he is still in a state of deep drunkenness, and his mind has not turned around for a while.

But this is an excellent opportunity for Anke. She took the time to look at the villagers in Jianlou Village who hadn't escaped yet, frowned slightly, threw a few crystals out again, and hit the giant with a trident. The Dongfang Dragon pushed away for a certain distance, and after doing this a few times, the huge Dongfang Dragon had already come to the sky above the barren and uninhabited wilderness.

But obviously, the dozens of crystal impacts just now didn't cause much harm to him. Dongfang Long, who felt dizzy even more, just opened his mouth wide and let out a big belch. less dust.Looking around with misty eyes, I can't figure out why I came here suddenly.

And Anke just withdrew the black vortex in mid-air and jumped onto the desolate and dry wilderness, ignoring the smell of dust around him, just frowned and looked at the dizzy giant dragon, [Look closer Only then did I realize that this size is really tricky, but the most tricky thing is his domineering...]
The different pupil closed and opened again, and the text in the blood-colored left pupil had turned into a black horizontal line.The girl standing in the wilderness just twirled the trident in her right hand, and fine crystals kept floating out of her left hand that had turned into crystals, and those thin crystals seemed to be unaffected by gravity, and kept moving toward the giant dragon that appeared at an unknown time. The dark clouds above drifted away.

The little Sun Prometheus, who had been taught a lesson, obediently followed behind Encore, but the trembling way of flying and the unhealed scars showed that Encore's previous behavior had caused serious damage to it. .


Pick up the leaking village.

"!!!", Hawkins and Jack, who originally thought that Kaido would wipe out the ruins of Oden Castle, were stunned and motionless when they saw this horrifying scene, unable to imagine that their boss was forcibly When you hit the wilderness, things will happen in front of your eyes.

Seeing that the boss he respected so much was kicked out of the leaking village by a little baby boy who was not as tall as his fist, Jack couldn't believe that his mouth could almost hold hundreds of catties of eggs.

And Hawkins, who finally calmed down a little, also had a dignified expression. Of course, he guessed that the reason why Kaido didn't fight back was because he hadn't sobered up, otherwise he would definitely be bullied by a yellow-haired girl.

[No, that's not right, I can only say that fortunately I haven't sobered up yet. ], when thinking about who Kaido’s opponent was just now, Hawkins quickly changed his thinking direction, [If we really fight with the witch here, not only will Kuri be razed to the ground, even we may not be able to escape Kaido Governor's attack. ]
And the subordinates around him and the villagers who haven't escaped from Jianlou Village have all been petrified, and they can't believe what they see with their own eyes.

This is Kaido, one of the Four Emperors! !Even though he was drunk, he was still a top king! !
And that little girl who looks so weak is too scary!Where did those mountain-like crystals come from? ?
After finally regaining his senses, Jack jumped onto the crocodile and drove it towards Kaido quickly, regardless of the wound on his body that had not yet been bandaged. To prevent Mr. Kaido from coming back to become drunk and crazy, all the guys who go to Jianleu Village go to a safe place! They are an important labor force!"

"Yes!" The subordinates who woke up from the yelling quickly responded, and hurriedly drove people around to flee in the opposite direction of the wilderness.

Although they are also very curious about the battle between the Four Emperors and that inexplicable guy, their instinct tells them that if they gossip and watch a show, their lives will not be enough to affect them!
"Drive!" Hawkins also flicked the reins, causing the frightened stag and lion to follow, and then asked his subordinates to follow, "You also follow."

"Ah yes!" Although they were terrified, those who dared not disobey could only bite the bullet and follow behind on a lizard, praying secretly that their lives would not be in danger.

Jianlou Village is near the forest.

Jiutianwan originally planned to take advantage of the chaos and take his men back to the mountain, but after seeing the scene of fighting in the sky, he couldn't help but stop to watch the development of the situation. When he saw the huge Dongfang dragon was directly knocked away by the crystal When he was in the village, he couldn't help showing surprise.You must know that after that person died, he once led a group of samurai to attack Kaido, and suffered heavy losses but did not hurt Kaido a little bit.

Although Jiutianmaru also knew that Kaido was drunk now, but the fight just now took place in the air without any foothold, and being able to bring the dragon-shaped Kaido to the deserted wilderness is enough to show that the opponent is also extraordinary.

[Is that the little girl who didn't know what to do? ], although he knew that it was the best choice for him to leave now, Jiutianmaru still asked his subordinates to go back to the mountain first, while he drove towards the wilderness on the black bull.

Luffy over there.

Luo and Lu Fei originally rushed to the mountain because they were worried about the safety of their partners, but after seeing Encore suddenly appearing and taking the huge Oriental Dragon out of the wilderness, the two of them were directly petrified.

Luo, who was the first to regain his senses, saw the giant dragon disappearing from his field of vision, and grabbed Luffy's collar angrily, "Why did the head of Encore want to fight Kaido?! I still think the current battle is too exposed. Isn't it thorough enough?!"

"If you don't, your friends and I will be in danger! We have to hurry over there!" Luffy took his hand away and explained while rushing towards the wilderness, "Encore There must be a plan for doing things, but now I am worried that she deliberately lured Kaido there!"

"On purpose?!", Luo followed behind with a frown, and after thinking about it carefully, he recalled that Anke once said that he wanted to find someone here in Wano Country, and judging by her appearance at the time, she didn't have much confidence in finding someone. That person, could it be that she wants to take this opportunity to ask Kaido directly? ?
The more Luo thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was correct, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth and roaring, "This is too messy! What if she fights with Kaido?!"

"Anyway, sooner or later, we'll have to fight. If we just knock him down now, then we don't have to worry about it!", Luffy hasn't really seen Kaido's power yet, and his actions and thinking are still straightforward.

"Stop joking! If Kaido was really so easily knocked down by you, his position as the Four Emperors would have changed hands a long time ago!" Seeing his one-sided thoughts, Luo couldn't help shouting, " Remember to calm down after you go there later! There is no movement over there now, and there should be no fight!"

"Oh!" Luffy agreed, quickly jumped through the forest to Jianlou Village, and then rushed in the direction where the giant dragon disappeared.

"Did you hear that!?" Luo, who was following behind, roared loudly, feeling more and more like a mother-in-law.

"Oh! Let's go! Telaan!!"

(End of this chapter)

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