One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 98 4 Emperor Kaido (5)

Chapter 98 Four Emperor Kaido (5)

But when he was approaching the suburbs, Luffy, who was one step ahead, heard the broken crystals piled up in front of him (the crystals that Encore used to knock Kaido away fell down and piled up after being broken) and some panicked conversations came from nearby, The name of the person mentioned in the conversation caught Luffy's attention:

"Master Speed!! Master Speed!!"

"What the hell is going on?!!"

"Someone just saw Master Speed ​​falling from Master Kaido!"


Luffy immediately stopped and ran towards the few people around there. When he squeezed in, he saw Speed, who was lying there motionless with scars, and even a lot of blood remained on the surrounding ground.

On the way she escorted Ayu home, she happened to meet Kaido who was flying over in the form of a dragon and was stopped by him.Even though he was quite drunk, Kaido still didn't forget the strange report he received, that is, Speed ​​was subdued.And here I saw Speed ​​who was supposed to be on duty in Boro Town, which meant that the strange report was telling the truth.

In other words, Speed ​​betrayed!
Kaido, who came to this conclusion, didn't say much nonsense, just opened his mouth and sprayed a ball of fire at her and Ayu who was sitting on her back.Ayu and she should have been dispersed by the high-temperature flames. Fortunately or not, Speed ​​hung on Kaido's long dragon, but Ayu was nowhere to be found.

The drunk Dongfang Dragon didn't notice Speed ​​hanging on his mane, and continued to fly towards Jianlou Village with a flick of his tail. Elephant comparison.

"Ma Mei! Isn't this Ma Mei!", Lu Fei immediately squatted down and nervously helped her up, who was already bleeding, but found that she was so weak that it was difficult for her to breathe.

"What the hell are you trying to do, you bastard!!" Kaido's subordinates around him wanted to drive him away after recovering, but they were directly stunned by Luffy's domineering, rolled their eyes and fell down.

After getting rid of the person in the way, Luffy saw that Speed's right eye, who was breathing in pain, opened a little bit, and asked nervously, "Why are you here?! Did you send Ayu back safely?! In the end how's it going?!"

Speed, who had lost much consciousness, opened his mouth and breathed with difficulty. After a while, she could barely see the outline of Luffy. After feeling that he was an acquaintance, she tried hard to speak in a hoarse voice, "on the way... Master Kaido found out...but still...failed to protect the master..."

After forcing his consciousness to finish speaking the main points, Speed ​​passed out completely, and his extremely weak breathing seemed to stop in the next second.

Thinking of that innocent and kind little girl, Luffy couldn't help but punched the ground hard, "Damn it! I should have followed!"

Luo, who staggered away from Luffy, came back again, and when he saw him standing among a bunch of people who had fallen to the ground, he hurried over, "The Straw Hat!"

"Ayu has been attacked," Lu Fei interrupted him abruptly, but under the seemingly calm surface was the anger and impulsiveness that had burned his rationality and calmness.

That Ayu who endured the hunger and gave himself all the precious white rice, was satisfied with tears because of the little red bean soup, and happily said that today is the happiest birthday, may have encountered Kaido's men Unexpectedly.

"If you defeat him now, everything will be over, right?!" Luffy, who had lost his sanity, growled, cut to the second gear and disappeared here in an instant.

"!!!", Luo, who didn't expect this at all, shrank his pupils, wanted to stop him but couldn't see Luffy's figure, so he could only hold back his panic and rushed towards the wilderness.

The fading breath proved that he was desperately rushing to the wilderness where Kaido was, and the roar of unbearable anger sounded even more in this chaotic environment:



A few minutes ago, after being blown by the wind in the wilderness, Kaido, who was drunk and dazzled by the crystal, finally woke up a little bit. The sudden beating also made him enraged, squinting his eyes and staring at the front That little one planned to crush her into minced meat with one tail or directly burn her to ashes with the dragon's breath flame.

But when he saw the little guy clearly through his hazy vision, he suddenly calmed down a lot, and his interest in the other party's rumors temporarily overwhelmed the impulse to fight.

"It's a witch... That kid seems to have said that you are his prey..." After recognizing who this little guy is, Kaido was surprised that he didn't get angry because of the opponent's previous attack, "It's the straw hat kid again It’s Trafalgar and you, what do you want to do in Wano this time?”

[That kid is probably that bastard, what's going on with that guy's interpersonal relationship...], An Ke frowned slightly, and then just said lightly, "No, to be honest, how do I rule you and what happened to you? The country has no interest at all, even if you destroy the Wano country, it's none of my business.",
"Hi, didn't you just want to protect those fools in Jianlou Village?" Kaido lazily took a nap, and even spewed out a small flame.

"I just want to find a quiet place to ask a question, and Master Kaido probably doesn't want too many people to know about this question." Anke paused, and then asked directly, "Where is the doctor?"

"Huh? What doctor?" Kaido, who was drunk, didn't pay attention to Encore's attack before, but became a little sober because of the question she asked.That's the only doctor who is related to the witch.

"Man-made devil fruit is not a real devil fruit after all, and the probability of successfully transforming into an ability user after eating it will be very low. So I have always been curious, why do Lord Kaido have so many ability users~", An Kewei Tilting his head, he said with a chuckle, "I have only one purpose, which is to catch up with the doctor.",
The long body of the dragon coiled in a circle, Kaido straightened the dragon's head and squinted condescendingly at the little white dot in his vision, flicked his tail and then threw an olive branch, "If you join me, let alone a doctor , I can kill anyone who is not pleasing to the eye."

Anke just smiled, and shook the trident in his hand nonchalantly, "It's really my great honor, after all, I have many enemies, if I have Lord Kaido's backing, those guys won't do anything wrong~"

Kaido, who didn't hear clearly at all, hiccupped slightly, and the huge dragon head wobbled to the lower part, trying to hear what she just said, "Ah? What did you say?"

Looking at the dragon head in mid-air, which was at least five or sixty meters away from him even though he tried his best to make it low, Anke just repeated loudly, "I mean! That's really my honor! After all, I have many enemies, if there is Kaido If adults support you..."

"Oh, you want to join!" Kaido, who only heard a few words, nodded and concluded in understanding, and hiccupped with great satisfaction, "Then I can let the Straw Hat Boys go for now, let's go back and have a drink to celebrate .”

The corner of Anke's mouth twitched, and after propping himself up with illusion vines, he shouted loudly and briefly again, "I mean, thank you for your invitation! But..."

"Don't be so moved to thank so many times, hiccup..." Kaido, who continued to talk to himself, interrupted her again, making decisions on his own, which is very pirate-like.

"##", the corner of Anke's mouth twitched, and when he couldn't breathe, he held the trident in his right hand and waved it at the drunk Dongfang Long, "Crystal-Sky Burial!"

Twenty cone-shaped crystals tens of meters high and seven to eight meters wide fell down in an instant from the dark clouds accumulated above the dragon, rubbing against the dragon's body covered with hard scales in pairs, from the head to the dragon's body. Tail, directly clamp the dragon.

"!!", Kaido, who was flying in the air, only felt the long dragon body being clamped, uncontrollably being carried by the crystals and falling straight to the ground.

"Bang bang bang bang...boom!", the muffled sound of dozens of heavy objects being inserted into the solid ground and the heavy sound of a huge object hitting the opposite side came from the suddenly raised dust, and the ground shook accordingly. After the sound quieted down, the ground began to return to silence, and the raised dust and weeds also fell silent.

A long dragon was nailed to the messy wilderness in this way. Each pair of cone-shaped crystals just rubbed against the dragon's body and inserted into the ground, firmly preventing the giant dragon lying on the ground from moving from beginning to end.The drunken giant dragon pawed at the ground with its four feet with sharp claws, trying to prop itself up but couldn't do so, only vaguely heard a slightly immature female voice saying angrily, "Lord Kaido is still Let's talk after you wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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