One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 99 4 Emperor Kaido (6)

Chapter 99 Four Emperor Kaido (6)


Suddenly, roars full of anger and murderous intent came from far and near, and the huge Oriental Dragon, which was still dazed and suppressed by heavy crystals, suddenly opened its eyes full of vigilance. Struggling up, accompanied by a domineering impact, all the crystals were shattered in a short while and flew into the air again.

"Luffy?!?!", Enke also didn't expect to hear the voice of Captain Straw Hat here, and looked towards the right front where the voice came from in disbelief. ran towards here.

Turning his head to look at the giant dragon over there, he condescendingly stared down at the kid in the red kimono rushing to him, and for a while he couldn't recognize who he was, "You are?"

Even in the face of the huge Dongfang Dragon, which is tens of thousands of times his size, Luffy still has no fear at all, staring fiercely at the dragon above him and introducing himself without fear, without paying attention to the Four Emperors opposite him at all Li, "I'm Luffy! The man who wants to be the One Piece!"

"Luffy?? You said you are Luffy?!" Kaido, who only noticed the first half of the sentence for the time being, thought that the culprit who destroyed the SMILE plan was standing in front of him, and immediately opened his huge dragon mouth in anger. Start to condense the fiery fireball.

And Luffy, who was equally angry, thought that the innocent Ayu was hurt by this guy in front of him, so he didn't care about the consequences. He bit his right thumb and ran up the nearby collapsed crystal. On the right side of Dongfang Dragon, the pair of giant-sized fists has been attached with armed arrogance and is about to hit the dragon that is about to breathe fire, "Rubber rubber - like a gun!!"

The fireball condensed in the throat was scattered by the huge fist that hit the left face directly, and the countless huge fists that followed continued to hit the dragon's head like an endless storm. Only the sound of punching fists and Luffy's roar remained. .

"..." An Ke, who hadn't expected such an accident at all, was really stunned, staring dumbfounded at the straw hat captain who was beating fiercely and unilaterally.

"!!!!" Luo, who arrived here a step too late, was also frightened, dumbfounded and even sweating a lot, standing there in a daze, the only thought in his mind was that it was over.

Fei Teng's giant dragon, which was originally in mid-air, fell downward because of the sudden and violent attack. The huge dragon body fell to the ground, but the attack from above still did not stop. Keep leaning back.

After grabbing the ground with his right front paw to stabilize himself, he instantly caught a little gap between his fists, and immediately opened his huge dragon mouth to breathe out directly. The air mixed with the smell of wine sprayed out from his huge body like a gust of wind passing through. Directly rushed Luffy who was still in mid-air.

The strong wind even flattened the ground that was overgrown with weeds. In an instant, there was a clean flat land in front of Kaido, and the weeds and rocks that were blown far away were piled up into a hill.

After squinting his eyes to find out where Luffy was blown away, the huge Dongfang Dragon's long tail swept over and slammed down on Luffy's position from top to bottom. The sky shook and the ground shook, and even several pieces of crystals that had piled up were shaken off.

And Luffy, who switched to the second gear, had already jumped into the sky again, but Kaido found his trace, and then three high-temperature fireballs shot towards him.

After quickly flashing past the three fireballs, Luffy had no time to look at the place that was mostly destroyed by the three fireballs. He bit his left thumb and breathed in, and then raised his right fist high into the sky, which had become like a giant. Average fist.Taking advantage of the high-altitude gravity, Luffy roared and punched Kaido with his domineering right fist, "Rubber rubber-elephant gun!!"

A fist with all its strength knocked the standing dragon head down again. Before Dongfang Long could react, a giant-like foot kicked down from the sky and hit the dragon's long neck directly. .

The place where it was kicked was obviously deformed, and at the same time, the huge Dongfang dragon also fell towards the ground.Not long after, there was another roar in the air, and at the same time, two huge fists hit Dongfang Long's head with thunderous momentum, "Rubber rubber-Grizzly bear rule!!!"

The giant dragon, which took the blow without evading it, hit the ground hard. Its heavy weight and huge size directly smashed the ground into several cracks, and even crushed many crystals into powder.

In the large amount of dust raised up, one can vaguely see the long body of the huge Dongfang Dragon begin to shrink, and after a while, it turned into a huge man with a height of about nine meters and fell there.

"..." Anke, who had finally accepted the reality, closed her uncontrollably opened mouth. Not only did she not relax at all after seeing Kaido lying there, but two huge words floated across her mind, " Damn..."

And Luo, who had witnessed all this, had already froze there, the shock was so great that his expression was a little out of control, and the remaining bit of reason told him that he should step forward to dissuade that impulsive and reckless ally, but he also knew that there was no way to dissuade him Luffy lost his cool.

Hawkins and Jack who rushed here, as well as Shutianmaru who came to check the situation, were also shocked by this scene. Although Kaido was drunk now, he was knocked down by a young pirate and even turned back into a human form. It is simply unimaginable.

After a while, Kaido, who fell on the ground like a little giant, groped on the ground, touched his mace, stood up staggeringly with his drunken body, and swayed slowly from the crack to the ground. out of the ground.

And Luffy, who was still dizzy with anger, clenched his fists and walked in front of Kaido, looked up at him viciously, and at the same time bit the domineering right arm wrapped in armor and blew, the rubber body immediately swelled up, almost Seconds later, the fourth gear, the elastic man with extreme elasticity, is on the way, "Fourth gear-elastic man!!"

"..." Kaido, who looked sober on the surface but was actually still drunk, paused when he saw this change, as if he was curious because of this interesting change.

"I will never forgive you!!" Thinking of the innocent Ayu, Luffy roared again, his fists retracted into his arms due to the strong toughness of the rubber, and when he punched out with excellent elasticity, there was no trace of the fist at all. , "Rubber Rubber-Ape King Gun!!"

Kaido, who had received these two punches firmly, only took a few steps back, and the heavy mace he was carrying shook accordingly. After he stood still, he seemed to have not woken up from drunkenness. Luffy preparing his next move.

"Rubber Rubber-Ape King Crow Cannon!!" Countless fists came down from the sky. The elasticity and toughness of the rubber made it almost impossible to see the traces of those fists, only a large afterimage could be seen.

After enduring the fierce attack for more than ten seconds without counterattack, Kaido, who had already stepped on the ground a few meters deep, staggered because of the instability of the ground, and was hit by the countless fists and flew back, slashing across the ground. It stopped after exiting a long pit several meters deep.

Luffy, who was in mid-air, was panting heavily, looking warily at Kaido who had fallen there and remained silent for a while.

Kaido finally woke up after lying on the ground for a while, his right hand holding the mace kept tightening, and the next second he opened his eyes suddenly, and suddenly the sky was full of wind and clouds, and purple lightning suddenly appeared And kept chopping on the ground.

After standing up from the ground, Kaido's gloomy expression changed from his previous confusion. When the arrogant domineering and murderous aura unfolded, it caused a strong wind, and the surging dark clouds in the sky were restless because of his presence.

Luffy, who didn't waste time, felt that his state had changed, but he didn't think much about it. He bit his right hand and blew, and then swung a giant fist in fourth gear, "Rubber Rubber-Great Ape King gun!!"

The mace held in Kaido's right hand is directly attached to the armed arrogance, and before the attack that is almost invisible, he directly holds the mace in his right hand and waved it. The biting arrogance even caused the air to roar, " Thunder gossip!!"

The black mace blocked Luffy's attack and at the same time beat him to death. The seemingly simple blow had already knocked Luffy to death and was sent flying far away uncontrollably.Originally in the fourth gear, he also spewed out a large amount of gas uncontrollably because of losing consciousness. He hovered in the air for several times before falling hard, and slid on the ground for a certain distance before hitting Stone stopped.

Luffy who fell on the ground was covered in a mess, lost consciousness and fell there motionless, a large amount of blood flowed out from the broken head, and formed a small puddle on the ground after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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