The Soul Emperor, the man in black who was the leader of the group of evil soul masters, was too confident. He confidently believed that with his own cultivation and the assistance of the demonic plant, he was nothing more than a group of little guys whose highest level was the Soul Sect. The dead souls under his hands are just a matter of sooner or later.

Therefore, he never thought about why seven of the eight members of the reserve team came, but the soul master was the only one left.

Maybe he also thought about it. After all, it is no longer a problem that Shrek Academy pays more attention to the martial arts department than the soul guidance department. The only soul master is probably rejected by this team.

However, is this really the case?
The Soul Emperor quickly approached with a ferocious smile on his face.

The moment he cooperated with the bite of the demonic plant and raised the black sword in his hand to slash down——

Xu Sanshi stood firm and motionless.

No, although there was no hesitation in his body, the Xuan Ming Shield he held in his hand suddenly spread out and turned into pieces of armor shields, rearranged and combined, and condensed into a shield that was even larger than the original Xuan Ming Shield. Nearly three times the size of the square shield.

It's just that the shield seems to be thinner than the Xuanming Shield he is holding.

"Second Soul Skill, Mysterious Underworld Shield Formation!"

The large square shield formed instantly, turning into a safe house and firmly protecting the seven people under the shield formation.

Xiao Xiao was not idle either.

The defensive ability of her Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron is second only to Xu Sanshi's Xuanming Shield.

The ink-colored Sansheng Soul-Calming Cauldron suddenly grew in size and fell upside down the moment it landed on the safe house.

Huo Yunche felt that her eyes suddenly darkened, and even the noise in her ears was blocked. Although it was not completely invisible, she still closed her eyes subconsciously.

Because of this, the stench of blood in her nose became stronger, so strong that she couldn't suppress the blood-colored eyes that were almost steaming.

"Jie Jie—"

"Do you think everything will be fine if you create a bastard shell for yourself?" A trace of disdain flashed across the Soul Emperor's face, his sixth soul ring flashed instantly, and he raised his knife and dropped it!
However, the next second, something unexpected happened!


Three artillery shells that came from no one knew where they flew without making any sound in the vast darkness. Only when they were at close range, they roared down from the sky like a violent storm, falling impartially. When it reached the Soul Emperor, it exploded with a bang!

Astonishingly, there were three black fixed soul cannons!

It turned out that, like Caitou and Beibei, he rushed out of the auction house when he noticed the flashing flare in the sky, but his situation was special after all, and close combat was not his strong point.

So, he and Beibei and the others went their separate ways. When he noticed the violent fluctuations in soul power outside the city wall, he secretly climbed up to the building that was most suitable for him to carry the turret near the edge of the city wall.

This is also the reason why Xu Sanshi and Xiao Xiao made two layers of protective shields.

The magic plant that was grinding its teeth towards the seven people was suddenly blown away. The magic plant evolved from dozens of magic vines was caught off guard and was broken at the waist. It was still covered with raging fire after the missile exploded. Fire spreads and burns.

"Cough cough cough, who?"

The hunched figure of the Soul Emperor scattered smoke and dust all over the sky.

He gritted his teeth and looked up, but He Caitou, the instigator, had already packed his bags, found a place for himself to squat, and continued to reload the soul guide turret to prepare for the next "sudden" attack.He bent down and silently took out three fixed soul cannons from the storage ring, but the expression on his face was somewhat painful.

These gadgets are money-hungry guys. He has been with the teacher for so long and has only developed these six. He originally wanted to save them for the Soul Master Competition.

Forget it, they don’t have to play anyway, it’s better to use them in the battle with the Soul Emperor, which can be regarded as full value for them!
He Caitou raised his eyes and glanced at the battlefield not far away, with a hint of joy flashing in his eyes.

This is also thanks to the custom-installed soul guide.

If it were an ordinary soul guide, each one would have its own soul power light. In this dark night, it would be like a beacon guiding the way. It could be so bright that it would make him poke his eyes out. He would be It has to be exposed even if it is not exposed.

Only a custom-installed soul guide can produce an effect that is invisible to God and ghosts without exposing his body.

He took up the soul guide and aimed again!
But when he saw the scene on the city wall, his palms suddenly became wet!
One, two, three, four, five.

One soul emperor plus four soul kings!
The enemies have all gathered together.

Huo Yunche's eyebrows were serious.

"Brother, Wang Dong, how is your soul power recovering?" Huo Yunche asked softly.

"Only [-]% has been recovered." Huo Yuhao's face was pale, and even the color of his lips had an unhealthy tone.

"I can." Wang Dong opened his eyes. Unlike Huo Yuhao, who still needs to use his soul power to maintain mental detection sharing, he has focused all his attention on recovery since entering the "safe house". In addition, his soul power consumption It was mostly used for liftoff, and after a short time, nearly half of it was restored.

"Then let's meet this group of evil soul masters and see if the evil cultivators at the Soul King and Soul Emperor level are afraid of almost divine power, right?!"

Huo Yunche's eyes were dyed with a trace of color. She was not aimless. Wang Dong's soul power belonged to the light, and her Suzaku martial soul was also the nemesis of evil. When the two blended together, even if they couldn't kill each other, they could still bite them. Apply the opposite layer of skin.

What's more, they are still hiding in the dark, although they are self-made.

"Xiao Xiao, Brother Xu, I leave the defense to you."

"Do not worry."

Huo Yunche and Wang Dong held hands tightly. They looked at each other and slowly closed their eyes. In an instant, as if they had a clear understanding in their hearts, Huo Yunche stood on tiptoes slightly, while Wang Dong bent slightly. Lower their waists, their foreheads were close to each other.


There is a special aura blooming from their bodies.

That kind of aura is very strange. It is different from the light in Wang Dong's usual life, and different from the blazing heat in Huo Yunche's body. Instead, it is strangely mixed together, sacred and gentle, covering up the mania and the heat. Gone is the glitz, but still has to be feared.

Behind Wang Dong, there is still the complete and magnificent goddess of light butterfly that has appeared many times. The difference is that the goddess of light butterfly seems to have lost its wings, and is only barefoot, standing in mid-air, slowly opening its Between the eyes, there are tiny golden light spots.

What appeared behind Huo Yunche was a thin figure with folded wings. The wings were spread horizontally, as if breathing in the breath of fire flowing in the air. The looming figure was actually locked by the prairie fire, with only a pair of wings exposed. Pure and without a trace of impurities, the pupils of Suzaku's miniature are engraved.

In the sky, two huge lights and shadows were like their masters, their hands touching each other, the light swirling all over the sky, and the color spread in an instant, blending and overlapping with each other.

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