The folded wings slowly opened, spreading its wings filled with flowing fire, and slowly hugged the barefoot figure in the mid-empty spot, slowly falling, guarding the two people who had overturned all-round trust and dependence.

"Hymn in the Embers, Holy Flame of the Divine Sun!"

On the huge [-]-foot-long wings, the flowing colors changed. The black light that occupied a large area of ​​the wings condensed and merged under the interweaving of the flowing lights, and the blue and gold wings suddenly grew wildly!


Wings spread vertically!

After taking off the deep mysterious veil, and looking carefully, there seemed to be a god-like girl standing on the top of the endless place, with a red gauze wrapped around her wrists, long curly hair, and golden long hair hanging down in mid-air. It spreads out like clouds, but also seems to be the unreachable scorching heat on the other side, warm and boundless sacred.

The slightly opened beautiful eyes were like bright stars. They were neither sad nor happy, but when they noticed the evil intention lingering around them, their expressions suddenly changed.

Two pairs of wings suddenly fell!


"Xiao Xiao, Brother Xu!" Huo Yuhao shouted.

"Got it!" Xiao Xiao and Xu Sanshi waved their hands. The Three Life Suppressing Soul Cauldron and the Xuanming Shield Array followed their thoughts, suddenly retracted, and turned into their original appearance, quietly in front of them and in their hands. Every now and then, place.

The evil soul masters were all slightly shocked.

Before they could respond,
"Yang Yan, judge!"

A terrifying mixture of red, blue, and gold colors transformed into a sacred white light filled with brilliant fire, which gradually condensed into a palm-sized nine-turn golden lotus, slowly falling from the sky.

Although it was slow, but in an instant, he was in front of them.


The sound of the word "诛" seemed to come from the hinterland of the ancient universe with endless majesty. In the next moment, the slowly falling nine-turn golden lotus suddenly disintegrated and scattered, and every lotus leaf He went straight to find the exclusive target and dropped from the tops of the five evil soul masters without any hesitation.

The expressions of the four soul kings and one soul emperor suddenly changed, and there was even a hint of fear in their eyes.

That holy light lotus is definitely their nemesis!
The five people felt that the gravity on their spines was increasing exponentially, and the evil spirits in their bodies began to flee under the pressure of the sacred power. What frightened them even more was that the holy lotus that judged them It was actually dissolved directly into their flesh and blood meridians, and the soul power they gained from "hard training" was constantly collapsing and dissolving!

The Soul Emperor's eyes were red, and his bloody eyes were staring at the goddess with her wings flying in the air. Unfortunately, the gaze like a bloodthirsty beast did not change the look of the girl in the air at all. .

She was just indifferent, tapping her fingertips in the air.

Another lotus petal fell off and fell slowly, covering those eyes full of malice!

The pain that was like a burning soul spread out from the depths of the Soul Emperor's eyes, pulling and tearing into pieces. The blood color in his eyes was gradually decreasing, but what followed was the tiny golden light that quietly occupied his eyes. Nothing could be seen except for the dazzling white pupil, although the fine golden light only occupied a corner of the pupil.

His spirit even fell into a trance for a moment!

This feeling is amazing. Apart from the pain at the beginning, all that is left is a burning sensation all over the body. It is like a dirty person walking into a bathhouse, being stripped naked and thrown into the pool, and washed with scalding hot water. The stains all over his body were as pure and flawless as possible, but the coldness that had been running around in his body was gone, and there was still a slight arousing feeling.But only for a moment!
A person who deals with evil all day long suddenly comes into contact with light. Even if he has the idea of ​​doing good in that moment, how can it be so easy to change his ways?

In just a moment, the warm feeling faded away, and the bone-chilling coldness filled his back again, wandering through his meridians. Although the dissolution of soul power and evil energy had a great impact on him at that moment of contact, the dignified Soul Emperor , how can he always be troubled by the sacred power generated by this martial soul fusion skill that is less than the fourth ring?
So, he gritted his teeth, swallowed the blood, and directed the soul power in his body to fight against the power of the holy lotus. He still stood upright against the dissolving pain and the overwhelming pressure of the absolute judgment of evil. He raised his waist, gathered his Zhan Zhan legs, stepped hard on the ground, and shot out, suddenly launching an attack on the few juniors in front of him who could be regarded as his grandchildren!
If the roles of the two parties were reversed, they would still have to praise their strong character, but...

The black sword slashed out again!

The girl who was flapping her wings seemed to be aware of it. With a wave of her hand, the remaining three lotus petals fell off one after another under her command. The sudden yangyan fire swung down in mid-air, but did not hit the falling sword. Instead, it was directly burning towards the owner of the broadsword martial spirit - the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor!

As the saying goes, if you attack the enemy, you must save it!

However, after launching this attack, the last trace of soul power of Huo Yunche and Wang Dong had been squeezed out.

The soul power of the two people was not even enough to maintain their martial soul fusion skills. The figure of the divine girl in mid-air flickered for a few moments before finally disintegrating, and their bodies also fell weakly towards the city.


"Wang Dong!"

"Little Yun Che!"

"Little Junior Sister!"

The five people on the edge of the city wall all had their pupils shrunken, and the faster Beibei stepped directly on the city wall and jumped down!

He was faster, and Jiang Nannan was even faster. The third soul ring flashed, and in a few flashes, the landing point of Wang Dong, who was chasing Huo Yunche, flashed away.

However, teleportation is still limited by distance, and it cannot keep up with the falling speed of Huo Yunche and Wang Dong who are in a semi-conscious state.

Just when the two of them were looking a little desperate——

Suddenly, a fiery red figure in the distance shot out like a meteor chasing the moon. The flying speed actually left dozens of afterimages in the sky!

Just before Huo Yunche and Wang Dong were about to fall to the ground, he picked them up and protected them in his arms. Without any pause, he spread his wings and flew towards the top of the city wall. go.

He also picked up Beibei and Jiang Nannan, who were chasing Huo Yunche and jumping down from the top of the city.

She handed Huo Yunche and Wang Dong in her arms into the hands of Xiao Xiao and Huo Yuhao. With a strong momentum, she turned around suddenly and slashed at several men in black not far away with her beautiful eyes.

"I wonder who is so bold as to attack people from Shrek Academy!" A fierce and wild voice sounded, faintly mixed with a bit of anger and a bit of fear.

Huo Yunche struggled to open her eyes. The scene in her eyes was still illusory and unable to focus, but she still vaguely saw that there was such a fire goddess, bathed in flames, with phoenix wings spread out behind her, like He was protecting them like a chicken.

"Senior sister." She murmured.

At this moment, the last trace of grudge against Ma Xiaotao in the four little ones' hearts disappeared.

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