Douluo 2: I transmigrated as Huo Yuhao's own sister

Chapter 386 Energy-Gathered Soul Guidance Cannon

Chapter 386 Energy-Gathered Soul Guidance Cannon

"Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy, Blood Wolf."

As Xue Lang said this, he looked at Xiao Xiao and He Caitou for a long time, his eyes full of inquiry.

As everyone knows, Xiao Xiao and He Caitou are also looking at him repeatedly.

There is no other reason.

It was also the first time that they saw someone whose name and appearance were so similar.

He is slightly taller than Tang Xiaolei, and his figure is also burly and tight. In terms of body shape, only He Caitou, who was picked up by Fan Yu when he was a child and grew up in a pile of soul tools, has several The strength can compete with him.

But that's not the point.

Xue Lang's exposed skin showed an irregular red color. Although it could not be said to be the kind of bright red after being burned, it was still a little black, almost giving the impression of fertile red soil.

His arms were bare, covered with thick hair, long and curly, but not seeping out, with clear roots and eye-catching black hair. It even shone a little under the sun. It could be seen that the owner took good care of it. good.

Huo Yunche stared at the big screen in a daze. Why did she think this blood wolf looked so much like a werewolf?

The fingers are slightly longer than the average person, but the middle finger and ring finger are about the same length, almost the same length. The small handful of slightly red hair under the palm is inconspicuous, as if it has a small growth. It looks like a mole. If it weren't for the magnification of the big screen, it would be hard to see it.

Especially the flexible ears, the ends are actually slightly tapered and sharp. They don't hang down like ordinary people, but are straightened and pointed towards the back of the ear.

Coupled with the canine teeth that flashed when he introduced himself, they are unusually developed and glowing with a sharp light. At a glance, he is fully qualified to be the savage who "grinds his teeth and sucks blood"!

It really looks like a werewolf!
Huo Yunche's eyes brightened.

"Please take the participating players from both sides to the designated positions."

Xiao Xiao and He Caitou looked back in tacit understanding, and without any hesitation came to the end of the stage. One after another, they turned around and stood still.

Tang Xiaolei and Xuelang stood on the same latitude.

The two sides looked at each other from a distance through the white tiger Duke who stood in the middle and was wearing silver-black armor. The fighting spirit and provocation in his eyes still aroused a crackling electric light even though they were as far apart as the entire arena.

The White Tiger Duke is naturally happy with the beauty of adulthood.

"The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition, the second game of the fourth round of the round robin, the competition begins!"

Following Duke White Tiger's order, the eyes of both parties condensed for a moment, and both quickly released their own martial spirits, some originating from the bonds deep in their souls.

The Sansheng Soul-Suppressing Cauldron was spinning in circles in front of Xiao Xiao. The original simple cauldron without a trace of patterns actually had a few silver wires on its body. A picture of a giant turtle talking. The next moment, the strong aura faintly rippled, but the distance was not far, and it only enveloped He Caitou and the owner of the Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron, Xiao Xiao.

This breath.
A trace of surprise flashed in He Caitou's eyes.

Apart from anything else, he felt that his body seemed to be a little firmer under the washing of this breath. Both his strength and defensive ability seemed to have been greatly improved!

It has almost one-third of the improvement effect brought by obtaining the soul ring!
This is an extra thing, so how can we not surprise him?

But a surprise is a surprise, and he didn't forget his own business.

He Caitou did not choose to move forward. Instead, he squatted on the spot, holding a slender cigar diagonally in his mouth. The red light was bright. It was two meters long and half a meter wide. The soul guide cannon was quickly raised, shouldered, and loaded with the operation of the big hand, all in one go!
He Caitou narrowed his left eye slightly and moved his steps. After adjusting the direction, the giant black cannon barrel was pointed directly in the direction of Tang Xiaolei and Xuelang, full of threats. and intimidation.

The audience in the audience began to whisper to each other. As they spoke, they pointed their fingers in the direction of He Caitou. They didn't know what they were talking about, but their faces were obviously hesitant. There were even many people who were wondering whether this giant barrel was OK. He and Caitou were quarreling over whether it was a foul play to install the soul cannon and whether the Star Luo Empire was covering it up.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire, Xu Jiawei, who was sitting in the stands with the best view, had no choice but to hold his forehead. He waved to the attendants waiting at the side, and then whispered a few words. Then the attendants quickly took off their clothes and trotted towards the White Tiger Duke. He ran in the direction of Hao.

Even a man as powerful as Duke Dai Hao of the White Tiger could not "disdain" the people sent by the royal family. He bowed his head respectfully and listened attentively.

Then, his eyes accurately fell on He Caitou, who was accumulating energy but could not be killed by himself, and said "warning": "Classmate He Caitou, the use of fixed soul cannons is prohibited in this soul fighting competition."

"Report to the referee, what I am holding is a charged soul cannon, which does not belong to the category of custom-installed soul cannons." He Caitou grinned and placed his fingertips on the attack button of the charged soul cannon without hesitation. fall!

Don't give everyone any chance to resist at all!

Dazzling white light shines brightly.

The soul power was greatly concentrated at the muzzle of the charged soul cannon.

A sudden burst of fear caused chaos in the world. In an instant, sand and rocks were flying, and birds were jumping for joy!
Tang Xiaolei and Xuelang were horrified when they were targeted. Goosebumps all over their bodies exploded and their hair stood on end. The instant perception of danger caused the two of them to spread apart. The two people who were originally running on the same level suddenly turned into two. A winding track!

Even Xiao Xiao, who had his back turned to He Caitou, felt alarm bells ringing in his heart. Although this powerful force was not as powerful as the fixed soul guide he had seen before, it was almost the same.

It feels as if as soon as He Caitou lets go of the trigger, the cannon will instantly transform into a bird longing for freedom, soaring away to pursue its dear lover - the locked Tang Xiao. Tears and blood wolves, life seems to have entered a countdown in an instant!
Even so, Tang Xiaolei and Xuelang didn't dare to stop.

Although the two of them are not soul engineers, they have heard about the concentrated soul cannon, which is very similar in size and power to the fixed soul cannon.

Generally speaking, as long as the soul masters are not obsessed with close combat competitions, most soul masters will take the lead in developing concentrated soul guide cannons before researching and making customized soul guides.

The craftsmanship of the two is similar, the skills are the same, the body shapes are similar, and even the metals used are almost the same. Some soul engineers once jokingly said that the concentrated soul cannon is a low-end version of the customized soul cannon. It is a pirated version and is good. make.

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