Chapter 387 One-minute appointment
"No, no, this is not a simple concentrated soul cannon."

Standing alone outside to calm down his inexplicable fluctuating mood, Xiao Hongchen frowned. Based on his experience of playing in Mingde Hall as his own backyard for more than ten years, ordinary concentrated soul cannons are absolutely not as powerful as To the extent that it is in the hands of He Caitou.

Super focused soul cannon.

Such a name suddenly appeared in his mind, and his expression immediately changed slightly, and he turned around and walked towards the lounge of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy without hesitation.

at the same time--

"What the second senior brother is holding should be a super-focused soul guide cannon." Huo Yunche's face showed tension visible to the naked eye. Between the super-focused soul guide cannon and the super-focused soul guide cannon, there is only one missing. words, but the power between the two parties is not the same. Naturally, the amount of soul power that needs to be injected when using it is also unimaginable by others.

Don't look at it, He Caitou can still stand firmly in place.

But the cigars that were extinguished and replaced one after another on his lips were telling everyone about the unimaginable power pouring out of his body.

Little did he know that He Caitou was also suffering from cramps in his opera singing legs and could not get off the stage.

There was a hint of bitterness in the corner of his mouth.

He was only a fourth-ring soul master, and Xiao Xiao was only a third-ring soul master.

No matter how talented the two are, there is still a huge gap between them and the members of the Advanced Soul Master Academy, especially the Soul King Tang Xiaolei. This is the gap caused by age. , can't be surpassed.

At this moment, if I say anything, I was definitely better than him when I was the same age as him - such words are absolutely false.

But they are certainly limited by this desperation.

Especially after rejecting the participation of Beibei, the strongest member of the team, the combat power is even more stretched.

Therefore, after thinking again and again, he pulled out the most powerful super-charged soul cannon that could be used in the competition. The only problem was that he didn't have enough soul power.

That's right, the soul power is not enough.

The soul power storage of the Four-ring Soul Sect can only balance the needs of the concentrated soul guide cannon, but the super concentrated soul guide cannon requires at least the total soul power of a strong soul king level. Only in this way can the penetration be truly triggered. The terrifying power of the super focused soul cannon.

But even if He Caitou and Xiao Xiao are stuffed in together, I'm afraid they won't be able to meet the energy supply needs of the super-focused soul guide cannon?

What else can be done?

Wisely, He Caitou made a decision overnight.

He made a slight upgrade to the core of the super-focused soul guide cannon based on the design of the super-focused soul guide cannon overnight, and replaced the core of the super-focused soul guide cannon with it. In this way, a person wearing a super-focused soul guide cannon The skin is actually a fake super-charged soul cannon with an upgraded version of the core of the charged soul cannon, and this is how it was born.

So it’s okay for him to answer the White Tiger Duke that this is a concentrated soul cannon. This wolf in sheep’s clothing likes to sell dog meat with sheep’s heads. It’s not too outrageous, right?

Having said that, this pseudo-super-focused soul cannon still has a huge demand for soul power, which is why He Caitou has been constantly changing the cigarillo in his mouth, but... at least not Will it squeeze people out? The most it can do is squeeze him until he feels like an unpeeled sugar cane! He also possesses 85% of his power! Isn’t this deal a great deal?

The fighting style of Caitou and Xiao Xiao is based on the idea that one can achieve success in one battle, and failure will lead to failure.

The only drawback is that a super focused soul cannon that was originally reusable was turned into a disposable product. Hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins flew away, and even gold soul coins were smashed together. There is no chance of jingling.

Xiao Xiao quietly stood in front of He Caitou, her eyes darkened. She recalled the specific details of how she and her senior brother secretly pulled her aside to discuss in a low voice last night after the tactical seminar where everyone gathered together -

"Xiao Xiao, are you sure you can stop the opponent for one minute at the beginning of tomorrow's game?" He Caitou looked down at Xiao Xiao, who was still petite in front of him. There was a trace of hesitation on his face, but he still chose to put everything aside. The tray comes out.

"One minute?" Xiao Xiao raised his eyes in surprise.

"I want to use the super-charged soul guide cannon, but it is a modified simplified version. If it succeeds, although there is no guarantee that we will win, it may be guaranteed that Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy will not win." He Caitou whispered. He said, when he mentioned the matter of "guaranteeing that Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy cannot win", a bit of leaping confidence flashed between his eyebrows.

"Senior Brother." Xiao Xiao lowered his head, drew a few messy circles on the ground with his toes, and then exhaled a deep breath, "Is just one minute enough?"


"Okay, I will do my best to win this minute of time difference for you."


Three small cauldrons were slowly hanging in the air, less than one meter in front of her. They looked vigilant, as if if there was an intruder that violated their airspace or territory, they would plunge down, framed in the air. Their heads were smashed with several bloody wounds, exuding a faint threatening look.

That compartment.

Xue Lang and Tang Xiaolei, who were locked by the super-charged soul guide cannon, exchanged glances. One of them rushed out, while the other, like a cabbage, raised his hands, almost level with his chest. The coercion swept out in an instant, and he was faintly on a par with He Caitou!
There was no need to think too much about the man who rushed out. He was a blood wolf that looked very much like a werewolf in Huo Yunche's eyes!
However, at this time, he not only looked like a werewolf, but directly transformed into a werewolf, galloping ahead at lightning speed, his figure passing by, and the faint afterimage left behind could still be vaguely seen. The first soul ring that flickers slightly!

"The first soul skill, wolf transformation!"

I saw the figure of the blood wolf swelled several times in an instant, and the bulging muscles were full of explosive beauty!

The long silver-gray hair along his slightly arched back was blown away by the fierce wind that swept through the charge. The hair, which was not long at first, actually seemed to be beaten during the charge. Like hormones, it extends crazily outward!

At the same time, the blood wolf's fingers, which were slightly longer than ordinary people, suddenly grew sharp claws about half a meter long. The crescent-like arc was glowing with a cool silver light. It was not difficult to see that the strength was almost enough to Tear apart a giant rhinoceros known for its defensive power out of thin air!

The soul wolf is completely possessed!

The other one standing there with his hands raised was naturally the only Soul King in this competition—Tang Xiaolei!

It was different from the decision made by the blood wolf to rush forward quickly.

Tang Xiaolei raised his left hand slightly, turned his palm up, and a large bow with intricate carvings engraved on it instantly appeared in his palm.

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