Chapter 12


Su Ze gasped in pain, suspecting that Zhang Fantie had practiced Shaolin's unique iron crotch skill.

He kicked Zhang Fantie's ass with all his strength, but it was as if he was kicking on a big iron block, and his leg was almost broken due to the shock.

"Drive!" Su Ze yelled at the driver.

Seeing that the driver was still hesitating, Su Ze naturally couldn't let the escape opportunity he finally created slip away. He reached out from his bag and took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills, stuffed them into the driver's arms, and ordered, "Go!"

This wad of banknotes immediately penetrated the driver's incomprehensible thoughts and pointed out the direction for him. The driver stepped on the accelerator and went straight to the end. Amidst the roar of the engine, the car sped out with smoke.

As soon as the car moved, Zhang Fantie became anxious, his strength exploded in an instant, his body swelled up a circle, his carapace-like skin was coated with a layer of metallic color, like a glaring King Kong, he broke free from the fetid old man's shackles with a roar.

Although the three men in black had a numerical advantage, Zhang Fantie was in his prime and his body was at its peak, unlike the stinking old man whose physical body was already on the decline. Facing Zhang Fantie's sudden eruption, the three had no choice but to avoid the edge temporarily.

Zhang Fantie didn't bother with the three men in black. He jumped three meters high and chased after the taxi that had already driven away.

The driver saw Zhang Fantie chasing closer and closer through the rearview mirror, his face turned pale, and he asked, "Little brother, what level of evolution is this chasing you?"

The existence of evolutionaries is no secret. Now is the era of evolution for all. However, the vast majority of ordinary people can only absorb low-quality extracts. What skills they absorb depends entirely on fate. After all, high-quality extracts with powerful skills It's expensive, and it's not something ordinary people can afford.

Because the quality of the absorbed extract is too low, most people will fail in the first evolution. If they are lucky, they can successfully evolve and become a life form in the pupa stage, which is enough to find a good job in society and have a bright future. future.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, the evolutionary of the pupae stage is already a master, the cocoon-breaking stage is an absolute big shot, as for the butterfly stage, it is a legendary figure, unreachable, only on TV And only on the Internet have the opportunity to see.

If the master driver knew that the chasing car was a strong man in the butterfly stage, he might be so frightened that he couldn't even hold the steering wheel steadily.

Su Ze didn't answer the driver's question, but took out his mobile phone and scanned the driver's payment code, and transferred 1000 yuan to him to strengthen his courage.

This trick really worked, the driver didn't ask any more questions, but his hands on the steering wheel became firmer.

Seeing that Zhang Fantie was about to catch up, Su Ze could only be anxious. Fortunately, at this time, the three men in black led by the stinking old man came up again.

The three of them showed their own special abilities and used all kinds of messy skills, with the purpose of dragging Zhang Fantie back and preventing him from catching up with the taxi.

From the perspective of the stench trio, they would rather let Su Ze run away than let him fall into Zhang Fantie's hands.

Su Ze ran away, but it was a good thing for them. They can track the fourth-order extract on Su Ze's body to determine Su Ze's location. At that time, Su Ze will not be protected by Zhang Fantie. The fish is at their disposal.

The stinky old man flew up like a bat and swooped in front of Zhang Fantie. The other two men in black, one launched a mental attack at Zhang Fantie from a distance, and the other spat out milky white silk thread from his mouth, weaving it into a spider web towards Zhang Fantie. Zhang Fan stepped aside.

Under the obstruction of the three people, Zhang Fantie's speed dropped sharply, he could only let out an angry roar, and watched helplessly as the taxi opened the distance again.

Su Ze was happy when he suddenly found that the taxi had stopped, and hurriedly urged: "Master, drive quickly! Why did it stop?"

"Red light." The driver raised his finger and pointed to the traffic light across the road.

Su Ze didn't talk nonsense, and scanned the code again to pay. After a while, he only heard a pleasant notification sound from the driver's mobile phone.

"Huaqianbao received 10 yuan!"

"Sit still!" The driver roared, full of energy, his eyes became sharper, and he kicked the accelerator, wishing to put his whole leg into the engine.

A taxi worth 8 yuan was stunned by the feeling of being pushed back by him driving a V[-].

"His grandma, even if I run with the car on my shoulders today, I will send you out safely, otherwise I won't be at ease with the money!" The driver master made a big wish.

Under the miraculous operation of the driver, the taxi shuttled like a loach through the dense traffic in the morning rush hour. After a while, Su Ze looked back, and Zhang Fantie and the stench trio were no longer in sight.

Su Ze let out a long breath, and slumped on the seat, but still didn't dare to relax completely, and said to the driver master: "Master, don't just go straight, turn a few more turns, don't be chased by them."

"it is good!"

The driver agreed and made a sharp turn, almost shaking Su Ze's breakfast. After turning seven or eight turns in succession, Su Ze's face was already pale, and he hurriedly let him go back to normal driving.

In this way, the taxi drove around the city for more than 20 minutes. When Su Ze saw that no one had caught up, he was convinced that he had thrown off the pursuers.

However, he still can't take it lightly. He knows that the fourth-order extract on his body can be tracked by the mysterious organization, and the most urgent task now is to get rid of it.

The fourth-order extract is invaluable, it would be too wasteful to just throw it away, and it can't be absorbed, so the best choice is to sell it.

After making up his mind, Su Ze said to the driver master: "Master, do you know where there is a branch of Evolution Technology or Life Pharma near here?"

Since the beginning of the Evolution Era, the most profitable is not real estate or the Internet, but the "Evolution Technology Group" which specializes in extracts and the "Life Pharmaceutical Company" which specializes in evolution medicines.

The headquarters of these two giants in the evolution industry are located in the dominant country Lin Huaguo, but their branches have opened in thousands of cities throughout Lin Huazhou.

In the small border town of Heiyan City, it is not easy to find buyers who can eat the fourth-order extract. No matter in terms of financial resources or reputation, these two giants of the evolution industry are the best choices.

"The only Evolution Technology extract store in Heiyan City is on the pedestrian street in the city center, not far from here." The driver said.

"Just go there."

After 10 minutes, the driver parked the car on the side of the road closest to the evolution technology store in a straight line. Regardless of whether there will be a sticker here, he will get out of the car and send Su Ze there.

"Master, tell me how to get there, and I'll go there by myself." Su Ze quickly grabbed him.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you here."

"No need, master, go get busy first." Su Ze declined the driver's kindness. Zhang Fantie has the driver's contact information and knows the license plate number of this taxi. If he continues to take this taxi, he may be tracked. arrive.

The driver felt a little regretful, and took out his business card and handed it to Su Ze: "Call me anytime if you want to use the car, and I am on call!"

(End of this chapter)

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