Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 13 Evolution Technology

Chapter 13 Evolution Technology
Su Ze followed the road pointed by the driver, and within a few steps, he saw a shop with simple and elegant decoration and a sense of technology. The four characters "evolution technology" were spelled out with silver-white metal with special luster on the door.

Through the glass window, Su Ze could see extracts shining with the light of evolution in the display cabinets in the store.

Su Ze's eyes lit up. He came here this time, in addition to selling the fourth-order extract in his hand, he also planned to buy a tube of the first-order extract for himself to absorb.

After absorbing another tube of extract, he can also try to evolve for the first time.

Su Ze walked into the store and glanced at the products in the store. Evolution Technology mainly deals in extracts, and this store is no exception. Two-thirds of the display cabinets in the store are all extracts, and the other third are extracts. One of the display cabinets displays various tonics and several rare objects.

As soon as Su Ze came in, a beautiful lady in a small suit and a short skirt greeted her with a smile, and asked, "Hello, sir, do you want to buy extracts?"

While speaking, she did not forget to look at Su Ze from head to toe. He is young, handsome and sunny, without the shyness of young boys of the same age. His eyes are calm and his temperament is calm. He is someone who has seen the world.Although the clothes on his body couldn't identify the brand, they were all made of high-grade fabrics, and they fit extremely well. It looked like they were tailor-made.

This is a child from a rich family... The beautiful and beautiful Yujie made a judgment in an instant. Most of the people at Su Ze's age came to their store to buy first-order extracts or tonics.

But who knew that when Su Ze spoke, what she said was beyond her expectation.

"I'm selling a tube of extract."

The beautiful lady Yu was stunned.

"What? Don't you collect extracts?" Su Ze asked with a frown.

"Ah...it's accepted, you come with me." The Yujie salesman smiled apologetically, and led Su Ze towards an office marked "Appraisal Room" behind the cashier counter, halfway she suddenly realized , followed up with a question, "May I ask what order of extract you are selling?"

The sales lady Yu just remembered that the appraiser and store manager in the store recently hated the first-order low-quality extracts, and the prices they offered were extremely low. If Su Ze wanted to sell this kind of extracts , then this deal is basically impossible to negotiate.

And Su Ze looks young, even if he has a good family background, his own strength is definitely not much stronger, and the extracts he sells are probably not very good.

Thinking of this, Yujie sales stopped, thinking that if Su Ze brought out a first-order low-grade extract, she would directly persuade the other party to leave, so as not to anger their grumpy store manager.

Su Ze had nothing to hide, and replied, "It's a fourth-order extract."

"Four...fourth stage?" Yu Jie's salesman's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, "Sorry, I didn't hear you clearly, just to confirm with you, you just said that you want to sell the fourth stage extract, right? ?”

Su Ze didn't talk nonsense, and opened his handbag to the salesman Yujie. There was a tube of extract in the bag, which exuded a mysterious green light.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, the green light of evolution, corresponds to a holy life form that has evolved four times.

Without a doubt, it's a tube of quaternary extract!

Sister Yu's breathing suddenly became short of breath, her towering chest heaved violently, and the buttons of her white shirt under her tight suit were unbearably broken, revealing a snow-white gully.

The fourth-order extract, even the lowest fourth-order extract, is worth a lot!
If this deal can be negotiated, it means a huge performance and a high commission.

Sister Yu's sales attitude changed from polite to respectful, and she bowed slightly to Su Ze: "Please."

She suddenly remembered that she saw a few square plastic packages the size of dried tofu in Su Ze's bag just now, she couldn't help but blushed slightly, and her gaze at Su Ze became a little strange.

Children from rich families are really sensible early.

Su Ze hadn't realized that the human cub blockers left by Zhao Lingxiao in the bag made the beautiful Yujie in front of him misunderstand him a little, so he followed Yujie into the appraisal room.

The appraisal room is not small, but it is occupied by various instruments, and there are not many areas for people to move around. A slightly fat middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses is sitting in front of the computer, browsing the unknown What is the content, I don't seem to be aware of the arrival of Su Ze and the others.

Sister Yu's salesman smiled apologetically at Su Ze, coughed lightly and reminded: "Manager, there are customers who want to sell extracts."

The store manager didn't raise his head, and asked, "What kind of animal is the extract this time? Gophers or water-spraying frogs?"

Gophers and water-spraying frogs are the most common exotic beasts in the Black Rock Mountains, and they belong to the bottom of the first-order alien beasts. Their extracts have weak evolutionary power, and they can bring little physical improvement to the absorbers, and their skills are also comparatively weak. tasteless.

The two major skills of the gophers are "drilling" and "eating soil", which can dig soil and make holes at a relatively fast speed, and can eat soil to satisfy their hunger, saving a lot of food expenses.

The Water Spray Frog has mastered the combined skills of "water absorption" and "water spray", which is good for washing cars, provided that the two skills must be mastered at the same time.

Because Heiyan City is backed by the Heiyan Mountains, the output of extracts is abundant, but nearly [-]% of them are first-order low-grade extracts, of which the extracts of gophers and water-spraying frogs account for more than half. Evolution Technology has hoarded a large amount in the early years The extracts of gophers and water spray frogs have been sold and there is still a lot of stock left.

And the backlog of the extracts of gopher squirrels and water-spraying frogs that have been backlogged to the present is almost all purchased by the branch in Heiyan City. Gophers and squirting frogs are hot.

Sister Yu was afraid that her store manager's attitude would annoy Su Ze, so she quickly reminded: "Store manager, this distinguished customer wants to sell a tube of fourth-stage extract."

"What!" The store manager sat up straight, and finally moved his eyes away from the display screen. He took a careful look at Su Ze, then looked at Yujie Sales, and asked, "Are you sure?"

In a hurry, Su Ze took out the fourth-order extract directly from the bag, and said, "This... is the store manager, let's estimate the price."

The store manager's gaze through the gold-rimmed glasses was like two rays locked directly on the fourth-grade extract in Su Ze's hand. In his eyes, it was not an extract, but his hope for promotion!

The store manager stood up abruptly, and strode up to Su Ze, showing agility that didn't match his figure.

"What's your name for this Mr.?" The store manager's smile was flattering and flattering.

"Su Ze."

"It turned out to be Mr. Su. I'm the manager of this store. My name is Xu Sheng. Mr. Su can call me Lao Xu." Xu Sheng approached, "What a coincidence, Mr. Su and I have the same name. word."

Su Ze looked weird, and said with a smile: "Isn't it, we are both men, what a coincidence."

Xu Sheng looked calm and didn't feel embarrassed at all. He turned his head and ordered the salesman Yujie behind him: "Xiaoli, make a pot of tea. I have tea leaves from the evolved tea tree in my drawer. Remember to use mountain spring water instead of tea from the water dispenser." pure water."

(End of this chapter)

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