Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 14 The deal is reached

Chapter 14 The deal is reached
"Mr. Su, please sit down." Xu Sheng shook the chair with his sleeve.

Su Ze was not too polite, and sat down with a golden knife. After a while, Miss Yu salesman Xiaoli brought a pot of tea and poured a cup for Su Ze and Xu Sheng.

"Mr. Su, try it. My tea is collected from a first-level spiritual plant tea tree that has evolved once. It has the effect of calming the mind and energy, promoting blood circulation and strengthening the body."

Su Ze took a sip, and felt that there were some effects. He was not polite, drank half a cup in one breath, and said straight to the point: "Old Xu, I'm in a hurry, so just say that the fourth-order extract is your evolutionary technology." What price can I give, if the price is right, I will sell it, if not, I will find another one.”

Su Ze is really in a hurry. The people from the mysterious organization can locate this tube of extract. Once they get rid of Zhang Fantie, they will definitely come after him.

Xu Sheng said: "Mr. Su is a straightforward person. In this case, I will first use the instrument to test the specific information of this tube of extract, and then give you a quotation."

Then, under Su Ze's gaze, Xu Sheng took the tube of fourth-order extract and put it into a sophisticated machine. After a while of scanning and analysis, the information about the tube of fourth-order extract was displayed on the machine's display screen.

Abyss Shadow Demon Extract

Level: Tier [-] B

Available skills: Shadow Transformation, Dark Night Invasion, Shadow Fear...

It turned out to be a fourth-order B-grade extract... Su Ze was secretly shocked, B-grade extracts were already considered high-quality extracts.

The grading standard of the extract was formulated by Evolution Technology. They divided the extract into 6 categories: S, A, B, C, D, and E, according to the effect of the extract on the physical enhancement of the absorber and the strength of the skills available. There are three grades, the S grade has the highest quality, and the E grade has the lowest quality.

Among the extracts of the same level, there is a huge gap in value between high-quality and low-quality extracts. For example, the giant ant and one-horned rhinoceros extracts absorbed by Zhao Lingxiao are all S-level extracts, while the extracts of gopher squirrels and water-spraying frogs are all S-level extracts. It is the E-grade extract, and the price difference is hundreds or thousands of times.

Xu Sheng looked excited. He had worked in the Heiyan City branch for more than ten years, and at most he had bought a few tubes of third-order extracts. He had never seen fourth-order extracts. This time it was not only fourth-order extracts, but also B-grade high-quality extracts, if the acquisition is successful, he will be able to go one step further, and he will no longer need to stay in this small shop in Heiyan City.

As for the origin of this tube of extract, Xu Sheng didn't bother to ask. If he missed this deal, he can guarantee that his opponent, Life Pharmaceuticals, would not hesitate to eat this tube of extract.

So what if there is a problem with the origin of the extract?There is no reason to spit out things that have entered their evolutionary technology mouths.

Looking at the entire Lin Huazhou, there are only a handful of forces that can really make evolutionary technology afraid, and Lin Huazhou's six countries are not among them.

"Mr. Su, please wait a moment. I will report to the group company and wait for their price."

Xu Sheng returned to the computer and communicated with the leader of the evolution technology headquarters. After a while, he returned to Su Ze and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Su, after I tried my best, the headquarters has given the highest quotation. Now It depends on how you intend to trade."

Su Ze asked, "Is there any way?"

"One is settled with Lin Huazhou's common currency, that is, Lin coins, and the other is settled with the points of our Evolution Group." Xu Sheng paused, "Our valuation of this tube of extract is 100 billion Lin coins, if If you choose to trade with Lin coins, we can pay you 10 billion Lin coins at a premium of 110%."

Fuck!Get rich!

Su Ze remained calm on the surface, but there was a storm in his heart. He guessed that the fourth-order extract would be very valuable, but he didn't expect it to be so valuable.

Before Zhao Yuanyi gave him [-] million yuan, he already felt that he was exuding an attractive smell of copper, but now he realized that the [-] million yuan was not as much as he thought, and it was not enough for a fraction of the fourth-order extract.

In fact, Su Ze did not understand the value of the fourth-order extract. As a necessity for the evolution of the butterfly stage to reach the holy level, the fourth-order extract can be called a strategic material for the six countries of Lin Huazhou. Value cannot be measured by money.

Su Ze did not agree to the transaction, but asked, "What does it mean to trade with points?"

Xu Sheng replied: "Points can be spent on our official website and stores of Evolution Technology, and you can buy any product we sell. 1 point is equal to 1 Lin coins, but Lin coins cannot be exchanged for points. Points are often used for high-level evolution. Items are being traded."

"What is the significance of points?" Su Ze frowned, remembering the top-up card in the barber shop, and did not have a good impression of this transaction method.

Xu Sheng filled Su Ze's cup with tea and explained: "You should know that high-level evolutionary items cannot be bought with money. Take extracts as an example. In our evolutionary technology, there are only first- and second-level extractions. Extracts can be purchased with Lin Coins, third-order extracts require a substantial premium to buy, and fourth-order extracts can only be purchased with points.”

"And the only official way to get points is to sell high-level evolution items to our evolution technology."

"Therefore, the essence of points trading is barter."

"Of course, points also have a transfer function. In the circle of upper-level evolutionists, the points of our evolution technology are hard currency, far more purchasing power than Lin coins."

Su Ze understood. In other words, if he chooses to trade with Lin coins, Evolution Technology will pay him more than 100 billion Lin coins, but he can't buy any fourth-order pipes from Evolution Technology with these 100 billion Lin coins. Extract.

But if you switch to point transactions, there is no such restriction.

Su Ze hardly hesitated. He had already made a decision in his heart. It was useless for him to ask for more than 100 billion Lin coins.

If you choose point trading, it will be 100 million points.

The evolutionary technologist has a big business, and has almost monopolized Lin Huazhou's extract trading. He still has a good reputation, and there is no need to worry about their sudden bankruptcy, and there is nowhere to redeem their points.

Su Ze took out his mobile phone, first boarded the online mall of Evolution Technology, and browsed the quotations of the fourth-order extracts. The fourth-order extracts indeed only support point purchases, and there are not many on the website.

On the official website of Evolution Technology, there are only two tubes of the fourth-stage B-grade extract on sale, and the prices are 95 points and 110 million points respectively. Su Ze weighed it in his heart, and the purchase price of 100 million points given to him by Evolution Technology is still fair .

Others will definitely make money by opening the door to do business, but it's not too dark. Su Ze can accept this price.

In fact, in order to ensure the conclusion of this deal, Xu Sheng did his best to obtain a fairer price from the headquarters.

Su Ze didn't have time to bargain with Xu Sheng. Since he accepted the price, he immediately nodded and agreed to the deal.

Seeing this, Xu Sheng said excitedly: "Mr. Su, do you have a membership account for our Evolution Technology? I'll ask the headquarters to recharge your account with points."

Su Ze shook his head: "I don't want to use my real name account."

"No problem." Xu Sheng patted his chest, "Our evolution technology has always respected the privacy of customers. For customers like you, we have a special anonymous account, and I will handle it for you."

Xu Sheng took Su Ze to a machine, and after a while of operation, a black card was spit out from the machine.

"In the future, when you log in to our official website or go to the store to make purchases, just swipe this card. In addition, because this card does not have a real-name registration, please be sure to remember your password. Once you forget the password, it will be very troublesome."

"Okay." Su Ze put away this simple and elegant black card, and said, "Take me to see your first-order extract."

(End of this chapter)

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