Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 16 Absorbing Extracts

Chapter 16 Absorbing Extracts

Xu Sheng didn't understand. Why did Su Ze see the first-order extract well, and suddenly picked a tube of second-order extract?

And with Su Ze's wealth and wealth, he actually chose not the second-level A-level, but the D-level.

Maybe it was bought for someone else... Xu Sheng guessed in his heart, without thinking too much, and asked Su Ze whether to pay with Lin coins or points.

Through the experience of selling the fourth-order extract just now, Su Ze also understands that money is only good for buying low-level evolutionary items. Once he reaches the butterfly stage, it may not be of much use to himself, so when he can use money When paying, he still chooses to pay with money as much as possible.

Afterwards, Xu Sheng took him to the cashier to pay, and asked Su Ze to show the black card he just got.

Xu Sheng introduced: "This black card is not only a point card, but also a membership card. All the transactions you make with us will accumulate growth points according to the amount, and the growth points will increase your membership level. The higher the discount, the greater the discount you can enjoy in our company, and there are some additional privileges for senior members."

"The growth value you got from selling the fourth-order extract before has allowed you to upgrade to our platinum member, and you can enjoy a 600% discount. The original price of this tube of rock scorpion extract is 540 million Lin coins, and the discount is [-] million."

Su Ze paid 540 million by swiping his card, and got the rock scorpion extract.

He looked at the time, less than half an hour had passed since he entered the store, he didn't dare to stay any longer, rejected Xu Sheng's invitation to stay with him for dinner, and left after leaving his contact information with Xu Sheng.

After leaving the store, Su Ze blended in the crowd in a low-key manner. When passing by a mobile phone store, he went in and bought a new mobile phone, and applied for an anonymous calling card.

Throwing all the original mobile phones and calling cards into the river, Su Ze found another "Linhua International Bank", opened an unregistered account, and transferred all the money Zhao Yuanyi gave him into it.

It was only at this moment that Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the air he breathed was full of the fragrance of freedom, without the sense of urgency to die.

After disposing of the fourth-order extract, mobile phone and bank card, it is not so easy for the mysterious organization and the Zhao family to track him down.

"The first thing I need to do now is to find a place to absorb the rock scorpion extract, and then complete the first evolution and become a life form in the pupa stage."

"Afterwards, find a way to leave Muguo!"

Muguo is the home of the Zhao family, and Zhao Yuanyi is very powerful in Muguo. It will be difficult for Su Ze to stay in Muguo. Staying in a hotel, or even going to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet will expose his position.

Speaking of this, Su Ze suddenly wondered where would he live tonight?Where to go to absorb the extract?
You need to register with your ID card when you stay in a hotel. The ID card named "Chen Kun" on his body was issued by Zhao Yuanyi. If he dares to use it, he will definitely be tracked down by the Zhao family.


Bihai Tangcheng is a relatively famous bathing place in Heiyan City.

After thinking about it, Su Ze thought that in a place like a bathing place, you don't need to register for an ID card, and you can stay overnight.

With a net worth of tens of billions, you can't live in a bridge hole, right?

"I want a private room." Su Ze lowered the brim of his hat and said to the beautiful woman in cheongsam who came up to him.

"Sir, how many are you?"

"Only me."

"Sir, our private room has a minimum consumption..."

"Swipe your card!"

"Okay, this way please." The smile on the face of the cheongsam beauty became more enthusiastic.

Su Ze didn't talk nonsense, he paid the money first, and used his ability to convince the other party.

The beauty in the cheongsam worked on the computer for a while, and didn't know what set meal he had prepared for him. Su Ze didn't look at it carefully, and it was only a few thousand dollars anyway.

Afterwards, Su Ze followed the beautiful woman in cheongsam to the private room upstairs. Su Ze took a look at it and found that the environment was not bad. Apart from a separate small soup pool, there was also a big bed in the room.

The beauty in cheongsam took out a bathrobe and slippers for Su Ze, poured another cup of tea for Su Ze, and then retreated.

Su Ze felt that the temperature in the room was a bit high, so he took off his clothes and put on a bathrobe.

As soon as she changed her clothes, there was a knock on the door. Su Ze followed the prestige and saw a female technician in a black and white maid outfit and fishnet stockings walking in. She was tall and slender with straight and slender thighs. It's hard to see that she is a real person, her face can be considered beautiful, but her face is a bit thick with powder.

When the female technician saw Su Ze, her eyes lit up. She didn't expect the customer to be a handsome little fresh meat.

"Hello VIP, I am Technician No. 403, I will serve you today, do you need to take a shower first?"

"No, you go out first, I want to rest first." Su Ze just wanted to absorb the extract quickly to complete the evolution.

"This... how about I give you a massage to relax?" The female technician was a little unwilling, and reminded vaguely: "Your package includes decompression services."

This woman, wants to eat baby machine?
It's a beautiful idea.

Although Zhao Lingxiao's private life is chaotic, Su Ze's body is a clone. Strictly speaking, he is still clean.

"I'm tired now, I just want to rest, I'll call you again if necessary." Su Ze waved his hand.

Women will only affect the speed at which he draws his sword, and evolution and becoming stronger is his eternal pursuit.

He was also battle-tested in his previous life, so this small battle was not enough for him to lose control.

The female technician glared at him bitterly, but could only back down silently.

Su Ze was the only one left in the private room. He got up and locked the door, took out the rock scorpion extract glowing orange, took a deep breath, and prayed that nothing would go wrong later.

"Top players like me can easily absorb a second-order S-level extract after completing their first evolution. Although they haven't evolved now, it shouldn't be too much to absorb a second-order D-level extract..."

Su Ze didn't know whether he was analyzing objectively or comforting himself.

Gritting his teeth, he unscrewed the cap of the rock scorpion extract, raised his head and gulped it down.

It was slightly astringent in the mouth, with a little earthy smell, but it was not too bad to drink. Su Ze swallowed it all with two gulps.

The method of absorbing the extract is as simple as taking it orally. It is said that injection is also possible, but the impact of the evolutionary force on the body will be more violent, and it is not as gentle and safe as taking it orally.

Different extracts have different tastes, some extracts taste good, and some are said to taste very bad and difficult to swallow.

As soon as Su Ze took the extract, he felt a burning sensation in his stomach a second or two later, as if it was burning.

He quickly picked up the fruits and snacks on the table, and stuffed them into his mouth all at once, so as to relieve the stimulation of the extract on his stomach.

A special force spread from his stomach to the whole body. Under the influence of this force, Su Ze felt an inexplicable feeling. The whole body reacted. The blood flow slowed down, and his thinking also became sluggish. Become hard and cast a layer of black.

The heartbeat also seemed to slow down.

And as time went by, Su Ze could feel his heartbeat getting slower and slower, and it would stop at some point!
Su Ze's dull brain realized one thing, if this continues, he will die.

(End of this chapter)

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