Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 17 Selecting Skills

Chapter 17 Selecting Skills

Su Ze realized the seriousness of the problem.

Once his heart stops beating and blood stops flowing, he can only pray for another crossing.

Su Ze pinched his thigh hard to refresh his dull brain and think about countermeasures.

"My body has not been exploded, which means that my physical fitness is enough to absorb this tube of extract. Now this happens because the power of evolution in the rock scorpion extract has affected me. The rock scorpion's ability has paralysis Toxin and rock shield, my current physical condition is somewhat similar to being poisoned and gradually petrified."

Su Ze gradually cleared his mind. He was not really poisoned or petrified, but the power of evolution affected his body. What he has to do now is to fight against the power of evolution and try to keep his body active. In this wave, when his body fully absorbed the power of evolution, the crisis would naturally be resolved.

The heart rate is getting lower and lower, and the blood flow is getting slower and slower, so I think of something that can make my heart beat faster and my blood pulse faster... Su Ze tried hard to recall all the touching moments in his two lifetime memories, trying to Use the body's instincts to fight against the influence of the power of evolution.

I have to admit that he needs the help of Technician 403 very much now.

Compared with fate, what is chastity?
Fortunately, Su Ze has an outstanding memory, coupled with his immersive imagination, he gradually made himself feel hotter, his blood flow recovered a bit, and his heartbeat no longer slowed down.

The brain is no longer dull, but the head is as big as a bucket, and the picture in the imagination is even more tricky.

I don't know how long it took, Su Ze's heartbeat and blood completely returned to normal, his stiff skin became soft again, his mind exploded like fireworks, all distracting thoughts receded, and he seemed to have entered a blank world.

After a while, three clusters of orange mist appeared in this blank world. Su Ze shifted his attention to the largest cluster of mist, and felt sharp and sharp like needle pricks, while the other two clusters of fog were about the same size, emitting It makes people feel slow and heavy breath.

I succeeded in absorbing the rock scorpion extract. This is my conscious world, and these three clouds of mist represent the three skills of the rock scorpion: acupuncture, paralyzing toxin, and rock shield... Su Ze has some guesses in his mind.

Could it be that I can choose skills now? !

Su Ze was extremely shocked. Three clusters of mist representing three skills just appeared in his consciousness, as if waiting for him to choose.

You must know that others absorb the extract to obtain a skill randomly, and you cannot choose it yourself.

Although an evolutionary with good talent and a solid foundation has a higher chance of obtaining powerful skills when absorbing the extract, there is still a lot of uncertainty, and it is absolutely impossible to choose at will.

"Is this my benefit as a time traveler? Or is it the privilege of absorbing extracts by leapfrogging? Or is it the hidden effect of the evolutionary grace skill?"

There are only these three cases.

Su Ze determined that when Zhao Lingxiao absorbed the first three extracts, he didn't have the opportunity to choose a skill. Obviously, this ability was not originally possessed by Zhao Lingxiao.

Su Ze didn't get too entangled in the origin of this ability, and directly chose the "acupuncture" skill, and his consciousness plunged into the largest cloud of fog.

As if plunged into the water, Su Ze regained control of his body in an instant. When he opened his eyes, he saw himself lying on the big bed in the private room of the bathroom, and the sheets under his body were already wet with his sweat.

He concentrated and sensed that he had indeed mastered the fourth skill "needle strike".

In addition, the physical quality has also been comprehensively improved. It has to be said that in terms of physical fitness strengthening, even the second-order extract of D-level is far better than the first-order S-level extract. Su Ze's strength, speed, and physical strength are all Got a nice boost.

"I've just absorbed the evolutionary power of the rock scorpion extract. It will take some time to fully digest it. During this process, my physical fitness will be improved." Su Ze's eyes are extremely confident, feeling that his foundation has been solidified As stable as Mount Tai, he can complete the first evolution immediately after completely digesting the rock scorpion extract, and there is no possibility of failure.

People whose foundation is not solid may fail in evolution, so many people dare not evolve after digesting the third tube of extracts, but spend a lot of time taking drugs and exercising to strengthen their physique before they dare to try to evolve for the first time.

But Su Ze has no such worries. He has absorbed one more tube of extract than others, and among the absorbed extracts, there are two tubes of S-level and one tube of super-S-level, and he absorbed the second-order extraction at the mortal level It can be said that there is probably no person on this planet with a stronger foundation than him.

Su Ze's configuration is no longer the top configuration, but beyond the top configuration, breaking the limit!
In addition, even a genius of a big force, at the mortal stage, can at best absorb three tubes of first-order S-level extracts, and he is a younger brother in front of him.

"My goal now is to completely digest the rock scorpion extract as soon as possible, then complete the evolution, and then find a way to go abroad."

"The grade of the rock scorpion extract is too high, and it will take at least half a month for natural digestion. I can't wait that long. Taking medicine can greatly shorten the time."

Su Ze flipped through the handbag, and there were several bottles of medicine left by Zhao Lingxiao, but they were basically health-enhancing pills. There was only a bottle of "Healthy Digestive Tablets" to aid in digestion and absorption of extracts, but there were only two pills left in this bottle It's not enough at all.

Su Ze swallowed the two pills, and immediately felt as if a cloud of air was swimming in his body, constantly attracting the orange evolutionary power latent in his body, and assisting the body to digest and absorb it.

"As expected, it is the medicine left by Zhao Lingxiao. It is not effective. If you take it every day, you can completely digest the rock scorpion extract in two or three days."

Su Ze thought for a moment, took out his mobile phone and called Xu Sheng of Evolution Technology.

"Hello, who is it?" Xu Sheng's polite and distant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Old Xu, it's me, Su Ze."

"So it's Mr. Su! Mr. Su, why did you change your number?" Xu Sheng's tone suddenly became enthusiastic, "Does Mr. Su have any instructions?"

"Do you sell 'Healthy Digestive Tablets' in your store?"

"The formula patent of this medicine is in the hands of Life Pharmaceutical Company. If you need it, you can only go to their store to buy it." Xu Sheng explained.

Su Ze is not surprised. Although Evolution Technology also sells medicines, in terms of the richness and comprehensiveness of medicines, life medicine is the only one.

He changed the subject and asked: "After I left, did anyone come to your store to inquire about me?"

"I was just about to tell you about this." Xu Sheng paused, "Not long after you left today, an old gentleman came to inquire about your information. I told him that we cannot disclose the privacy of customers, and sent him away. .”

"Speaking of which, the old gentleman's smell is really... 哕... hard to describe!"

(End of this chapter)

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