Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 309 Supreme Siege, 1 Enemy 4!

Chapter 309 Supreme siege, one against four!

"Boss, why do you feel a little different after seeing you for a while?" Brother Ya was stunned and said.

Before, he took the refugees one step ahead, and when Su Ze caught up, he had already become the Supreme.

Now Su Ze flew into the clouds for a while, and when he came down again, his aura became a little stronger!
"It's just that the physical body has been strengthened a little. Our evolutionary is still based on the level of life and skills." Su Ze pretended to be modest, and said in his heart that he would perform a tearing supreme for you later, so as to open your eyes.

However, without skills, it may be difficult to tear the Supreme by hand. When conditions permit, you can try it.

The main purpose is to test the strength of the legendary flesh body.

Of course, it would be best not to fight. Su Ze also hopes to complete this escort without any surprises. If the Pope of the Evolutionary God Sect comes in person, no matter how strong his physical body is, he will have to be transformed into a mass of fat by the Pope .

But according to Chen Suifeng, the Pope himself has not shown up for more than ten years.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the Pope will personally hunt him down.

But no matter what, it's always right to be cautious. Su Ze also lifted the transport truck under him to help Brother Ya speed up together.

This transport truck with more than 20 people in it is as light as nothing in Su Ze's hands, but it is not the weight that affects their speed, but the wind resistance.

With Su Ze's help, the speed increased a lot again. Along the way, Su Ze sent out his sensory tentacles to monitor the surrounding movements.

In order to reduce the harassment of alien beasts, they are all flying in the area close to the border of Luofan Kingdom, and occasionally encounter some evolutionaries who come to hunt in the wild on the way.

However, these evolutionists looked up at the cyan and green light of evolution above their heads, and would lower their heads or even bend down in respect and fear, and no one dared to block the way.

Although their speed was hindered, relatively speaking, their flying speed was still very fast. In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour passed, and they had already passed through several border cities of Luo Fan Country.

At this moment, Su Ze suddenly frowned and said, "Someone is coming to intercept us."

His sensory tentacles detected that two people came from the frontier city of Luo Fan Kingdom and blocked their way.

Of these two people, one was wearing a purple robe and the other was wearing a purple armor, and they looked like members of the Evolution Sect.

Purple represents the god level, and wearing purple means that they are the closest servants of the God of Evolution.

Not long after Su Ze found the two of them, the two had already determined the location of Su Ze and the two of them, and flew straight towards them.

Yage's mental power captured the appearance of those two people, he recognized their identities, and said with a serious and nervous expression: "One is Cardinal Denier of Luofan Kingdom, and the other is Templar Imre. Everyone should be supremely strong."

"Don't panic." Su Ze comforted, "Two supreme beings, I will stop them later, you take the refugees and go first."

"Okay." Brother Ya nodded, but made up his mind to leave a shadow clone to observe Su Ze's situation. If Su Ze is in danger, he can come back to rescue at any time.

Su Ze's expression changed suddenly, and he said, "Someone is chasing after me!"

The two people who came from behind were both wearing purple divine robes, and they seemed to be of the same level as that Cardinal Denier, and they should also be supreme powerhouses!
Ya Ge hesitated and said: "Boss, why don't we leave these refugees behind, it's just the two of us, I'm still sure to lead you to break out together."

In his heart, even if the number of these refugees were ten or a hundred times greater, they would not be as important as Su Ze.

Although Yage had always been confident in Su Ze's strength, he didn't think that Su Ze, who had just completed his fifth evolution, could match the four supreme powerhouses.

Su Ze thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Let's try their strength first, if they can't beat them, then they can run in time."

After all, the speed of the two of them also slowed down, they were double-teamed, and it was useless to run forward.

"When the fight starts, you will be responsible for protecting the safety of these refugees. Don't kill too many people," Su Ze said.

Brother Ya nodded, and slowly lowered the transport vehicle to the ground in the distance, leaving enough space for Su Ze to fight. He knew that Su Ze needed a lot of space to fight with all his strength and become a giant.

Su Ze was preparing for battle. He didn't inflate and liquefy directly, but only turned on "Ant Power", intending to try the power of his flesh and blood.

Before the four masters of Evolution Sect approached, he took the initiative to attack and meet the two flying in front.

When Cardinal Denier of Evolution Theology and Templar Imre came into Su Ze's sight, Su Ze shot at Denier with a gravitational chain.

Among the two, Templar Imre was a melee-type evolutionary at first glance, so Su Ze naturally would not pull him, but aimed at Denier, who looked relatively crisp.

It's just that the reaction of the supreme powerhouse was also very fast, and the invisible gravitational chain was caught by the two of them. Imre dodged to block Denier, and Denier consciously hid behind Imre.

call out!
The gravitational chain pulled Imre, but it didn't directly pull the target over like before.

Before this, as long as the gravitational chain hits the target, it can almost 100% pull the target in front of him, but Imre is actually relying on his own strength to contend with the gravitational chain.

The gravitational chain uses the gravitational force of the "gravitational field" skill, not Su Ze's own power. This fourth-order S-level skill is no longer so invincible in the face of supreme-level opponents.

Denier was not idle when his teammates fought against the gravitational chain, a holy light fell from the sky and enveloped Su Ze.

On the one hand, Su Ze transmitted current along the gravitational chain to shock Imre, and on the other hand, he tried to absorb the holy light falling from the sky with the "shock cannon".

Denier's Holy Light skill level is very high, at least level [-], and maybe even level [-]. The shock cannon absorbed a lot of Holy Light, but it couldn't absorb all of it. A lot of Holy Light still fell on Su Ze.

The holy light fell on the surface of the body, and there was no discomfort. On the contrary, it was very warm and comfortable, as if the baby was wrapped in amniotic fluid, but Su Ze was shocked to find that the power of evolution in his body was illuminated by the holy light The disintegration continued, the muscles gradually relaxed, and even the resistance thoughts in his heart were constantly weakening.

What evil skills!

Su Ze removed the gravitational chain casually, aimed at Denier in the distance, and directly launched the "Rhino Crash" skill to charge towards the target.

He used the charge skill at this time, not only to get close to Denier's body, but also to escape from the range of the holy light.

Looking at the menacing Su Ze, Imre stood in front of Denier again, with a round shield in his hand.

But once the "rhinoceros collision" skill locks on the target, it will not stop. Su Ze slammed into Imre's body hard. His round shield couldn't bear the huge impact force, and it was torn apart in an instant. Su Ze crashed and flew out.

The impact damage and dizziness effect of "rhinoceros bump" are nothing to a rough-skinned and thick-skinned melee supreme. Imre recovered from the dizzy state in an instant, and he didn't suffer any injuries.

But when he woke up, he saw that Su Ze had slammed into Denier's body hard.

Denier vomited blood and flew out.

But Su Ze would not let him go like this, and shot Denier with another gravitational chain.

Denier suddenly emitted a white light, and he himself became a light source.

When the gravitational chain pulled him, it was just a cloud of light and shadow, and his figure appeared in another light and shadow.

This is Denier's life-saving skill, the light and shadow double.

A long-range evolutionary usually needs to be equipped with at least one or two powerful life-saving skills.

Imre on the side would not give Su Ze another chance to attack Denier. He rushed towards Su Ze like a bull.

Su Ze smashed his round shield just now, but he was not injured at all, which made Imre secretly startled by Su Ze's physical strength.

Su Ze's physique is even stronger than that of a defensive old melee supreme!
This made him know that if he fought close to him, he might not be able to win Su Ze's favor, but at this time he had to stand in front of his crispy teammates and delay until the other two reinforcements arrived.

However, Imre's collision was missed!
Su Ze made a "space jump" and instantly appeared behind Denier.

"Spatial skills!"

Denier's hair stood on end, he ran away without hesitation, and threw a "Holy Light Bomb" behind him with his backhand.

But he was a step slower, Su Ze was as fast as lightning, and reached out and grabbed Denier's arm.


He staged a scene of tearing the Supreme, tearing Denier's arm off his shoulder!

Denier turned into a ray of light and shot thousands of meters away.

At the same time, the Light Bomb dropped by Denier also exploded, and Su Ze was at the center of the explosion, swallowed by the dazzling light.

When the holy light bomb exploded, there was no billowing smoke, no flames soaring into the sky, only thick and dazzling light.

When the light faded, Su Ze stood where he was, unscathed.

And the arm of Denier that he was holding in his hand was nothing but bones, and the flesh and blood were swallowed by the power of the explosion.

In fact, Su Ze was not really unscathed, he still suffered some skin trauma, but the injury was healed by the "regenerated body" in an instant.

Imre looked at Su Ze, who was like a God of War, and was dumbfounded. He knew the power of Denier's holy light bomb, and even he had to use various defensive skills to resist it.

But Su Ze relied on his physical body to resist, and he was like a normal person.

Denier's face was pale and ugly, and his only remaining hand was still covering the broken part of his arm. The wound was too big, and the piece of flesh under his armpit was also torn off, and he could be seen from the side ribs.

The self-healing ability of the body of the supreme powerhouse is very strong. At this time, the wound is constantly wriggling and repairing itself.

At this moment, a drop of green nectar fell from the sky and landed on Denier's wound. His wound stopped bleeding instantly and healed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, his broken arm grew back again!

It looks the same as before except that the skin is whiter and tenderer.

Su Ze looked back, and there appeared two more cardinals in purple robes.

One had a bushy white beard, was wrinkled, and was very old.

The other has a bald head, a big head, and some delicate features. She is actually a woman.

Denier and Imre beamed, their reinforcements had finally arrived.

The two of them teamed up and failed to suppress Su Ze, but suffered a loss under Su Ze's hands.

And now there are two supreme powerhouses from the Evolutionary God Sect, four against one, and they don't believe that they can't win Su Ze.

Su Ze was analyzing in his mind that it was the old man with the white beard who treated Denier just now. He didn't know whether he was a full-time healing evolutionary or just mastered one or two healing skills.

As for the bald girl with a big head, I don't know what kind of evolutionary it is.

Regarding Denier and Imre, Su Ze has basically figured it out. Denier is a long-range light-type evolutionary, and Imre is a close-combatant. He is half-meat and has both offense and defense.

Under normal circumstances, Su Ze feels that it must be difficult for him to fight four. It is best to defeat each of them. First pick a soft persimmon and crush it, and then deal with the other three. It will be much easier.

Just now he wanted to kill that Denier first, but he didn't expect that this guy had many ways to escape, but he failed.

"Everyone, let's take action together and take him down quickly!" Imre roared, and rushed towards Su Ze first.

Denier also summoned a holy sword made of holy light. This huge sword was 50 meters long and fell from the sky towards the top of Su Ze's head.

The giant sword is extremely powerful, and Denier has also seen Su Ze's perverted defense, so it is a big move when he makes a move. He knows that skills like the Holy Light Bomb are similar to tickling for Su Ze.

The old man with a white beard waved his hand and sprinkled a piece of rain and dew, which fell on the weeds on the ground. Suddenly, the weeds grew wildly, soaring into the sky, and entangled towards Su Ze's hands and feet.

The bald girl opened and closed her eyes, and her eyes shone like stars. An invisible spiritual attack pierced Su Ze's soul.

Seeing that Su Ze was besieged by four people, Ya Ge scratched his head and released a shadow clone to fly towards Su Ze, ready to rush to rescue him at any time.

But Su Ze didn't panic, and calmly started his strongest fighting form.

"Expansion" + "Unyielding Will" + "Liquid Life" + "Ant Power"!
In an instant, Su Ze's size soared, and he turned into a giant over [-] meters in a blink of an eye!

This is the increase in body size brought about by absorbing a large amount of silver-gray energy. Even if he does not use the superposition of "blood-phagating" to increase his strength, he can still become a giant over [-] meters long.

The grass vines wrapped around his hands and feet were broken one after another as his size skyrocketed.

As for the bald girl's mental attack, he also ignored it, it just made him dizzy.

His mental power has always been ahead of the same level, and can match the spiritual evolution of the same level, that is to say, in terms of mental strength, he is not inferior to the bald woman.

Coupled with the mental defense skills such as "Unyielding Will", and the same level of mental attack, there is absolutely no way to take him.

Su Zena's fist was much bigger than the water tank, and he punched Imre who was rushing up.

Imre was as insignificant as an ant in front of him.

The long sword in Imre's hand pierced Su Ze's fist fiercely, but the round shield re-condensed in his left hand was completely shattered under Su Ze's punch.

Imre's long sword was shining with light, sending some kind of power towards Su Ze's body, constantly destroying Su Ze's body.

It's just that Su Ze's current body size is too big. If he wants to completely destroy Su Ze's body at this speed, it will take the year of the monkey.

And the huge lightsaber that Denier summoned descended from the sky. The giant sword emitted a bright and holy white light. It was 50 meters long, and Su Ze, who was in the form of a [-]-meter giant, could not ignore it.

But Su Ze didn't even look at the giant sword above his head, because he had already received a voice transmission from Brother Ya.

When the giant sword was less than five meters away from Su Ze's head, Brother Ya's shadow clone came under the giant sword.

The shadow clone was blurred for a while, and switched positions with Yage's body, and Yage appeared under the giant sword.

"Invincible!" Ya Ge was shrouded in golden light, and took the initiative to meet the giant sword.

bang bang...

The astonishingly powerful giant sword hit the golden light around Yage, making muffled energy bursts, but it still couldn't penetrate the golden light, and couldn't cause any damage to Yage under the golden light.

The giant sword completely dissipated and turned into a ball of strong light, illuminating a radius of hundreds of miles.

And the golden light on Ya Ge's body surface also dissipated, he directly switched places with the shadow clone again, and returned to the transport vehicle.

Brother Ya knew that he was not strong enough to participate in a battle of this level, so he would never leave Su Ze in trouble.

Su Ze also fired a "Holy Light Cannon" at this time, blasting Imre out. This "Holy Light Cannon" was the energy he had absorbed from Denier's holy light at the beginning, and one of them had been stored until now. .

As for the energy Imre left in his body, it was quickly exhausted, and the price Su Ze paid was only the loss of a small part of his body.

The first round of offensive by the four supreme beings was resolved by Su Ze in this way.

Also through this preliminary fight, Su Ze also had a certain understanding of the other two, namely the old man with the white beard and the bald woman.

At the same time, he has more confidence in his heart.

The white-bearded old man doesn't seem to have much output ability, otherwise he wouldn't have used output skills just now, but used control skills.

He should be mainly good at control and healing, and to put it bluntly, he is an assistant.

And the bald girl is a spiritual supreme... This makes Su Ze a little greedy.

He was greedy for the bald girl's body, to be precise, he was greedy for her brain.

The spiritual communication equipment he let Liu Wenyin make out of the cottage has been impractical because of the lack of a brain of the supreme spiritual system as a base station, resulting in a narrow communication range.

Amida's brain has been used as the base station, and the communication range is limited to the city, but if the bald girl's brain is used as the base station, then the communication of the entire Lin Huazhou can be realized, and there is no need to worry about the phone being tapped.

It has to be said that the four supreme powerhouses sent by the Evolution God Sect are quite complete and reasonable.

A melee tank, plus a long-range light mage, an assistant who is good at control and healing, and a spiritual evolutionist.

It is a good thing to have a complete configuration, but it may be a headache to switch to other supreme powerhouses.

But it's a good thing for Su Ze!

He has always been the nemesis of the spiritual system. The bald girl, a spiritual evolutionist, is not a big threat to him. To be precise, there is no threat.

Because of the lack of output, the assistant actually didn't pose any threat to Su Ze, at most it was a bit annoying.

Imre, a half-meat and half-damage fighter, looks good, can attack and defend, and seems to be quite versatile.

But this also makes him almost meaningless in terms of offense and defense.

The attack was not strong enough to really threaten Su Ze, and the defense could not completely prevent Su Ze's attack.

To put it simply, the output is not high, and it is not meaty enough.

Denier is the only one who can really pose a threat to him.

This light-type long-range evolutionary has a terrifying output ability, and even Su Ze can't ignore it.

Su Ze also quickly formulated a battle plan in his mind——

The bald girl can be ignored, don't rush to kill, and keep her brain as a base station.

Imre let him go, he was not a threat, if he got in the way, he would just sweep away.

Prioritize killing Denier who is the biggest threat to him. If there is no chance, turn around and kill Whitebeard's support. It is always right to kill the nanny first in team battles.

Although the white-bearded old man wasn't too threatening, he had milk, so it wouldn't be so easy for Su Ze to kill Denier if he didn't get rid of him first.

Just like before, he tore off one of Denier's arms, only to be returned by the white-bearded old man.

After one round of attack failed, the four supreme beings of Evolution God Sect looked cold and stern, and did not give Su Ze a chance to breathe, and launched a second round of offensive.

Of course, Su Ze would not stand and be beaten. With a huge body over [-] meters, he launched a "rhinoceros collision" towards Denier, like a raging flood rushing towards Denier.

Denier's face didn't change, but Imre's face suddenly changed drastically.

The old man with the white beard in the distance flew over quickly, shortening the distance between himself and Denier and Imre, and then waved his hand and tapped on the two of them.

A golden ring immediately appeared in front of Denier and Imre, like a button.

Denier stretched out his finger to press the ring without hesitation, and the ring wrapped around his finger like a ring.

Imre, as if he was facing a big enemy, hesitated a little, but when he saw that Su Ze was about to hit Denier, he gritted his teeth and stretched his fingers in.

The ring was also placed on Imre's finger.

The next moment, a miraculous thing happened. Su Ze, who had slammed into Denier, suddenly turned and slammed into Imre!
His locked target was replaced.

Su Ze was also surprised. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. He had to marvel at the magic of the white beard auxiliary skill, which could replace the target locked by the skill.

However, he didn't cancel the "rhinoceros collision" skill, but took advantage of the trend and rammed towards Imre.

Imre's face was ugly, as if he had eaten nine turns of his intestines. Facing the impact of the [-]-meter giant, he panicked!
But there is no way, who told him that his position in this small team of four is like this, and no one else can carry it except him.

I will never play meat again in my next life... Imre let out a desperate cry in his heart, and used all his defensive skills.

In an instant, layers of light masks appeared on his body surface, covered with a layer of hard black carapace, and the small round shield that was shattered twice was also condensed in his hand again.

Su Ze slammed into Imre like a huge meteorite.

This is different from the collision at the beginning. In the beginning, Su Ze was colliding with a normal body shape, but now he is in the strongest fighting form, his strength has improved several levels, and this body shape alone is like a mountain.

What is it like to be hit by a high-speed hill?
Imre said - who can stand this!
Imre draws a beautiful arc and chases towards the sunset in the sky, becoming a unique landscape under the afterglow of the setting sun.

(End of this chapter)

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