Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 310 All have to die!

Chapter 310 All have to die!
Imre, the famous Templar of the Evolution Sect, was knocked out of sight by Su Ze.

Although this result had been expected, the remaining three cardinals of Evolution Theology couldn't help being shocked.

"This blasphemer is powerful, let's be careful not to fight him close!" the female cardinal with a bald head and a big head said in a deep voice.

In fact, there is no need for her to say that Denier and the white beard assistant had already seized the opportunity to distance themselves from Su Ze.

Since Imre, the front row, can't handle it, they can only use the "flying a kite" style of play. The key is Su Ze's charge skills, which pose a great threat to them.

Without Imre, the front row's anti-injury, the bearded assistant was also afraid that Su Ze would charge again, so he hurriedly made preparations, constantly twitching the weeds on the ground, weaving them into a straw man.

Denier asked, "Bishop Penny, why don't you use your spiritual attack!"

The bald female bishop Penny's face darkened, and said: "This blasphemer has strong mental power, and it is difficult for my mental attack to hurt him."

Denier couldn't believe it. Su Ze's physical body was so strong that he was abnormal, but his mental power could still be comparable to a spiritual evolutionary?
Is there such an almighty person in the world?
In this way, wouldn't it be another supreme being abolished on our side?
Denier did not give up and said through voice transmission: "If direct mental attacks are useless, then use illusion or mind control skills to interfere with him!"

Penny could only nod her head. After all, she really didn't play a role, and her momentum was a little weaker, and she said, "I'll try."

Whitebeard's assistant has been worried that Su Ze will charge again, but in fact, the "rhinoceros collision" skill also needs to be cooled.

But it's not a big problem. Su Ze is very good at these long-range evolutionists. As a melee fighter, he is not bothered by long-range kite flying.

To deal with the long-handed evolutionary, besides the "rhinoceros bump", he also has a powerful weapon, that is, the gravitational chain.

The gravitational chain can't pull Imre, that's because Imre is powerful as a melee fighter.

But to pull the remaining three crispy skins, one pull is accurate, unless they use skills to dodge, otherwise they will definitely not be able to break free.

"go with!"

The gravitational field opened up, and the invisible gravitational chain shot, aiming at Whitebeard's assistant.

This old bastard has a lot of messy tricks, if you don't deal with him first, it's not easy to deal with other people.

The white beard assistant seemed to have sensed it, and in the next moment, he switched positions with the straw man he had just made.

Su Ze hooked a straw man over, and the straw man exploded with a bang, and countless grass seeds fell on him, taking root and sprouting, absorbing the energy in his body.

A burst of current flashed, electrocuting all the rapidly growing grass seeds, and a lightning whip lashed towards Whitebeard.

The other two evolutionary gods will naturally not sit back and watch their teammates get beaten. The bald-headed Panny followed Denier's instructions and used mind control skills on Su Ze, but it only distracted Su Ze slightly and did not achieve obvious results. Effect.

She could only turn to construct various fantasies in an attempt to mislead Su Ze's judgment.

But Su Ze felt the tentacles spread out, and all illusions were in vain in front of him.

"Eye of Reality" is a fifth-level skill. Even after Su Ze completed his fifth evolution, he didn't hold back. The illusion skills of the same level have no effect on him.

The lightning whip in his hand lashed the ground, leaving a scorching mark that was tens of meters long. Whitebeard assisted in building a barrier of holy light, barely bearing the blow.

On the other side, Denier's long-planned big move finally came out, and holy beams of light pierced from all directions, approaching and shrinking, gradually forming a cage of holy light.

The cage trapped Su Ze in it, shrinking the space continuously.

Su Ze flicked the long lightning whip in his hand, and lashed towards the cage of the light beam, but the cage made of the beam of light was invisible and intangible, not only did not hit the target, but the cage absorbed part of the light energy emitted by the current, forming a cage The beam of light is more solid.

Su Ze hesitated for a moment, and reached out to grab the edge of the cage.


As soon as his hand touched the beam of light, there was the sound of cold water pouring on the red-hot iron plate, and his liquid body continued to evaporate.

And the white holy light energy invaded his body, assimilating the energy in his body.

Su Ze's thoughts turned, and he suddenly shrank his body into a ball. He is now in a liquefied state, and he has no fixed shape.

Afterwards, he began to divide his body into clones, and these clones turned into pools of flat water, and drilled out from the gap in the cage of holy light.

Of course, Su Ze can also rush out with the burning of the Holy Light, but this will undoubtedly cause less loss.

After he got out of the cage, dozens of clones unanimously launched gravitational chains towards Whitebeard.

Dozens of gravitational chains, see how you hide...

Whitebeard's assistant didn't have time to tie up the straw man as a substitute this time, so he quickly laid down layers of barriers, but they couldn't stop dozens of gravitational chains, and were finally hooked by Su Ze.

Seizing the opportunity, Su Ze was naturally unceremonious and directly killed him.

Although they are both at the supreme level, there is a big gap in physical strength. For example, Su Ze has various skills such as "ant power" and "knowledge is power" to strengthen physical attributes, which can be used as an auxiliary. The old man with white beard obviously will not absorb these Skill.

Therefore, once in close proximity, he doesn't need to use any skills, and he can easily suppress the opponent with his physical body alone.

One of the two clones punched the white beard assistant, and immediately vomited blood. The white beard assistant continued to apply healing and protection to himself.

Su Ze controls two clones, one of them pulls an arm and a leg supported by White Beard, exerting force in opposite directions.

Blood spilled!
The white beard assistant was directly torn in half by Su Ze's two clones!
Both Denier and Penny looked shocked, but they wanted to rescue them but were powerless.

But Su Ze felt no joy at this time, because he activated the "Blood Devouring" skill in advance, but after he tore his white beard, he did not receive the flesh and blood energy fed back by the "Blood Devouring" skill.

This shows that the white beard assistant is not dead!

Sure enough, a weed in the distance suddenly grew wildly, and in a blink of an eye, it grew to a height of four or five meters, forming a huge flower bud of more than one meter.

The flower bud bloomed slowly, revealing the naked white beard assistant.

He even saved one hand, with resurrection skills.

"The old guy still cosplays as a flower fairy when he's old?"

Su Ze taunted, just at this time, the "Rhino Crash" skill had also been cooled down, and dozens of clones rushed towards the newly revived White Beard to assist.

Penny crazily launched a mental attack on Su Ze's clones, but it was useless.

Denier hastily built elemental walls with the Holy Light, but the "Rhino Crash" skill has the effect of ignoring the terrain, directly passing through the walls.

At this moment, Imre, who was knocked into the air by Su Ze, finally rushed back.

Although he looked a bit embarrassed, he was fine on the whole. After all, he was also a melee master with rough skin and thick flesh, so he wouldn't be hurt by Su Ze's bump.

Whitebeard's assistant exclaimed, "Imre, save me!"

After all, a golden ring appeared in front of him, and a golden ring appeared in front of Imre.

Looking at the familiar golden ring, the corners of Imre's mouth twitched.

Save your horse!
Imre cursed in his heart, I just came back, and I'm being used as a scapegoat again?

However, Imre also knew that the overall situation should be the most important thing. He couldn't die after being charged by Su Ze, but there was a high probability that the white beard's support would be gone if he was rushed in the face.

And the death of Whitebeard's assistant is equivalent to being opened up by Su Ze. They will be more passive, and maybe this operation will fail.

Therefore, Imre gritted his teeth, and reached out to press the golden ring.

The next moment, dozens of clones flying towards Whitebeard's assistant immediately turned around and rushed towards Imre in unison.

This time Su Ze was scattered into dozens of clones to launch the charge, so he didn't knock Imre into the air directly, but Imre would rather be knocked into the air again, at least not have to face the siege of dozens of clones.

"God bless!"

Imre stretched out his hand to hold a bone that was as white as jade, more than ten centimeters in size. He let out a loud shout, shrouded in divine light, his figure instantly rose several meters, and his aura also rose rapidly.

The cyan light of evolution shone on the white jade bone, obviously it was a fifth-order strange thing.

But even if he turned into a giant of four or five meters, he still seemed alone and alone under the siege of Su Ze's dozens of clones.

If Su Ze merged his body into one and formed a giant of more than [-] meters, then Imre would be even more insignificant.

After becoming bigger, Imre has obtained a full attribute upgrade, and both output and defense have been strengthened by a level.

It actually allowed him to parry Su Ze's siege for a while, to defend calmly, and to counterattack from time to time, holding Su Ze's clone and preventing them from attacking the others.

But this belonged to his state blessing from strange objects, which must have consumed a lot, or had a time limit. He also seized this opportunity and fought back frantically.

Denier and Whitebeard's assistant also followed suit, trying to take down Su Ze while Imre became stronger.

"It's not that you are the only one who has fifth-order strange objects."

A clone of Su Ze took out the metacarpal bone strange object and activated the ability of three fingers at the same time. In an instant, green, black, and yellow lights lit up at the same time.

As the supreme powerhouse, he can easily activate the three abilities of this fifth-order strange thing at the same time, but the consumption is not small.

The dark green flames, pitch-black shadows, and yellow virus gas enveloped Imre at the same time.

Imre, who was still mighty and extraordinary just now, withered immediately, his body was ignited with green fire, but he had no time to take care of it. He was using the holy light in his body to fight against the invading shadow, and the silent invasion of the virus made him weaken rapidly.

Su Ze didn't take the opportunity to attack Imre, but retreated and rushed to Whitebeard's support again.

At this time, Imre had no time to take care of others, and Su Ze ignored Su Ze, the Supreme Spiritual Supreme.

Denier is the only one who can provide support to Whitebeard, but he himself is afraid of being bumped by Su Ze, so he only dares to stand far away and throw his skills.

Su Ze understood that he had to open up the situation as soon as possible.

Among the four Evolutionary Sect Supremes, he had to kill at least one of them to open up the situation, and he also had to get rid of the Spiritual Supreme Supreme Panny.

Whether Panny lives or dies has no effect on the situation.

But at this moment, Penny, who had been unable to play any role and felt very aggrieved, suddenly had a plan to launch a mental attack on Ya Ge and the refugees from the peninsula country in the distance.

Su Ze is not afraid of her mental attack, but these refugees must not be able to resist, and she can wipe them out in an instant.

But Penny also knew that Su Ze might not care much about these refugees from the peninsula country, but if they were all silenced, there would be less evidence to accuse Evolutionism.

In addition, she knew that Brother Ya was Su Ze's companion, and she didn't believe that Su Ze would remain indifferent if she shot Ya Ge.

Brother Ya was also afraid of being affected by the war, so he had already hid far away, out of the attack range of a spiritual supreme, but not too far away, Penny easily found Brother Ya and the others with mental power s position.

She flew straight in the direction where Ya Ge and the others were.

Her actions immediately aroused Su Ze's vigilance and guessed her purpose.

"Looking for death!" Su Ze originally planned to be the last to deal with Penny, but at this time he had no choice.

He immediately separated half of his clones to intercept Penny, and at the same time transmitted voice to Ya Ge.

Brother Ya heard Su Ze's voice transmission, and his expression was serious. Psychic attacks were already difficult to defend against, let alone he wanted to protect not only himself, but also the more than 20 refugees behind him.

Pan Ni was happy when she saw that Su Ze made a clone to stop her, which showed that her method worked, and at least half of Su Ze's combat power was involved.

Penny's flying speed increased sharply, and she flew straight towards Ya Ge.

But Ya Ge communicated with Su Ze, and suddenly took the initiative to flee forward, and at the same time split into a shadow clone, the body and the shadow clone approached Annie together.

Without hesitation, Penny launched a mental attack on Brother Ya!

Brother Ya immediately switched positions with the shadow clone, but he didn't completely escape the mental attack. It was as if a faucet switch had been turned on in his mouth and nose, and blood gushed out crazily.

Penny looked surprised. Under his mental attack, a Overlord was only injured, and didn't even lose the ability to move. This is already an exaggeration.

Normally speaking, if the overlord is weaker in spirit and has no means of mental protection, direct mental destruction and soul death are also possible.

Ke Yage has a strong defense ability, and even against mental attacks, he has a resistance that exceeds that of ordinary overlords.

Just when Penny was about to attack again, Su Ze's clone rushed forward, and gravitational chains struck from all angles.

Penny's mental power is so strong that she can actually capture the trajectory of the gravitational chain with her mental power. She twists her body constantly, and uses her mental power to condense "spiritual dummies" with short-lived entities, and uses them to dissolve Su Ze's gravitational chain .

Immediately, she didn't care about dealing with Brother Ya anymore, and hurriedly speeded up again, trying to distance herself from Su Ze.

She didn't dare to let Su Ze get close.

At this time, Yage, the main body and the shadow clone are separated into two groups. The main body is covered with a double-sided turtle shell, rolling rapidly like a tire, rushing to Penny, while the shadow clone flees to the battlefield on the other side.

Ya Ge turned into a rolling turtle shell, soaring into the sky, hitting Penny in the air.

Penny was running away desperately to avoid Su Ze's pursuit, but Ya Ge suddenly blocked her way, which made her annoyed.

"Die!" Penny did not hesitate to use the strongest mental attack, which was bound to destroy Ya Ge's soul in one blow.

But Ya Ge carried the blow hard, and slammed into Pan Ni's body hard.

His double-sided tortoise shell also has a certain weakening effect on mental attacks, so his soul was not broken by this blow as Penny thought.

On the contrary, it was Penny who was blocked by Ya Ge's bump.

Su Ze from behind finally caught up, and half of the clones merged into one, turned into a giant, grabbed Penny's body with a slap, and squeezed the part below her neck into a pulp with a slap.

Only one head was left, but it did not die, and still kept alive.

Su Ze slapped Penny on the head directly, knocking her into a daze, and then used her own mental power to suppress her, restrict her thinking, and destroy the part of her brain and soul that stores memory and self-awareness.

Afterwards, he conveniently put Penny's head into the storage ring, and condensed a regeneration fruit and handed it to Brother Ya.

Ya Ge swallowed the regeneration fruit, and his injuries quickly healed, including all mental injuries.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other tacitly, and Ya Ge disappeared in the same place in the next moment, replaced by a shadow.


On the other side of the battlefield, Penny's fate made Denier and the other three feel heavy. They didn't expect the four of them to besiege Su Ze. Not only did they not take any advantage, but they lost one person first.

The other half of Su Ze's avatar is fighting with Whitebeard and Denier.

Imre just got clear about the shadow in his body and the green flame on his body surface, but the disease in his body has not been eliminated, which has seriously affected his state.

In addition, his enhancement from the fifth-order strange object was also unable to maintain, and his strength fell back to normal levels, and even became weaker than before due to the impact of the disease.

"The three of us work together, get rid of his clones first, otherwise we will be in trouble when the other half of his clones come to support us!" White Beard said loudly.

The other half of Su Ze's avatar is rushing over here after finishing Penny.

Imre was sluggish and sick, and said, "If it doesn't work, retreat."

"How can that be done!" Denier objected, "Don't give up, it's just that Penny is dead, she can't play a role in the first place, our strength has not weakened, you just need to adjust your state as soon as possible."

White Beard also said: "I will purify the virus in your body."

Hearing this, Imre had no choice but to pick up the big sword and rush towards Su Ze's clone.

At this moment, Yage and the shadow clone switched positions and appeared on the edge of the battlefield in an instant.

And this half of Su Ze's clone quickly merged, gathered, and shrunk in size, appearing beside Brother Ya.

Ya Ge pulled Su Ze, and disappeared out of thin air under the watchful eyes of the three supreme powerhouses.

The three supreme powerhouses, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, kept using their mental strength and various probing skills to find the location of the two, but they didn't find anything, and the two seemed to disappear out of thin air.

In fact, the two of them had been broken down into countless invisible and intangible tiny particles, so small that even Su Ze's sensory tentacles couldn't catch them.

This is Yage's "Nothingness" skill. After the supplement is complete, this skill can bring a target into a state of nothingness.

Su Ze, who was in a state of nothingness, quietly came behind Whitebeard's assistant.

A few seconds later, the effect of the "Nothingness" skill ended, Su Ze condensed back into his body, and smashed Whitebeard's head with a punch!

Afraid that Lao Deng's death would not be clean, and he would play the trick of resurrecting the flower fairy, a violent electric current gushed out of Su Ze's body, instantly turning Whitebeard's body into coke.

At the same time, the "Blood Devouring" skill fed back a large amount of flesh and blood energy, which made Su Ze finally confirm that Whitebeard is really dead!
After devouring Whitebeard's flesh and blood energy, Su Ze's strength increased greatly, and his size soared.

Turned to kill Denier.

Imre, who was not in good condition, had to grit his teeth and stand in front of Denier again.

At this moment, Su Ze's other half clone finally rushed back.

The two bodies merged into one, and Su Ze returned to his peak state. He was even stronger than before because he had absorbed Whitebeard's flesh and blood energy.

With the skills fully activated and the status fully stacked, Su Ze "expanded" again, turning into a giant of nearly 200 meters, and his strength and other physical attributes reached a new height.

Instead of bypassing Imre and targeting Denier, he punched Imre with all his strength.

"You want to block the gun for him? Then kill you first."

His strongest blow, "The Strongest Punch", combines three major skills and contains terrifying power.

Even Brother Ya wisely switched positions with the shadow clone again, so as not to be affected by Su Zebo.

Imre's face changed drastically, and he vaguely felt the horror of Su Ze's blow. The fear in his heart spread uncontrollably throughout his body, making him tremble a little.

But at this time, there was no way to hide, so he could only deal with it with all his strength, using all his defensive skills to resist.


A punch fell, and the ground trembled and cracked like an earthquake.

The aftermath of the violent energy raged towards the surroundings, and all the trees, flowers and plants in a radius of one kilometer were uprooted.

Imre, who faced the blow directly, was hammered into a meatloaf without any resistance.

In a devastating manner, Su Ze killed three Supreme Beings in a row.

But this is nothing surprising, as long as he kills one of them, it is like opening a breakthrough, and it will only take a moment to take down the others.

Every time he kills a person, his own strength will be greatly strengthened due to the feedback of "Blood Devouring".

And the opponent's strength will be significantly weakened because one person died.

This ebb and flow naturally snowballed directly.

But this time the breakthrough was made with the help of Brother Ya. Although Brother Ya is only a holy overlord, his skills are more suitable for supporting than the old man with white beard.

This is the gold medal support!
If Brother Ya also completes the fifth evolution, and the two of them cooperate, the four Supreme Evolution Cultists may not be able to last a few rounds.

Next, the only remaining Deniye is also the strongest among the four evolutionary gods this time, and the one who poses the greatest threat to Su Ze.

But when he was the only one left, he didn't pose any threat.

Without hesitation, Denier turned into a ray of white light and flew towards the distance at an astonishingly fast speed!

But as soon as he started, Su Ze locked him with a "rhino bump" and chased after him.

No matter how far he runs, "Rhinoceros" will follow!
After a while...

With a bang, there was a muffled sound in the air tens of miles away, and a brilliant red firework exploded.

Denier was directly hit by Su Ze and turned into a flesh and blood fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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