Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 339 Quasi-magical skill!

Chapter 339 Quasi-magical skill!

The "strongest punch" that can lock on the target and pursue it from a long distance!
Su Ze's heart was ruthlessly moved, just thinking about it made him feel emotional.

So he did the same.

The newly simulated "weak point attack" skill, as well as "acupuncture", "rageous waves", and "shock cannon (flame cannon)", the four major skills are integrated into one.

Considering the mediocre effect of shocking the Golden Retriever Falcon before, this time he did not rely on the "Thor's Body" to charge the "Shock Cannon", but used the fifth-order wonder "Feather Bathed in Fire" to provide flame charge for the Shock Cannon this time. able.

This kind of bird and beast, covered in feathers, should be more afraid of fire.

Coupled with a series of other bonuses, the destructive effect of "Ant Power", the bonus of "Expansion", and the bonus of "Blood Devouring", this will be Su Ze's punch beyond the peak!
The "Weakness Attack" skill allowed Su Ze to discover a weakness in the Golden Retriever Falcon.

Although there was only one weakness, it was enough. With this peak punch, Su Ze only had the power of one blow.

When Su Ze locked on to that weak point, the Golden Retriever Falcon's golden feathers exploded, sensing a crisis!

It quickly retreated without hesitation!
But once the "weak point attack" is locked, there is no way to escape.

Su Ze aimed at the weak point and hit the "strongest punch". A phantom of a fist burning with raging flames flew out, and flew straight towards the golden retriever falcon.

"Die, flat-haired bastard!"

The weak point targeted by the "weak point attack" is located in the Golden Retriever Falcon's abdomen, but now Su Ze is in the "inflated" state, and a fist is tens of meters long, so the fist shadow that flies out is also extremely huge, covering almost half of the Golden Retriever Falcon's body.

Fist Shadow hit the Golden Retriever Falcon without any suspense.

There was a shrill scream in the explosion of fire, and the golden retriever's abdomen was like a balloon, blown up by a punch!

The charred golden feathers flew around, the golden falcon's internal organs were all shattered, and its head, wings, legs and other residual limbs fell from the sky.

Su Ze quickly interrupted the "Blood Devouring" skill, in case the Golden Retriever Falcon was killed, the energy in his body would be swallowed up by "Blood Devouring", and he would not be able to extract the extract by then.

At the same time, he flew out multiple gravitational chains in succession, pulling all the remaining limbs of the Golden Retriever Falcon in front of him.

Looking at the scorched black stump in front of him, Su Ze clearly felt the breath of life from the head of the Golden Retriever Falcon.

"This flat-haired bastard, is he still alive?"

The vitality of the sixth-order alien beast is indeed strong, and only the head is still alive. If it is left alone, it may recover to its peak if given some time.

However, the Golden Retriever Falcon in this state couldn't make any waves, so Su Ze sent it away with a "needle strike" combined with an electric shock.

At this point, the generation of beast kings who had ruled the blue star for thousands of years fell.

Seeing the death of the Golden Retriever Falcon, several other sixth-order beasts began to retreat one after another, losing the will to continue fighting.

The Golden Retriever Falcon can be said to be the real king of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range. These sixth-order alien beasts usually act according to their faces, and because of this, the fall of the Golden Retriever Falcon has brought them a great impact. They are all terrified, afraid that they will also step forward. Follow in the footsteps of the Golden Retriever.

The supreme beings of the Blue Star Party rely on the number advantage and the sixth-order strange objects to barely deal with these sixth-order strange beasts, and they have persisted until now, all of them are injured, and they are close to the limit.

If these strange beasts were to leave, they couldn't keep them, and they were even secretly happy in their hearts.

As for Su Ze, in order to obtain the extract of the Golden Retriever Falcon, he ended the "Blood Devouring" skill ahead of time, which caused him to lose the full bonus of the "Blood Devouring" skill, and his strength dropped sharply.

At this time, he was definitely not an opponent when facing five sixth-order strange beasts, and of course he would not step forward to stop them.

All the sixth-rank beast kings in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range retreated, and the other beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range also retreated with their kings.

The pressure of the beast horde disappeared without a trace, and the city behind him was finally saved.

Of course, the beast tide was not over yet, only the beasts from the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range retreated, but the beasts from other areas were still attacking Lin Huazhou from all directions.

Therefore, Chen Suifeng and other supreme powerhouses had no time to say anything, they just gathered around and chatted with Su Ze to express their gratitude for his support, and they will leave soon to support elsewhere.

It can be seen that the top executives of the Blue Star Party are very polite and enthusiastic towards Su Ze. No one puts on airs based on their age and seniority. This is also because Su Ze's strength convinces them.

The supreme leader jumped up and killed the sixth-level beast king Golden Falcon. They were impressed by his combat power and potential, and they knew that Su Ze's future achievements were beyond their imagination.

And as senior members of the Blue Star Party, they all knew that Su Ze was regarded by Mr. Ke as the hope of the human race, and he was the object of their Blue Star Party's full support and training.

Chen Suifeng said: "Do you want to be with us?"

"Can you handle it? If you are not in a hurry, I want to deal with these first." Su Ze pointed to the body of the Golden Retriever Falcon.

"As long as there are no more sixth-order alien beasts, there should be no problem. Otherwise, you can stay here to deal with the spoils and prevent the alien beasts from coming back. If there are sixth-order alien beasts that we can't deal with, I will contact you again." .” Chen Suifeng said without being polite.

"Okay." Su Ze agreed.

After he absorbs the extract of the Golden Retriever Falcon, obtains the "weak point attack" skill, and further improves his strength, even without relying on the "blood-eating" skill, he should be able to defeat most of the sixth-order alien beasts.

At that time, it will be more efficient to support Chen Suifeng and the others.

Watching Chen Suifeng and the others leave, Su Ze became the highest official here, and local officials and generals of the defending army came to ask Su Ze for his opinion.

"Give priority to the treatment of the wounded, comfort the people, and continue to organize the orderly evacuation of the people to prevent the beast tide from coming back. The soldiers are ready to fight, don't relax!"

Su Ze pointed out the general direction, and the rest will naturally be done by the people below.

Busy with the matter at hand, Su Ze took out a special version of the advanced extractor and began to extract the evolutionary substance in the Golden Retriever Falcon.

After extracting all parts of his body, Su Ze got a tube of extract that emitted the light of blue evolution.

He even vaguely saw a ray of purple light in this tube of extract!
"The Golden Retriever Falcon has begun to evolve towards the god level?" Su Ze was slightly surprised.

Although for his next tube of extract, Su Ze wanted to challenge himself to absorb the god-level extract by leapfrogging, but firstly, the god-level extract is too rare, and secondly, the skill of "weak point attack" is really delicious!
For the skill of "weak point attack", Su Ze can lower his requirements appropriately.

What's more, he only discovered at this time that the golden retriever falcon extract contained a hint of purple evolutionary light. Although he didn't fully understand what this represented, purple was undoubtedly linked to the god level.

Next, Su Ze processed the Golden Retriever Falcon's body and collected all valuable materials. He was going to enter the Rubik's Cube to absorb the Golden Retriever Falcon extract.

At this moment, the door of the Rubik's Cube, which had been in an invisible state, opened, and Brother Ya flew out of it.

"Boss, I have successfully evolved!" Ya Ge said excitedly.

"I am supreme!"

His joy was beyond words. A year ago, he would never have dreamed that he could become the supreme powerhouse.

That is supreme!
The entire Blue Star is a big shot!
A year ago, he was just a frustrated little anchor in Luo Fan Kingdom. Since leaving Luo Fan with Su Ze, his life has undergone earth-shaking changes!

"Calm down, it's just a mere Supreme." Su Ze smiled and pointed to the golden-retriever falcon corpse on the ground, "This is the sixth-level top-level alien beast I just killed."

Ya Ge opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

He forgot that it is forbidden to act aggressive in front of the boss.

"You came just in time, I will leave it to you to take care of here. I will go back to the Rubik's Cube to absorb the extract and get ready. I plan to hit the legend!" Su Ze patted Brother Ya on the shoulder.

Brother Ya's expression is stiff... isn't it?I have just become Supreme, and you want to become a legend?
I managed to catch up!

Is it embarrassing to be on the same level of evolution as me?
Brother Ya always felt that his evolution rate was too slow, and his strength was left behind by Su Ze, which gradually led to less and less of him being able to help Su Ze.

When he first met Su Ze, his evolution level was one level higher than Su Ze's. At that time, he was Su Ze's bodyguard.

Now he just wants to be stronger and help Su Ze to share some pressure. Although Su Ze always refuses to be a savior, because of the existence of the Nian tribe, some pressure falls on Su Ze unknowingly.

When the sky fell and the tall man was holding it, Su Ze became that tall man without knowing it. Whether he wanted it or not, when the sky fell, he would hit him first.

In fact, Brother Ya's evolution rate is already so fast that it takes off, but what he wants to catch up with is Su Ze, the person with the fastest evolution rate in the history of Blue Star.


When Su Ze returned to the Rubik's Cube spacecraft, he first took out a few sands of time.

The Mirage King extract in his body has not been digested, and if he wants to absorb the next tube of extract, he must first use the Sand of Time to completely digest the evolutionary material in his body.

Among them, there is a huge round sand of time. Su Ze knocked off the surface layer, revealing a huge spherical object inside.

This object is not a standard spherical shape, but rather flat, with a jet-black luster.

Su Ze remained cautious. This ball was dug out from the lair of the Beastmaster Sponge, and it was located in the center of the sand vein of time.

He suspects that the formation of the Sands of Time may be related to this sphere.

When he stared at the black ball, he felt that there was an invisible bottom in it, as if he was also being watched by the black ball.

"This thing, why does it feel a bit like an eye?"

The black ball seems to be an eye, and it is also watching Su Ze with its eyes.

He stretched out his mental power to explore the black sphere, and peek inside the sphere...

As a result, he was shocked in the next second, and there were countless spaces inside the ball layer upon layer!
This is much bigger than a storage ring or something!
A single space is far larger than the space for storing rings, not to mention the number of spaces in it is at least tens of millions!

The storage rings on the Blue Star are all made of the fruit of the fifth-order spiritual plant Qiankunmu, and there is only this kind of space-type spiritual plant on the Blue Star. As a result, everyone's storage items are very limited. Use multiple storage props to accommodate.

The pod trees used as warehouses and the big-mouthed flowers used as breeding rooms that Su Ze saw in the tree spirit spaceship had quite large internal spaces.

But the space inside this black ball is bigger than them.

"After modifying this thing, it can be installed on the spaceship as a warehouse or treasure house or something."

There is a warehouse on the Rubik's Cube, but the space is average, because it has not been modified and installed, and it is not as easy to use as the pod tree warehouse of the tree spirit spaceship.

"Could it be that this is a storage item? An advanced storage item from an alien?"

Su Ze guessed that his mental power continued to explore inside the black sphere. There were too many spaces in it, and it would take him some time to check them one by one.

When he explored the deep space with mental power, he suddenly found out!

Some afterimages flashed in it.



He frequently saw some broken pictures, in which besides a man, there was the figure of a butterfly.

He knew both the man and the butterfly.

"This ball is what they left behind."

It can be said that this strong human race and this butterfly changed the fate of Blue Star.

The era of evolution was started by them, and the mysterious inheritance was left by them. Now even Blue Star's first god-level beast is suspected to be affected by what they left behind.

The man and the butterfly in the picture seem to be going backwards in time. The deeper Su Ze explores his spiritual power, the younger they look.

In fact, the appearance of that person and butterfly has not changed, but the overall temperament and eyes can tell that the deeper they look, the younger they are.

The picture also gradually became clear from being broken at the beginning.

Until... other people began to appear on the screen!

He saw pictures of men and butterflies fighting in the universe, and saw aliens with strange shapes, more than one, more than one kind.

From these pictures, he can roughly infer that the man and the butterfly seem to have encountered a protracted hunt.

In the process, they experienced a series of tragic fights, breaking out of the encirclement again and again.

Su Ze suddenly stopped, staring at the butterfly in the picture, staring at the butterfly's eyes.

The black eyeballs are irregularly spherical, and at first glance, it seems that the abyss is bottomless, and there are thousands of worlds hidden in it.

He suddenly realized that those black balls were the eyes of butterflies!

So the pictures he sees now are all the afterimages of the years left in the butterfly's eyes?

Su Ze's mental power continued to explore the depths of the butterfly's eyeballs, leaving a layer of afterimages in each layer of space, but the deeper he went, Su Ze could clearly feel the mental strain.

Until, he saw a frame——

Man sitting at a table with a rich meal and a group of people sitting around the table.

Everyone raised their wine glasses with smiles on their faces, and the picture was very warm.

And the people at this table are all human beings!

Sure enough, there are still humans in the universe.

Of course, this is at least a picture thousands of years ago, and there were human beings thousands of years ago, so it is not necessarily the case now.

Su Ze was still waiting to look back, his brain felt a tingling pain, and his mental power withdrew from it.

His mental strength has been exhausted!
With his mental strength, it was only enough to support him to see this far.

"So this is an eye of that butterfly, in which there are afterimages of time and countless spaces, but how did the sands of time come from?"

Su Ze felt the tentacles wrapping the entire eyeball, observing quietly.

After a long time, he discovered something...

It turns out that the afterimage in the eyeball will dissipate at an extremely slow speed, and as the image dissipates, a faint golden energy will overflow from the eyeball.

The Sands of Time are obviously rocks or silt on the ocean floor fused with golden energy.

The golden energy carries some "time" power, which may be the main component of the afterimage of time.

After figuring out the principle, Su Ze couldn't prevent the afterimages of time from dissipating and the golden energy from overflowing. He could only find sand, gravel and soil to bury his eyeballs, so as not to let the overflowing golden energy go to waste. This might form a new era of time. sand.

After doing all this, he began to absorb the golden energy in the Sands of Time.

It was still difficult to digest the sixth-order S-level extract in his body, and it took several large pieces of the Sand of Time to be completely digested.

Su Ze relaxed for a moment, adjusted his state, and then took out the golden retriever falcon extract.

Looking at the sixth-level extract with a hint of purple light in his hand, he decided to ask the Shepherd King.

Although the old man Mu Wang is not very knowledgeable, there are few evolutionary issues below the god level that can stump him.

Sure enough, King Mu immediately gave a reasonable explanation: "The extract has a tinge of purple light? Does this beast have any powerful skills? Generally speaking, this is a symbol of the beast's aptitude to become a god. Such a beast, when completed The seventh evolution is only a matter of time."

"There is indeed a very good skill..." Su Ze roughly introduced the skill "Weak point attack" to King Mu.

"You're lucky, this skill is quite good, and it may be your best choice if you can't absorb the divine skills." The Mu Wang paused, and continued, "The alien beast becomes a god, just like the intelligent race. , but also to master a divine skill, but they cannot master divine skills through plundering and evolution like intelligent races."

Su Ze understood: "So they took a different path and merged their own magical skills?"

"Almost, but not only fusion, but also continuous evolution and upgrading, until they have polished a magical skill, they can undergo the seventh evolution. And the purple in the extract shows that this strange beast has almost mastered a quasi-magic skill , the rest is nothing more than the accumulation and polishing of time, it can be said that it will become a god in the future."

"Quasi-magic skills?" Su Ze heard this for the first time.

"That's right, the skill 'Weak Point Attack' is obviously the 'ladder' on which the Golden Retriever Falcon becomes a god, but because of its limited strength, this skill has not been able to exert the power of a magical skill. When it has enough background, this skill Upgrading to a divine skill is also a matter of course."

Hearing this, Su Ze already understood roughly.

Although the Golden Retriever Falcon is only a sixth-order beast, it has already mastered a quasi-divine skill.

The level of the quasi-divine skill should be higher than the rudimentary form of the divine skill in the blood crystal. Of course, what is mentioned here is the ordinary blood crystal, not the golden divine blood crystal.

Of course, it’s hard to say in terms of potential.

The prototype of the divine skill is a weakened castrated version of the divine skill, but it is hoped to evolve into a full version of the divine skill.

Quasi-divine skills have many possibilities, but the future upgrade route has to be explored by oneself.

Su Ze thought of the Golden Retriever Falcon, but he didn't expect that flat-haired animal to be so godlike.

If Beastmaster Sponge hadn't been lucky enough to meet the Butterfly Eyeball and the Sands of Time, and rely on the Sands of Time to get promoted, I'm afraid the first beast on Blue Star to become a god would be the Golden Retriever Falcon.

Of course, it's the same for anyone who becomes a god, and there is no difference in the end.

These two things are a dead end anyway, and the Golden Retriever Falcon will die in the hands of the Nian tribe if it becomes a god.

Su Ze no longer hesitated, picked up the Golden Retriever Falcon extract and drank it in one gulp.

His mouth was immediately filled with the smell of a flat-haired animal.

It was like swallowing a living bead alive.


From the first-order extract to the sixth-order extract, there is no one that tastes good!

(End of this chapter)

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