Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 340 The attribution of the seventh-order extract

Chapter 340 The attribution of the seventh-order extract
It is not difficult for Su Ze to absorb the sixth-order extract, everything will happen naturally.

He is also familiar with the road, and has selected the "weak point attack" skill.

The "Knowledge is Power" skill sensed that he had acquired a new skill, and immediately strengthened his cells.

Su Ze's overall strength has been greatly improved after successfully absorbing a tube of the sixth-order top-level extract, plus a cell enhancement.

Of course, the biggest gain is the skill of "weak point attack".

Weak point attack (quasi-magic skill): Know the target's weak point, and launch an attack on each weak point. The number of weak points depends on the strength difference between the two sides. When attacking a weak point, the target's weak point is locked, and the weak point must be hit, ignoring any form of defense of the target .

It is worth mentioning that "weak point attack" itself is an attack skill, not an auxiliary skill for attack.

When using this skill alone, the strength of its attack on weak points is determined by Su Ze's physique. Its power is roughly equivalent to Su Ze's full-strength "Ping A", but it ignores the distance and defense, and it must hit.

When the Golden Retriever Falcon uses this skill, the form of attack shown is piercing with feathers, while for Su Ze, it is a punch attack, which is shown as a long-range fist attack.

That is to say, when Su Ze locks the "weak point", he cannot use other skills, such as "acupuncture" or "shock gun" to trigger the attack effect on the weak point, and must use the long-range punch that comes with the "weak point attack" skill. Wind attack can only be triggered.

However, if the "weak point attack" is integrated into the "strongest punch", the nature is different. The "weak point attack" is equivalent to becoming a part of the "strongest punch", and it can be directly triggered by the "strongest punch". "Weak point attack" effect.

It was shown, just like Su Ze's punch that exploded the Golden Retriever Falcon before.

With this quasi-magical skill, Su Ze really has the confidence to fight against the legend.

If he completes the sixth evolution and is promoted to legend, there will not be many people on the entire blue star that he can fear.

With a large amount of sand of time, it is easy for Su Ze to digest the extract. He can digest the golden retriever falcon extract in his body immediately.

But he didn't do this, because even if he digested the golden fur falcon extract, he couldn't immediately undergo the sixth evolution.

He still has one requirement before the sixth evolution, and that is to upgrade all the skills to the fifth level or above.

He still has two fourth-order skills that have not been upgraded.

A "thousands of raging waves" and a "regenerated body".

As long as these two skills are upgraded, he will immediately absorb the sands of time, digest the extract, and impact the sixth evolution!

"Next, we must first collect the upgrade materials for these two skills!

"Finding puzzle number four should also be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

"I don't know what's going on with Jiang Pingle and the others. Have you killed the Beastmaster Sponge?"

With all kinds of thoughts in his mind, Su Ze sent a message to Brother Ya, asking him to stay here. Su Ze himself drove the spaceship to patrol around and wiped out all the surrounding strange beasts.

Chen Suifeng didn't ask him for help, which meant that the other side was still able to withstand it, and he didn't plan to go there for the time being.


Since the end of the battle of evolution, the largest beast horde attack finally receded after two days and one night.

Of course, this is limited to the three continents, and what happens to other settlements is temporarily unknown.

Su Ze has been guarding Lin Huazhou during this time and has not wandered elsewhere, so he doesn't know much about the situation outside.

But if you think about it with your toes, you can guess that most of the small settlements have probably been flattened by this wave of beasts.

Even the three continents had a hard time, and they paid a heavy price under the beast tide. Dozens of cities fell, and after the beast tide receded, only devastation remained.

In the end, the beast tide receded only after Jiang Pingle and other legendary powerhouses came back to help.

Jiang Pingle and Deng Sui returned to Lin Huazhou, and with the help of the god-level miraculous items in their hands, they killed all directions and forcefully drove back the beast hordes that came from all sides.

Although Su Ze of Yandi Continent and Xueyuan Continent didn't see it with his own eyes, he could guess that the masters of the two continents must have acted as saviors and used the power of god-level strange things to drive back the beast horde.

In fact, Jiang Pingle and the others only killed one or two old sixth-order alien beasts, killing chickens and monkeys, and did not massacre sixth-order alien beasts.

They want to cultivate more god-level human races, and they need more level-[-] extracts from god-level beasts like Beastmaster Sponge, so they will definitely not massacre potential level-[-] beasts.

And those sixth-order beasts saw that the enemy was strong, and their newly born god-level beast king had fallen, so they naturally retreated obediently, and the tide of beasts subsided.

That's right, the Beastmaster Sponge finally failed to withstand the consumption of several Nian clan powerhouses, and fell into the sea.

Jiang Pingle and others did not conceal the news, but instead hyped up their deeds of slaughtering gods.

In the story they promoted, the Beastmaster Sponge became a big devil who threatened the world. After it became a god, it summoned strange beasts from all over the world to launch this big beast tide. Jiang Pingle and other four legendary powerhouses became heroes to save the world. In order to save Blue Star, they risked their lives to fight against the big devil, and finally defeated the big devil together.

The story is clichéd, but very passionate and moving.

At least the people of Lin Huaguo regarded the four of them as heroes after hearing this, and they were full of reverence.

As for the achievements of Chen Suifeng and others in risking their lives to protect Lin Huaguo, they were all mentioned lightly, no one cared, no one mentioned it, and no one remembered it.

Of course, not everyone believed this, at least in Dongli, the story of Su Ze repelling the beast horde and saving Dongli was all that was publicized.

In addition, Gu'an, which is far to the south of Lin Huazhou, did not feel any support from the dominant country during this beast tide. On the contrary, the dirty soil organization made a lot of efforts to protect Gu'an.

Gu Anguo didn't suffer too much loss in this beast tide. It can be said that it was thanks to the dirty soil organization and the legendary powerhouse Plamond.

For a while, word-of-mouth among the people unknowingly turned to the dirt organization.

After all, in times of crisis, the dominant country abandoned them regardless of their life and death, but the filthy organization they regarded as demons guarded the country.

Among them, in fact, Su Ze has a lot of credit. It is under his influence that Plamond will do his best to protect the ancient Anguo.

After Plamond was sent back to Gu'an by Su Ze, he led the people from the dirty soil organization to take back Gu'an with thunder, and protected the peace of the people of Gu'an in the beast tide.

This move won the hearts of the people for the dirty soil organization in ancient Anguo. The common people are sometimes as simple as that, whoever can protect them well and let them have enough food, they will support whoever.

You say the filthy ones are evil?eat human?

They eat outsiders, as long as they don't eat Gu'an people.

And that's what the dirty soil organization advertised. They wanted to turn Gu'an into the base camp of the dirty soil organization, and then go to eat away at other surrounding countries.

In this animal horde, Gu'an and Dongli were the two countries that Lin Huazhou suffered the least.

Other countries were not so lucky.

Luofan Kingdom has a large land area, spanning the east and west sides of Lin Huazhou. It must defend against the land beast tide in the west and the sea monster invasion in the east.

In the end, the coastal defense line was breached, and countless marine animals flooded into the country, causing a large number of casualties and huge property losses.

Due to the small size of the country, the Mu country originally only defended against the alien beasts from the sea, but the destruction of the peninsula country stretched their defense line, and they faced greater pressure from the beast tide, so they also suffered a lot of losses.

The worst thing was the Desert Country, which had a large area and few people. It was located in a desert area, and it was difficult to defend, and because it was located in the west of Lin Huazhou, and it was next to Lin Hua Country, it was a catastrophe.

When the herd of beasts from the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range attacked Lin Hua Country, the Great Desert Country was also affected, so they could only retreat again and again, constantly retreating to the east.

When the beast tide receded, they had already lost half of the country.

And Jiang Pingle arranged for the alien party to actually control and occupy the lost half of the desert country's territory in the name of helping the desert country regain its lost territory.

Now that Atago has become the king of the Desert Kingdom, he naturally follows Su Ze to the Blue Star Party.

There are Damo Kingdom and Dongli Kingdom in the middle, cutting off the connection between Luo Fan Kingdom, Mu Country and Lin Hua Country.

Now that the Alien Party has occupied half of the territory of the Desert Kingdom, they have naturally established contact.

It can be said that a beast tide has changed the situation of the entire Blue Star to a certain extent.

The Alien Party harvested the seventh-level extract, held three god-level wonders, occupied half of the territory of the desert country, and opened up the connection with the Luo Fan country and the Mu country.

And with this wave of publicity, the prestige is unprecedented.

It can be said that everything is developing in the direction they expected, and the Nian people are one step closer to realizing their goal.

The Blue Star Party has gained nothing from this beast tide, and it has completely fallen into a disadvantage in terms of strength and reputation.

Although the dirty soil organization has occupied the ancient Anguo, it is still unstable because of the gap in strength.

If the alien party sent a legendary strongman to kill Gu'an with a god-level strange object, Plamond would be powerless to resist and could only run away.

In addition to the changes in the internal situation of the three continents, the status of humans and alien beasts on the entire Blue Star has also changed again.

Since the beginning of the evolution era, alien beasts have replaced humans as the masters of Blue Star.

In the battle of evolution in the first 500 years, human beings were killed by alien beasts, and they could only continue to shrink their territory.

In the end, relying on a few strong men to end the battle of evolution, but for nearly 500 years, human beings could only huddle in settlements and completely lost the control of Blue Star.

But this time, not only the newly promoted god-level alien beast was killed, but also the tide of beasts was repelled, which greatly frustrated the morale of the alien beast.

More importantly, let the beasts realize that human beings are now superior to the beasts in terms of top combat power.

Although those who mastered the god-level strange item and killed the Beastmaster Sponge were all from the Nian tribe and not pure humans, the strange beast didn't know it.

They only know that the human race has regained the power to fear them and control their life and death.

Humans seem to have the momentum to regain control of Blue Star.

After the tide of beasts receded, a large number of alien beasts took the initiative to retreat a hundred miles in the area around the three continents. At this time, it was difficult to see high-level alien beasts around Lin Huazhou.

Although the beast horde destroyed many cities, it will take time to rebuild after the disaster, but it is not difficult to imagine the future trend. Human beings will expand their territory again, and the three continents will usher in a period of expansion!
Seeing this scene, the top leaders of the Blue Star Party were not happy.

Because this advantage is not regained by human beings themselves, but by the strength of Nian tribe.

After this battle, the future blue star and alien beasts are no longer the main enemies of human beings, but the people of the Nian clan are!


Su Ze contacted Plumon through the mental communication phone as soon as the beast tide receded, telling him to be careful of the legendary strongman of the Alien Party.

And he also paid close attention to the movements of Jiang Pingle and Deng Sui through the Blue Star Party. Once any of them went to Gu'an, he would immediately notify Plamond to retreat.

Pramon also asked the leader of the dirty soil organization for help in time to prevent the Nian tribe from making a surprise attack.

Su Ze stayed in Dongli for two days because of the Chinese New Year.

In a blink of an eye, this was his second New Year's Eve on Blue Star after time travel.

He, Aunt Yun, Liu Wenyin, and Brother Ya ate the New Year's Eve dinner together, and watched the New Year's Eve party of Dongli TV Station together.

The party program was boring, but the atmosphere of the four sitting in front of the TV was very warm.

Recently, Su Ze has been running here and there, running around, and it is rare to stop and rest. Now it is rare to be free, and he enjoys the peace of this day.

Years later, he mobilized all the resources and contacts in his hands to help him find materials that could upgrade or strengthen the skills of "Raging Waves" and "Regenerated Body".

At this time, the contacts he can use are quite powerful. A few messages have been sent out. Dongli Country, Desert Country, Oasis Chamber of Commerce, Evolution Technology, the Ancient Anguo Dirt Organization led by Plummond, and the Blue Star Party will all help him. The network covers Most of Lin Huazhou.

After explaining this, Su Ze was about to leave Lin Huazhou and continue to the Western Continent to find the fourth piece of the puzzle.

But before leaving, he went to meet Chen Suifeng again.

Chen Suifeng expressed to Su Ze the common concerns of the top Blue Star Party leaders.

"The Alien Party is now gaining momentum and strength, and may soon attack us."

The prestige of Jiang Pingle and Deng Sui has reached the peak in Lin Hua's country, and with the god-level wonders in hand, there is really no need to continue to tolerate the Blue Star Party.

Su Ze has no choice but to say: "I will let Plamond make as much noise as possible in Gu'an Country, and if it doesn't work, let him attack Mu Country, and find a way to attract the attention of the Alien Party as much as possible."

Chen Suifeng sighed: "It may not work, and there are risks. If Plamond dies, we will lose another legendary battle power."

Knowing that Plamond is controlled by Su Ze, Chen Suifeng has already regarded Plamont as a member of the Blue Star Party.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, you don't have to worry too much, even if the alien party attacks us, we will not have to worry about our lives. They regard us as cattle and sheep. Have you seen anyone who is disobedient because of cattle and sheep? And slaughter cattle and sheep?" Chen Suifeng waved his hands.

He didn't know whether he was comforting Su Ze or comforting himself.

The cattle and sheep that have not been fattened are disobedient, and the owner will naturally not slaughter the cattle and sheep, but there are also ways to deal with these cattle and sheep.

Su Ze currently has legendary combat power, but it doesn't help the situation. The main reason is that Jiang Pingle and the others have mastered the god-level wonders, which is an insurmountable gap.

Now he can only improve his strength as much as possible, and also pin his hopes on the mysterious inheritance, which may have the key to breaking the game.

Maybe there are seventh-order strange objects in the inheritance, and even eighth-order and ninth-order strange objects!
Chen Suifeng turned to talk about another matter: "The extract of the seventh-order sponge monster has been confirmed in Jiang Pingle's hands. During the meeting, he said that he would use this tube of extract to cultivate a god-level powerhouse for human beings, leading Human beings are moving towards new glory, and he himself thinks that his aptitude is stupid, he is not sure about hitting the god level, and he voluntarily gave up absorbing the seventh-order extract."

Speaking of this, Chen Suifeng's face was full of sarcasm, obviously disdainful of Jiang Pingle's high-sounding rhetoric.

"Where is Deng Sui? Did he also give up voluntarily?" Su Ze asked with a smile.

"Of course, the two of them sang together, talking about cross talk, saying that they wanted to select young and potential legendary strongmen to absorb this tube of extracts. Many people mentioned your name. After all, in the entire Lin Huazhou, you can't find it anymore. A new star brighter than you."

Su Ze's eyes moved slightly. Regarding the seventh-order extract, it would be a lie to say that Su Ze was not moved at all.

But he also knew that the tube of extract was not easy to handle, and it was accompanied by great risks.

"What did Jiang Pingle say?" Su Ze asked.

"He said that the seventh-order extract was the common spoils of the three continents, but Lin Huazhou contributed the most, so he temporarily placed it with him, and the seventh-order extract must be at the legendary level to absorb it, so the three masters discussed it. , each family sends a legendary expert to compete for that tube of seventh-order extract, and the best one will get that tube of extract."

Su Ze said strangely: "But if both Jiang Pingle and Deng Sui quit, who will Lin Huazhou send to compete for the tube of extract? It can't be Mr. Ke?"

Chen Suifeng glanced at him, and said: "The Alien Party has cultivated a genius, who is also Jiang Pingle's apprentice. He is only 60 years old this year, and he already has the background to hit the legend. The 60-year-old legend is definitely a top genius...Of course. It's nothing compared to you.

"If you complete the sixth evolution, you don't need to compare. You will definitely win. I guess people from the other two continents can't compete with you."

Su Ze said thoughtfully: "It seems that the three continents have long been cultivating candidates to become gods. Jiang Pingle's apprentice, shouldn't he be a member of the Nian clan?"

"It's not a member of the Nian tribe. He has never entered the dice of the gods. It should be Jiang Pingle who will not let it go. However, he is a loyal alien party. He should attack the sixth evolution in the near future. At that time, he will compete with Yandi Continent and Xueyuan Continent. People vie for extracts of the seventh order.

"The Yandi Continent and Xueyuan Continent are probably in the same situation. They are the first batch of cattle and sheep specially bred by the Nian tribe."

Su Ze knew that Chen Suifeng had always wanted him to compete for the seventh-level extract, and explained: "I only need materials to upgrade the last two skills. After these two skills are upgraded, I can immediately hit the sixth evolution. When the time comes, if the situation permits, I will give it a try.

"Have they determined the specific time to compete for the seventh-order extract?"

"After half a year!"

"Half a year? So long?"

Su Ze sneered and said, "I might become a god in half a year, who would care about their seventh-order extracts."

Chen Suifeng wanted to say that you, Little Supreme, had a serious tone, but he swallowed the words again. After all, it only took Su Ze a little over a year from the mortal level to the supreme peak.

He shook his head and said, "I know you're awesome! Let's talk about the seventh-order extract at that time. I will help you find the materials you want as soon as possible. How long will you be back from going out this time?"

"I don't know, I'll wait until I find the fourth piece of the puzzle. I'll come back every once in a while to receive messages. Just send me a message if you have anything to do.

"By the way, when I'm not around, if you find out that the Nian tribe is planning to attack Gu Anguo, Brother Feng, please remember to notify Pramon in time." Su Ze reminded.

"Don't worry, that's a legendary master of my Blue Star Party, I won't let him have trouble."

After bidding farewell to Chen Suifeng, Su Ze boarded the Rubik's Cube and headed for the Western Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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