Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 342 The Target Appears

Chapter 342 The Target Appears
Seeing what Su Ze said, Frank Stu really couldn't find an excuse for Su Ze to leave the puzzle.

Su Ze guessed right, Frank Stu really wanted him to keep the puzzle, but now he can only press this idea and agree to Su Ze's request.

"Then it's settled, and your Stu Chamber of Commerce will start promoting it as soon as possible."

Su Ze got up to leave, and Frank Stu saw him off all the way.

The girl in red waiting outside the door saw Frank Stu personally sending Su Ze out, and immediately had no doubts about the authenticity of the bottle of medicine in her hand.

Su Ze left the Stu Chamber of Commerce, turned to look at the girl in red who was following behind him, and said, "I am very interested in the Stu Chamber of Commerce. If I want to learn more about the origin and history of the Stu Chamber of Commerce, I should go to Ask who?"

The girl in red knew that it was time to prove her worth. She thought for a while and said, "We street girls all have gangs that protect us, and these gangs serve some important people in the shelter. I can help you through this relationship." Collect the information of the Stu Chamber of Commerce and send it to you later, is that okay?"

As a street girl, it is definitely not easy for you to collect information by borrowing the relationship of the gang. It needs to spend money to manage it. She has already planned to sell the bottle of medicine in hand and use part of the money to collect information.

She knew that a big shot like Su Ze would never treat her badly as long as she did good things.

Su Ze nodded: "Okay, you can take me to the best hotel here first, then collect the information and send it directly to the hotel."

The girl in red brought Su Ze to the hotel, opened the room and left.

Su Ze didn't stay in the hotel. He returned to the Rubik's Cube and drove the Rubik's Cube to the fourth inheritance point.

"Brother Ya, just hide outside the entrance, and contact me if anyone comes." Su Ze told Brother Ya.

"Don't worry about my work." Ya Ge bared his teeth.

After Ya Ge completed his fifth evolution, he is currently consolidating his strength and preparing to absorb the Star God-level blood crystals in hand.

He can watch and train here.

Su Ze put Brother Ya near the No. [-] inheritance point, and then returned to the Shuguang Sanctuary, leaving a clone in the hotel, and the main body remained in the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube hovered over Stu Chamber of Commerce in an invisible state, and Su Ze watched Frank Stu condescendingly in the spaceship.

On that day, Frank Stu didn't do anything unusual, he just directed his subordinates to start the promotion of the auction.

In the evening, the girl in red came to the hotel and sent Su Ze a document.

"Sir, this is the information I collected, some from the gang, and some from the library of the shelter."

Su Ze took the thick pile of information, took out a bottle of medicine from the storage items and threw it to the girl in red: "This is your reward."

"Thank you!" The girl in red said excitedly, "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"No, you go back first, I will find you if needed."

The girl in red retreated with a slight regret.

Su Ze closed the door and flipped through the documents in his hand.

He flipped through it quickly, his mental energy swept over it, and the graphic information above immediately entered his brain.

The common spoken and written language of the Western Continent is the same as the spoken and written language of Lin Huazhou's Ancient Anguo, so Su Ze has no trouble reading it.

With his current level of life, his memory and comprehension abilities are far beyond ordinary people, even if he learns a language now, it won't take long.

After a while, he put down the information in his hand and had a general understanding of the Stu Chamber of Commerce.

The Stu Chamber of Commerce was founded by the Stu family, and the Stu family is a native of the Western Continent, not the outsiders as the girl in red said.

The reason for this misunderstanding is that the Stu family moved away from the Western Continent about 500 years ago, but returned to the Western Continent more than 200 years later and established the Stu Chamber of Commerce.

According to the records, the Stu family and the other two giant families in the Western Continent are family friends, with hundreds of thousands of years of friendship.

Of those two big families, one is the largest family in Dawn Refuge, the Hogan Family.

That is, the family that once gave birth to a legendary strong man, but the legendary strong man disappeared mysteriously.

Ur Hogan, the legendary strongman of the Hogan family, disappeared three years ago, and his most beloved grandson, Barris Hogan, also disappeared with him.

Su Ze had always suspected that Puzzle No. [-] was on the body of Barris Hogan, who was missing from the Hogan family. This auction also wanted to see if he could be brought out.

And now, the Stu family was actually involved with the Hogan family, which made him even more convinced that Frank Stu must know something.

Another family that has a close relationship with the Stu family is the Wall family, the owners of another large refuge in the Western Continent—the Dawn Refuge.

The Wall family is the true owner of the Dawn Refuge, and their control over the Dawn Refuge is not comparable to that of the Hogan Family.

Although the Hogan family is the No. [-] family of the Dawn Refuge in name, in fact, since the legendary powerhouse Ur Hogan disappeared, the family's strength and influence have plummeted.

In addition, the whereabouts of Barris Hogan, the most potential heir, is also missing. Now the Hogan family's top combat power is only a few overlords.

Now the power of Dawn Sanctuary is actually jointly held by two supremes from other families.

However, the Hogan family has operated in the Dawn Refuge for hundreds of years, and they have connections and prestige. As long as the family has another supreme powerhouse, they can easily return to the core of power.

As for the Stu family, on the one hand, they are family friends with the big families of the two major refuges, and on the other hand, their own strength is strong enough. Both of the two refuges were very popular, and the Stu Chamber of Commerce was able to become the number one chamber of commerce in the Western Continent.

"The Hogan family, the Stu family, the Wall family..."

Su Ze had an intuition that the three major families probably knew something about the jigsaw puzzle. The Hogan family and the Stu family were already involved, and there was a high probability that the Wall family would not be able to escape.

In addition, Su Ze noticed that some unknown rumors were collected in the information, saying that the relationship between the three major families had become stalemate in recent years.

It probably started from the disappearance of Ur Hogan, and the clues can be seen in some clues.

Now that the Hogan family is at a low point, the Ketu family and the Wall family don't seem to provide much help and support.

In addition, the two refuges did not provide any help or exchange of materials for this large beast tide.


The Stu Chamber of Commerce released the news of the large-scale auction, and posted advertisements on the Internet and around the two shelters to promote it.

As soon as the information about the various heavyweight items at the auction was released, there was an uproar immediately.

Fifth-order extracts, fifth-order natural medicines, fifth-order materials, fourth-order wonders...

The [-] auction items that Su Ze took out are all within the scope of promotion. These items are all rare treasures, such as the fifth-order extract, which cannot be bought even if you have money.

Most people can't afford any of them, but that doesn't stop them from paying attention to it and talking about it.

After the news was released, it spread throughout the two shelters at a hurricane-like speed without the Stu Chamber of Commerce's deliberate publicity.

Puzzle No. [-] is unremarkable among many auction items, and the key price is not low, so the discussion is not high.

A piece of slate that does not know its specific function is priced so high, I believe normal people will not be wronged and pay a lot of money to buy it.

But for those who know the function of this thing, it must be inevitable.

What Su Ze wants is to attract such people, and whoever bids will enter his observation range.

Su Ze saw that Frank Stu was interested in Puzzle No. [-]. He originally thought that Frank Stu would deliberately reduce the promotion of Puzzle No. [-], but in fact he didn't.

Could it be that this old guy also wants to borrow Puzzle No. [-] to attract Barris Hogan?

Not long after the news was released, Su Ze monitored Frank Stu leaving the Dawn Sanctuary.

Su Ze controlled the Rubik's Cube and followed Frank Stu all the way to the Dawn Refuge.

The Stu Chamber of Commerce also has business in the Dawn Refuge. It is not surprising that Frank Stu came here, but he did not go to the Stu Chamber of Commerce in the Dawn Refuge, but went directly to the Wall Family to meet with a supreme powerhouse.

The supreme powerhouse looked only 50 or [-] years old, but his eyes were full of old age. Su Ze recognized this person and saw photos on the Internet. He was the ruler of Dawn Refuge, the patriarch of the Wall family, Clay Greg Wall.

The two used their mental power to set up a sound-proof barrier around them. Su Ze's sensory tentacles could penetrate the barrier, but he couldn't hear what the two said.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't have direct mental voice transmission, they still communicated with their mouths. Su Ze could only read lips, but he could basically figure out what the two of them were talking about.

Craig Wall spoke first and asked about the origin of the puzzles at the auction.

Frank then told about the fact that Su Ze approached him to hold the auction.

"The man called himself Lin Luo, but I still have doubts about his real identity, and I have sent people to Lin Huazhou to investigate." Frank said.

Craig nodded: "Be careful, it is very likely that he wants to use this puzzle piece as bait to catch other puzzle pieces."

"I also have doubts in this regard, but this is also in our interests. I also want to see if Barris Hogan can be fished out this time."

"It's difficult. After all, your chamber of commerce is holding this auction. I'm afraid Barris won't dare to show up."

"Then this puzzle, shall we take it?" Frank asked.

"Of course, if this piece of the puzzle is not a bait, we will definitely win it. No one will compete with us. If it is a bait, the person who calls himself Lin Luo will watch us and take pictures, and then follow up and investigate us, but as long as He is not a legendary powerhouse, and we have nothing to fear."

"Don't worry about that. He's the same as you and me. He's at the supreme level. I'm afraid that there is a legendary powerhouse behind him. I'll find out when I investigate his background."

"Okay, then wait for your news." Craig said.

Frank got up and left, removed the sound-proof barrier, and before leaving, he warned: "By the way, remember to arrange for someone to squat near the inheritance point, in case Barris will pass by.

"Baris Hogan doesn't dare to show up at the auction, but after seeing the promotional information of the auction, he will probably go to the inheritance site to check."

"Don't worry, I will arrange it." Craig nodded.

The two parted ways, and Frank returned to the Dawn Sanctuary the same way.

Su Ze followed Frank while analyzing the information he had just read his lips on the spaceship.

He had guessed correctly before. As expected, these three major families knew about the existence of the mysterious inheritance.

In addition, according to what they said, the fourth piece of the puzzle might really be on Barris Hogan.

Barris, on the other hand, seemed to be avoiding the members of the Stu family and the Wall family, so he left the Dawn Refuge and went missing.

"Why don't you just arrest them and torture them?"

Su Ze thought for a while. Before he got the fourth piece of the puzzle, he didn't want to cause too much trouble, so as not to alert others, so he decided to play it safe.

He stopped by the No. [-] inheritance point to meet Brother Ya, and told him that there might be other people coming here to guard in the near future, and told him to be careful.


In the next few days, the auction will continue to expand the scope of publicity. Now not only the two shelters, but also all the surrounding settlements are receiving news one after another.

The auction will be held in Dawn Refuge, so many people, even people from Dawn Refuge, are gathering in Dawn Refuge.

In the Dawn Refuge, a large number of high-level evolutionists from outside have been added in just a few days.

In the past few days, in addition to monitoring Frank on a daily basis, Su Ze also went to Ya Ge several times a day to check the situation, and he returned to Lin Huazhou twice on the way.

There was nothing serious about Lin Huazhou's side. The Alien Party didn't accept the Antique Anguo for the time being. In addition, Chen Suifeng helped him collect some of the materials Su Ze needed to strengthen and upgrade his skills.

Su Ze went to see Chen Suifeng, took the materials, and found that there were no upgrade materials, but only reinforcement materials.

But after absorbing these strengthening materials, and accumulating, he finally upgraded his "regenerated body" skill to the fifth level.

Regenerated Body (Level [-] S): Gain powerful self-healing and recovery abilities.Condensate a "regeneration core" anywhere in the body. When the regeneration core breaks, the life energy contained in it will instantly heal all injuries in the body, and can absorb external energy to speed up the condensation speed of the regeneration core.The life energy in the regeneration core can be extracted to make the regeneration fruit with healing effect, the amount of life energy determines the healing effect of the regeneration fruit.

The fifth-level "regenerated body" skill, except for the improvement of the healing effect, has not changed much.

The most important change is probably on the "regeneration core".

After the current "regeneration core" is broken, it can not only absorb external energy to accelerate condensation, but also increase the upper limit of life energy that can be accommodated.

Although the previous life energy can heal all Su Ze's injuries in his normal state, even if his whole body is blown up, he can still recover.

But if he is in the state of "expansion" and "blood devouring", the life energy of the regeneration core is not enough. If he is exhausted, he can only restore him to the normal state.

But now the regenerative core can continuously accumulate life energy, and the upper limit has been greatly increased. As long as enough life energy is stored, even if Su Ze's body is destroyed in the peak state of combat power and body shape, he can instantly recover to the peak.

Now there is only one "Raging Wave" skill that has not been upgraded yet.

This is also the last stumbling block for Su Ze to lead to the sixth evolution.

In the past few days, Su Ze even went to see Frank again, and asked him to use the channel of the Stu Chamber of Commerce to help him collect the upgrade materials of "Raging Waves".


After a few days of calm and calm, there was finally movement from Brother Ya.

Previously, the Wall family sent a supreme powerhouse to squat outside the No. [-] inheritance point, but he did not find Brother Ya, but he was discovered by Brother Ya.

So now every day, the supreme leader of the Wall family is staring at inheritance point No. [-], while Brother Ya is staring at the supreme leader of the Wall family.

On this day, a sneaky figure who had changed his appearance approached the No. [-] inheritance point.

Ya Ge spotted the other party at the first time, but he didn't make a move until the supreme strongman of the Wall family couldn't help but shot and caught the comer.

The Supreme Wall family took off the disguise of the man and recognized the person who came: "Billy Hogan? Why is it you? Not Barris?"

The person who approached stealthily is also a strong overlord, but he has no power to fight back under the Supreme.

"Who asked you to come? Barris?" the Wall family Supreme asked.

Billy Hogan shook his head and said nothing.

The Supreme Wall family thought for a while, and flew away with Billy in his hand.

Brother Ya originally wanted to keep up with them, but after thinking about it, he held back and continued to squat on the spot.

And quietly took out the walkie-talkie and contacted Su Ze.

This walkie-talkie is equipped on the Rubik's Cube, and it is connected to the communication channel of the Rubik's Cube, and its coverage is wider than the base station made by the supreme head of the spiritual system.

Su Ze frowned when he heard the news. This was not good news.

Obviously, Paris was also afraid of an ambush, so he didn't dare to show up, so he asked his family to send an overlord to test it out.

Now that Billy Hogan was captured by the Wall family, I'm afraid that Barris would not dare to show his face.

Because the auction was held by the Stu family, Barris didn't dare to show up, and because of the behavior of the Wall family at the No. [-] inheritance site, Barris didn't dare to show up.

In this way, if Barris continues to hide and be a shrinking turtle, where should he find it?
But what I didn't expect was that just as the Supreme of the Wall family grabbed Billy Hogan and left, another figure approached the No. [-] inheritance point like a ghost.

Ya Ge's eyes moved slightly, realizing that this might be the real Barris Hogan!

He deliberately let that Billy take the lead to attract the Supreme of the Wall family away, and planned to sneak in while No. [-] inheritance site was unguarded.

Brother Ya immediately conveyed the news to Su Ze, and at the same time made preparations to capture Barris alive.

On the other side, after Su Ze received the news, he immediately rushed towards the No. [-] inheritance point.

Su Ze deliberately selected the No. [-] jigsaw puzzle for auction promotion, because the heritage treasure house corresponding to the No. [-] puzzle has not been opened before.

He guessed that Paris should have seen the publicity of the auction, and wanted to confirm whether the last inheritance treasure house in the internal inheritance had been opened.

If all the inheritance treasures are opened, the piece of puzzle at the auction is only one of the four keys and has no other value.

But if the inheritance treasure house has not been opened, it will be different. Compared with the illusory and distant internal inheritance, the treasures in the inheritance treasure house are within reach and are more attractive.

Brother Ya took a deep breath, flew out, and approached the person who was suspected of being Barris.

But at this moment, someone took a step ahead of him, and a huge arrow shot towards Paris.

It was the supreme powerhouse of the Navor family who went and returned!
"Paris, I have seen through your little tricks!" the Supreme of the Wall family laughed.

Barris' complexion changed slightly, and he looked in the direction of Brother Ya: "Come out, don't hide!"

Because Brother Ya was just about to make a move, he didn't deliberately hide himself and exposed his whereabouts.

The Supreme of the Wall family looked at Brother Ya, frowned and said, "A person from Lin Huazhou?"

At this time, in the opposite direction from Brother Ya, another Supreme appeared, a Supreme Elder from the Situ Chamber of Commerce.

(End of this chapter)

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