Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 343 The origin of the puzzle

Chapter 343 The origin of the puzzle
Yage, the two supreme beings of the Wall family and the Stu Chamber of Commerce, a total of three supreme powerhouses, surrounded Baris from three directions.

Barris laughed: "I, Barris, have such a big face that it's worth dispatching three Supreme Beings to catch me."

Brother Ya grinned and showed his two front teeth: "I am not with them, how about it, do you want me to help you get rid of these two people."

"That's not necessary, I suggest you join forces with the two of them, otherwise you will die the fastest."

"It seems that you are very confident." Brother Ya doesn't care, don't even try to kill him at the legendary level, let alone Supreme.

"Do you really think you're sure of me?" Barris sneered, his aura exploded, and the cyan light of evolution bloomed undisguisedly.

"I didn't expect that after three years of not seeing each other, you would become the Supreme, but so what? Do you think that once you become the Supreme, you will be stronger than all of us combined?" The Supreme of the Wall family mocked.

Having said that, he was obviously cautious, and was still transmitting messages to the Supreme Spirit of the Stu Chamber of Commerce: "Be careful, this kid doesn't know what he got in the inheritance treasure house, don't underestimate it!"

Right now, the situation suddenly became complicated. The Wall family and the two supreme leaders of the Stu Chamber of Commerce are in the same group, while Barris and Yage are fighting on their own.

But it doesn’t mean that whichever side has more people is stronger.

Although Ya Ge's output ability is scumbag, he is a person who has absorbed the crystal of the god's blood after all. He has excellent escape ability and defense ability, and he is already invincible.

Barris also seemed to be relying on something.

It was precisely because of the complexity of the situation that no one made a move for a while, fearing that they would become the target of the siege by making the first move.

In the end, it was Barris who couldn't help but act first!

Because he can't afford it.

Each of the Wall family and the Stu family has two supremes, but now only one has arrived. The two supremes, Frank Stu and Craig Wall, may be on their way.

Brother Ya also has reinforcements.

But Barris, their Hogan family is weak, and the previous generation did not have outstanding geniuses. In addition, his grandfather Ur Hogan used to occupy too many family resources, which led to the current family strength at a low ebb.

At present, he is the only supreme being, and no one else can support him.

Barris knew he had to fight fast, beat his opponent or flee.

If he continues to delay, once more supreme powerhouses gather, he may not be sure of breaking through.

Baris shot at Brother Ya like an arrow from a string. The reason why he chose Brother Ya as his target was because Brother Ya was alone and looked young, so he must have become the Supreme soon.

But he didn't expect that Brother Ya's reaction and speed were faster than he imagined. Before he could get closer, Brother Ya had already pulled away.

A sphere suddenly formed in Baris' hand, and he raised his hand to throw it.

It seems to be condensed with energy, but it is not an energy body, but a solid ball.

There are mottled patterns on the ball, blue, yellow, green and white... colorful.

The flying speed of the ball was astonishingly fast, the light and shadow distorted wherever it passed, and it seemed that even the space was distorted accordingly.

Ya Ge's face was also solemn in an instant, and he felt that the ball seemed to have a weight that was not commensurate with its size.

He had a premonition of danger, the flying speed of the ball was faster than his flying speed, he couldn't dodge it, but he didn't panic.

He has at least two ways to resist.


Ya Ge directly turned on the invincible state, and a golden light shrouded his body.

The ball hit Brother Ya and made a dull sound.

Ya Ge was as steady as Mount Tai, motionless.

And after the ball hit, it immediately turned into energy and dissipated.

Barris looked shocked, as if he couldn't believe that his blow had no effect.

At this time, the two supreme beings of the Stu family and the Wall family had joined forces to kill them, and they took advantage of this opportunity to surprise behind Barris.

Barris seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He turned around and punched the two of them with a fist, but at some point in his hand, another ball condensed!
Before the fist arrived, the ball in his hand had already come out of his hand and hit the Supreme of the Wall family who was closer to him.

Seeing the ball coming at him, the supreme Wall family didn't dare to be careless, intertwined his hands, and a huge two-handed shield appeared in his hands.

The ball hit the two-handed shield, and the thick and hard two-handed shield collapsed instantly like paper paste!

The ball smashed through the shield and slammed into the body of the Wall family supreme.

Like a wild cat hit by a high-speed train, he flew upside down, and all the bones and internal organs of the hit chest were completely shattered in an instant.

His chest was like a sliced ​​pie.

The shattered internal organs, bones, and blood were squeezed and rushed to all parts of the body, gushing out from his mouth, nostrils, eyes, and even pores!

It seemed like it was just a hit in the chest, but in fact, other tissues in the body, including the brain, were damaged.

This blow almost killed the Supreme of the Wall family!

But on the other side, the attack from the Supreme of the Stu Chamber of Commerce also fell on Barris, and Barris was also injured in a hasty parry.

Seeing the supreme leader of the Wall family lying on the ground, twitching slightly and almost out of breath, the supreme leader of the Stu Chamber of Commerce showed fear and quickly moved away from Barris, fearing that Barris would take out a ball and hit him again.

Paris's skills are too perverted!

This skill is unpretentious, simple and powerful, it is the purest physical attack.

Physical attacks are the hardest and most effective.

If you feel that the physical attack is Low, it is because it is not strong enough.

As long as the physical attack is strong enough, the gods can be crushed!

The Supreme Leader of the Stu Chamber of Commerce couldn't help but glance at Brother Ya again... What kind of monster is this? It can actually resist Barris's goal.

"Paris, is this skill what you have gained from the inheritance treasure house?" He asked coldly.

In fact, they are deliberately delaying time and waiting for helpers.

Baris smiled and said: "Do you want to try your power?"

"I don't believe in such a powerful skill, you can use it infinitely, hitting two balls in a row, it should be your limit!"

Paris wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Generally speaking, men only have two balls, but you can bet to see if I can take out the third one.

"If you don't have the courage, then I'll leave."

After finishing speaking, Barris quickly pulled back, as if he would hit anyone who dared to chase me.

The Supreme of the Stu Chamber of Commerce hesitated for a moment, and cursed: "Bluffer!"

He even followed up!

But he didn't dare to get too close to Barris, for fear that Barris would really hit him with a third ball.

Brother Ya followed up unhurriedly. Barris' threat was ineffective for him, and he was not afraid at all. Now he was just waiting for Su Ze to arrive with the mentality of watching a show.

He knew that Su Ze would be the first to arrive.

Seeing that neither of them was scared, Baris said coldly: "Are you really not afraid of death? Do you think I'm deceiving you?"

Ya Ge shrugged: "The key point is that you can't kill me."

Barris was speechless and said no more. Suddenly, his speed soared and he fled towards the distance.

The Supreme of the Wall family lost his combat effectiveness, which made the three of them surround him with loopholes.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of Barris.

"Who are you?" Barris looked at the boy blocking the road who suddenly appeared, with black hair and black pupils. He was not from the Western Continent at first glance, and he was immediately alert.

But he didn't stop and ran straight towards the young man.

When Brother Ya saw the sudden appearance of Su Ze, he immediately felt relieved and stopped chasing him. He did not remind Su Ze to be careful of Barris's ball impact skill because he was sure that Su Ze could deal with it.

When there were dozens of meters away from Su Ze, a ball appeared in Barris's hand again!
He didn't bluff, and sure enough there was a third ball!

The ball flew out of his hand and flew towards Su Ze.

Su Ze did not dodge, and instantly liquefied his whole body, and used the "expansion" skill to increase his size.

He also felt the terrifying destructive power on the ball, so he didn't take it carelessly.

Su Ze, who turned into a huge stream of water, was hit by the ball, and there was a loud bang, as if a meteorite hit the surface of the water, and his body was hit with a huge splash.

The water that the body turned into seemed to be boiling, constantly pulsating, and the aftermath of the shock instantly evaporated a large amount of the water, and the remaining parts were constantly shattered.

In just the blink of an eye, nearly one-third of the water that Su Ze transformed into evaporated, and the rest was shattered into countless pieces. He was "dismembered."

"It's really strong!" Su Ze was not surprised but happy, this skill is destined for him!
The shattered water flow reunited, and the "regenerative body" was repairing the parts of his lost body.

If he didn't have the "Liquid Life" skill, he would have been seriously injured if he resisted this blow.

The fact that Baris was able to deliver such a blow at the supreme level convinced Su Ze that the origin of this skill was definitely obtained from mysterious inheritance.

Seeing that his last hole card was invalid against Su Ze, Barris changed his expression.

He can't understand, what's going on today?

The "Meteor Impact" skill that has always been invincible, why did it fail twice in a row today?

First he attacked Brother Ya, but was blocked by Brother Ya's "Invincibility". Now he attacked Su Ze, but it had no obvious effect.

These two people are obviously only supreme beings, not legends, why are they so strong?

Barris can only accumulate three "Meteor Impact", and he has indeed exhausted it now. Without this trump card, he is not much better than the average evolutionary who has just entered the Supreme.

Resisting the blow, Su Ze didn't take much effort. He raised a big slap several stories high and slapped Paris's two big mouths, and took it down.

With Su Ze's current strength, he can already fight against the legendary powerhouses, and there is no pressure to deal with the ordinary supreme level, it is completely crushing.

Seeing Su Ze's bravery, the supreme powerhouse of Stu Chamber of Commerce turned and ran away, but was caught up by Brother Ya and gave him a shovel on the back of the head, knocking him dizzy immediately.

Su Ze rolled up Barris, chased after him and captured the supreme powerhouse of the Stu Chamber of Commerce, and then brought the half-dead Wall family supreme with him, and returned to the Rubik's Cube.

Along the way, he blocked the perception of the three of them, and threw them into three different confinement rooms in the spaceship.

All three were still conscious, looking around the confinement room, not knowing where it was.

The confinement room in the spacecraft isolates all mental power and energy.

Su Ze left Brother Ya to control the spacecraft and said, "I'm going to interrogate those three guys. Please keep an eye out. Frank and Craig, the two old guys, may also come over. When they show up, please notify me."

Ya Ge nodded, took over the control of the spaceship, ascended into the clouds, and quietly observed the situation below.

Su Ze was divided into three, divided into three avatars, and put into three confinement rooms respectively, and interrogated the three at the same time.

In this way, it is also possible to better compare the information said by the three and judge whether it is true or false.


Under Su Ze's interrogation, the three supreme beings behaved differently.

The one from the Stu Chamber of Commerce is the most cooperative, because he is not from the Stu family. To be precise, he is a door-to-door son-in-law who married a female member of the Stu family. Later, because of his talent and good luck, he became the supreme Only those who are strong can enter the core layer of Stu Chamber of Commerce.

Although he was the most cooperative, he also knew the least. It was only in the last few days that Frank Stu called him over, told him about the existence of the mysterious inheritance, and asked him to squat outside the No. [-] inheritance point.

Since he couldn't find any valuable clues, Su Ze didn't ask any more questions and kept him in the confinement room.

The guy from the Wall family was a bit stubborn, but he was left breathless by a ball from Barris. Su Ze tortured him a little bit, pushed him a few steps towards the gate of hell, and finally offered him treatment as a bait, Successfully pried his mouth open.

The man's name was Altos Wall.

He knew much more than the son-in-law of the Stu family.

It is said that he was informed about the mysterious inheritance by the head of the Wall family after the legendary powerhouse of the Hogan family, Ur Hogan, disappeared more than two years ago.

Before that, he knew nothing about it.

"This involves the origin of our three families thousands of years ago..." Altos took the regeneration fruit provided by Su Ze, and his injury improved a lot, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It is said that thousands of years ago, before the rain of evolution fell, , the powerful Sunset Empire dominates the Western Continent, but in the prosperous Sunset Empire, there are also poor people who can't eat enough."

"The ancestors of our three families were all vagrants who couldn't get enough to eat, living on the streets and living in no fixed place.

"Until one day, they met a man who gave them a sum of money, gave them food and shelter, saved their lives, and even taught them how to become evolutionaries...

"But in return, the three of them also shoulder a responsibility, and that is to become 'guardians'."

Su Ze had guessed something, and interjected: "Guardian? Is it a puzzle? Or a mysterious inheritance?"

Altos replied: "These are all legends that have been handed down from thousands of years ago. I don't know the specifics. Craig didn't say that in detail. He just said that the man left a piece of the puzzle and put it back together." It was divided into three and handed over to the ancestors of our three major families to protect the puzzle pieces for generations.

"And took them to the inheritance point and told them that if any of their descendants become legendary powerhouses, they can accept external inheritance at the inheritance point, leave Blue Star, and have the opportunity to become gods."

External inheritance will provide a god-level skill and send the inheritor away from Blue Star. This is indeed a "god-level package."

It can not only give the legendary strong man a "ladder" to become a god, but also send him away from the resource-poor planet of Blue Star.

After hearing this, Su Ze was basically convinced of the authenticity of this legend. The man should be the mysterious human race strongman on the butterfly's back.

It's just that what he doesn't understand is, why did that mysterious man arrange such an outing?
What's the point of dividing one of the four pieces of the puzzle into three and passing it on to the three families?
"In this way, the ancestors of your three families should be the first batch of evolutionists of Blue Star. With such an advantage, your three families have developed for thousands of years, but you have only developed to this point? You haven't even established three continents. A large settlement?" Su Ze said half in disbelief and half mockingly.

Altos blushed slightly, and argued: "First of all, the mysterious man just taught them how to become evolutionaries, told them to absorb the extracts of alien animals, but did not give them any evolution resources;
"Secondly, our three families have produced more than one legendary powerhouse over the years, but because they have mastered the channel to become a god, these legendary powerhouses are all focused on becoming a god, and have no spare time to expand their power and dominate.

"The Dawn Sanctuary was established by our Wall family. The Dawn Sanctuary was founded by the ancestors of the Hogan family. However, after they established the sanctuary, they had no intention of expansion. They only wanted to reach the legendary level, and then accept external inheritance and become gods. Opportunity!"

Su Ze nodded when he heard this. This explanation makes sense. Compared with the improvement of life level, compared with the stars and the sea and the opportunity to become a god, it is really not attractive enough to dominate the small land of Blue Star.

Like the legend of Lin Hua, there are many worries in Blue Star, but after getting the chance to become a god, he resolutely embarked on the journey of the starry sky.

If he had known about the existence of external inheritance, he might not have had the intention to establish the Lin Hua Kingdom, and he might have left Blue Star long ago.

"Then over the past thousand years, your three families should have produced many legendary powerhouses?" Su Ze asked.

"Actually, there are not many. The evolution level of alien beasts on Blue Star was not high in the first 500 years, and the resources are even scarcer than now. Even if our ancestors knew how to evolve, they would not be able to continue to evolve without the corresponding evolution resources.

"The ancestors of the first generation of our three families who became evolutionaries only completed one or two evolutions until their death."

Su Ze was silent. It seemed that even if he had knowledge beyond the version, he could only follow the version.

Altos continued: "Until 400 years ago, only one of our three families became a legendary powerhouse, and it was our Wall family.

"Before this, the ancestors of our three families were very grateful to the benefactor who helped them, so they always kept their promises, guarded the secrets of inheritance, and never explored the internal inheritance. Only each clan leader can know the location of the inheritance place, and Get puzzle pieces.

"So the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle have also become the symbols of the heads of the three families, and have been passed down along with the secret of inheritance."

Su Ze smiled and didn't expose it.

The first or even the previous ancestors of the three major families may keep their promises, but after so many generations, have they really not thought about exploring internal inheritance?

Unfortunately, entering the internal inheritance requires a complete piece of the puzzle, and only one inheritance treasure house can be opened.

The uneven distribution of spoils is probably the fundamental reason why the three families have not explored internal inheritance.

The three major families restrict each other, and unless one party is strong enough to break the balance, it will remain stable.

And 400 years ago, a legendary strongman was born in the Wall family, which may be the beginning of breaking the balance.

What Altos said later also confirmed Su Ze's guess that the Stu family left the Western Continent 400 years ago to avoid the Wall family.

The patriarch of the Hogan family also went out to seek refuge during that time.

"So, the last time the balance was broken was because the Hogan family gave birth to a legend?"

Su Ze suddenly understood why the fourth piece of the puzzle ended up in the hands of Barris.

(End of this chapter)

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