Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 418 Grass egg?God of birth

After plundering Zuka, Su Ze obtained several complete original genes, including the original genes of the Nian race, as well as countless original genes of other races.

After obtaining these original genes, Su Ze could clearly feel the enhancement of racial talent and strength.

Continuously acquiring original genes is the main way for the Ancestral God to become stronger. The more original genes Su Ze acquires now, the stronger he will be when he becomes an Ancestral God in the future.

Although it can also improve his strength now, it is more about accumulating foundation. Only when he becomes the Ancestral God can he truly bring out the advantages of his original genes.

The "weapon type" also had a feast, which was equivalent to cannibalizing an ancestral god. As soon as it became a ninth-level artifact, it took another big step towards becoming an ancestral artifact.

"Looking at it this way, if you want to upgrade the weapon to an ancestral artifact, you have to swallow at least three or five ancestral gods..."

Su Ze was speechless. No wonder Mager gave up cultivating the weapon species after he first cultivated it. He really couldn't afford to raise it.

Trading the lives of three or five ancestral gods for one ancestral artifact is a bit of a loss.

That is to say, it fell into the hands of Su Ze to have such luxury and upgrade it to the ninth level. If it were someone else, how could he kill so many Sun Gods and Moon Gods to upgrade it?Now even the ancestor gods are being fed.

Unfortunately, Zuka's storage props were all swallowed up by the black hole, leaving no treasure behind.

Su Ze looked around. He and Zuka chased all the way and were already far away from Blue Star.

"I wonder if Zuka's death will attract other Nian clan ancestors..." Su Ze did not dare to stay and left quickly.

He randomly found a planet along the way and threw all three God's Dice on him. He didn't know if the Nian clan could track these three God's Dice, but it was always right to be careful.

Su Ze didn't bother to destroy the God's Dice. The treasures in the God's Dice were no longer valuable to him.

Then, he flew straight to Blue Star and did not immediately chase the Rubik's Cube.

Arriving on the Blue Star, the people from Linhua Continent were already gone. When Su Ze swept away his mental energy, he found that Xueyuan Continent and Yandi Continent were littered with corpses.

It’s not that the battle between him and Zuka just spread here, nor is it that someone massacred civilians, but Zuka came before, and the terrifying momentum deterred the entire Blue Star, making those in Yandi Continent and Xueyuan Continent who have not yet entered the space props The people were frightened and panicked.

Countless people swarmed, trying to squeeze into the space props. The evolvers responsible for maintaining order were out of control, and there was no one to manage them. Eventually, a stampede occurred.

Many people died, but the living people were also squeezed into the space props.

"Take the people with you and let me go." Su Ze directly sent a message remotely to the people in charge of the two continents.

When several people heard Su Ze's message, their faces immediately turned from worry to joy. Su Ze came back alive, which meant that the Nian clan strongman who had just arrived would most likely be defeated by Su Ze.

Several people carried space props containing more than one billion people, flew into the sky, and came to Su Ze's side.

"Sir." The person in charge of Xueyuanzhou showed sadness on his face, "Everyone alive is already here."

The black man from Yandizhou said: "Although many people were killed in the stampede, many old and weak people were also screened out."

Su Ze didn't say anything, but released a Luna-class spaceship and motioned for them to get aboard.

After everyone got on the spaceship, Su Ze took one last look at the empty Blue Star, took out a space prop, and took in the entire Blue Star.

After collecting Blue Star, Su Ze boarded the spacecraft and immediately left the original location of Blue Star.

At the same time, Su Ze remotely issued instructions to Plamon through the flesh-and-blood parasite, asking him to find Chen Suifeng and stop the Rubik's Cube to wait for him to pass.


Su Ze piloted a Luna-class spaceship and successfully merged with the Rubik's Cube, saving the need for replacement.

During this process, he had been cautious, fearing that Zuka's death would attract more Nian clan ancestors.

As a result, the journey was uneventful and nothing happened. Now he has long been far away from Ze Xing and the previous battle area. Even if another ancestor god rushes over, he will not be able to track him.

"Is it possible that the Nian clan doesn't have the means to know the death of the ancestor god immediately?"

What Su Ze didn't know was that as soon as Zuka died, the ancestral gods of the Nian clan learned the news.

It's just...the ancestor gods are also afraid!

In their opinion, Zuka's death was too strange. First, the God's Dice on the Blue Star disconnected, and Zuka went to investigate the situation, but Zuka was killed...

They don't think that the human race, which has been out of the cosmic stage for countless years, has the strength to kill an ancestor god. This is obviously a move by other races against the Nian race.

Since the other party dared to target the Nian clan like this, they must have made preparations later. If they went ahead rashly, they might fall into the enemy's trap.

Therefore, the Nian tribe went to the Wu tribe to bring in reinforcements...

This also gave Su Ze enough time to evacuate, and even time to take Blue Star away.

After converging at one place, everyone gathered inside the Rubik's Cube.

Su Ze looked around and said, "Give me all the space props in your hands."

Chen Suifeng, as well as the leaders of Yandi Continent and Xueyuan Continent, each took out a small box and placed it on the table in front of Su Ze.

This small box is a space prop used to contain life. It contains everyone in the three continents of Blue Star, which adds up to billions of people.

The area of ​​Blue Star is larger than the Earth in Su Ze's previous life. Therefore, even if it was ravaged by the evolutionary war, the territory shrank, and a large number of people died, after hundreds of years of reproduction, the total population was still no less than the Earth in the previous life. too much.

Among them, Linhuazhou has the largest population, almost more than 20 billion. Yandizhou and Xueyuanzhou combined are about the same as Linhuazhou.

Su Ze's mental power swept through these three space props. Because there are evolvers inside to maintain order, the overall order is relatively orderly.

In other words, the people in Yandizhou were a bit chaotic. It seemed that there was a lot of friction and conflicts between them.

Su Ze used the power of dreams to penetrate into three spatial props and enveloped the crowd inside.

Everyone instantly entered a dream state.

After a while, some people walked out of the crowd, like sleepwalking, and they gathered together.

As soon as Su Ze had a thought, he suppressed his mental power and instantly made these people's souls fly away.

These are all Nian tribesmen wearing human skin.

Su Ze used the power of dreams to find all the Nian tribe members and kill them together, eliminating the hidden danger.

After that, he carefully checked the blue star he had put away to make sure that there were no marks left on it by the Nian people.

Su Ze took control of the Rubik's Cube and instead of flying towards Ze Xing, he found a random direction and headed towards a remote place.

After flying for a while, he saw a habitable planet.

The environment on this planet is good. Su Ze scanned it with his mental power and found no intelligent life.

There are only some ordinary animals, without any evolved exotic beasts or spiritual plants.

This is just an ordinary habitable planet without the power of awakening evolution.

Su Ze looked at the person in charge of Yandi Continent and said: "From now on, you can lead the people of Yandi Continent to live on this planet."

The legendary evolver from Yandi Continent was slightly startled. He thought Su Ze would take them to his own territory, but this meant that he wanted to leave them behind in Yandi Continent.

He felt mixed feelings for a moment.

Fortunately, he can rule everyone in Yandi Continent and monopolize this planet without being under Su Ze's jurisdiction.

He had no friendship with Su Ze, and he knew that it would be difficult for him to be reused under Su Ze, and he didn't like the feeling of being inferior to others.

But the worry is that they will lose Su Ze's protection. If they encounter another invasion from the Nian tribe or other races, they will have no power to resist.

But he also knew that he had no right to choose and could only follow Su Ze's arrangements.

The Rubik's Cube landed on that planet, and Su Ze released all the people in Yandi Continent, and then left directly without leaving any resources.

The black legend opened his mouth, but finally did not dare to say anything.

He thought that Su Ze would leave some evolutionary resources for them.

This planet is rich in natural resources, and ordinary beasts cannot pose a threat to them with evolved people. There will definitely be no problem for them to survive.

But without evolutionary resources or spaceships, they cannot leave this planet. These evolvers will also completely cut off the path of evolution, and no one can become a god.After a few years, all the evolvers on this planet will die of old age, and the evolutionary inheritance will be completely cut off.

The reason why Su Ze did this was because he didn't want his Ze Xing to have any more unstable factors.

Moreover, Ze Xing is his planet, and he naturally has the right to decide who to welcome and who not to welcome.

Su Ze has done his best to save their lives and find them a livable planet.

He can be regarded as imitating the ancestors of the human race and not putting all eggs in one basket. From then on, the human race has another line of inheritance.

Back on the spaceship, the person in charge of Xueyuanzhou, who was also a legend who had evolved six times, knelt down in front of Su Ze with a plop.

"Sir, please don't give up on us, the people of Xueyuan Continent!"

"Why give up?" Su Ze asked with a smile, "My ancestors of the human race relied on the Three Cunning Rabbits to allow the human race to survive for so many years without being exterminated. I am just following the practices of my ancestors."

"The universe is dangerous. If we don't have the protection of a strong person like you, we are just lambs to be slaughtered. If we are lucky enough not to be discovered, we may be able to pass it on. Once we are discovered by a foreign race..."

The person in charge of Xueyuanzhou paused here. The invasion of the Nian clan made him realize his own insignificance and made him feel deeply powerless.

It turns out that the legendary strong man on Blue Star is as weak as an ant in front of the strong alien race!

He also saw the power of Su Ze. In his mind, he killed all the Nian Clan gods who were invincible as soon as he arrived. Even the terrifying Nian Clan ancestor god who came later was defeated in Su Ze's hands.

Just now, the person in charge of Yandi Continent was complacent when he heard that he could monopolize a planet, but in his heart he only felt that the other party was stupid and short-sighted.

He no longer wants to sit at the bottom of the well, being a self-righteous frog guarding the sky at the mouth of the well. He no longer wants to entrust his future to "luck."

"Sir, I want the people of Xueyuanzhou to have a way out, and I also want to find a way out for myself. No matter what happens in the future, I don't want to experience the feeling of having my home invaded but being unable to do anything about it again. Please don't give up on us! "He said earnestly.

"What's your name?" Su Ze asked.

"My name is Santiago Bellucci."

"The name is too long, so I'll call you Sandy." Su Ze paused, "Sandy, from now on, you will be in charge of the people in Xueyuan Continent. I don't want anything to happen on my territory that makes me uncomfortable. thing."

Sandy's face showed ecstasy, and he quickly promised that he would definitely manage the people of Xueyuanzhou.

Zexing was so big that Su Ze didn't mind setting aside a small area for people from Xueyuanzhou to live in.

Later, he also planned to immigrate humans from other human planets to Zexing.

Next, the Rubik's Cube flew directly to Zexing, and after more than 20 days of long-distance flight, it successfully arrived at Zexing.

As soon as the spacecraft landed, almost 3 of the more than [-] people on Zexing came, watching the Rubik's Cube spacecraft with anticipation and excitement.

They all knew what Su Ze was doing back home. Many of them still had relatives and friends in Blue Star, and they all hoped that Su Ze could bring the people they cared about safely back to Ze Star.

The hatch of the Rubik's Cube opened, and Su Ze and Chen Suifeng walked out first. Behind them, President Gu and others also followed.

There were cheers all around, and Zhou Wenshan was so happy that he burst into tears. He rushed up and gave Gu Chenguang a bear hug, and then showed off to him his Star God-level evolutionary level.

Senior Ye Jin fell into Ning Yushen's arms. She had many, many things she wanted to say to her grandma, probably until Ning Yushen covered her mouth.

Many former senior officials of the Blue Star Party rushed up and surrounded Chen Suifeng and Lin Tiannan. A group of old guys were laughing and joking, as if they had endless old stories to talk about.

But more people are still waiting eagerly, and they have not yet seen their relatives and friends.

Of course Su Ze knew what they were expecting. The first thing he did after landing was to release the people in the space props as soon as possible.

The return trip took nearly a month, and many people were already exhausted.

However, if billions of people were released at once, there was a risk of a stampede. Su Ze opened the "God's Realm", flew into the air, released all the people in Lin Huazhou, and used gravity to lift them up and disperse them. open.

After everyone landed in an open area, Zhou Wenshan immediately led people to settle these Blue Star compatriots in batches.

Even before Su Ze set off, preparations were being made on Ze Star to welcome the Blue Star compatriots, expanding the city and building new residences.

It's just that the population is too large and the time is too short. The current residences on Zexing are not enough to accommodate so many people.

The power of Su Ze's dream covered it, weaving houses, high-rise buildings, and residential areas in the dream...

The next moment, these dream buildings were realized in reality by Su Ze.

It is very simple for Su Ze to realize these ordinary houses.

Although he is not yet able to keep these buildings standing for a long time, he can maintain them for a few months.

There is a buffer time of a few months, and by then all the houses will have been built.

Seeing this miraculous scene, countless people marveled and worshiped and awed Su Ze more and more. Su Ze could clearly feel that the power of faith gathered in him became stronger.

Of course, this is also related to the increase in the number of people. In the past, there were only more than 3 people in Zexing, but now it is about to expand to 30 billion people.

Next, Su Ze followed the same method and released one billion people in Xueyuan Continent and settled them down.

The territory Su Ze assigned to the people of Xueyuan Continent is a certain distance from Linhua Continent, but it is not too far away.

This allows the two parties to maintain a certain distance, so that conflicts will not occur and they will not become too alienated.

In the next period of time, the entire Zexing will be busy. With so many people pouring in at once, many supporting facilities will have to keep up.

But Su Ze naturally wouldn't worry about these matters and left them all to Zhou Wenshan, Aunt Yun and others.

He has more important things to do.

After finishing what he was doing, Su Ze immediately checked the inventory of chlorophyll capsules.

During his outing this time, Zexing saved a lot of chlorophyll capsules in stock.

Although Brother Ya, Lin Hua and others have been taking chlorophyll capsules, they can't consume much, which is far behind Su Ze.

Su Ze estimated that these chlorophyll capsules were still not enough for him to absorb and digest all the alien origin gene inheritance, and he should save it for a while.

However, he was not in a hurry and ran to the laboratory again to check on Liu Wenyin's research progress.

Who would have thought that Liu Wenyin and the others really gave Su Ze a surprise!
"Boss, the combination of mutant seeds and witch eggs has been completed. Do you want to see the finished product?" Mag asked angrily.

"Did it go well? How much of the super star's energy was absorbed?" Su Ze was not in a hurry to see the new species they had researched, but asked about the specific situation first.

"More than [-]% of the super star's energy has been absorbed. Overall, it is very smooth. There is no room for improvement at the moment. Next, you just need to take it with you and grow slowly." Ma Ge said confidently.

"Growing up slowly? I don't have much patience."

"Haha, it should be 'Grow up quickly'. The growth rate of this little guy is definitely beyond your imagination, Master." The Pope interjected from the side.

Su Ze's interest was aroused: "Then take me to see it."

Liu Wenyin and the others led Su Ze to a sealed breeding room.

The door to the breeding room slowly opened, and Liu Wenyin smiled and said: "We haven't named this species yet, so I leave the naming rights to you."

Su Ze looked at the thing in front of him, slightly stunned, and fell into deep thought.

The first thing that caught his eye was an egg, a giant egg the size of a man.

However, compared with the complete witch egg, the size is already very small. The mature witch egg is as big as a planet.

This is not the point. What caught Su Ze's attention was that a finger-wide crack opened at the top of the eggshell. From the crack grew a small piece of grass, with two green leaves swaying slightly.

What should you name a piece of grass that grows from an egg?
Grass eggs?

What surprised Su Ze even more was the strength of this thing. This aura had actually reached the Sun God level!

He was born as a sun god, what kind of monster is he?
"A natural God of Sun? Isn't this a bit exaggerated?" Su Ze was a little jealous. It took him several years to become the God of Sun.

The Pope explained: "It is not an exaggeration at all. Ordinary witches are born as star gods, while descendants of the ancestor gods emerge as moon gods. The witch egg you found, master, is suspected to be the blood of a strong person above the ancestor gods. They are born as sun gods." I can understand it." (End of chapter)

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