Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 419 Alien Human Race

Chapter 419 Alien Human Race
Su Ze looked at this strange grassy egg again and asked, "Will it always be in this form in the future?"

Ma Ge answered: "Right now, it is only in its juvenile state, equivalent to a newborn baby. As it matures later, its shape will change, but we are not sure what it will become. After all, there is no precedent to refer to."

"Then is it considered an intelligent life or a spiritual plant?"

"The upper limit of spiritual plants is far lower than that of intelligent life, so we use the witch egg as the main body, which is equivalent to the intelligent life of a dominant race, or you can think of it as a mutated witch race, but because of the fusion of the mutated Variety Flower The seeds can also perform photosynthesis like spiritual plants, and can even take the path of growth and evolution."

Su Ze scratched his head: "Isn't that the Wu Clan's version of Feng Buqing?"

Liu Wenyin smiled and said, "That's right to understand."

Feng Buqing is a mutated human race. He can grow and evolve like a plant and can perform photosynthesis, but his background is still human race.

The situation of this "Grass Egg" is exactly the same, except that the two races are different, everything else is exactly the same.

But "Caodan" obviously has more potential than Feng Buqing. After all, he has a father who is above the ancestor god.

The Pope added: "But we are using the consciousness of the Mutated Variety Flower to guide it, so subconsciously, it does not think that it is a witch tribe, but that it is a plant.

"In addition, as the Wu clan grows, its form will undergo huge changes, and the body will change from solid to virtual, and become a pure soul body. This... Caodan's evolutionary path may also follow this path. After all, it is difficult to leave the original sect. "

Su Ze nodded, a plant-based intelligent life that is good at soul attacks and invisible?

It seems to be quite powerful.

Liu Wenyin complained: "Do you really want to call it 'grass egg'? This is too ugly, it feels like swearing."

"It makes sense, let me think about it..." Su Ze thought, "The Variety Flower is actually a flower. It has just grown and has not bloomed yet. It is indeed rash to call it 'Grass Egg'. It should be called 'Flower Egg'." '."

Liu Wenyin shook her head: "Okay, as long as you are happy."

"Hua Dan" sounds better than "Grass Dan". She is afraid that if she doesn't sound good, Su Ze will come up with some weird names.

Su Ze thought about it carefully and said, "That's not right either. The 'Flower Egg' is not right either. The egg shape is only temporary. After all, it is a witch clan and should be called 'Flower Witch'!"

Just like that, the new name was decided, "Flower Witch".

Liu Wenyin and the others formally handed over the flower witch to Su Ze and asked Su Ze to cultivate it and grow it. This would help both parties establish a trusting relationship.

Su Ze actually didn't care about this aspect. In his opinion, just a flesh and blood parasite would be enough. What's the point of cultivating feelings?
And he had no intention of "bringing up a baby", but fortunately, the flower witch inherited the strong survival ability of the witch clan, so it didn't need Su Ze to do anything, it could grow on its own.

The Flower Witch absorbed more than half of the super star's energy and stored it in its body, enough for it to absorb and grow.

When it completely absorbs the super star light energy stored in its body, it will be able to shed its eggshell.

After Su Ze took the flower witch away, he tried to communicate with the flower witch. The flower witch now could not speak, but could communicate simply through mental power.

After understanding the current status of Hua Wu in detail, Su Ze found that Hua Wu, the sun god, was a bit weak.

Because he is still in the "infant" stage, the flower witch's offensive methods are relatively simple. He only knows basic mental attacks. Although it is a sun god-level mental attack, there is no skill at all. He just relies on the sun god-level mental power to crush him. .

It can be said to be the crudest mental attack.

To put it simply, there is no matching mental attack skill.

In terms of defense, the Flower Witch is indeed at the level of a Sun God. Even because of its powerful racial talent, the Flower Witch's defense and vitality are better than most Sun Gods.

The problem is that Flower Witch's defense and vitality can only be effective on himself and cannot help Su Ze.

In other words, the current Hua Wukong has rough mental attack capabilities and strong survivability, and is simply unable to match a normal Sun God in actual combat.

However, as an intelligent race, flower witches, like humans, can acquire skills by absorbing evolutionary materials.

In addition, after integrating the Variety Flower, it can also acquire new skills through growth and evolution.

As a race that is born as a god, the Witch Clan is special in that it can also acquire new skills at the god level stage, and can acquire three skills at each stage.

That is, there are nine skill columns in total. Although the number of skills is much smaller than that of a race that normally evolves into a god, the new skills acquired by the Witch Clan are all divine skills!

It is equivalent to using quality to make up for the gap in quantity. After all, other races have to make subtractions when they reach the god level, and they will also reduce the number of skills through fusion.

Although the flower witch is born with the god of death, he still has nine skill columns. But unlike the general witch clan, only three of the nine skill columns can be obtained through plunder, and the remaining six skills must be obtained naturally through growth and evolution. Awakening.

"It seems that we have to find suitable skills for this guy in the future..."

If you want the flower witch to unleash the true fighting power of the sun god of the witch clan, you need to let it grow up and be equipped with appropriate skills.

Su Ze shook his head, and there was another gold-swallowing beast on hand.

After finally upgrading the weapon to the ninth level, here comes another sun god level flower witch.

After he came back, he never saw Brother Ya, Lin Hua and others. After asking, he found out that they were all in retreat to achieve breakthroughs.

Lin Hua and Lao Wall are considered to be the oldest star gods on Zexing. Brother Ya came from behind under Su Ze's care. There are also members of the Starry Sky Guards who went to the Eldar public star field with Su Ze before. They basically meet the conditions for the eighth evolution. The only problem is that it takes a long time to digest the evolutionary materials.

With the advent of super stars and chlorophyll capsules, this process has been greatly shortened. Lin Hua, Lao Wall, and Ya Ge have taken the lead in attacking the Moon God. Others, such as Tano, Wan Qizhi, Li Yongguan, and others, have also taken the lead. They were all lined up at the back.

Now that Zexing has a larger population and more productivity, I believe the production of chlorophyll capsules will further increase in the future.

The rise of Ze Xing seems to be close at hand.

After finishing the cultivation of flower witches, Liu Wenyin and the other three were finally freed to start researching other projects.

The most important thing at the moment is the continued improvement of the chlorophyll capsule and the in-depth development of the evolutionary route of Variety Flower.

Su Ze also handed over all the dirty people he brought from Blue Star to them so that they could conduct experiments on the dirty people.

In addition, he also handed over Blue Star to Liu Wenyin and the other two people, asking them to use it specifically to cultivate Variety Flowers.

As Blue Star is an evolutionary planet, Su Ze cannot use it openly and can only keep it in space props.

During the nearly month-long journey back to Zexing, Blue Star has been contained in a space prop, losing sunlight, falling into darkness and cold, and a large number of animals and plants on it have become extinct.

If Su Ze wants to use Blue Star, he can only place it in a place with sunlight and isolation from the outside world. Then only giant space props containing super stars meet the conditions.

However, the light energy of the super star is too strong and cannot be tolerated by ordinary organisms. Fortunately, Blue Star is an evolutionary planet. I believe that under the light of the super star for a long time, the species on the Blue Star will also evolve to adapt. Super star light energy and even the ability to harness the light energy of super stars.

But ordinary people are definitely not suitable to live under the sunlight of a super star for a long time.

Therefore, Su Ze plans to use Blue Star as a breeding base for Variety Flowers in the future. Variety Flowers are naturally not afraid of the light energy of super stars. As long as they keep a certain distance, they can survive under the irradiation of super stars for a long time and even grow faster.


After returning from Blue Star, Su Ze can be said to have no immediate worries, only distant ones.

Having successfully rescued the people on Blue Star, he has nothing urgent to do at the moment. He just needs to steadily improve his strength to deal with future crises.

Currently, Su Ze has three options to improve his strength.

[-]. Continue to accept the inheritance of the original genes of other races in the inheritance crystal;
[-]. Strengthen and upgrade skills by fusing them;
[-]. Go out and collect suitable materials to expand your skills.

He has to do these three things sooner or later, but he has to decide the order.

Su Ze planned to put it aside when going out to collect materials. Going out was risky. He was different from the past. In the past, he was just the moon god. No one paid attention to him when he went out.Now that he has become the sun god, everyone must look at him twice.

Therefore, every step of strength increases the security of the outside world. Although he has a record of killing the ancestor gods, there are too many elements of luck and instability, which does not mean that he has stable ancestor god strength.

As for the second point of skill fusion, Su Ze had some ideas, but he felt that it was quite difficult and time-consuming, and the timing seemed a bit immature.

At present, the "Evolution Divine Grace" skill has been upgraded to the limit, which is the ninth level divine skill. When he becomes the ancestor god later, this skill will automatically overlap with the "Human Leader Buff".

However, the "knowledge is power" skill has shown signs of being integrated with the "evolutionary grace" before, but it seems that a certain condition is missing, causing the integration to fail.

Now "knowledge is power" is at the quasi-tenth level, and "evolutionary grace" is at the ninth level. If the two can be integrated, they will definitely become ancestral divine skills.

However, it seems that there is still a certain mediator missing that prevents this fusion from succeeding.

Su Ze didn't know what was missing before, but now he has a guess.

The mediator between the two is probably the "Human Leader Buff". When he becomes the Ancestral God and the leader of the human race, he may be able to try to fuse these two skills.

Su Ze also plans to eventually fuse the two domain skills of "God's Domain" and "Forbidden Demon Domain", but Su Ze's goal is to finally fuse the Ancestral God-level domain skills.

Now these two skills, one is ninth level and the other is eighth level. Even if the fusion is successful, it feels like they will not become ancestral skills.

Su Ze also wanted to fuse the two status skills "Self-Control" and "Sponge Body" together, but the same problem was that one was at level [-] and the other was at level [-], making it difficult to combine the ancestral skills.

Moreover, these two skills are considered to be Su Ze's skills with the most mixed effects. They are equivalent to pouring two pots of different-flavored hodgepodge together. It is very difficult to fuse them together, and if you don't get it right, it will turn into swill.

It feels like if these two skills want to be integrated, they need to be integrated through skill expansion.

There is also the possibility of fusion between "The Strongest Blow" and "Meteor Impact", but Meteor Impact has subsequent inheritance. As long as Su Ze becomes an ancestral god, this skill will also become an ancestral god skill, so there is no need for fusion for the time being.

On the contrary, "real-time simulation" and "dream creation" can be integrated, and the two skills are very compatible.

However, the gap between the two skill levels is too big. An eighth-level skill integrated into an ancestral skill is equivalent to throwing a stone into the lake. There will be almost no change, so Su Ze plans to wait.

Wait until the "real-time simulation" is also upgraded to level nine before considering fusion.

As for the remaining "Space Shuttle" and "Breaking Sword", it seems that there is no object that can be fused.

It seems that the only thing he can do now is the first point. Although the inventory of chlorophyll capsules is still not enough to support him to absorb all the original genetic inheritance of his family, during the period of time he absorbs and digests it, the Zexing chlorophyll factory will continue to produce Chlorophyll capsules.

And it's good to be able to absorb a little more, after all, every source gene absorbed will directly increase his strength.

Su Ze took all the chlorophyll capsules in stock, entered the giant space prop to bask in the sun, and first digested all the evolutionary substances in his body that were oversaturated due to the plundering of God Zuka.

After that, he simply lived on the Blue Star, repeating the process of absorbing his family's original genetic inheritance, then soaking it in the sun, absorbing it again, and digesting it again. This continuous cycle process.

Until one day, he heard the good news. Ya Ge, Lin Hua, and Lao Wall successfully completed the eighth evolution and became the Moon God!

After Su Ze, the Zexing human race finally gave birth to a new strong Moon God!
This is of great significance. Unlike those alien moon gods who were parasitized by Su Ze, this is the human race's own moon god.

It also proves that it is feasible for Su Ze to quickly cultivate strong human beings in this way.

It is foreseeable that after the three of them, new moon gods will continue to be born in Zexing.

Even in a few years, there may be a new human sun god!
Su Ze left the super star space and called Brother Ya, Lin Hua and Lao Wall over.

"You have just broken through. First, familiarize yourself with the strength of the Moon God. If there are any resources you need in the treasure house, you can also withdraw them first. Then I will give you a task."

Seeing the curious looks from the three of them, Su Ze transmitted a few coordinates to them through mental power.

"These are the coordinates of the human planet that Senior Ao Zun collected back then. The humans living on it are the same human race as us, but their planet has not awakened the power of evolution, and they are still ordinary people. I plan to immigrate them to Ze star.

"However, this matter is easy to say, but the actual operation will definitely not be so smooth. After all, we are not kidnapping them, we just want them to join Zexing, increase the population base of Zexing, and speed up the development of Zexing, so we definitely can't Use force to make them willing to immigrate here."

When Su Ze said this, the three of them all understood.

Lin Hua took the initiative and said, "Don't worry, we will definitely complete the mission."

They all understood that Su Ze was asking them to contact the human races on these planets, establish trust first, and then transport these human races to Zexing.

After all, for those ordinary people, they may not even know about the existence of aliens. Suddenly one day, a person from nowhere found them and told them to leave their home and take them to migrate to the stars. No one would believe it.

Therefore, it takes time to get in touch slowly and establish a trusting relationship first, and then look at the other party’s wishes to see if they are willing to come to Zexing.

Su Ze nodded: "I can rest assured when you do things. I will equip each of you with a Sun-class spaceship to ensure that you have enough escape ability when encountering danger. In addition, you will also take the captives parasitized by my flesh and blood with you." , each person brings two. If you encounter a danger that cannot be solved, kill one and report to me. I will replace you with another and rush to rescue you.

"You must be careful. Before contacting them, check carefully to see if there are any traces of activities of other intelligent races on those human planets."

After giving these instructions, Su Ze gave them the only three Sun-class spaceships currently on Ze Star, one for each person, and asked them to set off on their own when they were ready. They could also bring some helpers with them from Ze Star.

A few days later, Brother Ya and the other three set off one after another, bringing with them a few Star God helpers.

About a month later, Tano, Zhang Tai, Wan Qizhi and others successively broke through and became the moon gods.

Unknowingly, Zexing's strength has changed from what it used to be.

There are three sun gods, Ao Zun's physical body, dark-blood beast, and flower witch.

There are also more than a dozen moon gods in total, including Dou Yi and other alien moon gods controlled by Su Zejisheng.

There are too many Star Gods to count...

Coupled with the fact that Su Ze, the surface god of the sun, can actually fight against the weak ancestor gods, not counting the human races in other places, the Zexing human race alone is already not weak!

The overall strength is comparable to some weak races in the universe.

If Su Ze becomes the Ancestral God, then the Zexing human race will even be stronger than some small races.

After all, some of the weakest races, such as the Hai Clan, only have one or two Ancestral Gods, and there are not many other strong people. The racial level of the human race can crush them. Once Su Ze becomes the Ancestral God, and the halo of the leader of the human race is added, one person can Can defeat many weak clan ancestors.

The human race is developing rapidly and smoothly, and Su Ze is more able to concentrate on strengthening his own strength.

Give humans some time, give them some time, and believe that there must be a place for humans in the universe.

In the days that followed, Su Ze Anxin absorbed the original genes and continued to use chlorophyll capsules and super stars to digest evolutionary substances...

In the blink of an eye, it was already his fifth year in Zexing.

He also finally absorbed and digested all the original genes of his clan left by Senior Ao Zun.

Today's Zexing has also changed greatly. Cities have been built one after another. The 30 billion people who moved from Blue Star have also stabilized and have their own residences and stable lives.

On this day, Lin Hua came back in the Brave and brought a group of humans with him.

When Su Ze saw this group of people stepping off the spaceship, he immediately felt a strong sense of disobedience, as if he had watched the scene in the Journey to the West featurette of Tang Monk driving a van in his previous life.

"Where did this group of ancient people come from?"
I saw some brothers cheering for me in yesterday's leave request. Thank you everyone. I know some people have been chasing me, but now there are only a few dozen subscriptions. One chapter is [-] words a day, and the royalties are less than ten yuan.

But as long as someone reads it, even if there is only one follow-up subscription, it will be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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