Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 57 Fengzi, it's time to drink medicine!

Chapter 57 Fengzi, it's time to drink medicine!
Su Ze didn't know what happened up there, but the fight broke out again.

He can't do anything now, he can only watch Feng Buqing use the extractor to continuously extract the evolutionary substance of the spiritual root tree.

The Spiritual Root Tree quickly got rid of Feng Buqing's control, but it was seriously injured and its evolutionary substance was extracted, so it was very weak, and used its last strength to fight back against Feng Buqing.

Countless roots were either intertwined into a net, or swung into a whip, and smashed down on Feng Buqing's head and face, trying to destroy the extractor behind Feng Buqing.

But Feng Buqing stood firmly in front of the extractor, with black air lingering in his hands, constantly chopping off or corroding the attacking roots.

Occasionally, he would use his body to resist an attack that he couldn't defend against.

Su Ze secretly thought that the physique of the holy level is strong, so the Spiritual Root Tree didn't care about him, otherwise he couldn't bear a whip.

He had been secretly cheering for the Spiritual Root Tree in his heart, and it would be best if the Spiritual Root Tree could be buried with Feng Buqing.

However, as the extractor continued to extract, the spirit root tree's resistance became weaker and weaker, and Feng Buqing also dealt with it more and more easily.

Finally, on the extractor, a tube of green extract was completed.

The waving roots of the Spiritual Root Tree hang down powerlessly, motionless, and the light of evolution emanating from the trunk and roots is completely dimmed.

The spiritual root tree, which is close to the fifth level, is dead!

"It's over!"

Su Ze knew that Feng Buqing was free to deal with him, and he would be the next one to deal with.

Sure enough, Feng Buqing didn't even take off the spirit root tree extract from the extractor, so he waved at Su Ze, and immediately a big shadowy hand grabbed Su Ze and brought it to him.

"What skills did you get from Princess Zhuzhi's extract?"

Feng Buqing asked with cold eyes.

Su Ze was taken aback, he didn't expect Feng Buqing to ask this.

Doesn't their filthy organization know the ability to evolve God's grace?
Then why do they want to get Princess Zhu Zhi's extract?
In other words, they knew that Princess Zhu Zhi had a powerful skill, but they didn't know the effect of that skill!
At this moment, Su Ze thought a lot, he pretended to be stupid and said: "I just absorbed an S-level skill, Rhinoceros."

Anyway, absorbing skills is completely random. He said that he was unlucky and didn't absorb the strongest skills in the extract. Who would know if what he said was true or not.

Feng Buqing laughed, a little nervously: "Princess Zhu Zhi has a skill that comes from blood crystallization. This kind of skill has a characteristic, that is, it will be absorbed, no matter how many skills there are in her extract, You are bound to absorb that skill.

"So, don't play your tricks anymore, or I will let you experience what it's like to be alive and be extracted from the evolutionary substance."

It will inevitably be absorbed, and the evolution of divine favor skills still has this characteristic?
Blood crystallization, what is that?
Su Ze understood that if he fell into Feng Buqing's hands, he would definitely be killed and made into an extract.

The reason why Feng Buqing didn't kill him directly, but took the time to ask him, was also to find out the effect of the skill, so as to decide how to deal with his extract.

If Feng Buqing knew the powerful effect of the Evolution Divine Grace skill, he might be ignorant of it.

On the contrary, if Su Ze didn't absorb a very powerful skill, Feng Buqing might hand over Su Ze's extract to the dirty soil organization.

Su Ze doesn't know what blood crystals are, but he also understands that the evolution of divine favor is definitely a skill that is so strong that it is foul, and the skills in other blood crystals may not be so powerful.

Su Ze was thinking about making up an answer to delay time, when suddenly he saw Feng Buqing's eyes began to change, and something called wisdom was flowing away from his eyes.

Looking at Feng Buqing's "very clever" eyes, Su Ze was overjoyed.

He looks familiar!

The sky is endless, my strong son!

Feng Buqing seemed to be still struggling, her eyes were sometimes clear and sometimes silly.

Su Ze quickly assisted: "I am Qiangzi!"

"You...you are Qiangzi?" Feng Buqing looked at him hesitantly.

"That's right, I'm Qiangzi!"

"Great, Qiang Zi, it's great that you didn't leave!"

The big shadowy hand holding Su Ze dissipated. After Su Ze landed, the first thing he did was to go straight to the trunk of the Spiritual Root Tree.

He will drink the pith dry!
The reason why Feng Buqing went crazy again shows that his mental trauma has not been healed.

Feng Buqing only drank a sip of the tree marrow before, and persisted until now. If he was asked to drink more, maybe he would really be cured.

Su Ze had to take the first step and dry the bowl of pith.

He couldn't let Feng Buqing forget Qiangzi.

Feng Buqing made a big gap in the trunk of the Linggen tree. Su Ze poked his head in and saw a pool of green liquid in the hollow trunk, about the size of a bowl.

Su Ze lowered his head, gurgled and sucked it into his mouth, and at the same time took out a small medicine bottle, ready to fill a bottle for Aunt Yun.

The main function of this tree marrow is to heal injuries and prolong life, but Su Ze feels that it is useless to him. He is not injured and is still young.

But it's still delicious, and the taste is similar to mung bean soup.

Under Su Ze's swallowing and drinking, he drank half of the tree marrow in the blink of an eye.

But at this time, Feng Buqing suddenly murmured: "No, no... I'm hurt, I want to drink..."

As he spoke, he looked at Su Ze who was drinking the marrow.

"I want to drink, I want to drink..."

Feng Buqing stepped forward and squeezed Su Ze away, and was about to bury his head in the remaining half bowl of tree pith.

Su Ze was knocked down and sat on the ground, and shouted: "Is this what you did to Qiangzi?"

However, when Feng Buqing heard the words, he just paused for a moment, then plunged into the pith of the tree and swallowed it.

The small mouthful of tree marrow he swallowed before somewhat healed some of his mental trauma and made him less insane. It is no longer something that Su Ze can fool with just one or two sentences.

"Fengzi, you have changed!"

Su Ze was heartbroken.

"It seems that you don't care about Qiangzi that much."

Su Ze's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, he knew that once the wind was gone, he would not be able to escape.

In a hurry, Su Ze suddenly looked at the extract of the root tree on the extractor.

In the green light of evolution emitted by the extract, there is also a faint cyan color.

The spiritual root tree was interrupted during the fifth evolution, and the extract already had some characteristics of the fifth-order extract.

Su Ze quickly crawled over to take out the tube of extract, and quickly poured it into the tree trunk.

"Fengzi, it's time to drink the medicine."

The liquid extract mixed with the remaining pith in the trunk, was sucked by Feng Buqing, and swallowed them all.

If you like to drink, let you drink more!
Su Ze stepped back silently, observing Feng Buqing's reaction.

Human beings cannot directly absorb the extract of spiritual plants, what will happen if they drink it?

Past data show that there is a high probability of death.

But Feng Buqing's situation is special this time, so Su Ze is not sure.

(End of this chapter)

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