Chapter 58
Studies have shown that more than [-]% of human evolutionaries who absorb spiritual plant extracts will die directly, and the remaining small number of people will have serious adverse reactions.

To put it simply, if you don't die, you will be disabled.

However, these are all absorbing the spiritual plant extracts as evolutionary materials, that is to say, they all absorb the spiritual plant extracts that are one level higher than their own.

And Feng Buqing, as a saint-level overlord who has evolved four times, should absorb the fifth-order extract as an evolution material.

The extract of the ling root tree only has the characteristics of some fifth-order extracts, but it does not really reach the fifth-order level.

Therefore, whether it can be poisoned to death is not clear, and Su Ze has no idea.

It is very likely that it is just equivalent to taking the wrong medicine, causing some adverse reactions, but not fatal.

In addition, Feng Buqing just drank a lot of tree marrow, which is a holy medicine for healing, which can repair any injury. It was a bit of a surprise, the tree marrow probably could have saved him.

Su Ze had no choice but to try.

He was ready, once he found out that Feng Buqing really had a serious adverse reaction, he would take the opportunity to run away.

I saw that after Feng Buqing drank all the liquid in the trunk, he just stood there in a daze, motionless, as if he had been given a body-holding spell.

In his eyes, there was still the familiar stupidity of Su Ze.

no response?
Could it be that the toxicity of the spirit plant extract and the healing effect of the tree pith offset each other?

Su Ze bravely stepped forward and called him, but there was no response.

Is this stupid... Su Ze thought in his heart to care about him so much, isn't this a good opportunity for him to escape.

He turned to leave, but suddenly thought of something, looked at the bulge covered by roots, and stopped again.

He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Feng Buqing, but Feng Buqing still didn't respond, making Su Ze confirm that he should be really stunned.

Su Ze also became more courageous, feeling that he had taken such a big risk, and he had to gain something substantial.

He ran over to pull out the portable extractor inserted in the spiritual root tree, walked to the side of the corpse of the alien animal wrapped in roots, and tried his best to remove the covered roots to reveal a piece of tiger skin underneath.

This is the corpse of the fourth-order tiger beast that was sucked to death by the spirit root tree.

Su Ze raised the extractor above his head, and inserted it hard towards the tiger skin. The sharp needle was inserted into the tiger beast's corpse. After Su Ze pressed the switch, he began to extract the evolutionary substance from the tiger beast's body.

The spiritual root tree mainly absorbs the flesh and blood nutrients in the tiger beast's body and the power of evolution, while the extract is mainly to extract the evolutionary substance in the body of the alien beast and a small amount of evolutionary power, and the two do not conflict.

Therefore, unless it is a highly rotten or severely mutilated animal corpse, it will not affect the production of extracts.

Not long after, a tube of fourth-order extract was completed.

Su Ze took off the extract, turned around and left.

But within two steps, he stopped again and looked back at the ebony ring on Feng Buqing's finger.

I'm too greedy to take jujube pills like this... Su Ze reflected on himself, but his body still walked up to Feng Buqing honestly, and reached out to pick off the ring on his hand.

After all, this is a storage ring with space inside!

Who can say no to a storage ring?

Not to mention that there is all the savings of a holy overlord in it.

Bring it to you!

However, Su Ze grabbed the ring and tugged hard, but he couldn't pull it off because it was blocked by something.

Su Ze fixed his eyes on Feng Buqing's ring-wearing finger, and stepped back a few steps in shock.

Leaves are growing on Feng Buqing's fingers!
No, it's not just fingers, Feng Buqing's face, hair, chest, thighs... all over the body began to sprout.

Those were not real leaves, but human flesh and blood tissue. Su Ze clearly saw the texture of human skin on those leaves.

And the veins on the leaves are actually blood vessels!
Feng Buqing's fingers and even his entire arm began to deform, stretching and elongating, gradually turning into plant branches.

The skin of his whole body became as rough as bark, and his hair grew into tiny roots...

In his eyeballs, something is getting out, growing into small granules that are constantly wriggling like tentacles.

Su Ze's body was covered with skin bumps, and a chill appeared in his heart.

What the hell!

The wind is not green into a vegetable!

Su Ze didn't dare to think about Feng Buqing's storage ring anymore, so he turned around and left, this time he walked resolutely.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard a hoarse, rough, heart-piercing voice behind him: "Qiangzi, don't go!"

"Qiangzi, how would I live without you!"

Su Ze's footsteps became faster, and he even used the magic item of the traceless walker to speed up his speed.

Swish swish!
The sound of branches and leaves dragging on the ground came from behind, and Su Ze knew that it was the sound of Feng Buqing walking, and Feng Buqing was approaching him.

He only felt a chill rushing towards Tianling Gai from his back, which made him wish he could have two more legs.

Su Ze panicked, chose a hole in the ground at random, and got into it.

Now in this spherical space, there are large and small holes on all sides, which are left after the spiritual root tree retracted its roots.

After Su Ze got into the cave, the ground shook again. He heard movement from outside, something collapsed, and then someone was talking.

Among them, he vaguely heard the voices of Ye Muni and Amida.

The four guys above are down!

Su Ze advanced at full speed and drilled deep into the cave.

Su Ze guessed right, it was indeed the four holy overlords of the Mu Kingdom and the Luo Fan Kingdom who came to the ground.

At first, the four of them were attracted by Bai Guishou, the elder of the dirty soil organization, and the four of them besieged and killed Bai Guishou. Later, Bai Guishou couldn't stand it anymore and ran away with his life-saving skills. They were thinking about the spiritual root tree, so they didn't go. Chase.

Immediately, the four of them chiseled the rocks and soil along the tree trunk from the mountain above, and came to the spherical space underground.

But they didn't expect that someone had already arrived first.

The four of them saw Feng Buqing at a glance, and their faces were shocked... What the hell is this?

Alien beast or spiritual plant?

Feng Buqing ignored the four of them at all, he only had Qiangzi in his eyes, and he followed Su Ze into the same cave.

The four saints fell to the ground. Ye Muni checked and said angrily: "The pith is gone, and the extract has also been extracted!"

Li Shangmao said: "It must have been made by that monster just now. Although I can't tell what breed he is, I can smell a familiar smell from him."

The presiding judge Qu Jianbai's face was icy cold, and he shot a black and white beam of light towards the cave that Feng Buqing entered.

The light beam was soundless, but it disintegrated everything it encountered along the way, whether it was soil or rocks, into powder.

Feng Buqing seemed to have eyes behind her back, and she turned sideways to avoid the beam, but in this way, the beam went straight to Su Ze.

"Qiangzi!" Feng Buqing turned pale with shock, and flew onto Su Ze, blocking the blow for Su Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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