Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 86 Knowledge is Power (9 more)

Chapter 86 Knowledge is Power ([-] more)

Zhang Kun was taken aback for a moment, wondering why his father suddenly changed his mind when Su Ze came.

After a while, Su Ze walked into Zhang Tai's office, sat down in a big way, looked at Zhang Kun who was standing upright, and asked doubtfully, "Brother Kun, why don't you sit, what are you doing standing?"

Zhang Kun looked a little unnatural, but he still sat on the sofa beside Su Ze.

Zhang Tai looked at Su Ze and asked, "Digested successfully?"

Su Ze nodded and said, "Thank you for the natural medicine donated by the organization."

Zhang Taiming asked knowingly, "Then you are here to return the remaining medicine?"

"I've finished eating, otherwise I wouldn't be able to digest it so quickly." Su Ze said, "I'm here mainly to see Uncle Zhang, and I want to ask you something by the way."

Zhang Tai scolded with a smile: "Okay, stop pretending, just tell me, what type of extract do you want?"

Su Ze chuckled: "Uncle Zhang is straightforward, I want to see the background of our motherland first, can you see it?"

"You kid still picked it?"

Zhang Tai smiled and shook his head, but he still picked up the phone on the table and gave some instructions. After a while, a little assistant took a document and put it on Zhang Tai's desk.

Zhang Tai handed the information to Su Ze: "Look for yourself, the second-order S-grade extracts currently in stock in Dongli Kingdom are all on it, and the quantity is not too much. It is useless to store more of this kind of thing, and turn it into combat power as soon as possible." That’s what makes the most of it.”

Su Ze took the information and glanced at it first. Zhang Tai said it wasn't too much, but there were seventy or eighty in fact!
Each tube of second-order S-grade extract has detailed records of what kind of beast it came from, the skills that can be obtained, the effect of each skill, and the time when it was collected into the treasury of Dongli Kingdom.

Zhang Tai reminded: "This table is arranged according to the storage time. The top one is the latest storage. You start from the top to the bottom. The bottom is all the remaining inventory picked by others, which is more or less problematic. "

Su Ze nodded. Among some S-level extracts, the skills may not be practical, or they may all be auxiliary skills. As a result, those that are conditional are despised, and those that are good are not available. Over time, they become stock.

He began to screen carefully from the beginning.

Zhang Kun on the side was very envious. Although the three tubes of extracts he absorbed during the pupal transition were all S-grade, except for one tube which was an adult gift from his father, the other two tubes of extracts were hard work by himself. Hard work.

One tube was bought after he saved more than 1000 million through his own hard work, plus the 9000 million his mother gave him.

The first pipe was the reward for ranking first in the freshman assessment when he was admitted to Dongli University.

He had never received such treatment from Su Ze. He picked dozens of tubes of S-grade extracts at will, and the official Dongli Kingdom paid for it.

Su Ze concentrated on reading line by line, and no one urged him. He read it very seriously.

He found that there were quite a few extracts of marine animals in this list. Because Dongli Kingdom was close to the sea to the east, they might often go hunting in the sea, and the extracts of marine animals were abundant.

Among the extracts in the first half of the list, some were not bad, but nothing particularly moved Su Ze's heart.

The second half is gradually stretched. For example, there are many marine animal extracts whose signature skills can only exert their maximum power in water, and the effect will be greatly reduced on land.

There are also some extracts that are suitable for researchers like Liu Wenyin. The skills have no combat effect and are purely for learning and research.

Su Ze looked at it, and his heart couldn't help sinking to the bottom. If it was when he had just completed his first evolution, there were so many on this list that he could choose, but now he has absorbed the undead salamander and mutant After taking the giant crocodile extract, firstly, his vision became higher, and secondly, many of the extract's skills overlapped with his existing skills.

It would be great if my sister was here... Su Ze began to miss the days when Liu Wenyin was there again. At this time, Liu Wenyin would definitely be able to help him choose the most suitable one from a bunch of extracts.

Su Ze quickly glanced at the extracts in the lower part of the list. Sure enough, as Zhang Tai said, the lower the extracts, the more unreliable they are, and the longer the storage time, from one year in stock to more than five years in stock. Year……

This made him understand that not all S-grade extracts are very strong, and some garbage is not as good as A-grade or even B-grade extracts.

Especially the last tube of extract, which has been in stock for a full 23 years!

older than him.

Simply outrageous.

Wait, what extract is this 23-year-old stock?

Su Ze froze suddenly, and then stared at the last column of the list, carefully reading the introduction of this "old employee" of the Dongli State Treasury.

【Variation Homo erectus Extract】

Level: Level [-] S+

Available skills: knowledge is power, giant blow, violent bite, savage charge, ruthless roar, heavy hammer from the sky, iron mountain connection...

Note: The mutant upright ape is a mutant ape-like beast with a strong learning ability. It can learn relatively simple skills of other beasts and turn them into their own natural skills.

Su Ze noticed that this tube of extract was rated as S+ grade. This rating is not official, but it can be seen that the official of Dongli State believes that the grade of this tube of extract exceeds the general second-order S-grade extract.

Su Ze guessed that this mutated erect ape is probably similar to the mutated giant crocodile, both of which have mutated into a powerful existence far beyond the same level.

This tube extract can absorb a lot of skills. Normally, it is impossible for a strange beast to master so many skills. This should be related to the powerful learning ability of the mutant erect ape mentioned in the remarks. Many skills are learned by it. have to come.

Among the dozen or so skills available, only one is its initial skill, and it is this skill that has attracted Su Ze's attention.

Knowledge is power... I don't know who gave the name of this skill, not to mention it's pretty impressive.

Knowledge is power: Passive skills, every time you master a skill, you can strengthen your body once (strength, speed, and ability to resist blows are all improved).

This skill, combined with the ability of the mutant erect ape to learn skills, is a perfect match.

Every time the mutant erect ape learns a skill, it can get a boost to all physical attributes. It is conceivable how powerful the mutant erect ape with so many skills is!
When Su Ze saw this skill, he suddenly thought that this skill was also a perfect match for him.

Because of the ability to evolve God's favor, he also has more skills than others.

It also means that if he masters this skill, he can obtain more physical enhancements than other evolutionaries.

And when he didn't know what skill to choose, this kind of passive skill with added attributes was definitely an infallible choice.

Attributes, they can be used for anything.

Su Ze put down the list in his hand, looked up at Zhang Tai, and said, "Uncle Zhang, I've made my choice. I want the mutated Homo erectus extract."

Zhang Tai shook his hand holding the teacup, he didn't care about the hot tea splashing on his lap, and asked with staring eyes, "Are you sure?"

(End of this chapter)

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