Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 87 Absorbing Extracts: Variant Homo erectus (more)

Chapter 87 Absorbing Extracts: Mutated Homo erectus (ten more)

Facing Zhang Tai's question, Su Ze nodded resolutely: "I'm sure, that's it."

The skill "Knowledge is Power", as the only initial skill of the mutated S-level beast, Su Ze believes that it will never be weak, and it is also very suitable for him.

Another point is that as a physical fitness enhancement skill, it can make Su Ze's already strong physical fitness a step further, laying the foundation for the next leapfrog absorption of the third-order advanced extract.

Zhang Taidao: "I am very impressed with the source of this tube of extract, that mutant erect ape. I was in the team hunting it back then. That giant ape was enough to fight against the same ape just by its physical strength and some rough skills." The middle rank dominates, and we couldn't take it in the five cocoon-breaking stages, and it was finally killed by the Butterfly Stage.

"Its extract is very powerful, there is no doubt that it is powerful, but why this tube of extract has been in our Dongli stock for 23 years, I believe you can also see."

Su Ze nodded. There are two reasons why others dare not choose this tube of extract.

One is that there are too many skills. With so many skills, except for the initial skill "Knowledge is Power", although the other skills are also second-level skills, they are all very rough low-level skills. If you want to rate them, they are only equivalent to Second-level D-level and E-level skills.

Randomly selecting one of so many skills is like drawing a lottery. The probability of winning the key prize is pitifully low, no one dares to bet, and no one is willing to take risks.

Only winning the "knowledge is power" is a blood profit, and drawing other skills is a blood loss.

The second reason is that this tube of extract is too strong, beyond the level of ordinary second-order S-level, and ordinary people really can't absorb it, and it is easy to be overwhelmed.

After all, not everyone is like Su Ze, whose physique is far beyond the same level.

Unless they are geniuses, it is very difficult for ordinary evolutionaries to absorb S-grade extracts, let alone this S+-grade extract.

Even Su Ze felt the pressure when absorbing the mutant giant crocodile extract.

However, after absorbing and digesting the mutated giant crocodile extract, Su Ze's physique has improved significantly, and now it is definitely not difficult to absorb this S+ grade extract.

As for too many skills and too much luck, it is not a problem for Su Ze. He can choose skills freely. Even if there are 1 skills, he can accurately select the one he wants.

Zhang Tai warned again and again: "You have to think about it, if you don't acquire the skill of 'knowledge is power', then this tube of extract is not as good as ordinary S-level extract, and there will be dangers in the process of absorption. The body creates a tremendous amount of stress."

"Uncle Zhang, I've made up my mind. I've always been lucky. Besides, I've absorbed the extracts of mutant giant crocodiles, and I've gained experience. That little bit of pressure isn't a problem for me."

Seeing that Su Ze couldn't be persuaded, Zhang Tai could only shake his head helplessly, and ordered his subordinates to obtain the mutant Homo erectus extract.

Half an hour later, a tube of orange evolutionary light that was so strong and dazzling was handed over to Su Ze.

Zhang Tai said: "There is a rest room next door, you can absorb it there."

Su Ze nodded in agreement, got up and went to the lounge next door.

There was nothing in the lounge except a bed and sofa.

Su Ze sat on the bed, took a deep breath to adjust his state, and then poured the mutated erect ape extract into his mouth.

Very spicy!

The extract is still old and spicy.

This 23-year-old expired drink is hotter than anything Su Ze has ever eaten.

He never encountered the legendary sweet extract.

Su Ze was so hot that he had already ignored the changes in his body. By the time he felt a little better, the extract had almost been absorbed.

As he expected, with his current physical strength, there is no pressure to absorb a tube of second-order S+ grade extract, and it is completely natural.

His body didn't become swollen like the last time he absorbed the mutated giant crocodile extract.

After the extract was absorbed, Su Ze entered the link of selecting skills again, this time it was a little different from before.

After the consciousness entered the blank world this time, there were more than a dozen dense clouds of fog, which had never happened before.

Among the dozens of clusters of orange mist, only one cluster was extremely huge, and the other clusters were less than one-tenth the size of the large cluster of fog, surrounded by stars like the moon.

Su Ze didn't even need to get close to feel it. He could tell at a glance that the huge fog must represent the "Knowledge is Power" skill.

Su Ze's consciousness plunged into it...

The picture in front of him was blurred for a while, and Su Ze's consciousness returned to his body. Before he stood up from the bed, he suddenly felt that his whole body was surrounded by a strange force.

The power was meticulous and penetrated into every corner of his body, making his whole body warm, as if every cell was taking a bath.

This is... the "knowledge is power" skill started to strengthen his body?
Every skill that Su Ze has mastered can bring him an all-round strengthening.

He counted the skills he has mastered so far...

Ant force, rhinoceros collision, evolutionary grace, acupuncture, regenerated body, raging waves, plus the newly acquired "knowledge is power".

There are seven skills in total.

In other words, his body will go through seven enhancements.

Su Ze began to look forward to it.

Soon, the first strengthening was over, and the magical power in Su Ze's body began to recede.

Su Ze waved his fist, carefully felt his strength and speed increase, and couldn't help showing a smile of satisfaction and even a little surprise on his face.

Stronger than he imagined!
This strengthening range somewhat exceeded Su Ze's expectations.

It is indeed the strongest skill among S+ level extracts. Even if Su Ze doesn't have the ability to evolve God's grace, this "knowledge is power" skill can improve him considerably, not inferior to any second-order S level skills.

Moreover, this skill is also a growth-type skill. The higher the evolution level, the more skills there are, and the greater the improvement it brings to Su Ze.

The first strengthening was over, and soon the magical power gushed out again, covering Su Ze's whole body, and the second strengthening started.

Su Ze knew that this process would have to be repeated seven times in total, so he was not in a hurry and waited slowly.

As the strengthening was completed one after another, the sense of power in Su Ze's body became more and more surging, as if he was riding a rocket, and his physical fitness continued to improve rapidly.

Strength and speed have reached a new level, and the strength of the physical body is becoming more and more terrifying.

After the seven strengthening sessions, Su Ze felt as if he had turned into a humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex, capable of tearing tigers and leopards apart, and carrying mountains with strength.

The mutated erect ape extract itself brought Su Ze a good physical improvement, coupled with the seven enhancements of "knowledge is power", the superposition of the two phases gave Su Ze a leap in physical strength.

Su Ze thought of the power of sanctifying the body and proving the Tao with strength in the novels of ghosts and monsters, and he felt a little bit like that.

(End of this chapter)

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