I am a late bloomer in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 605: A lackey in the past, a master today

Chapter 605: A lackey in the past, a master today (4k2, please subscribe)

The rescue plan began.

Wei Tu and Palace Master Luo, who were outside the Yin Gui Sect, began to wait patiently for good news from Huang You.

One day.

two days.

Three days...

Time passes slowly.

On the fifth day, Wei Tu and Palace Master Luo finally received the good news from Huang You that Luo Mingzhen had successfully obtained the "Taimiao Treasure Realm".

But then——

The next day, the Huang You soul token in Wei Tu's storage bag shattered into several pieces.

"Can't wait any longer."

Seeing this unexpected situation, Palace Master Luo's face changed slightly. After exchanging a glance with Wei Tu, he immediately stood up, directly sacrificed the "Formation Breaking Talisman" and his own magic weapon, and rushed towards the main gate of the Yin Gui Sect.

No matter how much he trusted his daughter, he did not believe that she would be able to safely lift the restrictions on herself and wait for the opportunity to join forces with them and escape from the Yin Gui Sect now that Huang You was dead and the information might have been leaked.

Now, the only chance to rescue Luo Mingzhen is to break in and take Luo Mingzhen away before the information Huang You has is leaked and the top leaders of the Yin Gui Sect react.

Otherwise, with the Yin Gui Sect already prepared, unless his realm was raised to the Spirit Transformation Realm, it would be impossible for him to break into a heavily defended Nascent Soul Sect and take away a "mortal" whose cultivation realm had been sealed.

At the same time that Luo Dianzhu took action.

At this moment, Wei Tu also took action immediately. He uttered the "Small Big Dipper Magic" and condensed a pseudo-Dharma image over a hundred feet tall in the air. He clenched his fists and smashed directly towards the formation shield that was protecting the Yin Gui Sect below.

Boom! Boom!
A loud noise like a mountain shaking was heard suddenly.

"This boy's magic power is actually equivalent to that of a late Nascent Soul?"

Seeing this scene, Palace Master Luo, who was bombarding the formation light shield, was immediately surprised and once again had a clear understanding of Wei Tu's strength.

He originally thought that Wei Tu dared to come to the Yin Gui Sect to help him because he relied on the advantages of magic weapons, but he never expected that in terms of basic magical powers alone, Wei Tu was no less than an ordinary late Nascent Soul cultivator.

And this can only be explained by the fact that Wei Tu has a solid foundation.

However, Palace Master Luo had never heard of a casual cultivator with a foundation so strong that it was comparable to the late Nascent Soul stage.

"If he hadn't died, this boy would have had the potential to become a god!"

Palace Master Luo commented in his heart.

At least, as far as he knew, among all the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Jishan Sect, there were less than a handful who could match Wei Tu in terms of magical power foundation.

You know, Jishan Sect is a prestigious sect that can transform gods!

"Master Wei, after this battle, regardless of whether you succeed in rescuing my daughter, I will promise you a favor."

Palace Master Luo moved his lips slightly and transmitted the message.

Before, Wei Tu decided to help him, and in his heart, he was only filled with a certain gratitude towards Wei Tu.

But now, Wei Tu's qualifications are revealed...

He can see the value of investing in Weitu.

With the former, he would only give an equal return, but with the latter, if there is a possibility of excess return, he would not be stingy.

“Benefits?” Wei Tu raised his eyebrows when he heard that, not knowing whether this was Lord Luo’s empty promise before the war or a sincere one.

But thinking about how Palace Master Luo had previously advised him to stay in Jishan Sect and refused his help, he was more inclined to the latter.


After more than ten breaths.

Under the continuous attacks of Wei Tu and Palace Master Luo, the light shield of the Yin Gui Sect's protective formation finally changed. First, the light flickered and shook several times, and then the surface gradually cracked like glass.

Finally, under the powerful attack of Wei Tu's pseudo-Dharma image, it shattered with a loud bang, turned into dots of light, and disappeared into nothingness.

Of course, this is not because the defense of the Yin Gui Sect's protective formation is too weak, but in order to save spirit stones, most sects' protective formations will only maintain normal operation, and their power is less than half of what it normally is.

Moreover, Wei Tu and Palace Master Luo did not destroy the Yin Gui Sect's protective formation at this moment. They only broke the condensed light shield of the formation.

After a certain period of time, the light shield of the formation will be able to condense again, and its power will be stronger than before.

According to Palace Master Luo's prediction, this time will not exceed a quarter of an hour.

In other words, if they want to rescue Luo Mingzhen, they must do so within this quarter of an hour. Otherwise, once the formation light shield condenses again, it will not be easy for them to break through it or escape from it.

"It's now!"

At the moment the formation's light shield was broken, Palace Master Luo relied on his blood sensing to remotely lock onto a direction and quickly rushed there at the speed of blood escape.

At this time, the high-level Nascent Soul leaders of the Yin Gui Sect finally reacted and arrived near the mountain gate.

However, at this moment they did not try to intercept Palace Master Luo, but all looked at the scene with serious expressions.

After all, suddenly, two more powerful warriors at the late Nascent Soul stage attacked the sect. Everyone knew that this was a serious matter and if not handled with caution, there would be consequences.

"Is that the direction of Master Xin Gu?"

"Where's the heart bone?"

The leading black-robed monk narrowed his eyes, glanced at the direction Palace Master Luo fled, and asked in a stern voice.

"Replying to the ancestor, Xin Gu is still in the cave, and he said he wants to search the soul for a traitor."

The Nascent Soul cultivator at the side replied in a trembling voice.

As they were both at the Nascent Soul stage, he should not be too afraid of the black-robed monk. However, he had no choice because the black-robed monk was the ancestor of their Yin Gui Sect - Yin Mozi.

In the eyes of the ancestor Yin Mozi, these low-level Nascent Soul cultivators were no different from Golden Core cultivators and could be killed at will.

"Searching for souls?"

"Could it be..."

Yin Mozi's mind raced, and he soon thought of "Madam Ru", the concubine that Master Xin Gu had previously taken in. After all, he was not a hands-off boss, and having a Nascent Soul elder and another Nascent Soul furnace would still be very eye-catching.

He also knew very clearly the identity and origin of "Mrs. Ru" and knew that she was a "time bomb".

"It seems that the masked monk who fled to the cave of Master Xin Gu is most likely Luo Guzhuo."

Yin Mozi pondered secretly.

Apart from this, he really couldn't think of any other late Nascent Soul strongman who would suddenly run to Master Xin Gu's cave when attacking the Yin Gui Sect.

"You guys, go and stop the masked monk with all your strength, and I will deal with the monk in the bamboo hat."

After thinking about it, Yin Mozi gave the order in a cold tone.

As they were both in the late Nascent Soul stage, he was familiar with Palace Master Luo's strength and knew that he was not an easy person to deal with.

Furthermore, he was eager to save his daughter and was filled with anger...

Fighting with him is definitely not a wise choice.

Moreover, he also intended to take this opportunity to let Madam Ru go and use it to provoke internal strife in the Jishan Sect, which was the task assigned to him by the upper sect "Youshen Sect".

"What? Us?"

Hearing this, the several Nascent Soul cultivators standing next to Yin Mozi were stunned.

Although they thought they were quite powerful and could fight against "Palace Master Luo" on equal terms when they joined forces, the other party was a powerful warrior in the late Nascent Soul stage. If they were not careful, they could easily die.

Moreover, there were more than just Yin Mozi in the sect who were at the late Nascent Soul stage. As long as the ancestor Yin Mozi could wake up "Ancestor Wu" to come out of retreat, they would be able to greatly relieve the pressure of dealing with the enemy. However, just when they were about to complain, they saw the cold eyes of the ancestor "Yin Mozi". They couldn't help but shudder and dared not say anything.

"I will truly take care of this middle stage Nascent Soul. This way, I can give those people an explanation."

Yin Mozi raised his head and looked in the direction of Wei Tu who was standing at the mountain gate, with a cruel smile on his face.

Just now, when Wei Tu and Palace Master Luo attacked the sect protection formation, they revealed their magical powers comparable to those of the late Nascent Soul stage...

But so what?

Comparable is always just comparable.

Although they are both in the late Nascent Soul stage, there are still differences in strength.

And his strength, among the late Nascent Soul stage, is enough to be classified as the top level. It is definitely more than enough to deal with Wei Tu, a cultivator who has the ability of the late Nascent Soul stage in some aspects.


"The target is me?"

Sensing Yin Mozi's gaze, Wei Tu was surprised. He came here just to lend a helping hand to Palace Master Luo and to play a supporting role, not to be the main fighter.

Logically speaking, the most dangerous task is to go deep into the Yin Gui Sect and rescue Luo Mingzhen.

"But it doesn't matter."

Wei Tu's face was calm and composed, without even a hint of fear in his heart.

Before coming, he had already made preparations to face the powerful late Nascent Soul master of the Yin Gui Sect alone.

Now, Yin Mozi chose him as his opponent, which was not much different from the worst outcome he had imagined.

However, he was a little surprised that the other party did not deal with Palace Master Luo but instead dealt with him, the person who was in charge.

"I just wonder how much stronger he is than Lian Shourang? Can he reach Ding Lezheng's level?"

There was a cold gleam in Wei Tu's eyes.

He recalled the time when he first entered the Guixu Sea cultivation world and participated in the Yuanjun Island auction more than a hundred years ago.

At that time, he stood like a minion and saw Yin Mozi at the auction. He didn't dare to look at him for any longer, for fear that this Nascent Soul cultivator would notice him.

But now, he already has the strength to fight this demon.

"Interesting, you're not afraid of me."

Noticing Wei Tu's expression, a sneer emerged on Yin Mozi's face, as if he was mocking Wei Tu for overestimating his own abilities.

He was used to being domineering in the Yin Gui Sect and the Red Algae Sea. Even the strong ones of the same level had to give him some face, let alone a mere middle-stage Nascent Soul?

"In that case, I will send you off first, so that you can regret it deeply on your way to the underworld."

After saying this coldly, Yin Mozi waved his sleeves and appeared in front of Wei Tu in an instant. He stretched out his right arm and grabbed Wei Tu's face.

As he stretched out, Yin Mozi's right arm immediately turned black and expanded several times.

In the blink of an eye, it was approaching Wei Tu's head.

"The art of transformation into a ghost?" Wei Tu raised his eyebrows and suppressed his desire to use body-refining methods. He didn't want to expose his true strength in front of Palace Master Luo.

He smiled coldly, and immediately took out the most precious treasure of the Shengya Mountain Sect Master that he had taken from Lian Shourang - "Wan Qingshan".

In an instant, the mini mountain that emerged from his palm swelled up in the wind, emitting bright yellow light, and directly hit the black ghost claw that Yin Mozi was reaching out.

The two connected instantly.

But at this moment, Yin Mozi's ghost claws suddenly disappeared, and in an instant, it suddenly appeared behind Wei Tu, and stretched out like lightning, as if intending to dig into Wei Tu's heart.

However, Wei Tu had been prepared for this. As soon as he changed his mind, a tortoise shell shield suddenly appeared behind him, calmly blocking this "fatal blow".

This tortoise shell shield was not some other object, but the spiritual material he obtained after killing the turtle demon.

Although this item has not yet been refined into a magical weapon, the solidity of its spiritual material is also among the fourth-grade top-grade defensive magical weapons.

at the same time.

Wei Tu also turned from defense to offense. While he was dodging Yin Mozi's assassination from behind, he flipped his right palm, took out his Soul Refining Banner, and then shook it vigorously to summon out the "Five Elements Infant".

The Five Elements Infant was proficient in the Five Elements magic. He clasped his hands together and sprayed out a curtain wall of flames. After setting up another defense measure outside Wei Tu's body, he turned into a blue light, holding a fourth-level magic sword, and went to fight towards Yin Mozi.

Under the sudden attack of the Five Elements Infant, Yin Mozi's black and green ghost claws broke in an instant and broke into several pieces.

"A Yuanying of a different path in the late Yuanying period?"

Yin Mozi, whose ghost claws were cut off, teleported hundreds of feet away in an instant, with a look of surprise and doubt on his face.

The reason for this doubt and uncertainty was not the strength of the Five Elements Infant, but Wei Tu's wealth. He was too wealthy, so wealthy that he didn't look like a normal mid-Nascent Soul cultivator, but rather like an old demon.

At least, he has never raised a different kind of Nascent Soul that is in the late Nascent Soul stage.

He was worried that Wei Tu was hiding his real strength, or his true identity as a second-generation immortal, and he would not dare to offend him.

Thinking of this, Yin Mozi did not attack rashly. He smiled slightly and asked:

"Where is the immortal land, Taoist friend?"

"Why did you trespass into my Yin Gui Sect?"

His original intention was to follow the instructions of the upper sect Youshen Sect and let Lord Luo and his daughter go, and then keep Wei Tu, who was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, to maintain the face of the Yin Gui Sect.

However, there are too many suspicious points about "Wei Tu" now, so he has to think about the pros and cons of killing "Wei Tu".

The sect's face is a small matter; his safety is a big matter!
If there really is a powerful immortal behind this "Duobao man" Wei Tu, I'm afraid he won't be able to sleep peacefully.

Although Wei Tu couldn't know Yin Mozi's specific thoughts at this moment, after hearing what the demon said, he immediately understood that the demon had certain intentions for negotiation.

He couldn't help but feel a little relieved about this.

Just now, after fighting for a while, he had already clearly understood Yin Mozi's combat power, and knew that if he did not use his fourth-level body refining strength, it would be impossible to threaten this demon.

But obviously, it was impossible for him to use all his strength in front of so many people.

Nowadays, even though he and Palace Master Luo are in disguise, it is not difficult to guess their true identities if someone is interested.

Therefore, Wei Tu did not want to reveal all his cards by this move and make the Luqiu clan look at him with suspicion, suspecting that he had killed Luqiu Jinyuan.

Strength is the biggest evidence of suspicion!
"What do you think, fellow Yin Mo Daoist?"

Wei Tu did not answer Yin Mozi's question. He replied with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Yin Mozi's face turned cold, and his body shook, turning into a black light and continuing to fight with Wei Tu.

However, this time, Wei Tu clearly noticed that Yin Mozi was restrained, unlike his previous attacks, where every move was a killing move.

Moreover, this demon also maintained a certain close distance with him.

"Fake battle?"

Wei Tu was stunned, and once again gained a new understanding of the cunningness of Yin Mozi, an old demon.

It was not difficult for him to see that Yin Mozi must have guessed that his true strength was more than that, so he acted cautiously.

After all, in the world of cultivating immortals, the strong bully the weak and draw their swords against the weaker ones. How can the strong bully the strong and draw their swords against the strong?

But he was also happy to work hard for it.

He came here to assist Palace Master Luo in rescuing people, not to kill Yin Mozi or offend the Yin Gui Sect. There was no need to expend so much energy and consume his own resources for this.

(End of this chapter)

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