I am a late bloomer in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 606: Female Hero, Sect Worshiper

Chapter 606: Female Hero, Sect Worshiper (4k, please subscribe)

the other side.

While Wei Tu and Yin Mozi were fighting.

Palace Master Luo had also killed several Nascent Soul cultivators from the Yin Gui Sect who had blocked his way, and successfully brought Luo Mingzhen out of Master Xin Gu's cave.

When the Yin Gui Sect practitioners saw the corpses of their fellow Nascent Souls, they gradually began to fear fighting and dared not get too close to Palace Master Luo and his daughter, and forcibly isolated themselves from an uninhabited area of ​​hundreds of feet.

The wrath of a Nascent Soul giant is not something that these Nascent Soul cultivators of a lower level can endure.

"Now how to do?"

There were cultivators from the Yin Gui Sect who wanted to ask Yin Mozi for help, but after seeing Yin Mozi and Wei Tu fighting each other, they had no choice but to give up the idea.

However, due to Yin Mozi's orders, they could not watch Palace Master Luo and his daughter escape calmly, and were caught in a dilemma.

But at this moment, a rather cold voice from Yin Mozi suddenly came to their ears.

"Madam Ru? So your target is Luo Mingzhen? It seems that your real identity is Luo Guzhuo, the master of the Jishan Sect's Law Enforcement Hall."

The words fell.

All the practitioners of the Yin Gui Sect were immediately shocked.

The Nascent Soul cultivators in the Outer Ruins Sea had never heard of the name Luo Guzhuo, but they had heard of the great reputation of the Six Sects of the Xuan Dao of the Jishan School.

As for the one who can become the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Huashen Sect, his strength is unquestionable. He is definitely in the first echelon of the sect and is by no means a small figure.

At this moment, the fighting power displayed by Luo Guzhuo undoubtedly proved this point.

What shocked and surprised them was that Master Xin Gu's concubine "Madam Ru" was actually related to the great man Luo Guzhuo.

Could it be that Master Xin Gu is so bold as to be so bold?

Dare you offend such a powerful person?
"It was a fake fight at first, and then at this moment, when the matter was settled, the identity of Palace Master Luo was made clear..."

"The Yin Gui Sect is also involved in this matter? Was it the order of the upper sect, the Youshen Sect?"

On the other side, Wei Tu, who saw Yin Mozi walk away and say these words in front of everyone, was also surprised for a moment and had many more guesses in his mind.

As far as he knew, there should be another powerful late Nascent Soul master "Ancestor Wu" in the Yin Gui Sect.

Now, only Yin Mozi has come out, and there is no movement from Patriarch Wu... If he hadn't heard this, he would have thought that Patriarch Wu was out, or was in seclusion and couldn't get out.

But after hearing this, it was easy for him to think of another aspect, which was: Patriarch Wu was not busy, but was absent on purpose so that the top combat power of the Yin Gui Sect would be lacking, and then it would be natural for the three of them to escape and let them go.

"Is it also because of the internal strife of Jishan Sect?"

Wei Tu speculated in his mind.

He was not sure about the purpose of the Yin Gui Sect, but there was no doubt that the results of its actions were undoubtedly greatly beneficial to him and Luqiu Qingfeng.

The reason why he and Luqiu Qingfeng gave up rescuing Luo Mingzhen on their own and asked Palace Master Luo to rescue him instead was to make the matter "public" and cut off Palace Master Luo's escape route, making it difficult for him to tolerate and have to engage in internal fighting with the top leaders of Jishan Sect, thus creating a good diplomatic environment for the Luqiu clan and allowing Luqiu Qingfeng's mission to be successfully completed.

In other words-

Yin Mozi's sudden words were exactly what he wanted.

Therefore, Wei Tu did not stop this matter, but allowed it to develop.

Of course, even if he wanted to stop it at this moment, he was powerless. After all, Yin Mozi was not someone he could easily control, let alone block his mouth and prevent him from speaking.

The words fell.

Upon hearing this, Palace Master Luo's body stiffened slightly, but he did not respond. Instead, he took this opportunity to break out of the encirclement of the Yin Gui Sect practitioners. Then, after shouting "Let's go" to Wei Tu at the mountain gate, he fled in the opposite direction of the Yin Gui Sect.


"Don't chase poor bandits."

Looking at the distance, where Wei Tu and Palace Master Luo were escaping together, Yin Mozi stretched out his right hand and stopped the pursuers who were rushing out of the Yin Mo Sect.

"These two are not ordinary cultivators. It is difficult for this ancestor to deal with them alone. Now, ancestor Wu has not come out of retreat yet, so just let them go..."

"Besides, it was my faction that did something wrong in the first place."

Yin Mozi said lightly.

The Yinmo Sect's practitioners had no intention of pursuing and killing in the first place, but when they heard their ancestor Yin Mozi speak and say that they would no longer pursue and kill, they all felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when they heard the second half of Yin Mozi's words, they couldn't help but show strange expressions on their faces.

Since when did their demonic sect still care about right and wrong?

This time, if there was only one mistake, it was that Master Xin Gu abducted a female cultivator who should not have been abducted, and offended the powerful Palace Master Luo.

However, after thinking about it for a while, they could understand the actions of their ancestor Yin Mozi.

Yin Mozi did not say this to them, but to Jishan Sect, one of the six sects of Xuan Dao.

——Although the Yin Gui Sect was an accomplice in this "crime" by shielding Master Xin Gu, they realized their mistake after learning about Palace Master Luo's true identity, so they did not send any troops to pursue him.

Of course, the Yin Gui Sect could also have a better excuse, such as saying that they did not know the true identity of "Madam Ru" and the crime was only on Master Xin Gu.

But unfortunately, the world of immortal cultivation is not a place where reason prevails.

Although the reasons for exonerating the crime are good, the key issue is that the Jishan Sect has the ability to decide the life and death of the Yin Gui Sect.

The more the Yin Gui Sect tries to exonerate itself, the more it will incur dissatisfaction from the Jishan Sect, who will believe that it is challenging the "dignity of the upper sect" and is truly seeking death.

On the contrary, if they directly confess their guilt and lower their stance, with the protection of their superior sect, the Jishan Sect will most likely not make too much noise about it and will stop after punishing the Yingui Sect.

These are the life experiences accumulated by the Yin Gui Sect over the years.


After escaping from the Yin Gui Sect.

Although Wei Tu and Palace Master Luo were certain that the Yin Gui Sect would not send pursuers to hunt them down, for safety reasons they still took Luo Mingzhen and fled for tens of thousands of miles before stopping.

The two of them randomly found a cave and rested temporarily, waiting for Luo Mingzhen to use the "Taimiao Treasure Mirror" to break the restrictions in his body before returning to Jishan Sect.

Otherwise, if they were to travel with a "mortal" and encounter danger, the two of them would not be able to move freely.

"Thank you, Master Wei, for the rescue."

A few days later, deep in the cave, Luo Mingzhen, who was sitting cross-legged, successfully broke the restrictions in her body. She smiled, stood up and walked to Wei Tu, bowed deeply and said thank you.

"I am here only for profit. Fairy Luo...there is no need to thank me too much." Wei Tu waved his hand, indicating that Luo Mingzhen did not need to be polite.

This time, although he came sincerely to rescue Luo Mingzhen, it was difficult for him to accept this great gift calmly because of his "bad record" of giving up the rescue when he first knew that Luo Mingzhen was not Luo Laozu.

Although both rescuing and rescuing with all one's strength are rescue, the difference between them is huge.

While rejecting Luo Mingzhen's thanks, Wei Tu was also a little surprised at Luo Mingzhen's good attitude.

You know, this girl was sold by Ruyi Tower and was abused by Xin Gu Shangren...

He could see that the Yuan Yin in this woman's body had reached a state of extreme depletion.

Now, after being rescued, this woman still behaves and speaks like a normal woman, which is a bit abnormal, or perhaps her mentality is too strong.

Only at this moment did he understand what Palace Master Luo meant when he said "Trust me" before the battle.

Luo Mingzhen's tenacity of character is unmatched by ordinary people!
At this time, Luo Mingzhen seemed to have seen through Wei Tu's thoughts. She looked calm and smiled, saying, "It's just some external demons. After experiencing this disaster, my heart has once again become firm in my Taoism." "At worst, I can ascend to heaven and shed my mortal form."

Cultivate immortality and practice to become an immortal.

This is the dream of thousands of cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation.

But in reality, except for some small Qigong practitioners who don't know how profound they are, few people would say that they can ascend to heaven and become immortals.

The more advanced the cultivator is, the more they understand the hardships involved.

But at this moment, Wei Tu felt that what Luo Mingzhen said was not inconsistent and was sincere.

His real goal is to become an immortal.

"What a wonderful woman."

Wei Tu sighed and felt a little more admiration for Luo Mingzhen.

If he were to encounter such inhuman treatment, he doesn't think he would be able to get through it easily and continue to live as a "normal person" afterwards.

"She practiced our sect's 'Mysterious Art of Reincarnation'."

At this time, Palace Master Luo suddenly spoke and said these words to Wei Tu.

"The Mysterious Art of Samsara?"

Wei Tu raised an eyebrow, not understanding what Palace Master Luo meant.

"The Mysterious Art of Samsara is a unique skill of our sect, which is said to come from the spirit world. This skill will make the cultivator gradually lose his emotions and become a hardworking cultivator who is devoted to cultivation..."

"This technique was not originally her main technique. She only practiced it as a supplement, but now it seems...she has completely mastered it."

Palace Master Luo explained in a serious tone.

Hearing this, Wei Tu was silent. To make Luo Mingzhen willing to sacrifice his emotions and focus on this technique, one can imagine how much pain he had experienced during this period.

"But it's good to be alive."

“The drawbacks of the Profound Art of Reincarnation should be able to be eliminated.” Palace Master Luo shook his head, sighed, and continued.

"It should be possible. Everything depends on human effort."

Wei Tu nodded and spoke in a soothing voice.

Having said that, he changed the subject and asked Palace Master Luo about another matter.

What he said to him before the war and promised him a benefit afterwards.

"In addition to the monks of our sect, our sect also has a position of worship elder. If Lord Wei does not mind, I can recommend you to become an elder of our sect."

“Although the elders are not considered the core members of our sect, they are equal in some opportunities and power.”

"And the benefits that Luo mentioned are closely related to the position of the Elder of Worship. Only after Wei Gongsheng becomes the Elder of Worship of our sect can he have the opportunity to obtain them."

Palace Master Luo said slowly.

"The elder who worships Jishan Sect?"

Hearing this, Wei Tu was delighted.

Jishan Sect is a long-established sect among the six sects of Xuan Dao. It has the complete cultivation experience of Yuanying cultivators breaking through the Shenhua realm.

The reason why he was willing to become a worshiper of the Luqiu clan and help Luqiu Qingfeng complete his diplomatic mission was largely to use it as a springboard to contact the Huashen Sect in Neixu Sea, namely the Six Sects of Xuandao.

——He was totally unprepared for the breakthrough to the Divine Transformation stage.

Neither he nor the Red Dragon Ancestor had ever come into contact with the Spirit Transformation Realm before.

In other words.

After he reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, the road ahead was blocked and there was no previous experience to follow.

This is different from breaking through the Nascent Soul stage.

Even though he was a casual cultivator, he knew that to break through to the Nascent Soul stage he needed to overcome the heavenly tribulation and pass the three Nascent Soul stages.

After all, in the world of immortal cultivation in Da Cang, only the true Nascent Soul sects such as Shengya Mountain and the Five Demonic Sects have a history of producing Divine Transformation Masters.

"Wei is willing to become the elder of your sect."

Thinking about this, Wei Tu did not hesitate and nodded in agreement.

Becoming the worshipful elder of Jishan Sect not only means that he will have hope to gain the complete breakthrough experience leading to the Spirit Transformation Realm from Jishan Sect, but also means that he will gain a powerful backer in the Guixu Sea cultivation world.

He has suffered greatly from having no one to back him up.

Nowadays, he would not deliberately refuse the opportunity to become a superior person like the "Second Generation Immortal".

"It's just that I don't know if Palace Master Luo can successfully recommend Wei?"

Wei Tu spoke openly. He was now in the same trench with Palace Master Luo and knew Palace Master Luo's temperament. He was not worried that his words would offend Palace Master Luo.

If it was before the war, he would not have doubted Palace Master Luo's ability in Jishan Sect. After all, everyone knew how powerful the Palace Master of the Law Enforcement Hall was.

But now, their plan to rescue "Luo Mingzhen" has been leaked, and they will inevitably face off against the main leaders of Jishan Sect...

In short, after Palace Master Luo returns to Jishan Sect, he will most likely be isolated by the sect's top leaders.

In this case, whether they can nominate him to become the worship elder becomes an unknown matter.

"Two hundred years ago, I helped Venerable Han Yue once. Venerable Han Yue owes me a favor."

"Please ask Venerable Hanyue about this matter. He will definitely speak for me and let Wei Gongfeng become the elder of my sect."

Palace Master Luo smiled slightly and replied.

Venerable Han Yue is the Venerable Huashen of Jishan Sect and possesses supreme power in Jishan Sect.

Wei Tu knew about this.

What he didn't understand was that for such a small matter, Palace Master Luo went to beg for mercy and it was such a waste to waste this favor.

But then, after thinking about it for a moment, he understood.

This favor is similar to the "golden medal of immunity from death" bestowed by the emperor on his subjects. It can only be used for small matters and is of no use in big matters.

When it comes to Palace Master Luo's status and identity, there is not much that Venerable Han Yue can give him.

If something is too valuable, even if Palace Master Luo asks for it, Venerable Han Yue may not agree.

Otherwise, this favor would not have lasted until now and has not been used up.

"Wei thanks Palace Master Luo."

Wei Tu bowed and thanked him.

"You don't have to be too grateful to me." Upon hearing this, Palace Master Luo shook his head and continued, "I asked you to join Jishan Sect, firstly to thank you for helping me this time, and secondly to invite you to join me in fighting against Feng Han and others."

"I am alone, so I am too weak." Palace Master Luo said very frankly.

(End of this chapter)

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