I am a late bloomer in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 607: The Princess is trying to win me over, I recommend myself

Chapter 607: The Princess is trying to win me over, I recommend myself (Subscription Request)
After hearing this, Wei Tu suddenly realized that Palace Master Luo had this consideration in mind when he recommended him to be the worship elder of Jishan Sect.

However, he still insisted on thanking Palace Master Luo.

After all, he will gain tangible benefits by becoming the worshipped elder of Jishan Sect.

After discussing the matter of offering sacrifices to the elders.

Palace Master Luo hesitated for a while, took out a storage bag from his body and handed it to Wei Tu.

"The body of Master Xingu?"

Wei Tu took the storage bag, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

There was nothing else in the storage bag except the corpse of an old man with white hair and beard. The old man was wearing a silver robe, which was broken into two pieces at the waist. His eyes were bulging, his face was hideous, and his expression was full of fear.

Obviously, before he died, his heart was filled with great fear of his own death.

Although he had never seen Master Xin Gu before, he was already familiar with the appearance and aura of this demon from the intelligence he had obtained.

"I wish I could tear out the tendons and bones of this demon and eat its flesh alive. But unfortunately, when I rescued my daughter, I was in too short a time, so I had to let this demon die hastily without being tortured."

"Now, I am handing the corpse of this demon to Wei Gongsheng because I want to ask him for a favor..."

Palace Master Luo looked at Wei Tu sincerely and spoke slowly.

"Please?" Hearing this, Wei Tu raised his eyebrows slightly, and had some more guesses in his mind.

"Please tell me in detail, Lord Luo."

Wei Tu did not say whether he agreed or not, but asked Palace Master Luo to speak first, and then he would make the decision.

He can do it if it is convenient for him, but if it is too tedious and complicated and takes up too much time, he should consider the pros and cons.

Palace Master Luo did not show any dissatisfaction with Wei Tu's answer. If Wei Tu had agreed directly, he would have to consider Wei Tu's character and whether he was trustworthy.

"Just now, Luo has already told Wei Gongsheng about the disadvantages of the "Reincarnation Mysterious Art" that my daughter is practicing. When this art is practiced to a deep level, emotions will gradually fade..."

"Now that she has left the Yin Gui Sect, the situation should improve with my future treatment."

"But if... Luo is no longer around, I will need the help of Wei Gongsheng."

Palace Master Luo sighed.

Hearing this, Wei Tu suddenly realized something and secretly said, "As expected."

Just now, when he saw the corpse of Master Xin Gu, he guessed that the reason why Palace Master Luo gave him the corpse of this demon was most likely related to the "Mysterious Art of Reincarnation" practiced by Luo Mingzhen.

The only value of this demon's corpse now is that it is really useful to Luo Mingzhen.

It is like a needle. Although it will hurt Luo Mingzhen, it can also allow him to regain the emotions of a cultivator while practicing the "Reincarnation Mysterious Art" in a state of "forgetting emotions and forgetting the mind".

The reason why Palace Master Luo gave him this task was very simple.

——During this trip, he participated in the rescue of Luo Mingzhen and was a trustworthy person in the eyes of Palace Master Luo.

In terms of trustworthiness, he may not be as good as the other people around Lord Luo, but his strength is undoubtedly capable of shouldering this important task. In Lord Luo's eyes, he is the most suitable person to "rescue" his daughter in the future.

"This is a trivial matter. Wei agrees."

Wei Tu thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

This matter was not a last-minute request from Palace Master Luo, but was just to be prepared to prevent any unexpected incidents in the future. There was nothing wrong with him agreeing to it, and it would deepen the relationship between the two parties.

Furthermore, even if he was entrusting his son to someone before his death, he would not suffer any loss personally, he just wanted to help with this small favor.


a few days later.

Wei Tu, Palace Master Luo and Luo Mingzhen returned to the Inner Ruins Sea with the help of the ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

While re-entering the reception hall of Jishan Sect, Wei Tu noticed that there was some panic in Jishan Sect, and many cultivators were avoiding the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall.

It was obvious that the news of Palace Master Luo's trip to rescue his beloved daughter "Luo Mingzhen" had been leaked and spread to more than 90% of the middle and high-level officials of the Jishan Sect.

"It should be the work of the Ghost God Cult."

Wei Tu was certain that if Feng Han and other high-ranking members of the Jishan Sect knew about this, they would not make as much of a fuss as they did now. It was basically as if the words "imminent internal strife" were written on their faces.

Regardless of whether Luo Mingzhen was abducted by Feng Han and others, this matter is a scandal and should be suppressed by the top leaders of Jishan Sect instead of being brought to the surface.

After seeing this, the delegation led by Wei Tu and Luqiu Qingfeng also restrained their forces and waited patiently for the day of the "incident".

They both knew it.

As long as there is internal conflict in the Jishan Sect, the Luqiu clan’s indecisive behavior will not be a problem.

Conversely, in order to ensure the stability of the external environment of Jishan Sect, Jishan Sect also needs to appease the Luqiu clan.

as predicted.

On the third day, the Jishan Sect's cultivators, who had previously been indifferent to the Luqiu clan's delegation, began to show goodwill to the delegation. They first apologized, saying that they had not entertained them well, and then they held several spiritual banquets to entertain the delegation's cultivators.

Including Wei Tu, the "close minister of the princess", was also among those being wooed by Jishan Sect. Many middle and high-level officials of Jishan Sect sent him invitation letters, expressing their desire to make friends with him.

Wei Tu gladly accepted this and interacted with these monks without any hesitation.

Ever since——

Soon, the Luqiu clan's delegation resumed its previous treatment, and there was no more diplomatic crisis with the Jishan sect.

"On this trip, with the help of Fellow Daoist Wei, I was able to complete my mission safely. Fellow Daoist Wei, you are my right-hand man!"

Luqiu Qingfeng personally hosted a private banquet to thank Wei Tu for his help on this trip. After all, if Wei Tu had not been there, she would still be confused at this moment and would not know where to start to ease the conflict and crisis between the Luqiu clan and the Jishan faction.

Wei Tu, who was sitting in the second seat, noticed that Luqiu Qingfeng was different today than before. Not only did she change into more friendly casual clothes, but also a shy smile like a girl appeared on her pretty face from time to time, as if she was hinting at him in some way.

"They saw my value and tried to win me over."

Wei Tu speculated in his mind.

In this rescue mission for Luo Mingzhen, all the cultivators from the outside world knew that Palace Master Luo had personally taken action, but they were not clear about who was traveling with Palace Master Luo.

However, these cultivators did not include Luqiu Qingfeng.

The woman knew that he was the one who went to the Yin Gui Sect with Palace Master Luo. She also knew that he performed very well at the gate of the Yin Gui Sect and was evenly matched with Yin Mozi.

This, in his opinion, was extremely common.

But in Luqiu Qingfeng's eyes, it was very different.

Although he had previously killed Luqiu Jinyuan, that battle was more of an ambush and encirclement, with a certain amount of trickery involved.

The battle with Yin Mozi was a fair one-on-one fight, and the process was difficult to fake.

In other words.

In Luqiu Qingfeng's eyes, his current value is almost comparable to that of Yin Mozi, the ancestor of the Yin Gui Sect.

You must know that Yin Mozi is a Nascent Soul giant who ranks among the top three in terms of strength in the Red Algae Sea. In terms of strength, he is only one level weaker than the old ruler of the Luqiu clan, the "Luqiu Human King".

However, Wei Tu did not want to have a deeper relationship with Luqiu Qingfeng.

Now, he has received the promise from Palace Master Luo and is about to become the worshipper elder of Jishan Sect. There is no need for him to worry about the Luqiu clan anymore.

Whatever the Luqiu clan could give him, the Jishan sect could also give him. Or to put it more cruelly, now that he had come into contact with the Jishan sect, the Luqiu clan, as a "stepping stone", was no longer of much use to him.

Secondly, Luqiu Qingfeng's temperament was already evident in the way he handled the matter of Luqiu Qing, and it was inevitable that he was a little cold-hearted.

It's not a good thing for him to have a close relationship with this woman.

Of course, Wei Tu would not reveal his thoughts so obviously. With a smile on his face, he took the cup of fragrant tea that Luqiu Qingfeng handed to him and sipped it, just like he always did.

"The Donghua Demon Country is rich in resources and covers a vast territory. It governs countless forces. But I am only one person, and sometimes... it is inevitable that I am unable to do it..."

"It should be easier if you have more Daoist friends to assist you."

Luqiu Qingfeng lifted the hair hanging in front of her forehead and tucked it behind her ears, and spoke in a gentle tone.

"Assist?" Wei Tu understood a little and realized that Luqiu Qingfeng valued not only his realm strength, but also his ability to do practical work.

Although he is not an outstanding person or a capable counselor in governing the country, he is more than qualified to assist Luqiu Qingfeng as he did this time when he came to Jishan Sect.

And after repeated failures, Luqiu Qingfeng realized her own "defects" in this aspect, so she wanted to further win him over and make up for it.

"Wei has no interest in governing a country. I just want to concentrate on my cultivation so that I can reach the late Nascent Soul stage."

Wei Tu declined politely.

What he said was true.

When he was in Ying Ding's department, he was not very interested in power.

Not to mention, in his life experience, he already had the example of Yuanjie.

It is impossible not to learn lessons from this.

"Friend Wei has made great contributions during this mission to Jishan Sect. Since you do not want to serve as an assistant minister, then...how should I reward you for your contributions on this trip?"

"Friend Wei, you should know that I have just succeeded to the throne and do not have any precious treasures on me."

"You can't...give me away as a gift."

Luqiu Qingfeng smiled slightly and spoke his true feelings in a joking tone.

Her pride did not allow her to propose to Wei Tu and make him her Taoist partner.

We can only use this as a test.

If... Wei Tu really has feelings for her, she will express it further to make the matter confirmed.

"…Give me your body as a gift?"

Wei Tu was stunned when he heard this. With his intelligence, he would not think that Luqiu Qingfeng's words were just an unintentional mistake.

He raised his head and glanced at the Ninth Princess, whose face was flushed. He bit the tip of his tongue and calmed himself down.

To him, becoming a minister and assisting Luqiu Qingfeng, the future ruler, in ruling the Donghua Demon Kingdom was not very attractive.

But if he becomes a Taoist couple with Luqiu Qingfeng and then controls the Donghua Demon Kingdom, it will be very different.

Let’s not talk about power…

Luqiu Qingfeng's cultivation level in the late Nascent Soul stage alone is incomparable to that of ordinary female cultivators. Practicing dual cultivation with her should be of great benefit to him.

But after thinking for a moment, Wei Tu decided to refuse.

For him, becoming the worshipper elder of Jishan Sect is more important now.

Once he becomes the "son-in-law" of the Luqiu clan, it will undoubtedly be difficult for him to enter the Jishan sect.

——The offering is in a state of being detached at any time, but the "son-in-law" is deeply bound.

Generally speaking, the will of the Jishan Sect's top leaders is mostly to suppress the Luqiu clan.

Nowadays, due to the internal strife within the sect, the Jishan sect has been tolerant of the Luqiu clan, but once the internal strife ends, they will definitely continue to target the Luqiu clan.

This is the core contradiction between the Jishan Sect and the Luqiu Clan, an external force, and it is difficult to resolve.

"That's not necessary. Wei and the princess have a cooperative relationship. We share the same fate. This time, I'm helping the princess for my own sake."

Wei Tu continued speaking along the lines of Luqiu Qingfeng's words, and did not respond to her words "give me your body", thinking that this was just a joke from Luqiu Qingfeng.

The words fell.

Although Luqiu Qingfeng was disappointed, he did not feel surprised at all.

Ten years ago, she had planned to marry Lu Qiuqing to Wei Tu, but was rejected by Wei Tu afterwards.

She looks 70% similar to Lu Qiuqing.

It’s just that her realm and status are higher than Lu Qiuqing, which makes men more eager to conquer her.

It doesn't make sense that after Wei Tu rejected Lu Qiuqing, he would happily accept her.

"That's fine. Anyway, I mentioned that I wanted to become a Taoist partner with Wei Tu, but he was the one who refused..."

Luqiu Qingfeng pondered in his heart.

In her opinion, using her own body as a bargaining chip was not necessary to ascend to the throne of the king, but it could be done if necessary.

Now, after she expressed her opinion, Wei Tu refused... In a sense, it could be considered as her doing her best.


Half a day later.

Seeing that the conversation was almost over, Wei Tu took his leave, left the private banquet, and returned to his temporary cave in the reception hall of Jishan Sect.

In response, Luqiu Qingfeng readily agreed and did not intercept.

But just one stick of incense after Wei Tu left, a piece of news suddenly reached the palace where she was.


"Wei Tu has become the worship elder of Jishan Sect?"

After listening to Nangong Que's report, Luqiu Qingfeng was first surprised, and then filled with deep regret.

The position of the Jishan Sect's worship elder is not very honorable, and it cannot be compared with their Luqiu clan, the largest force under the Jishan Sect...

But the crux of the matter is...

Wei Tu, who in her eyes had great potential in practicing both Dharma and physical cultivation, was appointed to this position.

The dual cultivation of Dharma and body at the middle stage of Nascent Soul level has potential comparable to that of the Shenhua disciples in the six sects of Xuan Dao, and may even be higher than that of these Shenhua disciples.

In other words, after Wei Tu becomes the worshipper elder of Jishan Sect and comes into contact with the resources of Jishan Sect, his potential will increase dramatically and he will become a Nascent Soul cultivator with the potential to achieve Divine Transformation.

The qualifications of Wei Tu itself determine its lower limit.

The Jishan School platform will determine the "upper limit" of Wei Tu!
But because of her pride, she did not try to win him over a second time after failing to win him over the first time...

Perhaps, with her continued persuasion, Wei Tu's attitude will change and he will truly "join" her.

"Could it be that Wei Tu knew... that he would become the honorific elder of Jishan Sect, so he deliberately rejected my attempt to win him over?" Luqiu Qingfeng was not stupid. After a brief moment of regret, he quickly thought of this.

(End of this chapter)

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