I am a late bloomer in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 608: The leader eliminates the traitors, the venerable disciple

Chapter 608: The leader eliminates the traitors, the venerable disciple (4k2, please subscribe)

However, now that Wei Tu has "taken a step further", even though she knows this, it is difficult for her to be harsh on Wei Tu.

On the contrary, knowing that Wei Tu had entered Jishan Sect and turned into a "golden scale dragon", she would inevitably make friends with him again in the future, or even "fawn on" Wei Tu.

"Wei Tu..."

Luqiu Qingfeng sighed quietly, and began to assume the responsibility of the "chief envoy", delivering a message to the Luqiu clan far away in the Red Algae Sea, informing the king Luqiu Yeming and others that Wei Tu had become the elder worshipped by the upper sect.


Same period.

The senior members of Jishan Sect who were in their own cave also received the news that Wei Tu was recommended as the worship elder.

However, the information they received was more detailed than that received by Luqiu Qingfeng. They knew that Wei Tu was nominated by "Reverend Han Yue" in the sect and thus became the worshipped elder.

"Wei Tu? Isn't this a cultivator from the Luqiu clan's delegation? Why does Venerable Han Yue favor him so much?"

The practitioners of Jishan Sect were puzzled.

After all, logically speaking, there should be no contact between Wei Tu and Venerable Han Yue.

Venerable Han Yue, who had been in seclusion in the sect's forbidden area, should not even know who Wei Tu was.

"It's Luo Guzhuo's people."

"Weitu... is Luo Guzhuo's man."

In the Merit Hall, Feng Han, who was about thirty years old and wearing a jade crown and ancient robes, had a gloomy face. In his hand was a talisman. It was the owner of the talisman who told him the "inside story" of how Wei Tu became the worship elder this time.

After Luo Guzhuo returned to the sect, although he did not use his beloved daughter Luo Mingzhen to reveal that he was the real culprit behind selling Luo Mingzhen to Ruyi Tower, his open fight with him was almost like pointing at his head and saying that he was the one who did it.

This method is undoubtedly extremely brilliant.

If he was accused of being the real murderer, he would have ten thousand ways to shirk responsibility. He was confident that he had done a very clean job in trafficking Luo Mingzhen and would not leave any evidence.

Therefore, if this is the case, he could just accuse Luo Guzhuo of slandering him and thus gain the support of other senior members of the sect.

But unfortunately, Luo Guzhuo did not do so.

He did not sue him or accuse him, but simply used the power of the Law Enforcement Hall to fight against him.

In this way, the blame will be put on his head, even if he didn't do it, it will be regarded as his doing unless he can prove his "innocence".

Moreover, this move also won the sympathy of many senior members of the sect who were hostile to Luo Guzhuo.

In a word, when the rabbit dies, the fox mourns.

His move undoubtedly broke the bottom line of revenge within the sect.

Therefore, even though his popularity was far better than Luo Guzhuo's, except for a few senior executives who had an alliance of interests with him and openly supported him, the rest of the people remained neutral and did not help either side.

This situation has resulted in a situation where he could have easily won when the internal struggle began, but now he is on par with Luo Guzhuo's "lone army", and neither of them can further overwhelm the other.

Therefore, even though Wei Tu's status as an elder worshipper is not very high within the sect...but at this critical moment, his support for Luo Guzhuo is enough to affect the balance of the "scale" and bring him fatal consequences.

"Moreover, this boy is most likely the cultivator who helped Luo Guzhuo in the Yin Gui Sect."

Feng Han pondered secretly.

With his strength, he still needs to be careful when facing Yin Mozi, a strong man of the same level.

Now, a strong man who is comparable to Yin Mozi has joined Luo Guzhuo. How can he not be worried and afraid!
However, it was Venerable Han Yue who personally ordered Wei Tu to join the Jishan Sect and become a worshipping elder. Even if he was dissatisfied and wanted to obstruct it, there was nothing he could do.

"First explain the pros and cons, and try to win him over. At least, don't make him side with Luo Guzhuo."

"If it doesn't work, we'll have to find another way."

Feng Han's face was grim, and he rubbed the token in his palm with the word "Ruyi" engraved on it.

He has already broken through the lower limit once.

If Wei Tu is unwilling, he doesn't mind breaking through a second time and attacking Wei Tu, his "fellow disciple".

Even though the cost here is huge and he cannot afford it easily, he has no other choice now.

Once the internal struggle fails, not only will his own life and death be out of control, but even the life and death of all the practitioners of the Feng family will depend on Luo Guzhuo's decision.

He didn't think that given Luo Guzhuo's hatred for him, he could leave some "honor" for him, a defeated senior official, afterwards.


After learning the news in the Welcome Hall.

Wei Tu did not waste any time. He rushed to the main hall of Jishan Sect without stopping to meet the sect leader, Zhu Chongxuan.

The high-level structure of the Jishan School is not complicated.

Under the sect leader are the masters of thirteen halls, including the Hall of Skills, the Hall of Divine Powers, the Hall of Law Enforcement, the Hall of Worship, and the masters of the five main peaks within the sect.

Below these nineteen people, the other Nascent Soul cultivators are all ordinary elders, either affiliated with the Thirteen Halls, the Five Peak Masters, or independent of the power bodies within the sect.

Wei Tu's position as the worship elder is independent of the main power body of Jishan Sect. In name, he only takes orders from Venerable Han Yue and Sect Master Zhu.

"Is this Sect Master Zhu?"

There were no other high-ranking officials in the main hall of Jishan Sect at the moment. Only Sect Master Zhu, who looked old but energetic, was standing at the entrance of the hall, waiting for his arrival.

Wei Tu stepped down from the clouds, bowed to Sect Master Zhu, and then carefully looked at the leader of Jishan Sect, who was second only to Venerable Han Yue, out of the corner of his eye.

Before the mission, he had some understanding of the leader of the Jishan Sect from the intelligence of the Luqiu clan.

Later, while spending time with Palace Master Luo, he also learned some of Sect Master Zhu's past from Palace Master Luo.

Sect Leader Zhu is the last disciple of Venerable Han Yue. He became famous at a young age and had a radical personality and hot temper. However, after becoming the sect leader of Jishan Sect, he gradually calmed down and became a "peacemaker" in the eyes of the senior leaders.

"This time Elder Wei helped Palace Master Luo and went to the Yin Gui Sect to rescue Luo Mingzhen. He was quite chivalrous."

"Palace Master Luo and I have been friends for many years, and I need to thank Elder Wei for this matter."

Sect Leader Zhu looked at Wei Tu and smiled slightly.

Like Feng Han, after he knew that Wei Tu was nominated by Luo Guzhuo to be the worship elder, it was not difficult for him to guess that Wei Tu was the Nascent Soul cultivator who broke into the Yin Gui Sect with Luo Guzhuo that day.

"It just happened."

Hearing this, Wei Tu shook his head and spoke modestly.

If it were an ordinary person, he might mistakenly think that Sect Master Zhu was praising him, but as a veteran in the martial arts world, how could he not hear that this was a warning from Sect Master Zhu.

After all, if it weren't for him, the Jishan Sect would still be a peaceful place at this time, and there wouldn't be the internal fighting between the two hall masters, Luo Guzhuo and Feng Han, which caused such unrest.

However, Sect Leader Zhu's words of warning to him at this moment were not entirely a bad thing.

To consider it from another level: at this moment, Sect Leader Zhu has already regarded him, the worshipped elder, as "one of his own", rather than a cultivator from his own sect.

Seeing that Wei Tu understood what he meant, Sect Master Zhu showed a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. He stood with his hands behind his back and continued, "Do your job. You were a worshiper of the Luqiu clan before, and it is understandable that you helped the Luqiu clan solve foreign threats. But from now on, you need to consider our sect."

"Palace Master Luo is the Lord of the Law Enforcement Palace. He has a sharp eye. He must have his reasons for recommending you to be the Elder of the Worship Palace."

"In other words, we won't lose anything by recruiting you into our sect."

Hearing this, Wei Tu was speechless, not knowing what Sect Leader Zhu was up to.

If it was to tell him to be careful about his identity in the future and have less contact with the Luqiu clan, then these words were too much.

While he was thinking, Sect Master Zhu's next words completely revealed his intention. "Elder Wei, how do you think this internal fight in the Jishan Sect should end?"

"The end of the internal strife?" Wei Tu raised his eyebrows, realizing that this Sect Master Zhu was not just trying to be a peacemaker as the Jishan Sect practitioners had guessed. He also wanted to end the internal strife and restore peace to the Jishan Sect.

At this moment, he said these to him because he regarded him as the key link to ending the internal strife in Jishan Sect.

——On the surface, he is just a worshipper elder and cannot influence the outcome of the internal struggle, but in fact, he and Palace Master Luo are allies and have the strength and ability to influence Palace Master Luo's decision-making. He plays a vital role in this internal struggle.

"It seems that I will be drawn into the vortex of this power struggle."

"That's right. Since I joined the Jishan Sect because of this incident, it is impossible for me not to be affected by this incident."

Wei Tu sighed and pondered.

In a sense, his joining the Jishan Sect could be considered as an "illegitimate position", and he was inevitably affected by the subsequent disadvantages of "illegitimate position".

——Although his aptitude is outstanding among all the Nascent Soul cultivators and his potential is limitless, it is not easy for him to enter any of the six sects of Xuan Dao through normal channels.

No sect would recruit a cultivator of "unknown origin" or "unsure of loyalty" into their sect for no reason, even if this person is a genius who comes to the door.

Therefore, if it weren't for this "internal strife", it would have been impossible for him to join the Jishan Sect.

This is his "illegal position".

However, Wei Tu is not opposed to this. After all, if you want to gain benefits, you have to pay something.

Even if you are as relaxed as a prostitute, you still have to sell your smile to attract customers.

The Six Sects of Xuan Dao would not give him the complete experience of breaking through to the Spiritual Transformation stage for free. If he wanted to obtain it peacefully, his way was almost the easiest.


Since he has participated in the rescue of Luo Mingzhen, he has become a de facto enemy of Feng Han and others. It is useless to hide from this grudge.

Wei Tu was not so unrealistic as to expect Feng Han, an enemy who had gone too far, to let him go.

Therefore, even if Sect Master Zhu did not mention it, after he joined the Jishan Sect, he would inevitably be involved in the vortex of this power struggle, and work together with Palace Master Luo to eliminate these enemies one by one.


"Once one side wins, it will end."

After pondering for a moment, Wei Tu slowly uttered this sentence.

If Feng Han had not crossed the lower limit before, this internal fight might have ended in peace, but unfortunately, he crossed the lower limit, causing Palace Master Luo to have to fight him to the death.

Kidnapping women as prostitutes is a hatred that is irreconcilable and irreconcilable. Everyone knows it.

“However, this also depends on the ideas of Venerable Han Yue and Sect Leader Zhu…” Wei Tu said again.

Strength can overcome everything.

If Venerable Han Yue came forward to speak, Palace Master Luo and Feng Han, no matter how great the hatred they had, would have to stop here.

Of course, the revenge behind the scenes could not be stopped by either Venerable Han Yue or Sect Leader Zhu.

If not for this, Wei Tu estimated that Venerable Han Yue and Sect Leader Zhu would have told the two men to stop long ago.

After all, the internal strife within the sect will not only affect the normal operation of the Jishan Sect, but will also greatly consume the sect's foundation.

"I want Palace Master Luo to win."

Sect Leader Zhu was very satisfied with Wei Tu's answer. He showed an approval look on his face and spoke his true feelings.

Hearing this, Wei Tu said to himself, "As expected."

If Sect Master Zhu was unwilling to help either side, or wanted to help Feng Han, he would not have said so much nonsense to him just now. He would have just completed his initiation ceremony here according to the old rules of the sect.

Although his position in this internal struggle is crucial, it has not reached the point where Sect Master Zhu... or Venerable Han Yue behind him would deceive him for this.

"Later, I will create an opportunity for you and Palace Master Luo to put an end to Feng Han and the others."

"However, this move will inevitably involve using you as bait."

"For the sake of the sect, I hope you can agree to this plan."

As he spoke, Sect Leader Zhu lost his previous arrogance. He looked at Wei Tu seriously, his eyes full of sincerity.

"Using me as bait?"

Wei Tu frowned. He had just joined Jishan Sect and was not mentally prepared to sacrifice everything for the sect.

However, after he saw Sect Leader Zhu's specific plan and the corresponding rewards, his expression gradually eased.

"After the plan is completed, the position of the Hall Master of the Merit Hall left by Feng Han can be taken over by Junior Brother Wei."

Seeing Wei Tu's agreement, Sect Leader Zhu smiled and continued.

Just now, one of the rewards he promised to Wei Tu was that after killing Feng Han, he would join the army of Venerable Han Yue and become the outer disciple of Venerable Han Yue, the Venerable Huashen.

"In that case, Wei is willing to go."

Wei Tu nodded and agreed.

Just like what he thought just now, he didn't think that Feng Han had such ability to make Sect Leader Zhu lie to him and take sides with him.

The leader of a sect will not be manipulated by Feng Han.

As for the outer disciples of Venerable Han Yue...

He was not overly tempted by this reward. After all, as far as he knew, more than half of the senior leaders of Jishan Sect had a certain master-disciple relationship with Venerable Hanyue.

What is truly valuable is the identity of a direct disciple like Sect Master Zhu.

Venerable Han Yue's status as an outer disciple can only be regarded as a ticket to enter the upper echelons of Jishan Sect.



Sect Master Zhu gave Wei Tu hands-on guidance and let him complete the initiation ceremony of Jishan Sect according to the rules.

After the initiation ceremony, Sect Leader Zhu took Wei Tu to a sacred peak near the "Law Enforcement Hall" without any cover-up.

"This peak is called Linglong Peak. It was once a sacred peak under the jurisdiction of Palace Master Luo and his Taoist companions. After accepting you as a disciple this time, Palace Master Luo took the initiative to give up this sacred peak and gave it to you."

"Of course, you don't need to mind. Linglong Peak is said to be the sacred peak of Palace Master Luo's Taoist partner, but when she was alive, she mostly lived with Palace Master Luo and rarely came here."

Sect Leader Zhu pointed to a majestic and tall mountain below the clouds with the word "Linglong" engraved on it.

"Thank you, Sect Master and Palace Master Luo."

Wei Tu thanked him upon hearing this.

The spiritual energy of this mountain is around the upper fourth level, and in some places, it has even reached the quasi-fifth level.

Even on the Yuanjun Island of the Luqiu clan, there are only a few spiritual places that can compare with this spiritual peak.

One can imagine how valuable this peak is.

At least, as far as he knew, some of the Jishan Sect's elders were still huddled in some low-quality caves and had no chance of occupying an entire fourth-tier spiritual peak.

(End of this chapter)

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