I am a late bloomer in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 609: Choosing a technique, the road to advancement

Chapter 609: Choosing a technique, the road to advancement (4k, please subscribe)

After carving the three big characters "Skylark Residence" on the plaque in the cave house at the back mountain, Wei Tu officially moved into Linglong Peak of Jishan Sect.

That evening, Wei Tu received an invitation to a family dinner from Palace Master Luo, as well as a very formal letter of congratulations and gifts of state level sent by Nangong Que from Luqiu Qingfeng.

"Lüqiu Qingfeng has made some progress."

Wei Tu thought to himself after reading the letter.

He originally thought that his concealment of the fact that he was recommended by Palace Master Luo to be the worship elder of Jishan Sect would cause dissatisfaction among his partner in interests, Luqiu Qingfeng.

Unexpectedly, this woman took the initiative to show her goodwill today and handed him a letter of congratulations.

After all, strictly speaking, his action was a bit of "harming the public interest for personal gain", as he was using the affairs of the Luqiu clan to make profits for himself.

Even though he knows his own business, and that the reason he is valued by Palace Master Luo is entirely due to his own abilities, it is very likely that in the eyes of outsiders, this is not the case.

Therefore, before the matter was settled, he could not be frank with Luqiu Qingfeng about it.

——It was not certain that he would become the worshipped elder of Jishan Sect, but Luqiu Qingfeng was happy to see this scene.

The relationship between him and Luqiu Qingfeng is just a relationship of interest, and their friendship is not deep.

in short.

One must always be on guard against others. He didn't say it before because he was worried that Luqiu Qingfeng would do something bad.

"Does the princess have any other instructions?"

Wei Tu put down the letter and looked at Nangong Que, who was feeling a little restless in the living room of the cave.

Although the elder of Jishan Sect is not powerful enough for the Luqiu clan, he has a certain deterrent and oppressive power on Nangong Que, a servant of Luqiu Qingfeng.

"Replying to Elder Wei, the princess said...she has always believed in Elder Wei's character. Ten years ago, Elder Wei kept his promise and returned to Yuanjun Island in time, and he should do the same today."

Nangong Que paused and replied.

"Believe in people's character, should we do the same today?"

Wei Tu raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but look at Luqiu Qingfeng with higher regard.

This woman has mediocre abilities, but she is not stupid.

Before this, the reason why he and Luqiu Qingfeng could form an alliance of interests was that they both held the leverage to "kill Luqiu Jinyuan" and could bring benefits to each other.

But after today, everything is different.

As an elder of the upper sect and under the protection of the Jishan sect, he was no longer afraid that the secret of killing Luqiu Jinyuan would be leaked.

In other words, even if the matter was leaked, the impact on him would not be too great.

So now, having lost this "handle", the two of them have lost the basis for cooperation, and it is difficult for them to establish the previous deep-seated alliance of interests.

This is also why Luqiu Qingfeng now says that she believes in his character and believes that he will continue to keep his promise, without mentioning the previous "handle" and interest alliance at all.

——He noticed the changes in their "relationship" in time, and then re-examined and re-treated the situation.

In reality, this woman took the initiative to show weakness to him today, handed him a gift, and pretended not to see his "deception" and automatically ignored it.

"President Nangong can tell the princess that the friendship between Wei and the princess will not change due to changes in power."

Wei Tu considered his words carefully and replied seriously.

It is not good to further deepen his relationship with Luqiu Qingfeng, but it is also not advisable to make them too hostile.


Wei Tu attached great importance to Lord Luo’s invitation to a family dinner.

Firstly, he needed to convey to Palace Master Luo that Sect Master Zhu secretly supported their side, which would give Palace Master Luo peace of mind.

This was also one of the purposes of Master Zhu’s in-depth conversation with him.

The second is his private matter.

He needed to ask Palace Master Luo for some experience in selecting and practicing the Jishan School's martial arts.

This time, the greatest benefit of becoming the elder worshipper of Jishan Sect is that he is eligible to enter the Gongfa Hall to choose a fourth-grade top-grade immortal Gongfa.

Although he did have some fourth-order high-quality immortal skills, the inheritances of the Wanyin Sect, the Golden Ghost King, the Luqiu Clan, etc. all had some fourth-order high-quality skills.

But the Jishan School is different.

The Jishan Sect's fourth-level superior skills can directly lead to the sect's fifth-level skills, namely the Shenhua skills.

Or to be precise, the fourth-grade superior immortal technique that he is now preparing to choose is only the first half of the Jishan School's Spirit Transformation Technique. Once he breaks through the Spirit Transformation realm, he can practice the second half of this Spirit Transformation technique without any obstacles.

This matter will determine his future path.

So Wei Tu had to make a careful decision.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are many cases where people did not listen to the advice of their predecessors, randomly chose their main cultivation method, and ended up ruining their paths.

"Hmm... Among our sect's fourth-grade top-grade techniques, there are only a few that are suitable for Elder Wei. According to my observation, the technique that Elder Wei mainly practices should be of the wood attribute?"

In a hall next to the Iron Hunting Peak where the Law Enforcement Hall is located, after hearing Wei Tu's question, Hall Master Luo replied carefully.

The main practice method, including the attributes cultivated, is not only the foundation of a cultivator, but also the basis of a cultivator's cultivation.

Although he had considerable experience in selecting and changing cultivation methods, he still had to be cautious in this regard. If he delayed Wei Tu's path by doing so, it would be his fault.

"Yes, the technique that Wei is practicing, the Divine Wood Elemental Technique, is indeed a wood-attributed technique."

Wei Tu nodded and replied.

He once fought side by side with Palace Master Luo at the gate of the Yin Gui Sect. It was quite normal and not surprising that Palace Master Luo knew the properties of his martial arts.

"This 'Shenmu Yuan Gong' is a third-level superior martial arts technique. According to the master who taught me this technique, there are other techniques of this technique that are higher than the fourth level. So to this day, I have never abandoned this technique and switched to practicing other techniques."

Wei Tu flipped his hand and handed the original manual of the "Shenmu Yuan Gong" technique he had obtained from Bao Siyan to Palace Master Luo.

Although "Shenmu Yuan Gong" is only a third-level superior-grade martial arts technique, it also contains the complete steps for forming a Nascent Soul. Therefore, he did not rashly switch to practicing other martial arts before achieving Nascent Soul.

After reaching the Nascent Soul stage, he had thought about looking for the subsequent techniques of "Shenmu Yuan Gong", but he had never been able to find it.

This wasted time has finally come to this day.

Now, since there is a better alternative in Jishan Sect to practice, he naturally doesn't need to search hard for the subsequent exercises of "Shenmu Yuan Gong".

"In that case... then I suggest that Elder Wei should switch to practicing the 'Source Wood Sutra' within the sect."

After reading "Shenmu Yuan Gong" for half a day, Palace Master Luo put down the jade slip, thought for a long time, and gave Wei Tu specific suggestions.

"The properties of the Source Wood Sutra and the Divine Wood Yuan Gong that Elder Wei is currently practicing are compatible. When changing to another technique, the loss of cultivation will not be too great. Secondly... The Source Wood Sutra is a technique in the Jishan Sect that is relatively easy to break through to the Spiritual Transformation Realm..."

"Its power is the same as normal skills, there is not much difference."

"Of course, this is also relatively easy. The threshold is lower than that of other techniques."

Palace Master Luo explained.

Hearing this, Wei Tu immediately expressed his gratitude and did not ask any further questions.

After all, he has not yet been to the Kung Fu Hall and has no understanding of the "Source Wood Sutra" Kung Fu.

Since he chose to ask Palace Master Luo for advice this time, he should not doubt his judgment.


Half a day later.

After bidding farewell to Palace Master Luo, Wei Tu went to the Jishan Sect's martial arts hall to exchange for the "Source Wood Sutra".

"Condense the 'Source Wood Dharma Image'... Once the Dharma Image is formed, the Spirit will be formed naturally."

Wei Tu looked at this fourth-level superior technique, which recorded the specific method of breaking through the Spiritual Transformation Realm and the corresponding experience. According to what this technique said.

Dharmakāya is the exclusive magical power of the Spirit Transformation Realm, just like the Nascent Soul leaving the body in the Nascent Soul Realm.

However, the difference is that the Nascent Soul's leaving the body is the instinct of the Nascent Soul cultivator, while the Dharmakaya is a "manifestation" of the magical power of the Spirit Transformation Realm cultivator.

The transformation of the spirit is the "ultimate" of a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage.

The ultimate strength of a physical practitioner is to condense his "spiritual body".

The ultimate magical power of an immortal cultivator is to condense the external "dharma form" of the Nascent Soul and achieve "the law of heaven and earth".

But that's just the truth.

The steps in the process are mysterious.

The immortal practice "Source Wood Sutra" explains clearly to cultivators how to reach the ultimate in magic power, condense the "Dharma image", and then break through the God Transformation realm after advancing to the late Nascent Soul stage.

The steps to condense the "Source Wood Dharma Image" are the process of his breaking through the Spirit Transformation Realm.

This is the foundation of the Jishan School, a sect that practices the spirit of transformation, and it is also the greatest value of this technique.

“Although the process is clear, it is not easy to reach the end. Otherwise, Sect Master Zhu, the Thirteen Palace Masters, and the Five Peak Masters would all be Divine Transformation cultivators…”

Wei Tu shook his head.

In short, with the help of these "Spiritual Transformation Techniques", the "road" for these Nascent Soul cultivators of the Jishan School to the Spiritual Transformation Realm is easier to walk, but when they reach the end, it is not something that can be reached in just one step.

The end is an insurmountable cliff.

Only those monks who have truly reached the "ultimate" can reach this level as if walking on flat ground.

Of course, the height of this cliff is not "constant".

For example, at this moment, the difficulty of breaking through the "Source Wood Sutra" that Wei Tu is practicing is slightly lower than that of the techniques practiced by others.

“There is hope for transformation into a god!”

A few days later, after Wei Tu finished studying the "Source Wood Sutra", he slowly exhaled a breath.

Different from ordinary monks.

Every step he took in the Nascent Soul stage was extremely solid.

In the early stage of Nascent Soul, he had already broken the limit and reached "three inches and seven".

In the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he will also break his limits and is expected to reach the pinnacle of the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

In other words, he only needs to practice step by step, and breaking through to the Spirit Transformation Realm is only a matter of time.

Although there are so-called elixirs in this realm that can help one break through the Spirit Transformation Realm, they are mostly used by cultivators with insufficient foundations.

In Wei Tu's opinion, there is no panacea better than his golden and purple destiny to break through the realm of transformation.

After all, the key to breaking through this realm is to reach the extreme.

The effect of his golden and purple destiny is closely related to this.


After obtaining the "Source Wood Sutra", Wei Tu hung a thank-you sign on Linglong Peak, went into seclusion to thank the guests, and began to concentrate on practicing martial arts.

Time flies, time flies.

Two years later.

The worship ceremony of Venerable Hanyue arrived as scheduled.

Luqiu Qingfeng led the delegation, presented tribute, and paid homage to Venerable Hanyue. Then he left Jishan Sect and headed towards Xiaohuan Palace.

Before leaving, Luqiu Qingfeng also went to Linglong Peak in person, wanting to meet Wei Tu once, but after seeing the thank-you sign hanging high, he did not bother him again. He just left a letter and left in a hurry.

After the worship ceremony ended.

Jishan Sect has returned to its previous "peace", but the cultivators within the Jishan Sect all know that the struggle between Palace Master Luo of the Law Enforcement Hall and Palace Master Feng of the Merit Hall is becoming increasingly intense.

During this process, the teams of the two palaces suffered varying degrees of losses, with heavy casualties.

Four more years passed.

On this day, Wei Tu, who had been in seclusion for a long time, finally walked out of the seclusion room. His appearance remained the same, but his aura was deeper than seven years ago.

"I almost broke through to the late Nascent Soul stage."

Wei Tu looked inward at his Dantian, and took a look at the green Yuanying whose body had reached "six inches and seven", and said to himself that it was a close call.

This time, he changed his cultivation method. Although he lost some power in the beginning, he was wealthy, so he made up for it quickly and even made further progress.

But it was at that time that he almost couldn't help but stop consolidating his foundation and breaking through to the late Nascent Soul stage because of his unfamiliarity with the new practice "Source Wood Sutra".

Fortunately, the Red Dragon Ancestor reminded him in time, and he came back to his senses and quickly suppressed the breakthrough in realm.

“But, as the saying goes, everything will work out.”

"This time, I can't suppress the realm breakthrough for too long. The mana in my sea of ​​mana is too full now, and my dantian can no longer bear it. At most, I can't suppress it for twenty years."

Wei Tu frowned and looked towards the direction of the red algae sea.

He did have a solution to this problem.

That is to refine the "Qi Shaping Pill" according to the original plan, use the power of this pill to break the limit of the Nascent Soul and break through the late Nascent Soul realm in one go.


He now didn't know whether Xue Hongmian had collected all the auxiliary medicines for refining the "Qi Shaping Pill" as he instructed.

Secondly, he and Xue Hongmian were in the Inner Ruins Sea and the Outer Ruins Sea respectively, which were too far apart. Even if Xue Hongmian collected all the auxiliary medicines for the "Qi Shaping Pill", it would be difficult to send them to him.

Of course, it’s not impossible for him to use the Jishan Sect’s ultra-long-distance teleportation array to return to the Red Algae Sea.

However, he is now receiving much attention from Feng Han and others. Once he leaves, he will inevitably encounter "accidents" on the way and become the bait in Sect Leader Zhu's mouth.

He is not ready to deal with the "killing disaster" now.

"I can only ask Palace Master Luo for help again."

After thinking for a moment, Wei Tu flew away in a flash, heading straight to Tieshou Peak where Palace Master Luo was.

The auxiliary medicines for the Qi-shaping Pill are not rare items for Nascent Soul cultivators, but they are difficult to collect and require a lot of time.

If not for this, he would not have handed the matter over to the mother spider "Xue Hongmian".

Therefore, Wei Tu’s idea is simple.

——He didn’t need to, he had to collect the auxiliary ingredients for the Qi-shaping Pill in the Red Algae Sea.

With the resources of the Jishan Sect, the Huashen Sect, he didn't believe that they couldn't come up with the auxiliary ingredients for a Qi-shaking Pill in a short period of time.


"Qi-shaping pill supplement?"

Upon learning the purpose of Wei Tu's visit, Palace Master Luo in the Law Enforcement Hall of Tieshou Peak was not too surprised. He had already learned from the Luqiu clan that Wei Tu was a fourth-rank alchemist.

However, after knowing that Wei Tu was planning to use this pill to break through to the "late Nascent Soul" stage, Palace Master Luo was still shocked for a long time.

As far as he knows.

Wei Tu’s current age is only nearly seven hundred years old.

A late Nascent Soul cultivator of 700 years old is rare among the six sects of Xuan Dao, let alone a casual cultivator in the Outer Ruins Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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