I am a late bloomer in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 611 The reason for the feud, a bad reputation

Chapter 611 The reason for the feud, a bad reputation (4k, please subscribe)

Unlike Palace Master Luo who has a reputation of being upright and ruthless in the Jishan Sect, Feng Han has always been known for his good interpersonal relationships and his ability to handle things in a tactful manner.

Although this is the stereotype of the two hall masters held by the Jishan Sect’s cultivators, because the two hall masters of the Law Enforcement Hall and the Merit Hall should also have this temperament...

But eight or nine is not far from ten,
The former needs to enforce the law impartially, while the latter is in charge of the Merit Hall and needs to welcome and see off guests...

Therefore, after he came out of seclusion, based on Feng Han's character, he would most likely send him this secret letter, persuading him to betray Palace Master Luo and join another camp.

After all, failure in inducing surrender is just a waste of words and will not cost too high a price.

This was Master Zhu’s inference early on.

Now, it has become reality.

Just after he finished his retreat, this person sent him a secret letter, inviting him to visit the Merit Hall.

However, Wei Tu did not refuse the invitation. He thought for a moment, drafted a letter, and used his magic power to send it to the disciple of the Merit Hall who was waiting outside the peak, asking him to pass it on to Feng Han.

This time, Sect Leader Zhu, he, and Palace Leader Luo set up a trap to kill Feng Han. The plan would not be simple - to anger Feng Han, lure him to chase him, and then kill him in return.

According to Sect Master Zhu's judgment of Feng Han's character: once the internal strife begins, Feng Han will never leave the sect easily and put himself in danger unless it is necessary.

——As long as there is no direct evidence to prove that Feng Han kidnapped Luo Mingzhen, then even Venerable Han Yue in Jishan Sect would not be able to kill Feng Han.

Killing people without a license can easily create hidden dangers for the sect.

Therefore, this time he acted as the "bait" and played the role of a traitor, giving Feng Han the opportunity to kill Palace Master Luo and attracting them to come out in full force to surround and kill Palace Master Luo.

Only Palace Master Luo's life would make Feng Han leave Jishan Sect regardless of danger.

As for whether Feng Han would believe him...

Wei Tu didn't know either.

But what he knew was that Feng Han's purpose in winning him over this time was to start with him and find an opportunity to kill Palace Master Luo once and for all.


Upon learning that Wei Tu accepted the invitation and was going to visit the Merit Hall, Feng Han, who was in the cave, suddenly lost the gloomy look on his face, and was filled with surprise.

He didn't expect that it would be so easy to win over Wei Tu.

"That's right. Wei Tu and Luo Guzhuo didn't have a close relationship. The reason why he helped Luo Guzhuo and rescued Luo Mingzhen this time was mainly to stir up internal strife in Jishan Sect so that the Luqiu clan could escape and avoid being held accountable within the sect..."

Feng Han talked to himself, and gradually felt relieved.

In his opinion, Wei Tu could easily switch to the Jishan Sect and "betray" the Luqiu clan, so for the sake of interests, he could naturally switch to him.

What’s more, in the secret letter, he promised Wei Tu an elixir that could help him break through to the late Nascent Soul stage!
This price is indeed very high.

If it were him, he would probably be moved by it too.

"Luo Guzhuo, now, not only the sect leader supports me, but even... your allies have turned to me. What can you use to fight me!" Feng Han sneered secretly.

As the master of the Merit Hall, he has always been a close confidant of Sect Master Zhu. His status in Sect Master Zhu's heart is simply incomparable to that of the isolated Luo Guzhu.

"Go! Take out my treasured fourth-grade pheasant meat and the jar of Seven Immortals wine from the spirit cellar. Your father will set up a banquet tonight to entertain an important guest."

Feng Han moved his lips slightly and spoke to a female cultivator in the next room who was wearing a colorful dress and had a worried look on her face.

The matter was top secret, and he didn't trust anyone except his own disciples and descendants. So when he held a banquet and met with Wei Tu privately, he would only let his daughter "Feng Yuxiang" participate, and he didn't plan to invite other monks.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Feng Han noticed the sadness and hesitation on his daughter Feng Yuxiang's face.

He frowned, flicked his sleeves, and instantly appeared in front of Feng Yuxiang.

"Are you blaming dad for fighting with your Uncle Luo?" No one knows a daughter better than her father. Feng Han immediately guessed what his daughter Feng Yuxiang was thinking, and he said with an unhappy look on his face.

He and Luo Guzhuo were both high-ranking members of the Jishan Sect, so they had to deal with each other, so they had a friendship before.

The two families were once close friends.

If Luo Guzhuo had not been so unkind and had enforced the law to cut off his young son's path to immortality, causing him to die before reaching the golden elixir stage, he would not have severed his friendship with Luo Guzhuo and harmed Luo Mingzhen.

"No, it's not."

Feng Yuxiang shook her head and dared not say anything more.

"Those things in the outside world should just be rumors. Dad...it shouldn't be like that." Feng Yuxiang whispered.

As the daughter of a famous family, she has never been exposed to too many dark sides since she was a child. Even her father Feng Han, when teaching her, mostly encouraged her to "do good" rather than "follow evil."

Therefore, deep down in her heart, she did not believe that her father Feng Han would be so mean as to cross the line and sell Luo Mingzhen to Ruyi Tower, where she was abused by others.

"No! Those are not rumors, they are true."

Feng Han did not argue. He stared at his daughter and spoke word by word.

The words fell.

Feng Yuxiang was stunned for a moment, and then her face suddenly turned pale.

After that, Feng Han still didn't say anything, but just looked at his daughter silently.

He is not a cruel and heartless person.

But if Feng Yuxiang doesn't know her own position and can't tell who is family and who is the enemy.

Then, he will never show mercy.

"My daughter, I won't be confused."

After a while, Feng Yuxiang, with a pale face, came back to her senses. She bowed to Feng Han and replied softly.

Hearing this, Feng Han's expression eased a little.

"Yuxiang, this world is not black and white. Back then, I begged Luo Guzhuo to show some leniency and save your brother, but he refused. I don't blame him."

"But do you know... two hundred years ago, when the descendant of Venerable Han Yue committed a crime, how did he do it?"

Feng Han said calmly.

"My daughter doesn't know."

Feng Yuxiang shook her head.

"That day, the entire Law Enforcement Hall turned a blind eye and allowed Tu Xingfeng to escape."

"So, it's not that he is impartial, but that your father and I are not worthy. In his eyes, we are not worthy enough to be let off the hook."

Feng Han said in a cold tone.

After he finished speaking, Feng Yuxiang was stunned, and immediately understood why his father, a "good old man", had such a deep hatred for Palace Master Luo that he was willing to take the risk of leaving behind Luo Mingzhen as a slave and a prostitute.

But soon, she couldn't help shaking her head.

Venerable Han Yue asked for mercy, so how could Palace Master Luo dare to disobey him?
The Law Enforcement Hall, a public facility in the eyes of the Jishan Sect's practitioners, is nothing more than a plaything in the hands of Venerable Hanyue.

The so-called laws of the Law Enforcement Hall are nothing more than what Venerable Han Yue decided on.

At that time, Palace Master Luo probably had no other choice but to agree.

After all, those who are not afraid of power are a minority.

Most of the time, being impartial makes one a good official in the world.

"Don't worry, father. Your daughter knows that she is a member of the Feng family."

After learning the causes and consequences of the internal strife, Feng Yuxiang made her statement without any hesitation.

Yes, in her eyes, Lord Luo’s “inconsistency” is understandable.

But understanding does not mean affirmation.

Now, their two families have begun to fight each other, and she would not be so stupid as to stand on the side of the "murderer of her brother". ...

Wei Tu had already learned the causes and consequences of the feud between the Feng and Luo families when he was an envoy of the Luqiu clan.

However, he was not aware that there was also the "Reverend Han Yue" link involved.

So when Feng Han mentioned this past event at the dinner table, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"I never thought... Palace Master Luo would be such a hypocritical person." Wei Tu, who was sitting in the second seat, put down the cup in his hand, shook his head and sighed.

At this moment, he also understood why Venerable Han Yue owed a favor to his subordinate, Palace Master Luo, two hundred years ago.

This favor was done because this action "sacrificed" a certain reputation of Palace Master Luo.

If not for this, Feng Han would not have thought of deliberately taking revenge on Palace Master Luo, causing his beloved daughter Luo Mingzhen to suffer the disaster.

But regarding this matter...

Unlike the words that were spoken now, which belittled Lord Luo, it was difficult for him to comment on it.

Can all of Lord Luo’s previous achievements be negated just because of one “wrong thing”?
This is inevitably a bit unreasonable.

But on the contrary, Feng Han's revenge was wrong? The person he took revenge on was the "Palace Master Luo" who showed leniency to the descendants of Venerable Han Yue and had selfish motives.

It can only be said that Feng Han’s revenge was a bit “excessive” and exceeded the bottom line of what the Jishan Sect’s top leaders could tolerate.

and so--

As a discordant person, he will be eliminated by Zhu Zongzhu's faction.

Yes, at this moment, Wei Tu also noticed that the reason why Sect Master Zhu sided with Palace Master Luo was not entirely because Palace Master Luo suffered a loss and Feng Han broke through his lower limit.

It does not stand on the perspective of justice.

Perhaps, a big part of the reason is because Feng Han’s resentment is related to Venerable Han Yue.

This is a taboo!

"Unfortunately, Feng Han hasn't realized this yet. He doesn't know that he has violated a taboo."

Wei Tu shook his head secretly.

Of course, this doesn’t mean Feng Han is not smart.

Instead, he was a "traitor" on both sides and was able to guess the reason from a God's perspective.

Taboos are taboos, but sometimes they are not scary... Feng Han, who considers himself to be Sect Leader Zhu's confidant, would never think that just because of this taboo, Sect Leader Zhu could not tolerate him and was plotting to kill him?

Most people will be much more tolerant when it comes to their confidants.

No matter how smart Feng Han was, he could hardly have imagined that he would become the donkey that would be discarded after its work was done.

“It seems that this time, in addition to being careful of Feng Han, I also need to be careful of Sect Master Zhu to prevent him from following Feng Han’s footsteps.”

Wei Tu's eyes flickered slightly as he reorganized the information in his mind.

Although Feng Han's words were disparaging towards Palace Master Luo, they also indirectly proved that Palace Master Luo had no other stains except the one of helping the descendants of Venerable Han Yue.

In other words, under normal circumstances, Lord Luo is unlikely to stab his benefactor in the back.

Therefore, among the members of the alliance, he only needs to be careful of the danger posed by Sect Leader Zhu.

However, in his opinion, it was unlikely that Sect Leader Zhu would take action against him.

If they wanted to silence him, it would be impossible to kill him alone and leave Palace Master Luo behind.

And if Palace Master Luo is also destroyed...

I'm afraid that the Jishan Sect's senior leadership will be short of a large number of people because of this.

No sect leader would do such a stupid thing.

On the contrary, after completing this task, he will have a great chance of replacing Feng Han and becoming Sect Leader Zhu's confidant.

After all, he had no one to rely on in Jishan Sect, and his only connection was Palace Master Luo, who was a "lone minister".

Considered... another lone minister.

Therefore, regarding this matter, he only needs to be wary of Sect Leader Zhu afterwards and does not need to worry too much.

Take ten thousand steps back.

Even if Sect Leader Zhu wanted to attack him.

Even Feng Han had to be killed outside the sect to avoid affecting the sect's rules and leaving the impression of "the rabbit's death makes the fox mourn" to other senior leaders. The same would be done to him.

And is he someone who can be killed at will?

Wei Tu didn't think that Sect Leader Zhu would be so stupid as to abandon Feng Han and then abandon him again.

This time, he abandoned Feng Han because "a fire cannot be contained in a paper bag". He offended Venerable Han Yue and most of the Jishan Sect's high-level officials, so he was forced to abandon him, but he is still innocent now.


"Yes, I hate such a double-faced person. I wish I could eat his flesh alive."

Hearing Wei Tu's reply, Feng Han's face immediately showed joy and he affirmed it highly.

However, as Wei Tu said the next sentence, his expression stiffened again, and he thought to himself that Wei Tu was indeed a person who would forget his principles when he saw profit.

"Don't worry, Elder Wei. Once Luo Guzhuo dies, I will give you the elixir that will help you break through to the late Nascent Soul stage."

Feng Han patted his chest and made a promise.

He was not stupid. He knew that throwing a meat bun at a dog would never come back. If he didn't see the real benefit, how could he give the elixir of breakthrough directly to Wei Tu?

Of course, Feng Han also knew that if he didn't win Wei Tu over with benefits, he would immediately become alienated from him.

So, after saying this, he clapped his hands again and called Feng Yuxiang out.

"This is my daughter Yuxiang, who is in the late Jindan realm and still a virgin. If Elder Wei does not mind, you can enter into a marriage contract with my daughter."

"In this case, Elder Wei should not worry that Feng will break his promise."

Feng Han laughed and said.

In this internal struggle, he gambled everything, including his daughter Feng Yuxiang.

After all, the Feng family and he share the same fate. If he fails in the internal struggle, there is no need to think too much about the fate of the Feng family.

"I have met Elder Wei."

Feng Yuxiang bowed slightly and said shyly.

"A marriage contract?"

Hearing this, Wei Tu raised his eyebrows slightly and said to himself, "Good move." If he didn't get the consent of Sect Leader Zhu and this was a real betrayal, then after signing a marriage contract with Feng Yuxiang, he would really be tied to Feng Han's pirate ship.

Even if you want to get out of it afterwards, it will be difficult to do so.

"At present, Wei has no intention of getting married. I hope Palace Master Feng will forgive me."

Wei Tu shook his head and refused.

Although entering into a marriage contract with Feng Yuxiang now may not do him too much harm, after all, Palace Master Luo and Sect Master Zhu know that he is a "traitor".

But who among these two can trust him 100% and be sure that the bed style of this gentle land will not make him fall in love with her?

Therefore, he must try his best to avoid this suspicion, especially since Sect Leader Zhu is not a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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