I am a late bloomer in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 612 High-level Talisman, Shengyashan's Revenge on the Wei Family

Chapter 612 High-level Talisman, Shengyashan's Revenge on the Wei Family (4k8, please subscribe)

The words fell.

Feng Yuxiang's face froze slightly.

If she ignores the halo of being Feng Han's daughter, she is indeed not good enough in front of Wei Tu, but outside, she is also a dignified Jindan Zhenjun, who is treated with courtesy and admiration by others.

It was inevitable that I felt a little embarrassed to be rejected so easily by Wei Tu.

However, neither she nor her father Feng Han were surprised by this result.

Although an alliance of interests is more secure through marriage, not every monk would be willing to accept it.

"This is my daughter's misfortune. Elder Wei, there's no need to be so polite." Feng Han looked calm. He waved his hand to let Feng Yuxiang leave and laughed a few times.

After hearing this, the two of them did not remain silent.

Then, Feng Han thought for a moment, took out another black jade slip from his sleeve and handed it to Wei Tu.

"What is this?"

Wei Tu was surprised, and did not rush to take it. Instead, he motioned Feng Han to explain in detail first.

It was not difficult for him to guess that this item should be a gift given to him by Feng Han after his attempt to marry him failed.

Therefore, if this thing is of poor quality, he will not be satisfied.

After "rebelling" to Feng Han, he was under tremendous pressure, and he couldn't sell himself at a low price.

"As the saying goes, give people what they like. I know that when Elder Wei was in the Luqiu clan, he had the ability to make talismans and refine pills."

"I don't know much about alchemy. But a few years ago, I got a method to make a high-level talisman from a great enemy... I will give it to Elder Wei this time."

Feng Han didn't mind, he smiled slightly and replied.

"High-level talisman-making method?"

Hearing this, Wei Tu's heart moved.

The higher the level of skills and immortal arts, the more scarce they are. The talisman-making method that can be regarded as a high-level talisman by Feng Han, a high-ranking member of the Jishan Sect, is definitely not simple.

Its value should be enough to serve as his meeting gift.

"Golden Tripod Talisman?"

Wei Tu took the black jade slip, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

This joy was not pretended by him, but a real surprise from the heart.

There are three levels of making methods for this "Golden Tripod Talisman", and the talismans under each level are of different levels.

The first level of the Golden Tripod Talisman is ranked as the fourth-grade upper grade, and is comparable to the full-strength attack of a master in the late Nascent Soul stage.

The second level of the Golden Tripod Talisman is a top-level fourth-order talisman, comparable to the full-strength attack of a quasi-god-transforming master.

And the third golden tripod talisman...

It is in the fifth level, which is equivalent to the spirit transformation level.

However, in order to draw this triple golden tripod talisman, one must have at least fifth-level spiritual ink and talisman paper.

Therefore, in Wei Tu's opinion, the triple golden tripod talisman is somewhat out of his reach and seems a bit useless.

But even so, the value of the first two golden tripod talismans is already invaluable.

Especially for him.

After all, unlike ordinary talisman masters, he has a golden and purple destiny, and has a very high success rate in making talismans.

For him, this method of making talismans will not just be a useless example hung at the door, but will become a magical power he relies on at the Nascent Soul level, as well as a tool for making money.

"It's a pity that there is only the method of making talismans, but no fourth-grade high-quality talisman paper and spiritual ink..."

After acquiring the recipe for the Golden Tripod Talisman, Wei Tu was not satisfied. He sighed and continued to ask for more.

This talisman-making method is extremely precious to him, but as a gift from Feng Han to win him over, it is a bit "light".

Knowledge-based wealth is replicable.

Now, as far as Yu Fenghan is concerned, all he has taken out is a jade slip, and no hard resources.

Hearing this, Feng Han secretly cursed Wei Tu for his greed and shamelessness, but deep down, he also felt that Wei Tu's loyalty after his betrayal was somewhat trustworthy.

If Wei Tu was not greedy for profit, how could he switch to his side and accompany him to do this beheading business?

"Don't worry! Feng has already prepared ten sets of fourth-grade top-grade talisman paper and spiritual ink. I will send them to Elder Wei's residence as soon as he accepts this jade slip."

Feng Han chuckled and said with a smile on his face.

"Ten copies?" Upon hearing this, Wei Tu was overjoyed, and quickly congratulated Feng Han. He also stated that if Palace Master Luo made any move, he would immediately inform the Merit Hall.

Next, Wei Tu and Feng Han, who had reached an agreement on their interests, stopped talking about official business and started talking about personal matters.

The two sides drank happily until dawn, as if they had been friends for thousands of years.


The next day.

Wei Tu was sent out of the Merit Hall by Feng Han and his daughter.

After leaving the Hall of Merit, the drunkenness on his face instantly disappeared and he regained his previous calmness.

"Now, we just have to wait for Sect Master Zhu and Palace Master Luo to start their show and invite Feng Han to come in."

He narrowed his eyes and thought silently.

Now, the referee of the internal fight, "Master Zhu", has stood on the side of Palace Master Luo, and it is only a matter of time before Feng Han is defeated.

“I just don’t know how many golden tripod talismans I can draw before this.” Wei Tu touched the storage bag on his waist.

He planned to successfully draw as many "Golden Tripod Talismans" as possible before the war started, so as to increase the conventional means in his hands.

Now, although he can be compared with the top Nascent Soul masters in the world, this is based on the premise of using his body refining skills and the trump card "Xuanling Golden Chain" in his hand.

The former will not be in danger even if exposed, as few monks in the same camp will target or murder their teammates just because they are too "genius".

But the latter is different.

The grade of the "Xuanling Gold Chain" is so high that even Venerable Han Yue would covet it after seeing it.

Therefore, during this period, it became necessary for him to increase the power of his conventional means.

Among his several magical powers, since he only had the first half of the "Small Big Dipper Magic", he initially intended to further practice the "Filthy Blood Demon Coffin" to enhance his strength with the Jin family's unique skills passed down to him by Mrs. Jin.

However, although "The Bloody Demonic Coffin" is good, it is still inferior to the "Golden Tripod Talisman".

After all, talismans can be made quickly.

With his attainments in the art of talismans, it would only take him a few years to thoroughly study the first level of the Golden Tripod Talisman and draw it successfully.


the other side.

The Da Cang immortal world.

As the last ray of lightning streaked across the black sky, the cultivators on Shengya Mountain, dozens of miles away, suddenly showed expressions of deep surprise on their faces.

"It's done! Uncle Ding, it's done!"

"After four thousand years, our Shengya Mountain finally gave birth to a Divine Master."

The practitioners were discussing it a lot and were very excited.

In the Da Cang world of immortal cultivation, there hasn’t been a god-transforming master born for a long time.

Today, it is unique to Shengya Mountain.

It is foreseeable that with such top combat power, Shengya Mountain’s voice in the world of immortal cultivation in Da Cang will surely increase.

Similarly, the resources shared by these high-level Nascent Soul masters will also increase greatly.

This is the luck of their generation.

However, among these Nascent Soul cultivators, there was a handsome cultivator in a white robe, but he looked lonely, which made him seem a bit out of place here.

The white-robed monk was none other than Situ Yang.

One hundred years ago, he had a battle with Wei Tu at Dijian Mountain, in which Wei Tu abolished his "Dharma Wheel of the Heavens", causing the origin of his spiritual body to be severely damaged. He instantly fell from a Nascent Soul prodigy at Shengya Mountain to an ordinary Nascent Soul.

However, this was not the only reason why he looked so lonely.

The more important reason is that his master, the head of Shengya Mountain "Lian Shourang", died in the secret realm of Zunwang Palace thirty years ago.

At that time, his master Lian Shourang entered the secret realm of Zunwang Palace with his master's grandmaster "Ding Lezheng".

Now, one has achieved success and become a god, while the other has died. As a direct disciple, how could he not feel the same and feel extremely lonely for the passing of his master?

"Don't worry! Grandmaster will help you avenge your master. Taoist Fu cannot escape Grandmaster's clutches."

At this moment, a faint sound suddenly came to Situ Yang's ears.

Hearing this, Situ Yang was overjoyed. He quickly bowed his head and said, "Thank you, Master." As far as he knew, based on Master Ding Le's soul search on Master Jiuli, his mortal enemy Wei Tu was most likely the disciple of Master Chilong and the junior brother of Master Fu Dao.

Now, Grandmaster Ding Le is seeking revenge for his master and looking for Taoist Fu. How could he miss the clue of "Weitu"?

Before he made an appointment to fight Wei Tu, he had no intention of killing him, and even promised Zhao Yu'e that he would give Wei Tu a chance to live as long as he surrendered.

But after Wei Tu destroyed his bones...

No matter how open-minded he was, it was difficult for him to forgive Wei Tu.

"Come with me." Ding Le, who was on the cloud, felt relieved when he saw Situ Yang like this. After all, only with "the master is kind and the disciples are filial" can Shengya Mountain continue to be passed down.

This is the foundation of Shengya Mountain besides its strength.

After he finished speaking, Ding Lezheng flicked his sleeves, caught Situ Yang on his escape light, and immediately began to use his escape technique to rush to Yingding tribe.

As for the gentleman’s agreement before?
Ding Lezheng didn't care at all. It was just a temporary promise he made to delay time and prevent the "Taoist Master" from taking revenge on Shengya Mountain.

Now, he has achieved divine power, and no one in the world of immortal cultivation in Da Cang can stop him.

This promise is no less than a piece of waste paper.

It takes less than half an hour.

Ding Lezheng rushed to the Yingding tribe of Kangguo. He released his spiritual sense and began to search for Wei Tu's whereabouts.

However, when he looked for it, Ding Lezheng was stunned.

In the Divine Master's Mansion where a "Retreat Sign" was hung, there was no trace of Wei Tu at all, and even one of Wei Tu's children was missing.

"Is he leaving temporarily, or is there another reason?"

Ding Lezheng frowned, stretched out his right hand and grabbed several Wei family monks in the Divine Master's Mansion into the clouds.

He did not interrogate these Wei family monks. He moved his spiritual sense and started searching their souls directly.

But unfortunately, the memories of these Wei family monks about Wei Tu, Wei Yan and others were very limited, and they did not find anything at all.

"Wei Xiuwen..."

Ding Lezheng's face turned cold. At this moment, he didn't care whether he alerted the enemy or not. He teleported directly in front of Wei Xiuwen, who was practicing in seclusion in the mansion, and began to search his soul.

This time, Ding Lezheng obtained more information than last time and learned about Wei Tu's decision to suddenly relocate all the cultivators of the Wei family twenty years ago.

However, no matter how hard Ding Lezheng searched, he could not find the specific destination where Wei Tu led his people to migrate in Wei Xiuwen's memory.

"This memory has been cut off by Wei Tu. This boy is indeed a man of the devil's way."

After searching the soul for a while, Ding Lezheng threw Wei Xiuwen, who was sucked into his palm, and said with a grim face.

He didn't expect that Wei Tu would be so decisive. Not long after the secret realm of the Zunwang Palace was closed, he fled with his closest relatives, and even left his only son and grandson as abandoned children, causing the cultivators in Shengya Mountain to become complacent and careless.

This made him suspect that Wei Tu was Fu Dao Ren himself.

Otherwise, why did it react so quickly?
After thinking for a moment, Ding Shouzheng looked with a cold look at the several Wei family monks he had just captured. He pointed his fingers and these Wei family monks first turned into a pool of meat paste, and then a ball of bright red blood gradually condensed from it.

"Find it for me!" Ding Shouzheng made a hand gesture and injected a spell into the ball of essence and blood.

The next moment, this ball of bright red blood turned into a blood-red arrow and began to circle nearby.

"What? The blood-attracting secret technique is useless?"

Seeing this scene, Situ Yang on the side immediately showed a look of surprise on his face.

At this moment, even though his Grandmaster Ding Lezheng did not tell him what he was upset about, with his knowledge as a Nascent Soul ancestor, he could guess most of it.

It is nothing more than that Wei Tu escaped and his whereabouts are unknown.

However, what made him unbelievable was that even his master Ding Lezheng, a dignified god of transformation, could hardly find any trace of Wei Tu even by using the secret art of blood attraction.

The blood-attracting secret technique performed by the Venerable Huashen has a sensing range that is enough to span several countries and even cover the entire Da Cang immortal cultivation world.

"Could it be that Wei Tu escaped to another immortal cultivation world?"

This thought emerged in Situ Yang's mind.

However, as Ding Le was angry at the moment, he didn't dare to say a word.

Time passes slowly.

A quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour...

The blood-red arrow condensed by Ding Lezheng was still circling above Ying Ding's tribe, without chasing out.

"Go to Jingshui Pavilion!"

After a while, Ding Lezheng gave up the idea of ​​using the blood-attracting secret technique to track down Wei Tu's whereabouts. His cold eyes flashed slightly, and after saying this to Situ Yang, he instantly disappeared into the Yuping Mountain where Jingshui Pavilion was located.

"Kou Hongying also disappeared?"

"Cao Mi is missing too?"

"Some core disciples of Jingshui Pavilion and Ningyue Palace suddenly disappeared?"

Half a day later, Ding Lezheng stopped. He sorted out the information in his mind and had to confirm one thing.

That is, Wei Tu and the monks who were close to Wei Tu, such as Kou Hongying and others, all escaped during his retreat.

As for the whereabouts of these people, it would be difficult to find them even if he searched the mountains and seas.

"Where can he escape to?"

Ding Le was frowning and looking towards the direction of the "Devil Sea" in the north.

To the north of the Demonic Sea, there is an exotic place called "Dayan Xiuxian Realm".

This cultivation world is adjacent to the Da Cang cultivation world. It is the easiest exotic place to reach for the cultivators of the Da Cang cultivation world.

If you have reached the Nascent Soul stage, you can try to go out and explore.

The ancestor who had achieved the state of incarnation in Shengya Mountain had also traveled to the immortal cultivation world of Dayan, and had corresponding records of this foreign land.

Now, it seems that only Wei Tu and others who have fled to the exotic land of Dayan's immortal world can explain why it is so difficult for him, a dignified God Transformation Master, to sense his specific whereabouts with the blood-attracting secret technique.

"Since Shengya Mountain has records of the Great Yan Immortal Cultivation World, then... the Wanyin Sect and the Golden Ghost King may also have records of the Great Yan Immortal Cultivation World..."

Ding Le was thinking secretly.

As for the overseas immortal cultivation world on the other side of the Chiming Sea...

He did not think too much about it. After all, as a sect near the sea, Shengyashan had much better intelligence on the overseas cultivation world than Wei Tu and other "demonic people".

Even those who have crossed Shengya Mountain have never reached the overseas world of immortal cultivation on the other side, so how could Wei Tu and others have such ability?

"Master is going to the Great Yan Immortal Cultivation World. You stay in Kangguo and take care of Wei Tu's relatives."

After thinking for a moment, Ding Lezheng made a decision.

To cut weeds, we need to remove the roots!

Although the Da Cang Immortal Realm is far away from the Da Yan Immortal Realm, with his speed of transformation and escape, he should be able to get there within three to five years.

As long as we can get rid of the threat of Wei Tu, what does a mere ten years of time matter?
Let alone ten years, he could afford to waste even a hundred years.

Furthermore, the good fortune Wei Tu had obtained in the "Demon Suppression Hall" of the Royal Palace was already worth the hard work for a Venerable God.

Moreover, the Great Yan Immortal Cultivation World is a more prosperous place than the Great Cang Immortal Cultivation World. Just to find a way to leave the human world and ascend to the upper world, he has to go to the Great Yan Immortal Cultivation World.

After he finished speaking, Ding Lezheng didn't wait for Situ Yang to answer, he disappeared in a flash of light.


A few days after Ding Lezheng left.

Wei Xiuwen, whose soul was being searched by Ding Lezheng, slowly woke up. He took a look at the cell he was in and his only son Wei Changshou who was unconscious next door, and immediately understood everything.

I knew that this was the revenge of Shengya Mountain.

However, Wei Xiuwen did not look panicked, but rather calm.

As early as when his father Wei Tu asked him to leave, he had already prepared himself for imprisonment or death.

Now, both of them, father and son, were only imprisoned here and were not in danger of their lives, which was enough to make him happy.

"Don't worry, Changshou. Your grandfather will definitely come back to save you and me. Even if he can't save us, given your grandfather's temperament, he will definitely avenge you and me."

Wei Xiuwen looked at the unconscious Wei Changshou, a trace of kindness appeared on his face, and he whispered.

Today, from an ordinary man to the Golden Elixir Master of the world, his worship of his father Wei Tu has become almost superstitious.

He believed everything his father Wei Tu said.

Even if... it's against the Venerable God of Transformation.

"Back then, you followed me and your grandfather to sneak across the border from Zheng to Kang... After you grew up, you stayed in Kang..."

Wei Xiuwen recalled the past with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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