Chapter 954 God, Man


"He stands on the only road to the city on the hill."

"He stood there, motionless, waiting for those troops to come to him."

The Emperor and Malcador took shelter in a ravine.

They were unable to see Qin Mo with their psychic vision, and Malcador could only use a necessary survival item that Nagase Ken had bought for him before, which was the threat detector.

The threat detector is clearly marked with a green outline.

The emperor did not observe or listen. He stood in the pit, looking at the cracked soil, obviously thinking about something.

"An armored force is coming." Malcador continued to report, "It is indeed the mother planet of mankind. Even any warlord on Terra has such spectacular force. What did they use to get there? Maybe we can get that use Something that’s on the way.”

Malcador didn't like this kind of peeping behavior, but he had to do it because he couldn't sit cross-legged in one place like before and close his eyes to instantly see everything thousands of miles away.

The Emperor said nothing, just looked at Malcador.

He felt nostalgic at this moment.

In the foreseeable future, Malcador will be taciturn and exhausted by the terrifyingly huge government affairs and all kinds of troubles. Malcador is the youngest among the immortals, but he will also have a different mentality. So old that other immortals think he is an old-timer.

"Actually, we shouldn't say those words in the hall." The emperor said habitually using his psychic powers.

"I'm not really accusing him of being too protective. After all, we are each other." Macado smiled helplessly, "I just want to test him and see what he is thinking."

"What's the result?" the emperor asked.

Malcador frowned, the expression on his face became solemn, he didn't say anything and just continued to observe.

"The armored units are coming to him."

"He is definitely a star god, because he behaves exactly like the void dragon you mentioned."

Malcador put down the detector and looked back at the Emperor.

The Emperor could guess what the scene was.

With just one thought, like the thought of a powerful psychic, the earth shook and the heavens collapsed.

The power of nature swallows everything in an instant.

Put it on this star god, and the torrent of flames and thunder swallowed up the entire armored unit in an instant.

This is indeed exactly the same as what Malcador saw.

Thunder and lightning and flames emerged out of thin air, rushing towards each other and swallowing everything within a few kilometers in front.

If an ordinary person were here, he would be frightened crazy by this scene, but the Eternal One, who has seen many storms and waves, only thinks this is very ordinary.

When Qin Mo stood on the changed road, waiting for the next batch of dead ghosts to arrive, Malcador put down the detector and turned to look at the emperor again: "If he is a psyker instead of a star god , would you be happy to cooperate with him?”

"No." The Emperor looked at the soil in front of him, "I will hate him even more, but psykers are not as big a threat to humans as the Star Gods, so if he is a psyker, I will keep him as a Thunder Warrior After the Imperial Guards are created and the war of unification is over, kill him." The emperor's answer was what Malcador had expected.

Malcador just came up with a better hypothesis, because he felt that if this was a psyker instead of a C'tan, it would be too easy to deal with and lucky.

In addition, Malcador couldn't help but feel sad for humans.

How unlucky does this species have to be to be greedily coveted by a star god, or is this kind of building about to collapse?
"Tell me." The emperor's voice rang in Malcador's mind, "Is it possible that there really is a star god who is friendly to humans? When I was sealing the void dragon, the void dragon called humans rebellious children. Maybe we The origin of this species..."

"The reason why you have such thoughts is because you still have innocence that has not been eradicated." Malcador interrupted the emperor.

The emperor thought for a while, then nodded: "Before I learned the truth about the gods and the truth in the highest heaven, I learned that there really are gods, and maybe there are gods who really protect mankind and will protect this species from destruction. Then I was very happy at that time.”

"Then you discover that those gods are all evil, and those so-called gods are just dirty things made of extreme emotions." Malcador turned around and said, "Don't leave the fate of mankind to any so-called gods. If If we want mankind to avoid destruction, we can only rely on ourselves and ourselves, and no god can help us."

The Emperor nodded.

This is how Malcador once persuaded him to stand up.

"You are not much different from a god, are you?" Malcador added. "Psychic energy is more ethereal than direct physical force. If it were you, you could stop the hearts of the enemies of the Star God with a thought. You could kill those warlords and their lackeys without making a sound."

"I am not a god." The Emperor stared at Malcador. "I was born in Anatolia. I remember my parents clearly. I still herd sheep there..."

Malcador didn't listen anymore and turned his head to continue observing: "After the establishment of the empire, there must be people who think you are a god. We have to figure out how to solve this problem in advance."

Qin Mo, who was stuck in the road, met the next batch of enemies who arrived while the two were talking.

This is a group of infantry wearing huge power armor. Although the goods worn by this group of infantry are the things worn by security guards of trading companies on Terra hundreds of years ago, in this era they and their equipment can undoubtedly exert terrifying effects. Combat strength.

But when these infantrymen discovered that the armored units sent by other warlords that were supposed to join them in the communication disappeared without a trace, they chose to kneel down and worship.

"Lord of Flames and Thunder!"

"We have heard of your reputation for a long time. You are the true god walking on earth! Let us believers form your loyal holy guard!"

The mortal general said so.

"I am not a goddess."

Qin Mo looked down at the mortal general and stretched out his hand.

Since he heard that the Lord of Flames and Thunder's hands would release flames and thunder, it was difficult for the general not to feel fear. He hesitated before holding Qin Mo's hand and stood up. Then he found that he had not turned into cinders under his feet. I feel very happy.

"I am just a person who gained extraordinary power by accident. My father and mother shaped my body, not the power I used."

"If you decide to join me, then stand behind me. I will accept your surrender and protect your lives."

Qin Mo said so.

"Okay." Malcador turned to look at the emperor again, "It seems that you are not the only one who has identity disorder in the eyes of others..."

(End of this chapter)

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