Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 955 A big gamble

Chapter 955 A big gamble
"Those mortals have nothing to do with him."

"What do we do, now is the time to make a decision."

After Malcador saw that the next batch of armies had also been annihilated, he turned the detector into powder.

The reason for this question was because Malcador saw the emperor's hesitation.

The threat of the Star God has been revealed, and it is more terrifying than the Void Dragon Fragment.

The Emperor did not immediately rush forward and use his psychic energy to engage in a major battle that might have cut Terra in half, nor did he send it to Mars or some other planet for a decisive battle.

"..." The emperor was silent.

Malcador knew what the Emperor was thinking.

The Emperor would not be so naive as to think that this star god would really stand on the side of humanity even if it appeared to be on the side of humanity.

All the Emperor could think about was whether now was the most appropriate time to take action.

As an older immortal, the Emperor has seen countless enemies who appear beautiful but actually have dark thoughts in their hearts, no matter whether such enemies are strong or weak.

"Now is not a good time to take action." The emperor judged rationally, "I am not sure about killing a complete Star God, even if you are included."

Even with you.

This sentence sounds like a denial of Malcador's power, but Malcador is happy, because this calm, rational and factual judgment shows that the emperor is in rational thinking, and his thoughts are hidden deep in his heart. His slight innocence and sensibility did not affect his judgment.

"Thinking optimistically, I might be able to kill or seal it, but I will definitely be seriously injured."

"I can't get hurt before the Thunder Warriors plan succeeds, because if the people who trust and follow me are targeted, I can't stand up and protect them like it did. We have to build everything from scratch again."

"I must conduct targeted research on tactics, weapons and equipment."

The Emperor's thoughts were exactly the same as Malcador's.

But as a think tank, Malcador had to warn the emperor: "Perhaps during this period, it will completely reveal its true colors and start hunting for human souls. This is a big gamble."

"I have made many big bets." The Emperor looked at Malcador firmly, "and without exception, I won."

Malcador had nothing more to say and nodded.

It's a big gamble anyway.

Even if the Emperor believed that the Star God meant no harm, it was still a big bet that the Star God would not suddenly become greedy and start cannibalism in the future.

There is no way around it.

Just like even if he is as powerful as the Emperor, there are many things that are helpless and compromised. If he cannot stand up, all the human civilizations scattered in the galaxy will submit to him and serve his great cause of reviving mankind.

"That's it." Malcador said.

The Emperor made no response, lowering his head in thought.

At this moment, he thought about many, many things about the Star God.

It is not impossible for a Star God to cross astronomical distances in an instant, travel from one galaxy to another, or even leave the Milky Way.

This is the embodiment of the real universe's doting on this existence.

If it wants to devour souls, then it can leave Terra and go to other places, to those worlds that are extremely chaotic and don't have a strong family to squander like Terra. The humans there are fragile to aliens. , let alone for the Star God. What exactly is its purpose?
Hunting for human souls was only one of many possibilities the Emperor could think of.

Even if such a being is bored and looking for humans to relieve his boredom, the Emperor thinks it is very possible.

In the end, the Emperor stopped trying to figure out the reason for the Star God's appearance and began to think about more important things.

"We must maintain observation and communication with this star god." The Emperor said, "I cannot rule out that it has interests in humans other than food. If our positions and interests on a certain matter are consistent, then There’s nothing wrong with cooperating with each other.”

Malcador also nodded.

The Emperor said no more, stood up and opened the psychic channel, preparing to return to his current residence on Terra.

For some unknown reason, after Malcador entered the psychic channel opened by the Emperor, the Emperor did not immediately step into it.

After thinking for a moment, the Emperor reached out and projected a psychic vision towards the mountain.

The original location of the city on the mountain was hidden and isolated, and a new city on the mountain appeared in the most conspicuous location in the mountain.

There are scenes of human life in this city on the top of the mountain. All the technological equipment that the emperor saw in the city on the top of the mountain are projected one-to-one into this illusory city on the top of the mountain.

After doing all this, the Emperor entered the psychic channel.


The illusory city on the mountain was attacked by the army that secretly entered the mountainous area when Qin Mo went to find his people.

Hundreds of security machines, soldiers wearing armor that can sneak through the real world in the warp, and all kinds of weird machines powered by baby blood destroyed the city on the mountain in an instant.

This destruction is beyond human understanding.

Strange artillery fire appeared directly in the city, followed by bombs that could separate part of the space from reality.

Buildings are torn apart, and the people in the city are being toyed with and slaughtered by cruel ancient machines.

The entire offensive battle started and ended at an extremely fast speed. When the occupation of the city on the mountain reached the ears of their respective warlords, it turned into the death of the Lord of Fire and Thunder and the destruction of the opponents.

Qin Mo's prediction was not wrong. As long as he was a little negligent or lacked skills, the city he built would be destroyed and the people would be driven out and killed.

Before the power belonging to the Star God was fully mastered, Qin Mo followed the wanderers and saw these terrifying things.

Most of the legacies left by human ancestors are horrific killing tools. The Terran people, whose knowledge and inheritance have been cut off for generations, are like children playing with bombs, squandering the malicious parts of these ancestral legacies without fear, destroying not only each other but also others. Destroying themselves.

When Qin Mo arrived near the mobile fortress, before taking the surrenderers into the fortress, he stood there and looked back at the short-lived home he had shaped with his own hands.

He saw the Destroyers reveling in the psychic phantoms of the Emperor.

Qin Mo had no nostalgia because no one he cared about died in this destruction.

The Lord of Fire and Thunder turned around and entered the mobile fortress amidst the shouts of everyone, to welcome the coming years of being harassed by plunderers and warlords in turn.

Those warlords who control the malicious legacy of human ancestors and squander the power of destruction wantonly cannot imagine that a real war machine will be born on Terra in the near future. The warlords will be shocked to realize that the legacy in their hands is like a toy.

Those armies armed with incomprehensible advanced equipment, those ridiculous forms of war relying on ancient heritage, will be under the all-round offensive of real war machines and super soldiers armed to the extreme from genes to equipment. Turn into powder.

And this only requires giving the Lord of Fire and Thunder some time to devote some of his energy to things other than ensuring that people have basic living conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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