Chapter 956 Revenge

Within the realm of the Eagle Kingdoms.

A warlord and his followers stood in the territory, looking at the huge black shadow moving towards the territory in the distance.

The shaman with various psychic amplification devices on his body stood beside the warlord, uttering crazy murmurs, warning the warlord and his followers of the coming destruction.

"Earthquake! Earthquake!"

"The earth continues to roar! It is warning us of the coming destruction!"

"We will perish in this destruction! We will all die!"

The babble in the shaman's mouth was unbearable for the warlord, because every word he said was shaking people's determination, and even shaking his own determination.

However, the warlord had to admit that the shaman was right, the earth continued to roar.

The earthquake occurred half a month ago.

Even if the territory remains stable under the half-functioning and half-inoperative protection of the geological restraint left by the ancestors, the earthquake itself is not terrible. What is truly terrible is what the earthquake means.

But it exists on the horizon. Not only is it stable, it can even continue to move forward.

At this moment, the warlord and his followers knew what the earthquake meant.

It was not a mountain, even though it was huge and majestic.

That's a city.

The light instantly illuminated the night like day. The only difference between the entire land and the day was that the sun was not hanging in the night sky.

The warlord casually took the flashlight, knocked it a few times, fiddled with it for a few seconds, then found the switch position and turned it on.

Small mountains were rolled over by its chassis, and it drove over cliffs and rift valleys as easily as a tank driving through trenches, heading straight for the territory.

The huge mountain-like black shadow on the horizon is approaching the territory.

"It's here to take revenge on us!"

Every time the black shadow came closer, the intensity of the earthquake would be stronger. It was not until today that the warlord was knocked off his bed. He ran out and saw the shadow that should not exist far in front of the territory. huge black shadow.

In today's geological environment of Terra, the occurrence of earthquakes is not a strange thing at all, nor is it a rare thing, but it is hard not to feel strange that an earthquake lasted all the time for half a month.

"It's here to take revenge on us."

When the warlord adjusted the direction of his flashlight, the light reached the horizon.

"My lord." The servant called softly and held up a flashlight with both hands.

Everyone in the territory saw what was like a black shadow under the cover of night.

The huge chassis carries the main part of the city layered on top of each other, and the various huge buildings that make up the branch parts of the city connect the main part of the city, looking like the branches of a giant tree, even if the ancestors have been forgotten. Many knowledgeable warlords can also find that this kind of city structure is simply impossible to achieve at the physical level.

The warlord looked stunned and babbled like his crazy shaman.

No one in the Eagle Kingdoms does not know the origin of the giant mobile city, because both the chiefs and warlords in the kingdoms have ordered their followers to launch a plundering operation against that city - during the battle three months ago The joint siege was determined to be only after the fun in the psychic illusion.

Just three months. In three months, which is not even long for a mortal body, the city has developed into what it is now. It can no longer be plundered, and it has begun to move towards the direction that caused its owners to have to leave the place called the top of the mountain. The culprits of the city's stable home began to take revenge.

"Awaken the Killing Sentinels!" the warlord roared to the people next to him.

Some soldiers rushed towards the mines underground in the territory, while other soldiers rushed towards the dungeon.

A thousand women and a thousand children were taken out of the dungeons and escorted to the mines. Before these people knew what they would be used for, they were forced by the soldiers to form a square formation, and then they had already established a row there. The soldiers at the execution ground fired at the phalanx formed by these people.

After all the soldiers in the mine fled quickly, fresh blood flowed from the mountain of corpses and flowed underground along the weird grooves and lines of unknown symbols on the ground.

Further down the mine, a thousand ancient machines are sleeping here.

The blood flowing around was detected by the equipment hidden under the feet of the ancient machines. The heat contained in the fresh blood was absorbed, briefly driving the equipment to operate and sending out signals.

The first ancient machine received the signal and began to wake up.

The twenty-meter-tall massive steel body changed from a groveling state to an upright position. The laser drill on his right hand began to rotate and gradually heated up enough to melt fine gold. The cannon on his left hand was used to open a path in the deepest rock formations of the planet. Start to draw spiritual energy.

The observer on the ancient mechanical head lit up with a scarlet light.

Machines like it are being awakened one after another.

Finally, a thousand machines simultaneously raised their heads and looked beyond the crust above, and the psychic components in their observers scanned the warlord's figure.

"The DNA scan is completed, and the operator's genetic similarity comparison results: 2921% similar, judged to be a descendant of employee No. ."

"Employee No. 2921 of United Mining Company is a family of indentured servants, and his descendants will automatically inherit the control authority."


The mobile fortress stayed one hundred kilometers away from the warlord's territory.

All the weapons carried on it, ranging from the cannons as small as the turret to the cannons large enough to flatten mountains, were not functioning. The only thing used in the war was the huge energy shield that enveloped the fortress.

A legion in the military camp that was already ready for battle was teleported out of the fortress one after another.

The first infantry squad appeared forty kilometers ahead of the warlord's territory.

There were ten soldiers in total. Each soldier wore fully wrapped power armor and held a standard energy rifle that was more advanced than when they existed in the city on the top of the mountain.

In addition to the ten humans, there are two iron men about four meters tall.

One of the iron men has a variety of anti-infantry and anti-armor weapons integrated into his body, while the other iron man is even thicker, with enough supplies for an entire infantry squad to be used for a month hidden under its armor plate. On its back is a weapon that can cover an entire area with firepower. Artillery in the mountains.

More and more infantry squads were teleported out, as well as larger fire support platforms.

These infantrymen and combat machines are greatly different from any existing forces on Terra simply by their appearance. They look like a group of aliens who accidentally arrived on a wasteland planet in the post-apocalyptic era.

Three months.

For a mortal, this was not a long three months at all. Qin Mo could only make do with some usable equipment first.

But these equipment are enough for these mortal armies who need to learn how to protect themselves in this war, allowing them to learn instead of fight.

(End of this chapter)

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