Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 111 The Dinner Party at Moretti's House

Chapter 111 The Dinner Party at Moretti's House

"Thank you, I'll just go in by myself."

Hearing the familiar, cold voice coming from outside the door, Klein ignored the strangely smiling Melissa, and hurriedly straightened the double-breasted dress, checking the cuffs and bow tie.

bang bang—

There was a light knock on the door, and Klein replied loudly, "Please come in."

The waiter in the box opened the door, and Angel Granger walked in slowly.

She was wearing a light white dress, except for some lace decorations on the neckline and shoulders, there were no other distracting designs, which matched harmoniously with the long pale golden hair tied behind her head with a headband.

Due to his height, Angel only wore a pair of flat shoes, but Klein was still ashamed of his height, which was rarely seen on women.He sighed secretly, got up and greeted him, and made a gentleman's salute.

"Thank you for being here, it's an honor for me."

Angel smiled back, bowed slightly and lowered her head as a greeting. She also seemed a little reserved, her movements were a little stiff.

"Sorry, the company has something to do temporarily, I'm a little late."

Klein noticed that she was sweating on her forehead, and she obviously came here in a hurry. Then he looked down and found that the maple leaf-shaped amulet he had given was hanging around the other party's neck. It was placed brightly outside the dress, with a silver surface. Reflecting the light of the hanging lamp.

His depressed mood suddenly improved.

"This is my colleague from the Blackthorn Security Company, Angel Granger. She has helped me a lot in my work. It is no exaggeration to say that she has saved me several times."

He knew that his brother and sister would not understand it as "saving several lives".

Mr. Ards, who was sitting on the inside of the round table, had flickering eyes, and his eyes hadn't moved away from Angel since just now. Did he notice something?

Klein was thinking secretly, but he didn't stop his body movements, and introduced the rest of the people to Angel one by one.


After everyone arrived, the waiter at the side informed the kitchen that the food that had been ordered in advance was quickly brought to the table.

The food theme this time is Intis style, but it also incorporates the local characteristics of Ruen, removing those traditional but cumbersome serving steps.Grilled foie gras, chicken stewed in red wine, pan-fried cod, and thick cream soup were delivered to the table one by one, and the waiters divided the meals and delivered them to everyone.

Mr. Azik took the lead in picking up the red wine, stood up and said, "Let's raise our glasses together, and congratulate Mr. Klein Moretti's family on moving to a new home. This will be an important step in his life, and I hope it's just his first step." step."

"Although there are more Moretti here than all other guests combined."

he quipped.

Several people raised their glasses one after another, clinking glasses together in the middle of the dining table, except for Melissa who was underage and only got a cup of sweet iced tea, the rest of the glasses were filled with dark red wine, shining charming colors under the lights.

After drinking some sour red wine, Klein sat back in his seat, looking at the big meal in front of him, his appetite whetted.

But he still restrained his appetite, maintained an elegant posture, and slowly fed the delicious foie gras and golden fried cod into his stomach.

"Klein, is Miss Granger in the same company as you? Does she also do your work?"

Azik asked, he stopped his knife and fork after eating only a small amount of stewed chicken, and looked at the two of them curiously.

My jobs?A job finding, collecting and protecting antiquities?

Klein didn't realize it for a moment, and was about to answer when he remembered that Azik knew his Extraordinary status. His question probably had another meaning.

He turned his gaze to Melissa and Benson who were sitting beside Azik, seeing that they also stopped the knives and forks in their hands, and looked over curiously.

"Well... that's right, we joined that security company almost at the same time. The company cooperates with the police. Miss Granger will do some, um, on-site work. I'm mainly responsible for finding clues and completing some logistical tasks. Task."

He could only explain vaguely.

Ards seemed to understand, he nodded, with a little surprise in his brown eyes.

"Klein, this is your fault. Gentlemen should take on more difficult jobs. How can you sit in the office by yourself and let the lady run around outside?"

Benson said with a serious face, and Melissa nodded in agreement.

I also want to help, but there are some things that I really can't help...

Klein opened his mouth but didn't know how to refute. He recalled the time when he was stabbed in the chest by the "witch" Triss who was invisible to his side during the pursuit of the cursed altar a few days ago, and lay helplessly on the ground waiting to die. , couldn't help but look at Angel beside him.

"Professional people do professional things. Klein is a top student in the History Department of Hoy University. He has a lot of experience in finding ancient relics. I can't help you in this regard."

Angel gracefully wiped his mouth with a napkin, and explained for Klein with a smile.

"And his working ability has also been affirmed by all the members of the company. Just this week, he has been converted to a full-time member, and his weekly salary has also doubled."

Wait, I haven't told them yet...

Klein was a little shy when he heard Angel's rambunctious flattery, but suddenly remembered that he hadn't told his family about the doubling of his weekly salary, but it was too late to stop him.

Sure enough, Melissa immediately cast a skeptical look.

But she knew that it was not good to ask about these things in the current situation, so she paused for a while and turned her eyes back to Angel.

"My brother has been diligent and studious since he was a child. After he graduated from Hoy University, he was planning to apply for a lecturer in the history department of Tingen University. Of course, this job is also very suitable for him now."

"I can prove this. His mentor, Mr. Cohen, is a senior associate professor in the History Department of Hoy University. He is very satisfied with his grades and gave him letters of recommendation from Tingen University and Backlund University after he graduated."

Azik also said with a smile, then picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"His knowledge and work attitude, I have already felt at work."

Angel agreed, still revealing a smile from the corners of his pursed lips.

What's the matter with you, don't talk about Benson and Melissa, why Mr. Azik also praised me, isn't every graduate a letter of recommendation...

Klein felt his face get hot. He lowered his head, scooped up a spoonful of stewed potatoes, and put it into his mouth.

As the plates were being served and removed, the dinner came to an end. The waiter delivered ice cream topped with strawberry jam, and the conversation at the table gradually became lively.

Mr. Azik introduced his summer travel plan. He is going to the northern part of the Feysac Empire for vacation. The Antars Mountains there are covered with snow all the year round, and it is a good place to escape the heat in summer.

He thinks that skiing and seal fishing are the most suitable vacation options for him, rather than the Dixie Bay that other lecturers usually choose, because his already bronze skin will be tanned even more on the beach in summer.

Benson and Melissa alternated telling jokes about Klein's embarrassing adolescence when he was a teenager, but they were able to explain these things as some of his positive qualities, such as bravery and trustworthiness, which almost made Klein doubt his own memory, thinking that They were referring to a certain "kid next door" of the same name.

Angel's food intake was very small tonight, and the ice cream in front of her didn't even move. She listened to the "embarrassing jokes" with a smile, and catered a few words from time to time, showing restraint and politeness.

"Angel, the after-dinner ice cream here is a special dish, do you want to try a little?"

While Benson and Azik were discussing his company's internal evaluation of the "Corn Act", Klein turned sideways and asked in a low voice.

"Sorry, I don't like sweets very much, just some hot soup."

She rejected Klein's offer with an apologetic face.

Um, I remember that you cleaned up all the blueberry ice cream at the Nighthawks dinner last week. I specially ordered an after-dinner ice cream this time...

Klein was a little confused, and doubted his memory again.

"Hmm, Miss Granger, my Cream of Mushroom Soup has not been touched and is still warm."

Melissa came over with her share of soup, placed it in front of Angel, glanced at Klein with dissatisfied eyes, and then took away the strawberry ice cream.

"I'll take this."


Angel thanked Melissa in a low voice, making Klein, who was left alone, linger in doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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