Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 112 Azik's doubts

Chapter 112 Azik's doubts
"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

After everyone finished their desserts and the chat was drawing to a close, Klein next to Angel stood up holding the hem of his dress, greeted the waiter at the side, opened the door and left the box.

The direction he left was the front desk of the restaurant. It was an excuse to go to the bathroom, but did he actually go to pay the bill...

Watching Klein leave quickly, Angel guessed.

Withdrawing her gaze, she picked up the spoon, scooped up the last bit of creamy mushroom soup in front of her, and put it into her mouth.

The warmth of the hot soup descended from the throat and traveled all the way to the stomach, slightly relieving the cramping pain in the lower abdomen.

Counting the decades of her previous life, even with Cole Granger's more than 20 years of memory, she never imagined that one day she would have her period and even have dysmenorrhea!
Fortunately, Cole has a little experience in taking care of his younger sister Lily Granger in his memory. He was in the Internet age in his last life, and he has also been exposed to relevant knowledge. Even guessing and being confused, he managed to pass these two days safely. .

But for such a delicious food as ice cream, she can only refuse with tears at present.

It's not that she has any taboos, but a summary of her experience these days.

Looking at the strawberry jam ice cream in front of Melissa across the table, Angel could only swallow the mushroom-flavored saliva in his mouth, and forced himself to look away.

As if feeling the resentful eyes, Melissa also looked up, then smiled slyly, and tugged at Benson beside her.

"We'll also, um, go to the bathroom too. Miss Granger, Mr. Eggers, take a rest and drink some after-dinner tea. My brother will be back soon."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Benson with a puzzled expression out of the box.

The waiter in the box was also called away by Klein before, so that now only Angel and Azik were left. The latter also felt the emptiness of the room, and his gaze, which was originally focused on the red wine in front of him, looked around, and finally landed on on Angel.

Before today, Angel had only heard Klein mention this Hoy University history faculty member once. Because she was described as having a bronze complexion that is more common in the Southern Continent, and the name seemed familiar, she only remembered it. heart.

When the other party raised his head and looked at each other, she realized that there was a black mole under Azik's right ear, which could only be found when he looked closely.

Just as she was thinking about what topic to choose to break the embarrassment in the room, Azik hesitated and spoke first.

"Miss Granger, you should be the same as Klein, too... um, have some extraordinary abilities?"

Same as Klein, extraordinary ability?

Angel felt a chill down his spine.

He has seen that I am an Extraordinary, could it be that he is also...

The bronze-skinned, soft-featured university lecturer didn't seem to see Angel's surprise, and didn't wait for the other party's answer, but continued on his own:

"When Klein met me at Hoy University last week, I could see that he, like me, and you, was no longer 'normal'."

"There shouldn't be many people like this, but it's not rare. When I heard him introduce you to work with him just now, I guessed that you all belong to a certain official organization, maybe a certain department of the police. Just like the few policemen I met before..."

Hearing the other party's explanation in a calm tone, Angel's hanging heart was relieved.

She carefully considered her words, and took up the conversation in a way that did not reveal additional information as much as possible.

"That's right, both Klein and I chose to join this business because we had been exposed to some extraordinary events."

"He told me that that incident led to the death of two of my students..." Azik sighed, with a hint of sadness in his brown pupils, "Fortunately, you have already entered this circle, as long as you take every step, Be careful, you shouldn't need to worry too much."

"But I'm different. I'm used to the current life, teaching young students, having long and fulfilling winter and summer vacations, and making friends who share common topics."

"I don't have the courage anymore, and I don't want to touch the unknown and go deep into danger."

There was a vicissitudes in his tone that did not match his age.

But then, Azik changed the subject.

"Sorry, there seem to be too many lyrical parts, and my students always complain that I like to talk about extracurricular things when I teach."

His brown eyes fixed on Angel, causing the latter to sit up straight and his face became serious.

"I see in you the incongruity of fate."

Fate's... incongruity?

Hearing the funny words like a street magic trick, Angel couldn't laugh at all.

The other party can tell at a glance that he is an Extraordinary, either his sequence is not low, or he has some special ability to perceive extraordinary power.

No matter which type this Mr. Ards belongs to, I can't take his words as a joke.

"What kind of incongruity is it, and how should I deal with it?"

She leaned forward slightly with her upper body and asked reverently.

"I can only see something unreasonable, but what kind... Have you encountered recently, often encountered things that seem to be 'coincidences'? Or some kind of feeling that seems to be interfering and guiding ?”

A recent coincidence, or a feeling of being guided?

For example, when I was in Enmat Port, I happened to run into the traitor Tomac of the "Mechanical Heart" who was about to kill the craftsman Kavi?
For example, encountering the wanted "Assassin" again while tracking down Antigonus' notes?
Or maybe Mrs. Sharon happened to take the initiative to attack Zotland Street when the Nighthawks were going to arrest her?
Thinking about it this way, Angel suddenly realized that there were quite a few similar things happening in him, which seemed to have a sense of "coincidence".

She nodded.

"That's right. If it's only once or twice, it's still in the normal category, but if the coincidence occurs too frequently, you have to think about whether there are other factors leading it."

"The same is true for Klein. In fact, the first thing I discovered was the incongruous sense of fate in him. I reminded him at the time, and I remind you now that the 'coincidences' you have experienced may stem from the same force."

"I can't see the deeper reasons, but I believe that the fates between you are connected. I hope you can find out the truth of the matter together, so that I won't lose another promising student, or Make him heartbroken."

After finishing speaking in one breath, Azik picked up the wine glass again, drank the remaining half glass of red wine in one gulp, and let out a sigh of alcohol.

Looking at this university lecturer who sometimes exuded a heavy sense of history and sometimes showed a childlike vivacity, Angel couldn't help showing a smile.

"Thank you for your instruction, Professor Eggers."

Azik was taken aback, put down his wine glass, and shook his head.

"No, I'm just a lecturer. Klein's real mentor, Quentin Cohen, is the professor. Well... for the time being, I'm a senior associate professor. It may take a few years before I become a full-time professor. After all, it's all about seniority now."

He winked and corrected half-jokingly.

Quentin Cohen...Azik Eggers...

These two names flashed across his mind, and Angel suddenly remembered where he had seen their names before.

Cole Granger failed to be promoted and died. On the night he "transmigrated", Mrs. Sharon gave him a badge that was said to be able to receive a reward of 200 pounds. The names of the two people were engraved on it.

The badge that quickly aged and disappeared like the wind after bringing oneself into the "Tarot Club"!

Could this be what Azik said, "coincidence"?
(End of this chapter)

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